Useful Phrases:: B1 Speaking Exam Part 1: Questions

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B1 Speaking Exam

Part 1: Questions
Are you afraid of anything? Do you like going to festivals?
Is there anything you can’t stand eating? What do you like taking photos of?
What is the most important quality to you in a friend? Would you like to wear a school uniform?

Part 2: Describe the photo

Useful phrases:

The photo was taken in… They are probably…

It shows… It looks like / They look
It must be / They might be In the background I can see...
Part 3:

A school in your area wants to open a shop for students. Talk together about the type of things the
shop should sell and which things will be the most popular.

Part 4 Questions
What shops are popular for students in your area?
If you opened a shop, what would you sell and why?
Is it a good idea for teenagers to get pocket money?
Do you prefer to save money or spend it?

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