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Day In, Day Out

June, 15th

Английский язык. “Экспедиция” (B2-C1)

All in a day’s work bring home the bacon

dead-end job
job cushy job
work rewarding job
occupation to be fired
career to be given the sack
to get a golden handshake
wage(s) to make redundant skilled
fee to lay off semi-skilled
royalty qualified worker
bonus to be snowed under manual worker
perk to work your fingers to the bone
(sick) pay climb up the ladder
A typical job?

1. What do you expect to see and hear

about the Queen’s job?

2. What does the Queen actually do in her


3. What does the Queen mean to people?

4. What kind of personality has she got?
Teacher’s job
As a secondary school teacher, you'll need to:
● prepare and deliver lessons to a range of classes of different ages and abilities
● mark work, give appropriate feedback and maintain records of pupils' progress and development
● research new topic areas, maintaining up-to-date subject knowledge, and devise and write new curriculum
● select and use a range of different learning resources and equipment, including podcasts and interactive
● prepare pupils for qualifications and external examinations
● manage pupil behaviour in the classroom and on school premises, and apply appropriate and effective measures
in cases of misbehaviour
● undertake pastoral duties, such as taking on the role of form tutor, and supporting pupils on an individual basis
through academic or personal difficulties
● communicate with parents and carers over pupils' progress and participate in departmental meetings, parents'
evenings and whole school training events
● liaise with other professionals, such as learning mentors, careers advisers, educational psychologists and
education welfare officers
● supervise and support the work of teaching assistants, trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
● participate in and organise extracurricular activities, such as outings, social activities and sporting events
● undergo regular observations and participate in regular in-service training (INSET) as part of continuing
professional development (CPD).
Working hours
● Thirty-nine weeks of the year are allocated for teaching but teachers often use time within the 13 weeks’ holiday
for marking, planning and preparing. Hours vary between schools but are usually from 8.30am until 3.30 or
4pm. Most teachers are in school before the school day starts and remain after school is finished. Marking and
preparation are usually done at home. They often teach five periods a day, with lunchtimes sometimes being
taken up with extracurricular or pastoral duties.
● Part-time work and career break opportunities are possible. Supply teaching is an attractive and flexible option
for some.

The minimum requirements are at least a GCSE grade C/grade 4 (grade B in Wales) in English and mathematics and a
degree. If you do not have these qualifications, approach institutions before submitting an application, as some offer
special tests for such applicants. Additionally, you will need to satisfactorily pass checks by the Disclosure and Barring
If you are yet to complete a degree, you could complete a Bachelor of Education (BEd) or a BA/BSc - with qualified
teacher status (QTS) for England and Wales, or teaching qualification (TQ) in Scotland. The options for postgraduate
teacher training are:
University-led training (A Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary Education (PGCE), you'll spend a minimum of 24
weeks in at least two schools with the remainder spent at a higher education institution (HEI)).
School-led training
Working spaces

According to a November 2004 poll conducted U.S. News & World Report, within the past five years, 48% of
Americans downshifted their lives in one of the following ways: cut back their hours at work, declined a
promotion of failed to seek one, lowered expectations for what they needed out of life, reduced their work
commitments or moved to a community with a less hectic way of life. If voluntary simplicity sounds good to
you, do it! Just don't do it today.
See you soon!

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