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My hobby is essential for my wellbeing

My hobby is essential for my wellbeing because it keeps me energized and gives me

a good feeling. My hobby is weightlifting and working out. Working out or lifting
weights makes me calmer, after a weightlifting session or after a run I feel proud of
myself, or I get a feeling that I achieved something during the day. There are other
benefits to my hobby like better life expectancy, being happier and better sleep.

One of the workouts I do is running or jogging outside. There are a lot of benefits of
running, like for example reduced risk of death from heart attack or stroke, reduced
risk of cardiovascular disease, lower risk of developing cancer, lower risk of
developing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. These are some
facts about running those effects your physical health. There are some benefits of
running that I experienced on my own is something called runners high, it’s a feeling
of transcendence that nothing can compare to.

Weightlifting or powerlifting is another hobby I have, and it is essential for my

wellbeing. I was overweight in 2018-2020 but I decided to make a change. So, in
March 2020 I started working out and my life has changed since. Since I picked up
weightlifting into my lifestyle or routine, my life has changed drastically. I have more
energy, my sleep quality has improved, my concentration has improved, and I have
gained more muscle and lost more fat. Along with all these benefits the main lifestyle
change I noticed is my mentality and discipline, after about a year of lifting I
performed better in school because of my improved discipline. My mentality about
what i can achieve also improved, meaning I became more confident in my ability to
achieve things in life. Other benefits that scientist have researched and that aren’t
just from my experience are, staving off chronic disease, gaining bone density,
boosting metabolism, lowering inflammation and it improves balance.

Finally, one of the most important parts of my hobby is dieting. With all this
weightlifting and working out, nutrition is very important. Throughout my
weightlifting journey I learned a lot about food, nutritional value, how it affects our
body, calories, vitamins, and minerals. As a growing teen that is going through
puberty getting enough calories to fuel your body is important, especially when
you are in physical activity a lot. Calories isn’t the only thing important for growing
and exercising teens, getting enough vitamins and minerals will boost your
immune system, support normal growth and development of the body, and helps
cells and organs do their job. To build muscle and important factor is protein,
consuming enough protein is important to build muscle on your body so that your
body can grow to be strong and balanced. There are certain foods that include a
lot of protein, vitamins, and minerals. I would consider foods that are low in calorie
and high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants a high quality or high
nutritional value food. For example, a can of pringles has around 900 calories a
can, 96g of carbs, 54grams of fat, 6g of protein and 900mg of sodium, but a meal
that consists of chicken, rice and salad is 550 calories with 68 grams of protein,
48 grams of carbs, vitamin c, vitamin a, iron, calcium and fibres. I promise you will
get a lot more out of the chicken and rice meal rather than the pringles can.

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