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03 Assignment Instructions

Analyze the effectiveness of advertisements based on the techniques used.

Complete the chart below by conducting an Internet search to locate advertisements. Use
complete sentences for each of your responses.
The advertisements you choose may be written as documents, websites, video ads or audio/radio
ads. Be sure to provide an Internet link to each of the advertisements you find.

Does the ad
seem effective
How does the How does the How does the
  to you?
ad use logos? ad use pathos? ad use ethos?
Explain your
 druing the ad it  Yes the ad is
In the ad it is showing very
 The ad
shows the new multiple persuading. It
mentions how
iPhone. Its a different games makes you
the device is
much different being played. really think the
much faster
look than the Showing that it devices the best
Your favorite and a way
older iPhones is the fastest out there and
electronic better version
which can draw and best phone that it is very
device than the
people to the out there to use worth it to get.
new look. for games and

Internet link to
the tch?
advertisement v=cnXapYkbo
A vehicle you  The ad says      Yes I think the
would like to that this new way the car is
own someday car is the best  The look and  The advertised
one out there. apparent details supercharge is makes it look
Mentions that draws people to what really like a good
it is the safest draws people to choice to buy
and most this car. People this car.
updated this car love to have
this option in a


Internet link to
advertisement v=gupucJ4cJjU

 All the good  At the very
things that is beginning of
This kind bar  
said in the ad the commercial
states that it is
makes people   it shows how
healthy and
A food or want the kind the clif bars
even gives you
beverage that energy bar over  All of the first ingredient
seems healthy other ingredients in which isnt the
  nutritional bars. the kind bar are healthiest
much healthier thing.
    then most.

Internet link to
 Disney world  It also makes
 The ad shows
is one of the sure to show  
An amusement how much fun
moist fun the safety they
park or vacation the park is for  
places to take have of all the
destination you the kids
your kids rides.
would like to  

Internet link to
the tch?
advertisement v=49a10Bl297

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