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Preguntas y respuestas de LESSON 16

Preguntas de las fotos:

1. Theses pictures have to do with unhealthy habits. What do you think are the
biggest risk for you health id you maintain this kinds of lifestyle?

I think the biggest risk of these unhealthy habits are dying from a heart attack,  you can also feel
exhausted and angry with people because the lack of sleep

2. When grocery shopping, where do you usually go? why? Is there a place you
would recommend?

I usually go to the unimarc supermarket because it accepts sodexo card but I recommend
abu gosh because it is cheaper and there are no lines.

3. Some people can get nervous when visiting the doctor or therapist. What
advice can you give those people?

I recommend you breathe (breth) and relax because they studied and are prepared to aid

4. What are the things you would ask someone else to do for you? What are
your least favourite errands to run?

I would ask him to run my errands, like go to the bank or the grocery Shop and
I hate going to the bank, because it is always full and i hate crowds

Preguntas difíciles :c
a. if you had a personal assistant, what errands would you have them run for
R: if i had a personal assistant i would get my grocery shopping done, i would made her go
to the bank for me and i would make her go to the dry cleaners

b. If you wanted to open a bank account as a student, what documents would

they ask for? 

R: if i wanted to open a bank account i would be asked for my ID, prove of address and a
minimal deposit.

c. If could change anything in your lifestyle in order to be healthier, what would

it be?
R: If i could change something to be healthier, i would exercise more and practice yoga,
and sleep at least 8 hours.

1. What errands you hate doing?

I hate going to the bank, because there are always queue (qiu), i also feel that there is a great risk
of infection due (du) to the transfer of money
2. ¿What errand do you run? ¿What errand don’t you run?

I usually run errands like buying groceries for the month, buying my grandparents' medicines, and
paying bills. On the other hand, I don't run errands like going to the laundry because I have a
washing machine in my house

3. ¿Where and when do you usually run errands?

I usually run my errands the first week of the month because on those days they recharge the
sodexo card, that's why I usually do my shopping at the Unimarc supermarket because I can use
the Sodexo. the other errands, like going to the bank or paying the bills I prefer to do them in

4. Do you write a grocery list? If not, what method do you use to remember what you need
to buy?

If I write a grocery list on paper or on my cell phone, I write it thinking about the order of the
supermarket aisles, that way I don't have to go through the entire supermarket.

5. Do you compare price before doing your shopping? Explain.

The truth is that I don’t . I never do that because I am lazy and I usually don't remember do it, i just
go to the place that I think is cheaper.

6. Do you pay cash or with a debit/credit card?

That depends, because normally I pay with my debit card but if it is something like food I usually
pay with my Sodexo card

7. Have you ever lost your card at the check-out or forgotten your pin number? What did
you do?

Yes, I lost my card and it was a very exasperating and embarrassing moment, because there was a
long line and I had no other way to pay.

8. If you wanted, to open a bank account, what documenttion would you be asked?

I would need my id card or drive licence

9. What can people do to be healthier?

Mmm physically (fisicly), have a balanced diet, exercise and drink enough wáter and mentally
maybe do yoga or meditation

10. What an you advice to someone with a cold?

If you have a cold, i would recommend you rest, drink water and take medicine such as aspirin
or tapsin and, if you prefer something natural chamomile (quemomaile) tea with lemon and
honey BUT if you feel really bad, you should go to the doctor
11. What ever the counter medication do you usually hace at home. When do you take

In my house we have a medicine cabinet with over the counter medicine. For example for de
headache we have paracetamol, if my stomach hurts we have viadil

12. Do you have a healthy lifestile? Describe the Good and bad

To be honest, before the pandemic I had a healthy life, had meal schedules (schedul), slept 8
hours, walked and did exercises, however now I just eat healthy because i eat vegetables,
fruits, beans, tofu), but my physical activity is zero. , my sleep hours are minimal, its horrible

13. How would you describe your present lifestyle?

It is a sedentary lifestyle, because you cannot go out due (du) to quarantine and university
activities occupy (oqiupai) all my time

14. What is your unhealthy habit?

My unhealthy habits are not being physically (fisicly) active and sleep deprivation (depiveishon)

15. Do you eat a balanced diet?

umm, well I'm vegan, so I eat a lot of beans, chickpeas and soy products to get enough protein,
plus vegetables and fruits. I also take a vitamin b12 supplement

16. Are you allergic to any foods or medicines?

yes im allergic to diclofenac and meloxicam

17. ¿How much interest do you take in the issue of health?

mmm I think I care a lot about my health, especially about the food and nutrients I eat, however I
think I should worry more about my physical activity

18. How do you cope with stress?

Well I don't do so many things about it, I listen to music, I watch kdramas and lately I have been
listening to ASMR videos

19. When was the last time when you went to the doctor?

maybe the last year, i'm not sure but I remember asking for a blood test

20. What do you prefer a corner store or a grocery store? Why?

Although (oldou) I would like to prefer the corner store because in this way I help the community,
the truth is that I prefer supermarkets, because it is cheaper, it accepts sodexo card, I find
everything I am looking for and I also have vegan options to buy

What type of medication is she taking for her medical condition? antibiotics, cough syrup,
Situación doctor paciente y Covid

Doctor: HI! Come on in and have a seat! Now Tell me! What is the problem?

Patient: I have a sore throat; fever and I feel me really bad , without energy really.

Doctor: Have you been in contact with people with Covid?

Patient: Yes, my aunt testes possitive for covid

Doctor: oh im sorry have you taken PCR test?

patient: i dont but i should

Doctor: okay, your results wil be already in 4 days, so for now, go home and dont get in contact
with other people

Patient: Thank you Doctor

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