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MOS amplifiers: summary

1 Electronics
MOS amplifiers: summary

2 Electronics
Problem 1
• In the circuit of Fig. below, the input is a small sinusoid
superimposed on a dc level: Vin =V0cosωt+V1, where V0 is on
the order of a few millivolts.
• For V1 = 0, obtain W/L in terms of RL and other parameters so
that Vout = 0.95Vin .


3 Electronics
Problem 1

• Solution:
• vin = Vocos(ωt)
• vout = 0.95Vocos(ωt)
RL RL(vin − vout)
vout = vin ⟹ Ron =

Ron + RL vout
1 −1
Ron = W
= RL (0.95 − 1) = 0.053RL

μnC0x L (VGS − VTH )
W 1

L 0.053RL μnC0x(VGS − VTH )

4 Electronics
Problem 2
• Determine the region of operation of M1 in each of the circuits
shown in Fig. below. For NMOS VTH = 0.4V.

5 Electronics
Problem 2
• Solution:
• a) VGS = 0V and VDS = 1.5V
• since VGS = 0V < VTH ⟹ the MOS is off.

• b)VGS = 1V and VDS = 1.5V

• since VDS > VGS − VTH ⟹ MOS in saturation

• c)VGS = 1V and VDS = 0V

• since VDS < VGS − VTH ⟹ MOS in triode

6 Electronics
Problem 3
• In the Fig. below ,what is the minimum allowable value of VDD if
M1 must not enter the triode region? Assume λ = 0. μnCox = 200


7 Electronics
Problem 3
• Solution:
• Triode region ⟹ VDS ≤ VGS − VTH
• at the edge VDS = 1 − 0.4 = 0.6V
1 W
ID = μnC0x (VGS − VTH )2 = 2000μA

2 L
• ⟹ VDD = 1.6V


8 Electronics
Problem 4
• Calculate the bias current of M1 in Fig. below if λ = 0.

9 Electronics
Problem 4
• Solution:
• Suppose that VGS > VTH
• I1 = ID since IG = 0
⟹ = μnC0x (VGS − VTH )2 I1

RD 2 L
1 W
let B = μnC0x = constant

2 L
• BRD(VGS − VTH )2 = VDD − VGS
• This equation gives two values of VGS
• Since VGS = VDS the MOS will be in saturation
mode (or off if VGS < VTH)
• From the possible values of VGS we chose the one
that make M1 works in saturation region.
10 Electronics
Problem 5
• Assume W/L=10/0.18, λ = 0.1/V,μnCox = 200 μA/V2 and
VDD=1.8V. Calculate the drain current.

11 Electronics
Problem 5
• Solution:

• Since VGS = VDS the MOS will be in saturation

1 W
ID = μnC0x (VGS − VTH )2(1 + λVDS)

2 L
• VGS = ??
VDD − VGS 1 W 2
= μnC0x (VGS − VTH ) (1 + λVGS)

RD 2 L
• after solving VGS ≃ 0.807V
• ⟹ ID = 0.994mA

12 Electronics
Problem 6
• Construct the small-signal model of the circuits depicted in Fig.
below. Assume all transistors operate in saturation and λ≠0.

13 Electronics
Problem 6

• Solution:


2 2

• 1 1

14 Electronics
Problem 7
• The circuit of Fig. below must be designed for a voltage drop of 200
mV across RS . μnCox = 200 μA/V2 and VTH = 0.4V.
• (a) Calculate the minimum allowable value of W/L if M1 must remain
in saturation.
• (b) What are the required values of R1 and R2 if the input impedance
must be at least 30 KΩ.

15 Electronics
Problem 7
• Solution:
• a) W/L? ⟹ ID ?? and VGS ??
1 W 2
since ID = μnC0x (VGS − VTH )

2 L
• VRs = 200mV = RS ID ⟹ ID = 2mA
• in saturation VDS ≥ VGS − VTH
• VDS = VD − VS = (VDD − RDID) − VRs = 0.6V
• VGS ≤ VDS + VTH = 1V
• W/L is min ⟹ VGS − VTH is max ⟹ VGS − VTH = 0.6V
• ⟹ W/Lmin = 55.56

16 Electronics
Problem 7

• Solution:
• b) input impedance Rin
= R1 //R2 ≥ 30KΩ
• VGS = VG − VS = 1V ⟹ VG = 1.2V
R2 R2
VG = VDD ⟹ = 2 and Rin = R1 //R2 ≥ 30KΩ

R1 + R2 R1
• ⟹ R1 ≥ 45KΩ
• let R1 = 50KΩ ⟹ R2 = 100KΩ

17 Electronics
Problem 8
• The CS stage of Fig. below must provide a voltage gain of 10
with a bias current of 0.5 mA. Assume λ1 = 0.1V-1, and λ2=0.15V.
μnCox = 200 μA/V2 , μpCox = 100 μA/V2 and VTH = 0.4V.
• (a)  Compute the required value of (W/L)1.
• (b)  If (W/L)2 = 20/0.18, calculate the required value of Vb.

18 Electronics
MOS amplifiers: summary

19 Electronics
MOS amplifiers: summary

20 Electronics
Problem 8
• Solution:
• a) Av = 10 = gm(ro2 //ro1) and ID = 0.5mA ro2
and gm = 2μnC0x ID

ro1 = = 20KΩ

ro2 = = 13.3KΩ

• (ro2 //ro1) = 8KΩ
gm = 2μnC0x ID = 1.25 × 10−3Ω−1

⟹ = 7.8125

21 Electronics
Problem 8

• Solution:
• b) M2 is PMOS ro1
1 W 2
ID = − μpC0x( )2(VSG − VTH ) (1 + λ2VSD)

2 L
• from the circuit: VSD = VDD − ro1ID = − 8.2V
• ⟹ VSG − VTH = 0.625V
• ⟹ VSG = 0.225V, note that for PMOS VTH = − 0.4V
• ⟹ VDD − Vb = 0.225V ⟹ Vb = 1.575V

22 Electronics

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