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I. Complete the text with five compound nouns made with these words.

se words. There are four extra words.

about • belt • block • driving • jam • motor . road • round • seat • signs • steering
traffic • way • wheel

I always remember the day I passed my driving test. It was one of the most nervous but happy days of my life. When
I got into the car I said hello to my examiner and put on my
(1) He looked very serious. It was
very early in the morning and for most of the test we were stuck in a (2) because everybody was
taking their children to school. I was worried because we weren’t doing much driving and my hands felt like
they were sticking to the (3)..............................The most
difficult moment was when we went round a
(4) the same time as a giant truck. I
was so nervous. At the end the examiner asked some questions about (5) and then he told
me I had passed. I jumped into the air with happiness!

II. Complete the text with suitable words.(tenses)

I didn’t (1) be a good listener. I
(2)......................................always be thinking about what I
wanted to say next or, even worse, thinking how bored I was. I never (3……..) to be able to
concentrate very well in classes either.
Then, last year I read a book called How to be a better listener. The best piece of advice I read was to ask a
question about what the speaker (4) just said. For example, if they said they had seen a film at the
weekend, I would ask ‘What was it like?’. It really worked. Now, I use the technique in my classes. In my last
history class, I(5) about to lose my concentration but I thought of some questions to ask the
teacher while he was speaking and it really helped. When I asked my questions, he was actually impressed that I
had been listening!

III. Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs. There are two extra words.
form • lose • monitor • pass • react • tell . unfold

Last week a remarkable story (1) …………………………..…...

about a chimpanzee and a lion cub, both residents of a world-famous zoo in Beijing, China.
A lion cub was abandoned by his mother at birth and zoo keepers, wanting to keep the cub alive, decided to
call on Kuru, a female chimpanzee, who two weeks previously
(2) her own baby due to natural causes. They believed that Kuru would look after the lion cub and treat it as one
of her own.
The lion cub was placed in Kuru’s cage and Kuru, with the help of zoo workers, immediately
(3) to the situation and started
feeding the young lion with the aid of a human baby’s bottle.
Since Monday, zoo keepers (4)......................................the
relationship between the two animals and they have confirmed that a strong relationship
(5)...................................between them.
chores • decision • favour • interest • options project •
research • risks
IV. Complete the text with these words. There are three extra words.
When I was younger I didn’t mind taking
(1)....................................I was young and energetic. For
some reason I took a great (2)
trying extreme sports. Something about the adrenaline rush made me keep going back for more!
Now things are different. I have a job and a family. During the day, I work as a university professor and part of
my job entails doing lots of (3).........................and writing up
reports for magazines and journals. In the evenings, I enjoy spending time with my family before reading the
children a story and putting them to bed. Once they’re in bed, I often help my wife to do the household (4)
My life now is definitely different. It may be less extreme, but one thing is for sure, I have made the right thing.

V. Rephrase

1 It’s more than likely that he didn’t see the exit sign.
He..........................................................the exit sign.
2 It isn’t necessary to buy tickets for the match in advance. tickets for

the match in advance.
3 It is probable that Tom was using his mobile phone when he had the accident.

Tom may..........................................................his mobile

phone when he had the accident.
4 It is believed that the man was speeding when the police caught him.

The man..........................................................doing over

the speed limit when the police caught him.
5 Perhaps they didn’t buy the electric car in the end.
They..........................................................the electric car
in the end.

VI. Complete the text with one word in each gap.

It was the final set in the Wimbledon tennis final and Ivan was serving for the match. His opponent Tony
Grande looked as cool as a (1)......................................on
the other side of the net; his eyes as cold as
(2)....................................As Ivan bounced the ball,
the stadium was as quiet as a (3) …………………………..…....

He served into the corner and quick as a

(4)...................................Tony Grande returned the serve,
his backhand as solid as a (5) …………………………..…....

Ivan dived to his right and hit the ball perfectly into the back corner. He had won the match.

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