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CORT OR COLE ne Ca eT Ce eee Sencha et ueacnecct mnt s - Credits - ARTWORK Cover Amato Finnatark Layout Guaticle? Introduction Cultures Wardenlight Studios Black Niimenéreans FoxInShadow - Janique Marie - Seot’s Wargaming - Karl Fitzgerald Ents Billy Wimblett- Jarek Nocon - Owen Kim - Matt Rargusen Classes Imad Awan Servant of the Secret Fire ILacas Graciano'« Forstinen = Tara Roeping + Spartanks2 Haradwaith UUbiaof -Linderision - Dragos Jean - Dircimpulse - Tomasz Jedruszek ‘The Black Scrolls ‘Geote Rushing The Black Lands [Age of Conan - Amazon - Benedykt Saneider » VegasMike - Phorms - Jorge Jacinto Beruthiel & Tevildo Jade Merlen - Zhenya Aleksandrova Adventures Pablo Dominguez ‘Waterlogged, Stormtossed, and Sunburnt Ted Nasmith « Lucifes6 « Krzysrtof Mosrcrynail Kobles Arts « Andrey Maximov Patrick Ward Sesian & Writina All Sections The Giletafl @Devilstt Inspiration JR Tolkien ‘This supplement is designed to go where the shadow of, Mordor lies most heavily upon the lands of Middle-earth, While there is much to be done and to explore in the lands known to Men, Dwarves, and Elves; It is equally im portant to determine what events in the East and in th South occurred that helped to set the stage for Sauron’s, sgreat assault upon Gondor and Rohan. Questions con- the fate of the two Blue wizards for example arise in Tolkien's text but are never truly answered. It is the goal of this guide to bring to light the areas that exist only in rumor and in legend and which have long re- mained beneath the Shadow. Set after the Hobbit's Rattle of Five Armies but before the events of the Lord of the Rings, this period is the deep breath before the sudden plunge into all out war. To aid in the endeavor to push back the Enemy two new cultures have been added. The first is the culture of Black Namenor and an indepth look into the region of Harad waith, the land of the Haradrim, The second culture is that of the Ents. Though their exploits will be known when they sack Isengard, in the meantime, they must still tend to their tree-herds and protect their homes, Additionally, a new class has been added. The Servant of the Secret Fire is for those individuals for whom the Valar have placed some portion of their power into, Able to. wield power beyond the keen of mortal men, their task is bring light unto those places that have fallen into dark: Lastly, sections of lore have been provided to help give more character to the journies of those who wander and brave the many perils of Middle-earth. To this effect, a three part adventure has been included that will take a ‘company from the safety of Bree-land and see them off to distant lands far to the South beyond even the Havens of Umber, “Three Rings for che Elven-kings under che sky, ie Duarf-lords in cheir halls of scone, Nine for Morcal Men, doomed co die, One forche Dark Lord on his dark ehrone In the Land of Mordor where che Shadows lie: Drie Ring co rele cher all, One Ring co find chern, One Ring eo bring ehem all and in che darkness bind chem. In the Land of Mordor where che Shadows lie.” LOYAL TO THE LAST ‘The King’s Men as they were known were those who refused to break ranks with King Ancali- mon whose wisdom revealed the deceits of the Valar and so he chose to no longer heed their counsel, Barred from sailing ever farther west and seeking the Undying Lands of Aman. ‘where the Niumenéreans believed they might find immortality and at last throw off the shadow of death, For how could they not believe this when the Valar and their puppets the Eldar plied them with lies of how death was a gift from Eru Iivatar. When this was revealed to the people of Niimenor, their desire to ward off death grew ever stronger. As the years went by, the wealth and power of Niimenor expanded to the point where King Ar-Pharaz6n his son of Gimilkhad could challenge and bring to heel even Sauron the lesser of satellite of the evil that was Morgoth. So mighty. ‘were the hosts of Niimenor when they made landfall upon the shores: of Middle-earth that the Maia, Sauron, abased himself before the king, Brought back to Nimenor as a hostage, Sauron's answers to the king, rang true and many secrets about the Eldar and Valar and their conspiracy against Nimenor were learned. By the time three years had passed, the king knew what he must do. No longer the friends to the Elves that they had once been, the men of Namenor set about a great task Attempting to slow their labors, the foes of Namenor g ‘cursed them and death came ever swifter into their hearts, Clouds in the shapes of eagles and other portents ‘could be seen, The Valar were wroth for their treachery had been laid bare. Those whose wills could not be bent persevered in their work and so after many Jong years, the Great Armament of Nimenor was finished. Despite the strikes of lightning, the quaking of the earth, and the pouring of smoke from Meneltarma, King Ar-Pharaz6n would not be dissuaded. Launching an assault upon the Valar themselves, the king and his men stepped foot upon Aman. Such was the fear of the Valar that they beseeched Eru Thivatar who broke and reshaped the world, sinking the kingdom of iimenor beneath the waves whilst slaying the king and all his men. To this day, they are re membered as too Is the treachery of the Eldar and their maste a1 The Black Nomendreans are a line of High Men of that de: stroyed kingdom. Those who were upon Middle-earth sur: vived and they dwelt in the southern fiefs of Gondor until breaking off completely. Ruling over the Haradrim as ty rants, they have through liaisons with their subjects seen their blood grown thin, Now known as Southrons, they like the Diinedain of the North, are possessed of longer than normal life. Beneath the merciless sun, their skin has tanned sometimes to the point of darkness. Though they have long flirted with the Shadow they are still fair to look upon. Just as Sauron was once handsome and full of guile, $0 too are those who work beneath his shadow Loving gold and silks from the East, they dress as finely as Elven princes though in battle they paint their skin with blacks and reds and bone white, Angamaite, Beruthiel, Fuinur, Herumor, and Sangahyando, Standard of Living ‘Though the Havens of Umbar has wealth enough to equal its northern neighbor, it is concentrated in the hands of, the havens’ captains. Almost constantly at war from either raiding or suppressing uprisings, the thought of battle for most Black Nimenéreans is seldom far from their mind. As such, they are considerd to have a Martial standard of living Bonus Equipment: A traveling robe of silk and gear fit for the season, a belt dagger, 4d6 silver pennies, a jar of black, gold, red, and white woad, and either a dice or gaming set. Your Player-hero has certain traits deriving from your Black Namenérean ancestry Ability Score Increase - Your Strength and Intelligence scores each increase by 1 and your Charisma by 2. Adventuring Age - 18-80. Black Nimenéreans can at the extreme live the length of three mortal men, Due to their history against the Valar, the Southrons fear death more than most. They are always considered to have one failed Death Saving throw before any rolls are made. However, when starting or gaining a level, they have Advantage when determining Hit Points, Those who rise to the heights of power are able to afford the indulgences that their withered spirits need to survive into their grey years, Size - Most Black Niimen6rean stand well over 6 feet tall Your size Is Medium, Speed - Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Life Beneath the Shadow - You have proficiency in the Shadow-lore skill. Desire for Dominion - You have proficiency in the Intimi dation skill, ‘Tyranny of the Lesser - All cultures are Mistrustful to Starting Virtue - You gain one Southron Cultural Virtue of your choice. You may also use Déinedain Cultural Virtu however if you do, you acquire Disadvantage on Corrup tion checks. Languages - You can speak Classical Adiinaic, Black Speech, and Westron, Southron Cultural Virtues Raider’s Reward For che rumor of 1¢s wars and riches, went now Far and wide, and che wandering Fleets of Umsar were ever set northward in those ays. When a Hoard is discovered inerease its value by one level. Then make an opposed Intimfdation check against the best value of your Company. If you fail, you gain your Charisma modifier value in corruption. Totelage of Tevildo Le was full of sones and smelt evilly; no windows were there sut one door; sut a hatchway gave from tt upon the great kitchens, anda red light crepe thence and danly le the place. You have tamed one of the beasts that stalk amgonst the sandhills and the stones. It functions in the same manner as a Hound of Mirkwood as listed in the Player's Guide on page 116. IF it comes near a hound, it must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or immediately attempt to kill its hated enemy. If your animal perishes, provided you re- cover its golden collar, you may spend a Fellowship Phase taming a new sand cat. Red Sky at Morning “There ts a Great Fleet drawing near to he mouths oF Amusn, manned sy che corsaurs of Umsar in che South. They haue long ceased to fear the might of Gondor, and they have allted chem wich che Enemy, and now make a heavy stroke un hts cause. For chs aceack will raw Off much of the help chat we looked to have from Les- ennin and Belfalas, where folk are hardy and numer- ous.” You gain proficiency in Vehicles (Water) and treat coastal hexes as Easy and ocean waters as Hard. Furthermore, you gain a Treasure Map. At the time that you select this. virtue, an appropriate ship that at minimum can support your Company is made available to you. A list of ships may be found in the Dungeon Master's Guide on page 119. For each day that you spend on the open ocean, add 1 to the next Wind and Percipitation rolls for the weather as detailed in the Dungeon Master's Guicle on page 109. If your modified roll is 20 or more, you have come to the at- tention of Manwé, Either make for the nearest possible 03 ~Constgned to the depths A Player-hero wich a Treasure Map ts asle co access a spectal Journey event ¢F satling. Hidden Cove ‘The Company has come to a place of secrecy known only to the dead of Namenor. The Vala, ‘Ulmo, the Lord of Waters has surely tried to hide this from you. The Scout must make an Intelli- agence (Investigation) check to discover the sunken tomb. If the Scout fails, the Company is attacked by Elves | or Men regardless of its allegiance. They have been ‘tasked to watch over the sunken barrow and ‘ensure that what was buried is not brought up to the light of day again. Ifthe tomb is discovered, the Company will need to dive beneath the waves to uncover its secrets. An Intelligence (Shadow-lore) check must be made to break the spells sealing it. The DC is equal to 10 _ plus the CR of the tomb's guardians. landfall or make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw: If you succeed you may continue on; if you fail your ship will capsize and your Company will wash ashore on a hex of the Loremaster’s choosing. You may spend a Fellowship, Phase repairing your craft. Cultural Heirlooms ‘The Haradrim Viorn of the Mémakil Heavy though it may be, this instrument has a fell voice. As an Action, it may be sounded during battle. Make an opposed Intimidation check against the highest CR enemy. If successful, hostile creatures are Restrained for the first round of combat as they brace against the awful noise, You gain one level of Exhaustion. Morgul Secrets Whispers out Mordor have given the Black Niimendreans insight into the plans of the Enemy: Great stores of poison have been made ready and the making and use of {Hem are known to you, You gain proficiency with the Pot soner’s Kit and may craft the poisons listed in the Dun- ‘Reon Master's Guide on page 255 at the discretion of your Loremaster. Additionally, you acquire a Blowsun (25/100, Loading, which does 1d piercing damage and the target rust succeed on a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw or take 2d10 poison damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one). Black Sails of Umbar Master of your own ship, you have heen entrusted by one of the Havens’ captains to fly the ebon silk. If entering a port from sea, your Company has Advantage on Audience checks. Furthermore, when you leave, if the audience was successful, you will be offerd a Hoard’. If you accept, then you nor your Company may return until the next Adven- ture Phase. If you fail, your ship will be either sunk or razed. You may spencl a Fellowship Phase restoring your sails. The Lies of the Valar And he sa1d: The Ualar have possessed themselves oF ‘he land where there 1s no deaths and they ite to you concerning t¢, hiding tt as est they may, secause of chetr avarice, and chetr Fear lest che kings of Men should wrest From che che deachless real and rule che world in chetr stead. Ifa player choses to be a Black Nimendrean, then they will have an entirely different view of both Middle-earth and its history. Though the Enemy numbers among his greatest servants, the corrupted princes of Namenor's once noble houses and many others have turned to wick- edness, not all in Haradwaith are so eruel nor so evil, It will take time and patience before any man or woman, of Umbar and its lands will believe the true nature of events and how their people have been so masterfully de- cejeved by Sauron. Indulgent, tempermental, andl ruthless, ‘a Southron who can be turned is no less an ally than any elf or ranger from the North, 04 - Ents - Side? I. am on nobody's side, because nobody ts on my side, little orc WE LOST THEM, NOW WE CANNOT FINO THEM Yavanna was first to plant the seeds of the oaks and ‘maples, of the ashes and yews, and the hickories and the willows. For centuries, the forests of Beleriand stood until their destruction at the end of the First Age. Then arose the vernal kingdoms of Fangorn, the Greenwood, and Lorien, Near the Shire, the Old Forest stands as an island, Of the once vast sea of leaves and branches that long ago stretched for leagues beyond measure, While there are smaller and lesser woods, these three still remain wild. Deep are the memories of trees and long is, their slumber. Those who wander beneath their verdant ‘canopies and across their carpets of loam and duff often hear the creaking of boughs and sound of rustling roots. ‘Those who know better collect only fallen branches for their fires. They brng neither axe nor flame between the pillared halls of the forests within whose boundaries they trespass. The stupid and foolish do not heed the counsel of years, instead they laugh at foolish tales about the shepherds of the forest. Cutting and burning, they settle in for the night. Around them, passing from trunk to trunk are the sullen whispers of the trees. Falling into fitful sleep, the trespassers dream of grasping branches, ensaring roots, and becoming sealed behind knots of wood. Deep within the forest, encroaching upon thelr slumber well voices high and strong - We come, we come with horn and drum... Ta-runda runda runda rom! The Ents are an ancient people who care and look after their herds of trees, It has been many ages of the world since the Ent-wives gardened in what are now the Brown Lands, Sauron scourged that land and if any of the Entvives are to be found they will have most likely passed into the East or have fallen afoul of the deceits of, the Enemy. Those few Ents who remain in the wilder for ests of Middle-Earth pine for those whom they have lost, Now, only the youngest and most hasty of Ents might leave behind their herds to seek out the Ent-wives, Description The Ents bear such resemblance to the trees that they shepherd that when slumbering, they are all but indistin- guishable from the forest. Depending on which species of tree they come from, an Ent will vary in coloration, size, sirth, end aspect. They range from proud oaks to tall pines and even long haired willows, Ents will hal from the Old Forest, Fangorn, or Mirkwood. Entish Names Fangorn, Beechbone, Bres alad, Fimbrethil, Flinglas, and Fladrif, Other names such as Treebeard are evocative and speak about some unique defining characteristic that 1 Ent possesses, Standard of Living Ents keep only a few items sith practical purpose such as bowls or ewvers, Macle from stone or wood, these simple things are picked not for their value but for their natural qualities. Though they would not consider themselves as such, they care litle for the greed of wealth that drives the other inhabitants of Middle-Earth. as such, Ent culture is Poor. Bonus Equipment: A favorite large skipping stone that others might call a boulder. The equivalent to a sack of nuts or berries provided the season is not Winter. Enough sap to fill a flask of of Shadow-thorn may also grow upon them. Ent Traits Your Player-hero has certain traits deriving from your Entish ancestry! Ability Score Increase - Your Strength and Constitution, scores each increase by I and ‘your Wisdom by 2 Adventuring Age - 250-750. Ents rarely become adventurous. ‘Those who do are usually the younger and more sprightly ones. As they grow older, they become far less hasty and will often slumber for many seasons at a time, ‘Size - Most Ents stand between. 12 and 18 feet tall. The tallest Ent ‘ever was a Mallorn at elose to 37 feet. Your size is Huge Speed - Your base walking, speed is 20 feet. However, you ignore all Difficult Terrain. You also count as terrain. Part of the Land - You have proficiency in the Nature Shy of Civilization - You will not set foot within the walls of a settlement unless under the most dire of circum. Starting Virtue - You gain one Entish Cultural Virtue of stances. All cultures regard you as Unknown. ‘your choice. Fear of Fire - You are Frightened by any enemy that em Languages - You can speak Entish as well as Elvish and loys fire against you. The DC is 10 plus half the crea archaic Westron. ture’s CR value, ms R val Entish Cultural Virtues Tree Herder “The cree ts talking!” “Tree?! L am no cree! Lam an. Ene.” *A tree-herder. A Shepherd of che Forese!” “Done talk c9 t¢, Merry!” The trees of the wide world are your friends, You have known them since they were but nuts and acorns, They will heed your wishes. When traveling through a forested area but before the Embarkation roll, you may make a Nature check with DC equal to 10 plus the hardest hex of terrain's peril rating. Every point above may be spent low: ering the peril rating of that forested or any connected forested hex. Tring of the Seasons “Yet seneath the Sun all things must wear to an end aclase.” When you suffera Bout of Madness, you obtain the fol lowing conditions and retain them in order. Spring - You regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier each, round. Summer - You increase your damage dice by one category. Autumn - You gain proficieney in three new skills. Winter - You cannot fall unconscious in battle; you must still perform death saving throws as normal, ‘Ta-runda Runda Runda Rom “To Lsengaral Though Lsengar® se renged and sarred wich d00rs of scones Though Lsengard se strong and hard, as cold as stone and sare as sone, We Go, we Ga, we go towar..” You are a living siege engine. You may spend Hit Dice to make a ranged attack at a rate equal to the number of damage dice from the following weapon profiles - Ballista, Mangonel, or Trebuchet as listed in the Dungeon Master's Guide on page 255. Friend to the Wise “By root and twig, But tC1s a strange Business: up sprout a lretle Folk chat are not in the old {xsts and sehold! the Thne Forgotten Riders reappear to hunt For them, and Gandalf takes them ona Great journey, and Galadriel harsours them in Caras Galadhon, and Orcs pursue chem aff down the leagues of Wilderland: indeed Chey seem £0 be caughe up wna grea storm.” You may start with a Patron, Choose from Elrond, Rada- gast, Saruman, Gandalf, Galadriel or Celeborn. You have Advantage on either Lore or Shadow-lore checks. Addi tionally, while in any region governed by a member of the White Council, you increase the starting attitude for Audi ences by one category for your Company. Cultural Heirlooms The Onodrim Rain Washed Roots You may impose Advantage or Disadvantage when a roll is made to determine the weather. You may also make a Nature check with DC equal to 10 plus your Journey's peril rating. If successful, you may add or subtract up to your Wisdom modifier in combat terrain items. This second feature may be used once per Adventure Phase. Freely Fallen Branches Those in your Company who use either @ bow or spear ay benefit from your presence. A number of weapons equal to your Wisdom modifier may’ be given an Enchant- ed quality of Elven craftsmanship. Black Hoorn Splinter When you roll a critical hit, you also apply Massive Damage per the table in the Dungeon Master's Guide on page 273 . However, you have Disadvantage on Corrup- tion saving throws ‘We Are the Last There can se only one Ent tn a Company. So rare are they that at the concluston of the Fellowship Phase, of the current auest has, seen completed, che Enc will recreat sack nto | the woods. They may reemerge at a later Bate with a commensurate mount of expert- ence. however, they are har? to rouse and will only consider chose threats, whcth affect chews Forests. = Fes cricsart ex oo lncancragiora, Exe sve Sou, rst Ninenirean rage minionaics go lands asic were. Whar success chey had Ido Beloit were rg ‘These individuals have in their lineages somewhere a note of the music of the Ainur, which underpins all of creation, Woven through the divine music are the themes of the Valar. When given voice, these words of command may sway the hearts of Men and beasts or even turn the ‘weather against one’s foes. While exceedingly rare, from. time to time rumors fill the land about those who claim to be magicians. Watched by the Wise, these individuals know enough to be dangerous but not enough to be wary. A Servant of the Secret Fire is often regarded with susph ion by the superstitious and with appreciation by the educated. Never long, In one place, they have a habit of arriving exactly when they intend to and only a foot would deny them. When creating a Servant of the Secret Fire, consider if you ‘will be focused on combat, winning the hearts and minds of those around you, or bending bird, leaf, rock, and stone to your will. Whatever you decide know that you are always armed with your wits and that a wizard is more than just their staff. Play a Servant of the Secret Fire if you want to. Explore the deepest lore and secrets of Middle-Earth, Wield magics like the five Wizards. Interact with the Shadow in a unique and new way. Class Fi ATURES Asa Servant of the Secret Fire, you gain the following class features. Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d8 per Servant of the Secret Fire level Hit Points at Ist Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Servant of the Secret Fire level after 1s Proficiencies Armour: Light Armour ‘Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Melee (Finesse) Tools: A choice of artisan's tools or a pipe Saving Throws: Charisma, Intelligence Skills: Choose four from Deception, Insight, Investigation, Intimidation, Lore or Shadow Lore, Medicine, Nature, Per- ception, Persuasion, Riddle, and Traditions. Equipment You start with the following extra equipment in addition to equipment granted by your Standard of Living. Poor or Frugal: A leather jerkin and a staff Martial: A leather jerkin, a staff and broadsword, a dagger Prosperous: A leather jerkin, a staff and broadsword, a jer, 26 silver pennies Rich: A leather jerkin, a staff and broadsword, a dagger, 5d silver pennies Shadow Weakness Lure of Power Speech of the Valar Somehow you have learned one of the words of com: mand. AU'Ist level, choose one pair ofthe Valar to be your patrons. You may choose an additional pair at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels. Morgoth cannot be chosen until you suffer a Bout of Madness. The number of times you may speak a word of command is equal to the amount rolled per the following table The Senvanir of the Secret Fire reoniiency | Y¥onDs 0 Levet [Prgricincy wv Fearsiwes ; a jag | Seech of the Valan, | Z Prestidigitation 2 | +2 | 1d6 [Sword and staff >| aug |Setvant of the Secret J o 246 | Fire ar rchetype a |e | aac | Sharacer Improvement 5 3 3a6 | Kindred Spirits 6 [+3 | 3d6 _[ Knowledge of Years 23__|_4a6_| Staff of the Wise 3 | «3 | aa | Character Improvement Servant of the Secret =) at aay | Fire Archetype Feature Pe Re lea | Character Improvement ii | <4 | 6d6 | Attention of the Enemy Fela legen | Character Improvement t 5 | rag | Setvant of the Secret ty . 746 | Fire Archetype Feature 14 [<3 | 76 _| Engines of War 15 [__-5 | 846 _| The Unseen Realm 16 45 Bd6 Characi Improvement | Servant of the Secret | +6 | 946. | Fire archetype Feature 18, 46 946 | The Palar 19 +6 lod6 aie cis! | Improv 20 | +6 | 10d6 |Ringot rower After each event or scene, you recover half the number of words of command spent during that time. Fach word of command is marked by the W symbol. If you run out of words of command, you gain a level of Exhuastion, You use Charisma for spelicasting Prestidigitation (w) As long as you have had time to prepare the area, you may’ spend your Action to activate a series of distracting effetes = clouds of smoke, loud noises, strange dlaterings, objects moving seemingly of their own accord or the like. Each enemy within 60 fect of you must make a Wisdom saving throws against your spell DC or become Stunned tntil the beginning of your next tum. You may cast Light at wil Sword and Staff (w) ‘One handed weapons and staves are considered light ‘weapons for you. When making an opportunity attack with your staff, you may speak a word of command and add your Charisma modifier to the damage. Servant of the Secret Fire Archetype [At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you emulate in your service to the Valar. Choose either Heir to the Kings, of Old or Heir to the Queens of Old (both are detailed at the end of the class description), Your archetype choice srants you features at 3rd level, then again at Sth, 13th and 17th level Character Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of Your choice by 1, or you can take a Cultural or Open Virtue. As normal, you cannot increase an ability score above 20 using this Feature. Kindred Spirits (w) Starting at Sth level, choose one of the Matar to become your mentor (they are detailed at the end of the class de- ription), Speak an amount of words of command equal to your level to summon their aid during the next event or scene in the Adventuring Phase, Knowledge of Years (w) Long has your journey been and you have gone farther and seen more than most, Forgotten at the bottom of your pack is the exact thing you need. As an Action, you may re frieve items with a value that does not exceed your initial starting wealth in total each Adventuring Phase, You also sain proficiency with one additional artisans tools, Staff of the Wise At 7th level, once per Adventuring Phase, you may during, a short rest, use your Hit Dice to recover missing words of command. If ever your staff is stolen or broken, you cannot regain words of command until you spend a Fel- Jowship Phase crafting a new staff or recover your own, and gain your level in shadow points. 02 Attention of the Enemy By 1th level, your deeds and exploits have been studied by the agents of Mordor. 4 relic of a bygone age has been put into the hands of one of the dark lord's lieutenants and your name has been spoken in the Black Speech. If you can wrest it from your would be slayer, woe then to your enemies, Engines of War (w) When your reach 14th level, the secret of black powder is revealed to you. Each word of command spent in the pro: cess of creating such munitions allows them to remain stable. At the end of every Journey’ event, remove a count er from the munition. If it has no more counters, it deto nates. The Unseen Realm (w) ible to most; stone, wood, and water do not impede yo the effect do not have it already, you gain Night Vision - within 60, fect, you treat dim light as if it were bright light and no light as if it were dim light, Note that while your other senses aid your sight, you cannot use this feature if you, are Blinded. The Palantiri (w) Upon reaching 18th level, you have recovered one of the lost Seeing Stones of Elendil. During combat at the begin: ning of each of your turns, you may reschedule the Initia tive Order, if you do not it reverts back to the original schedule. Having glimpsed things that were, things that are, and some things that have not yet come to pass, you are now forewamed and forearmed, Ring of Power 20th level, the pinnacle of your might, you may spend a Fellowship Phase crafting a ring of power. You immediate io ere eat Tic mocnma ol ate ommend you lune ure doubled. Ab the exc of eack erent of a Journey or scene, you gain your proficiency modifier i Shaoer pols Servant of The Secret Fire Archetypes Above all, the lure of power must forever be warded against. Many have stumbled into darkness and their crimes ring down the long ages of the world. Just as the five Wizards are unique and different so too At 15th level, as an Action you may become a wraith. Invis Each turn you must spend a word of command to continue All your weapons count as being magical. If you are the magicians of Middle-Earth, Serving the different ‘Valar and being mentored by the various Maiar all influ- ence and shape those who hear the music of the Ainur, Heir to the Kinas of OLS “The task Ihave in mind will require a great deal of stealth, and no small amount of courage. But if we're careful and clever, I believe that it can be done.” An Heir to the Kings of Old relies upon the strength of arm and courage of the Children of thivatar. Often found beside elvish lords, dwarven kings, and mannish chiefs; they will not shy from battle. However, they are clever and itis often that their cunning strategies help to win the day. You may choose from the male Vala and Mata. Bonus Proficiencies You gain proficiency in Vehicles (Land) and one additional artisan’s tools. 03 The Valar (Male) Divine and immortal spirits, these are the emmisaries of Enu Ilvatar. Of them, only Melkor known as Morgoth fell into shadow. They are the divine kings of Arda Each effect that uses your Prestidigitation can affect at most a (GOft radius from you or 120f¢ in a straight line. Aulé (wv) - Friend of the Noldor and maker of fates, he delights in the spinning of gold and the crafting of light filled gems. Choosing him as patron allows you to apply Enchanted Qualities to items. These secrets are restricted by your culture and once applied they require words of ‘command to keep them active. If you cannot supply the neccesary words of command, the item immediately breaks or shatter Lérien (Ww) - Also known as Irmo, the master of dreams ‘and desires, he is one half of the Féanturi. Choosing him ‘as a patron allows you speak words of command to pro: vide Guidance to your companions. Additionally, you may expend your level in words of command to create a tem: porary sanctuary. All of your companions may benefit from a Long Rest, you cannot. Mandos (wv) - The ruler and judge of the dead, he is the Doomsmian of the Valar. Choosing him as a patron allows. ‘you to place terrible curses upon your foes. Using your Prestidigitation, you may speak a number of words of command against a single target. For each word, you may in the same manner of holding an Action, declare a trigger for your curse and the condition that you wish to apply Additional words may be spoken in order to apply the effect to a number of targets equal to your proficiency bonus and charisma modifier. You must know the names ‘of each of your targets. Manweé (wv) - Lord of all Arda, his reign stretches as far ‘as the winds blow. Choosing him as a patron allows you to affect the weather. Using your Prestidigitation, you may call up fierce winds or even lightning bolts. Each time you. expend a word of command you may roll to affect one part of the Weather tables in the DMG, The effect takes place during the next scene or event. If the weather Is ap: propriate to the desired outcome, as a bonus action, & word of command may be spent to roll a d100. The lamage is 148 lightning damage and inereases by 148 ‘when you reach sth level (248), L1th level (348), and 17th level (4d). Instead of wisdom, Dexterity saving throws are used for calculating half damage. 1-40, no creatures are struck by lightning, 41-55, 1d4 creatures are struck by lightning. 56-70, 1d6 creatures are struck by lightning. 71-85, 1d8 creatures are struck by lightning. 86-100, 1410 creatures are struck by lightning. + Morgoth (vw) - The only Vala to turn to darkness, he once ruled the Iron Hells of Angbad where long ago Lathien danced before him to save the life of Beren. Mor- goth's patronage can only become active when you are Miserable. You may use your Prestidigitation to recruit any creature or agent of the Enemy with a CR lower than your level. You must speak that many words of command. They may be used in the next scene or event. Afterwards, each scene or event requires the half amount to be spent. If you ‘cannot pay this, the creature will tun on you. At the next, Fellowship Phase, dismiss the creature. ~ Omar (Ww) - You are able to speak and understand all the languages of Middle-Earth. After a successful Riddle check, you may use your Prestidigitation to charm those near ou, Ifyou are Miserable, ac your cuzrent number of shadow points to your total number of words of command as you begin to speak in the Black Speech of Mordor. + Oromi (wv) - The Great Rider, master of the hunt, he loves the wild places of the world. Choosing him as a patron allows you to tame a bird or beast. Using your Pres- tidigitation, you may tame an animal with a CR equal to or lower than your level at the cost of that many words of command, It may be used In the next scene or event. Afterwards, each scene or event requires the half that amount to be spent. If you cannot pay this, the creature tums on you. At the next Fellowship Phase, dismiss the creature. + Tulkas (Ww) - The champion of Valinor and the binder of Morgoth. Choosing him as a patron allows you to issue formal challenges. Speak a number of words equal to your target's CR. You and your target must fight without aid for that many turns. If they are an agent of the Enemy and you ‘win, you recover half their CR value in shadow points. If you lose, each of your allies gain your target's CR in shadow points after a failed Wisdom saving throw. Ulmo (wv) - Lord of Waters and King of the Sea, he gov cerns the wide oceans and running rivers of Middle-Earth. Choosing him as a patron allows you to affect watery ter- rain. Using your Prestidigitation, you may flood a river or stir a lake to frothing. Creatures struck by the torrent must make a Strength saving throw or be swept away up to half their movement along the direction of the flood. Any affected creatures also suffer 1d8 cold damage and in: creases by 18 when you reach 3th level (2d8), 11th level (Bd), and 17th level (4d8), Additional words may be spent each turn to continue the effect until all affected creatures have made their saving throws, Heir to the Claeens of OLS “Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestu- ous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!” 04 An Heir to the Queens of Old relies upon diplomacy and tact to thread the needle between hope and despair, Most often, they are found in the sanctuaries and great cities of Middle-Earth. Do not doubt their courage for they have braved many of the evils of the ancient world. You may choose from the female Vala and Mai Bonus Proficiencies You gain proficiency in Vehicles (Water) and one adldition al artisan’s tools. The Valier (Female) Divine and immortal spirits, these are the emmisaries of Eru Tldvatar, They are the divine queens of Arda. Each effect that uses your Prestidigitation can affect at most a 60ft radius from you or 120ft in a straight line. + Esté (ww) - The gentlest of the Valar, she is capable of healing even the weariest heart or the most grievous of wounds. Choosing her as a patron allows you to speak words of command that give yourself or a companion tha: ‘temporary hit points equal to your level. Anyone who treats a person under this affect has Advantage on their Medicine checks. Nessa (w) - The Dancer, she is as swilt as an arrow. Choosing her as your patron grants your staff attacks a Sft pushback effect against Medium sized creatures. Dash now becomes a bonus action for you. You may also expend words of command to inerease your range of threat for determining opportunity attacks by 5ft inter vals. Nienna (W) - The lady of pity and grief, she alone spoke for Morgoth despite his evil deeds. Choosing her as a patron allows you to turn the hearts of evil Men. When. you speak a word of command, you may have Advantage during an Audience. If you succeed, you may recruit a fol- lower for a short time. Speak a number of words of com ‘mand equal to your new follower's CR. ‘Vairé (Ww) - Known as the Weaver of Time, she is re- sponsible for all stories that are told in Middle-Earth, Choosing her as a patron, you may speak a number of words of command to delay the effects of the Hunt see page 110 of the Rivendell Region Guide. The amount is, equal to the current score for the Hunt plus the number Of scenes or events that you wish to delay it by + Vana (w) - Beloved by the wild things of the world, her presence is never far from nature. Choosing her as patron allows you to include or exclude a number of Scen- ery in Combat items during the next scene or eventbased on the number of words of command that you speak. Varda (w’ - Called Elbereth Gilthoniel by the elves, she is the Lady of Stars. Choosing her as a patron allows you to cast bright light into the dark places of the world. Your Prestidigitation causes Fear in any creature that is sensi: tive to sunlight, Additionally, you may expend words of command to give yourself or an ally Advantage for rolling, hit dice when resting. Yavanna - Mistress of nut and berry, she protects and watches over the plants of Arda. Choosing her as a patron allows you to create either a fruit of Telperion or a leaf of Laurelin by using your level in words of command, A Sun- fruit or Moonleaf may be found during the next event or scene. Eating, a Sunfruit allows you to make a Constitution saving throw for each level of Exhaustion that you have to attempt to remove it, Wearing a Moonleaf allows you or an ally to regain one additional hit dice per short rest. The Maiar Lesser than the Valar, these beings still wield tremendous power. Any who fall under their sway are able to change the course of history though whether it is for good or evil remains to be seen. Atien - When you or your allies successfully hit a crea- ture for the first time, add 1d4 points of fire damage. This. lasts for a number of rounds equal to your level or until an Action is used to put out the flames. 05 Durin's Bane - Only usabl Morgoth and! are currently M benefit from a Troupe Ability. Fénwé - The strength of Namenor burns within your spirit. Exhaustion cannot kill you until the end of the adven ture. Your allies may give you their levels of Exhaustion up to a total of five Gandalf - Friend to Gwaihir the Windlord, the great eagles of the Misty Mountains are never far away. Your level in Giant Eagles will come to your aid. If you are level 15 or higher, a single Roc will come as well + Thnaré - Courtly gossip is an art and you are its master. Learn one important secret from the Loremaster while at a city or sanctuary, Improve your Starting Attitudes by one category + Melian - Your Prestidigitation creates an impenetrable bar rier. It lasts a number of tums equal to your level. Also, spi- ders now fear you. + Ossé - You and your allies gain temporary hit points equal to your level when fighting in or on water. You cannot crown and you have Advantage on Survival checks regarc- ing fishing. + Pallando and Alatar- If you are in Gondor or the South, you will encounter a wandering Oliphaunt. If you are in Erebor or the East, you will encounter a Were-worm. Radagast - A Rhosgobel rabbit appears and guides you along hidden ways. Skip the next event in your Journey Salmar - Golden Rauros booms through your voice and, allows your Prestidigitation to also apply Deafened. If your embarkation involves travel by boat, add your Charisma modifier to the roll. You cannot heal corruption unless you spend your next Fellowship Phase near the Sea. Saruman - A gift of silver and gold is left in a bag bearing, the White Hand of Isengard. Do with it as you will. if you have previously chosen fable. Your companions now + Sauron - Only usable if you have previously chosen’ Morgoth and are currently Miserable. All your Deception ‘and Intimidation checks have Advantage. A Hound of Sauron will attend you, Great Bats and Secret Shadows may also heed your call = Tilion - Arrows that you or your companions shoot blaze with silver moonlight. Any ereature pierced by such, an arrow gives Advantage to any ranged attack against it. This effect cannot occur in bright light. * Uinen - Creatures in the water will not attack you if there is another viable target. You and your companions may gain passage on any ship without paying a fee. The Marriages of the Valar At Ist, 6th, LOth, and 1th levels, you choose a pair of Valar to become your patrons. They are given here anv is husband to Varda, mo took no spouse nor dil Nienna, Aulé is husband to Yavanna, Oromé is hus- band to Vana, Mandos is husband to Vairé, Lorien is hus band to Esté, and Tulkas is husband to Nessa, Morgoth ‘has no spouse nor does Omar. Seay hee I erie lickee! bist as his fingers wriched like wining snakes. os on Elf skin, es was Reece berid of tc. 1 “The gold? You Fate ha Se aaah Pee ret SL dling se dah oe eal peel utenrel “There uct recognized one of che drawings, icwas che-cicy of Umbar. Sse VIE BLACK LANos Stuff Work in progress. Work in progress, Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progtess, Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress, Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. oats ie are Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Stuff Work in progress. Work in progress, Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress, Work in progress. __ Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress, Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress, Work in progress, Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Benghted Blackguaras | ‘Mordor 1s home to che most powerful and deadlest of Sauron’s agents. Serving chem are a variety of } crouslemakers who serve thewr masters’ needs. | | Factional enfighting of Cen sreaks out when pecty squasles erup ento larger conflicts. Companions may accempe a DC 16 Intelligence Un. tuestigation) or Charisma (Deception) check after defeating an equal stxed gosltn, orc, or man | order to create a proper disguise ket as desrc~ | twed in che Player's handsook on page 144. Fur | chermore, che Company tf appropriately asguised usc raise a sanner of Gorgoroch, Minas Morgul, Nurn, or Udin. Joing so grants the Company a | random croupe aniltcy per che Loremascer’s Guide | | on page 118. Each day spent dxsguised gives a ; | companton a point of Shadow. Troupes from reval | - Facttons will ne askance if they are outside thetr — Work in progress. Work in progress, Work in progress | home cerrtcortes and hostile inside them. 4 Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progres: Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. ‘Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progress. mi Work in progress a e e Stoff i Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progres: Work in progress. Work in progress. Work in progres: ‘Work in progress. Work in progress, Work in progress. 00 The western and southern edge of the dark lands of Mordor are ringed by the Mountains of Shadow. Its sib ling, the Ered Lithul or the Mountains of Ash continue from the Black Gate and travel east to form Mordor's northern border, Once seated in the shadow of the Ephel Duath was the city of Minas Ithil. Taken in the Third Age, the city became known as Minas Morgul and was a haunt of the Nazail. Tall and jagged, the Mountains of Shadow were nearly im- passable. Only along the wraith-road beginning on the banks of the river Anduin at Osgiliath and running east through the fief of Ithilien did it come to the Morgul vale \Wwhere it began its long climb upwards to through the Nameless Pass and then down again onto the wide plain of Gorgoroth. A second less used and far more dangerous path could be found near Minas Morgul. A treacherous stair that snaked upwards and then passing into a system of caverns before at last emerging beneath Cirith Ungol. Disliked by the ser vants of Sauron, the stairs leading to the tower were the hunting grounds of the dread spider called Shelob. High above the Morgul Pass on its northern shoulder, Cirith Ungol had a commanding reach over Mordor’s exit. western Cirith Ongol Once a watchtower of Gondor, when it fell into the hands of the Enemy, it was never recovered. Used as a way point for those traveling between the interior of Sauron’s realm ‘and Minas Morgul, the tower was constantly garrisoned by goblins and uruks, With access to the caverns of Shelob's Lair, itis difficult to discern the tower's true complement of warriors, Unlike its undergate, the main gate of Cirith Ungol is flanked by two grotesques. Known as the Two Watchers, they are possessed of a malevolent will, Made of black stone and given vulturine visages, each watcher looks for ward, backward, and to the space between them. Should they s0 choose, they could bar passage to any from enter: 1 leaving the tower. If one were to challenge ther shrill piercing wail would alert all in the tower to th ence of any would be trespasser pres: For any good-hearted creature to pass under their gaze requires a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or become Mis: rable and their movement is reduced by half until he or she escapes the glare of the Watchers. Failing by 5 or ‘more will result in the alarm being raised and the com- panion becoming Paralyzed. He or she may attempt the saving throw again at the end of their next turn. Due to its location, Cirith Ungol almost always has a mix of ores and goblins from Minas Morgul or from Uddin the interior valley nearest the Ephel Diath and below the for tress of Durthang. As such, it is not uncommon for rival ries and disputes to erupt between the differing factions. If there are any Olog-hai among either group, their pres- ence will often be enough to assert their dominance. Composed of four tiers, Cirith Ungol is a bastion of devil ry and its dungeons are strong and deep. To open up its black cells, the keys of Cirith Tingol must be taken or stolen from its commander. Often bored with little to do. except fight amongst themselves, the denizens of the tower will allow any trespassers or captive to have an au. dience, Somewhere in the tower is one of the lost Black Scrolls, For many years, the men of Gondor kept their vigil over the lands of Mordor. Making note of all that they wit: nessed, some fell into despair and opened their hearts to the Enemy. Into these scrolls many secrets were set and @ worship of Sauron began. Written in the dark tongue of Mordor, they speak of many ignoble acts commited by the soliders of Gondor who were spared the ravaging of the Great Plague and who were the last to leave that dark country when Gondor's atten- tion turned to new threats from the East. IF any com- panion has Saruman the White as a patron, the Istari would pay handsomely for such knowledge. Bagronk, Commander of Cirith Ungol: ‘The current commander of Cirith Ungol, he is an Uruk from Minas Morgul and is instantly recognizable due to his horrid stench. His dark armor is stained and rusted with the blood and viscera of his former foe-men, Unlike his predecessor, Bagronk is slyer than most and will happily let misfortune happen to those Who cross him. In this way, the uruk is almost reason able however, only a fool would trust his word. Motivation: Though Lugldik has been defeated, the massive Olog must be watched, he still may be dan: gerous. Expectations: +1 if money or other valuables are part, of the conversation; +3 if the company has a Black Nimenérean in its midst; -5 if any of the heroes are Elves. Luglitk, Olog-hai Slave: Opposite Bagronk is the Olog, Luglak. When Bagronk wrested control of Cirith Ungol, he had nearly the ntire contigent from Udin slaughtered, the remali dlr he kept as slaves. Unable to step past the Twin Watchers and too big to escape through the under- gate, Lugldk is harassed and tormented by those from Minas Morgul. Often, he can be found outside the tower sitting motionless. Bagronk believes he has cowed the huge troll and does not know that each, day, the other slaves report to the Olog and whisper of another Morgul uruk or goblin having gone miss ing. Motivation: Nothing else except Bagronk’s death is of interest Expectations: +1 if Bagronk in the company boasts of slaying Morgul orcs; any of the heroes speak favorably about Bagronk. spoken ill of; +3 if any if Comsat Scenery For fortresses. fase his gaxe was hela wall upon wall, nt upan sactlement, slack tower of ada he saw ce: Barad-dir, Foreress of Sauron.” Black Jaws: Strong metal gates chat reauire a OC 20 Strength Achlecscs) check to life. Goslin ScaFfolds: On che roll of a nacural 1 to hie, the creature Falls ehrough ¢o a lower level ana takes 306 points of sludgeontng damage. huge Brasters: Creatures weehin 10 Feet suffer 106 Fire damage, within 5 Feet, 226 Fire Image. Lron Crowns: heauy spiked chandelters with torch- es. Creatures struck sy Falling crowns are knocked prone and must roll on the Masswve Damage tanle as fisted en the Jungeon Master's wide on page 273. 02 Bagronk is the only one who knows the location of Cirith Ungor's black scroll. He has hidden its casket outside the fortress behind a small false wall in Shelobs La in cobwebs, It is all but impossible to find. ‘The first of four, It contains valuable lore concerning those who dwell upon the shores of the sea of Nimen. It ‘was from these people that the worship of Sauron first, passed to the men of Gondor who stood watch from on. high upon the Ephel Diath. Written in the dark tongue of Bagronk, Commander of Cirith Ongol Medium humanoid (Orc) sme DEX. CON. INT. WIS 13) RON 1603) 163) 9-0) ‘Armour Class 19 (Ore mal, Shield) Hit Points 60 (L0d8+15) Speed 301 ‘Saving Throws sir Skills Deception +5 Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 10 Languages Westron, Orkish, Black Speceh Challenge 4 (1,500 XP) “Sinister Speech. As listed in the Lonely Mountain Region Guide on page 91 Stench. Same as above CHA’ 15 (42) ath +6, Constitution +6 tions Maltlattack. Gagronk makes four attacks: two with his sword andl two with is shield Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to it, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit:8 or 12 (1d8+3 or 2d8+3) slashing damage Shield. Metwe Weapon Attack: 6 to hit, reach 3 {t, one (arget. Hit? (4643) piercing damage. The vietim must also make a DC L4 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Once prone, the victim may be restraltied by the shield Bagronk will then use his sword two-handed. Covered Mordor, it requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Shadow-lore) check to translate. Additionally, simply handling the ‘cursed item forces a Corruption check (DC 15 Wisdom Ing throw) as described in the Rivendell Region Guide (on page 92 for tainted treasure. Lastly, the scroll has the Hunted quality as listed in the same on page 101 Luglak. Olog Slave | Lange Giant STR DEX CON INT. WIS. CHA 20(+5) 81 2015) 100) GN 91) | Armour Class 16 (Natural armour, Hides) | Mit Points 115 (10410460) Speed 30 it ‘Saving Throws Strength -9, Constitution +9 Skalls Insight +5, Intimidation +3 Senses darkvision 60 f, passive Pere Languages Black Speech pe chalets 653200 0) Se Rally the Slaves. Ouce per baile, Luglik may below for his fellow slaves, calling a mixture of 1d6 Mordor ores as listed in the Loremaster's Guide on page 100 to ald him Blood Thirsty. After his troupe is summoned, they gain this ability'as sted im the same on page 119, tions. Multiattack. Luglik makes two at Bite, Melee Weapon Attack Hi 9 (245) piercing data Chains. Melee bveapon Attack: + 10 hit, reach 10 11, one target, Hf 17 (446+5) Bludgeoning damage, The victim must also make @ DC 17 Strength saving throw or become grap- pled. Luglak may have two grappled foes at the same time. jon 11 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target Dorthang Tobe added Tobe added Tobe added Tobe added Tobe added Tobe added Tobe added. Tobe added To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. 03 poss To be added, To be added, To be added, To be added, Tobe added, To be added, To be added, Tobe added, To be added, To be added, To be added, To be added, Tobe added, Tobe added, Tobe added, Tobe added, Tobe added, Tobe added, Tobe added, Tobe added, ‘To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added To be added Tobe added Tobe added Tobe added Tobe added To be adder ‘To be addet To be added, To be adde To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added, To be added, To be added, To be added, To be added, Captain of the haven ‘Westernesse 1s now how che tsland kengdom of Mimenor ts known. Sunken seneath the wave: 1€5 sons and daughcers Fled east onto che shores of Mdale-Carch. Those loyal to Ar-harassn and who had seccled already escaped the destruction that the Ualar sroughe aGatnst thts most an- tent {tne of Mer. Fallen into shadow, che secclers segan co ravd along che coastlines of Gondor. € urreparasle rife when Cascamur reselled i» 1437 am sexed che throne of Gona later, Cascamr che Usurper w: Gondor restored. however, For Four Unear where Cascamer’s would se lose. Gondor would reclatay t€ on only €o fase t¢ again co che haradrtm. of Umsar grew ever mare sold uncut cory was had gy Beregond of Gondor. nger From che Norch would warn che Sceward, Ecchelton Il against Umsar. SwiFC action kepe the southern feFs of Goridor AFe as the shtps of Umsar surned tn thetr haven. Lehas seen many fong since that day and as the shadows lengthen, there ts talk of anew Captain and each rumor (s slacker than the (ast. - Naradwaith - ‘More Men going to Mordor,’ he said in a low voice. "Da s. We have not seen Men like these before... They are fierce. They have black eyes, and long black hair, and rings in their eats... lots of beautiful gold, And some have n their ch \l the tips of their spears; shields, yellow and black x spikes. Not nice; very en they look. Almost as bad as Orcs, and ered bier Sea cruel wicked hinks they have come out of the South beyond the ‘The first to come to these lands were the Dritedain out of the East. Suspected by the Elves to have been tainted by Morgoth, these Men soon turned north and left the harsh deserts and scraggy peaks behind them. Those few who stayed would eventually become the Haradrim who stood in awe upon the coasts of Umbar when the ships of Namenor first came ashore. Taller and prouder, the Men of the West continued their exploration and these efforts saw the coming of Tar-Al- rion, the sixth king of Nimenor to Middle-earth. Nearly shipwrecked, it would not be until the young mariner brought back to his father, a letter from the Elven king, Gil-galad warning of @ growing threat and the rising power of some new dark servant of Morgoth. Slowly, as the years passed, the reach of Namenor’s colo- nies spread and down the coast new fortifications arose. It was in the Second Age when the Haven of Umbar was established. When the twelfth king of Namenor came to, Middle-earth, Tar Ciryatan demanded tribute and the bur- dens of the Haradrim increased. ituation, the Shadow began to spread. Wary at t was only after the forging of the Rings of Power did Sauron feel confident to let loose his Nazgal. Direct ig the raids, these fell captains brought sorrow to the Sunland. ‘When King Ar-Pharazén arrived in Umbar, Sauron went willingly back to Nimenor. Those under his command stayed their hands. The patience of the Enemy soon bore black fruit when Sauron subverted the king, As the Men of the West fel into wickedness and began to enslave the free folk of their lands, the hubris of Niamenor reached its zentih. When the great island kingeom sank beneath the waves by the displeasure of the Valar, some of those in Mid: dle-earth who remained remained beneath the shadow ‘Mixing with the Haradrim, the blood of Nimenor slowly turned as black as the sails of Umbar’s ships At times, the boundaries between Harad and Gondor ‘would shift like the ever-changing dunes. Wars would be fought and the Haradrim would see gains as far north as, the lands below Ithilien, Broken in battle by Earnil Il, the Haradrim now reside in Near and Far Harad as the Gondor would call it, ‘Out of the many battles, tales of great cruelty and malice ‘would spread about the Haradrim. On land, the Haradrim, bring the mighty Mamakil or Oliphaunts with them and their trumpeting brings only dread. While on the sea, they are feared as costal raiders and have been since the time of the Kin-Strife Wars and Castamir. Captain of Ships, he ‘was a son of Calmacil, the eighteenth king of Gondor. De feated, Castamir and those loyal to him fled to the Havens of Umbar. To this day, the Haradrim view Harondor as their land. 02 ‘Combat scenery: Cliffs, Lone trees and boulders, River shallows, Quicksand (Sucking bog), Ancient dyke, Dust, Fallen statue, Unstable walls, Queer sounds, Gale, and Op pressive heat. Oppressive Heat Even in the coastal regions of Haradwaith, when the Vala Arien guides the sun across the sky in summer, after a battle is concluded, surviving creatures must make a Con stitution Save with DC 10 plus the number of rounds the battle took or gain one level of exhaustion, Near Harad ‘The center of the Haradrim’s power lies in the city and havens of Umbar. A port of strategie significance, it its from here that the many caravans of the Haradrim gather to trade with the corsairs who raid foreign lands. Once, Umbar shared similar architecture to that of other Nimenérean cities but it has long since diverged. Maintaining the height of their ancestors, the Haradrim are fond of black, yellow, and reds. They also covet gold almost as fiercely as the dwarves. While a stay upon the coasts of Harad may be enjoyable, the interior quickly gives way to desolate dune seas and arid mountains. Not all of Haradwaith is so bleak, evergreen forests and pockets of shrubbery help to enliven the hard scrabble terrain, Wheat and rye are cultivated along the the coasts and inlets while the rivers and bay are fished. During the day, it is common to see hawks flying high overhead while at night the lonely hooting of owls may be heard. Perhaps the region’s most notorious predator are the shakes of Haradwaith. While, vipers of many varieties can be found; those with rattles are prized by corsairs who enjoy g: bling on feats of quickness and daring. In more mountainous areas, the shallow delvin miners may be found as they tunnel into the hard rock in pursuit of wealth, Though rich from trade and from raid: ing the settlements of Gondor to the north, the lands of the fief of Umbar are an exception. Any travelers who stray from the coast and are unprepared face certain doom, Havens of Umba During the Second Age, the city was fortified and its walls and towers were raised. Home to the Captains of the Havens, these are the corsair lords who govern over the Haradrim, With a mixture of both coastal and inland na: tives, there is a tension between the city’s Namenorean, past and what it has become. Despite the ever-glaring sun, Umbar has long been beneath the Shadow and as such, it is nota safe place, There is a wariness and distrust that all share in and that is made further complicated by the politicking of Umbar's captains. Isle of Ar-Pharazén Located in Umbar's harbour, the Seaward tower watches The Malice of Tevildo Lange Undead STR DEX CON INT. WIS CHA He (s2)_ WW (e4) 1442) 1663) 14 662) 03) ‘Armour Class 18 Coat of Angband Wit Points 104 (16a8~32) Speed 50 ft Damage Resistances non-magical bludgeoning, pierl and slashing; cold Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, {— Paralysed, Petrified, Stunned ‘Skills Acrobatics +8, Perception +6, Riddle +2, Stealth +8) Senses Truesight 30 ft (otherwise blind), passive Pereep: Won le Languages Black Speech; Fasterling, Southron, oF We Challenge & (3,900 XP) Coat of Angband. 1f touched, the hero must make aDC 15 Corruption saving throw or gain a point of shadow Enthrall. 4s a bonns action, the Malice can foree a crew tute within 60 to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by it. Miserable Charmed creature gals the Thrall ability, see the Thrall Curse on page ‘of the Mirkwood Campaign, The Charmed elects last luntl the Malice leaves the area, attacks the Charmed crea ture, or the creature takes a short rest Fear of Hounds. the Malice despises the offspring of ‘Huan. If there are any hounds present, it takes 3 (106) psy- chic damage each round Hatred (Dinedain and Elves) (Recharge 5-6). The Malice of Tevilda hates the sons and daughters of Heren and Lithien and will attack them fist. It ean spend ts bonus action to have Advantage on all attacks against them this round, Savage Assault. When the Malice rolls a natural 18 or 19, itmay, as a bonus action, make a single additional melee attack against the same opponent. Actions Multiattack. The Malice makes three a tivo claws Bite. Melee Weapon Atrack: +6 to hit, reach 5 fh, one target. Hi: § (24642) piercing damage. Claw. Metee Weapon Attack: +8 t0 hit, reach 5, one target, Hi:9 2d6+4) slashing damage. It the target isa | creature, it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw ‘of become Poisoned, Bewilder. The Nalice of Tevildo can briefly assume the ap- pearance of a princely man. In thls form it may It use its Enthrall ability Misfortune of Metko. Those scratched by the claws of the Prince of Cats walk for the rest of their days under a Cloud of i-luck, After successful claw attack, the targeted hhero must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or sub: stitute its next natural 20 fora 1, This effect may reoccur ‘once per Adventuring Phase at the Loremaster's discretion. Reactions Fell Spirit (Recharge 5-6). When the Malice of Tevildo would be reduced to 0 hit points, it may use its reaction to ‘add 10 (246) temporary hit points. Mighty Leap. If hit in combat, it may make a DC 15 Acro- brates Check to jump up to half 11s movement away «ck: one bite and Tevildo, Prince of Cars As she apppoached, he opeped a yellow eye apd vlipked at ben, ad thepeupop pists awd stperching he stepped tp rohep apo slo wtey wony, eve en Sor pt ho tae yu rowpar oe Sia gua oF niece Febae ap he mc A fay in the form of a great beast, Tevildo long ago served Morgoth Bauglir. Once possessed of a great golden collar ‘whose enchantment gave size and terrible strength to any feline that pledged fealty to Tevildo, it was taken from him by the hound Huan. Ancient and filled with malice, Tevildo delights in setting those who serve him upon the unwary. Every now and then, a lost soul will fall into his trap and will take plea- sure in what cruclities they may find. When a cat becomes miserable in this way, Tevildo's spirit may find a tempo: rary sanctuary Other animals who are near a miserable feline will recoil and turn away. Hounds are especially sensitive to the presence of Tevildo. He has an intense hatred towards Elves and Men for he still remembers when doom brought Lithien Tinaviel before him in her quest to rescue Beren. Chance Encounters in the Wild Kept in the Shire and in Bree-land as pets, the average house cat is nothing more than a mouser who earns its keep during the lonely watches of the night. Elsewhere, they are less common for many prefer a loyal hound by their side. Small and gentle, these creatures are mischievi: ous though seldom stirred to malice: It sin the Misty Mountains where they grow large and hunt amongst the boulders of the high passes. In the East, they become bold andl roar with mighty voices as th feast upon lesser beasts and tender men. To the south, the thanes of Tevildo are fleet of foot and long of tooth as they sprint past the sandhills and the stones. During a Journey, the Loremaster may use the following Event. ol SS Ruthless Tooth in Gory Jaw ‘The fell spirit of Tevildo has found a home in a mis: erable creature. Leaving behind the warm hearth, stones of its owner’s home, it has escaped into the ‘wild where it grows large and strong. Prowling about the land, it has caught wind of the comapny’s scent. Once it chased mice; now its chases Men. The Scout must make an Intelligence (Investigation) cheek. The hero has Advantage if a companion has: | Shadow-Lore. If successful, they find that their ‘campsite sits atop an abattoir made by an awful beast. In the torches’ light, skulls and bones become revealed. If the company chooses to leave, they gain 1 point of Shadow: If they do not or the check is failed ‘then they are ambushed by a Thane of Tevildo. Thane of Tevildo Large Beast Sm DEX. CON INT. wis. CHA W (+2) Ww l+4) U2) 10 LF0) (2) BU ‘Armour Class 15 Ornamented Hide Hit Points 52 (8as+16) Speed 50 ft Condition Immunities Charmed, I Damage Immunities Psychic Skills Acrobatics +4, Perception +2, Stealth +6 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Black Speech; Easterling, Southron, or Westron Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Ambush. During its first turn, the Thane has Advantage ‘on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a Ornamented Hide. 1f grappled, Sleight of Hand may’be used to steal from lis Hoard’, The hoard cannot be taken after the thane i slain htened Actions. Multiattack. The Thane makes three attacks: one bite and two claws Bite, Metee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 fh, one target Hit: 9 (24642) piercing damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hi, reach 5 ft, one target. Hits 9 (24644) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw ‘or become Poisoned. An Ancient Feud Hated unto death by all of Tevildo’s kin are the great hounds of Men. Tall and courageous, they have through the long years fought beside their masters and none is more famous than Huan, the hound of Valinor and com- panion to Beren and Lithien Timiviel. It was Huan who bested the prince of cats and took as his prize Tevildo's, golden collar and the words of magic given to him by Melko. In so doing did Huan save the lovers. If a member of the company has taken the Virtue ~ Hound of Mirkwood then any Thane of Tevildo that encountered will attempt to slay the hound first. Distant and not so Distant Lands Close to home and in the storied lands of legend, there are always predators whose names become synonymous with fear. High in the Misty Mountains, the crag cats Watch from lonely vantages the goings and comings of goblins and men. Untended ponies are their favorite meals, Far to the south in Umbar and Harad the cats grow lean and can outrun a horse at full gallop. Used for hunting, they are prized possesions among the Har adrim and are often decorated with fine metals and pre- lous jew To the east, these beasts are larg and longer of fang. Like spears, their teeth can pierce even dwarven hau breks. The closest one should hope to come to such a grim monster are the brands put upon the finest wine casks of Dorwinnion. Not all such fearsome animals are servants to the Shadow. However, from time to time, a rogue cat will be driven out of its group. In their despondency, the Malice of Tevildo may find them and teach them the languages, of EIf and Men. Such tutelage if it does not drive the creature mad will result in the appearance of one of Te: vildo’s thanes. There are even stories of a skinchanger much like those that surround Beom of Wilderland. Whether one is at the Green Dragon or in the White City, the legencls are clear. When the days grow long and the shadows even more So, a creature in the service of Tevil- do will appear. These man-eaters are a scourge to live- stock and a threat to simple folk. The Easterlings have a custom of always leaving an of fering beyond the perimeter of their camps if ever they ross the path of a wayward cat. In their words, they say that it is better to go hungry for a night than to be gnawed upon for eternity. Along the Bay of Belfalas, the Southrons mirror this sen: timent and invite and keep them in their homes. Just as oliphaunt, the descendants of the thanes of Tevildo daze upon the palace steps of the corsair cities When a Thane of Tevildo comes among their caravans, itis viewed as a blessing. The weak are taken in the serdthtel An umnsaran of slack Niimenorean descent, she would Became a aucen of Gondor early in che chird age. Wife to king Tarannon Falascur, she ts a woman Forgotten gy the passing of fong years. Followed constancly ay the feral cats of Osctltach, she chase ten of them to keep. The rest were Iriwen From the city. Mune cats with slack coats 219 she 20 Great harm to. Strongest of the them, she named Angtar and set hum and is Followers to chase and play cruel games upon’ the tenth. White as drwen snow, Hanrander 0 ‘aS she nade $0 that the others aught relent. Setting them to spy upon her enemes, they soon secame as loathed as the aueen. Accused of mcchcrafe, she was ac last extled. Recurning to Umsar ay ship, the slack aueen of Gondor's work was done. ‘Malignant spares endure long after thewr time and the Prince of Cats, Teutldo was ever layal to his master Morgoth Baugler. ln Bertichiel, Teutldo’s spiree Found a darkness that he lapped at ltke warm muk. As Bertichtel’s cats grew amore spiteful and wicked, Teurtdo's spirst en chanted them. Many secrets were gleaned Ry the Enemy while Berdithtel was queen. Centu- nes later, her cats would stull se rememsered and her name used as a curse. Reece ee eee night and those who remain know that they have found favor with a greater power. The Lashes of Umbar When the Last Alliance of Elves and Men broke the power of Mordor in the second age, many items of infamy were taken out of the dark land to be kept and guarded. Wield: ed by a Southron captain, this dread weapon has torn the backs of countless captives who were forced to bend, their backs upon the oars of the corsairs. From a golden handle, ten tails emerge with ends capped in hooks. ‘There are nine black straps and a single one of white; its purpose is to show the blood that has been spilt. When, the white strap has become blackened by blood, itis cut and a new one added. Nine times must this be done before a new lash can be made. Honoring Berithiel, these wicked whips are cursed items that carry Hunted and Weakness (sce page 101 of the Rivendelt Region Guide). Once during the Adventuring, Phase, on a successful hit, roll a d10, The target must make a DC 8 plus the result Wisdom saving throw or become frightened and struck a number of times more equal to the d10 roll Desiring eo be miseress of her oun luse; caking all chings eo her selfco feed ber-empziness; and she fled eo che souch, escapin Fi onclela herzrek Orome for oct ree hen wo the nh, aie che'souch was lanl late eee had crepe ro.inrcle dc lghcof che Blesse Realm; for she bungered far ligt hazed ie Ina ravine she lived ancleaok dap inofneracton faa nae Br in a defect Gee moumaina There dhe nck iT geet SSL find arc goer’ tfrch again baa fe eerie ciao, onal concen lean ae abode; and she was farni When: This adventure is set at the beginning of Spring. 2968. Where: The companions start in the village of Bree and from there journey into the distant lands of the South. What: The company agrees to escort two young dwarves who believe that a star has fallen in lands far to the south, Why: There have always been rumors that the kin to the dwarves of the North who long ago joined the black le- gions of Mordor might still survive and now be in posses: sion of something more precious than mithril. Who: The dwarves, Dramr and Gramr, are brother and sister. ‘Themes: The company will learn that shame can long haunt a people and that family is most important as they leave all that they know far behind them, This adventure is divided into three parts. Any Hobbits of the Shire begin the Adventuring Phase with Inspiration for this is the year of Frodo Baggins’ birth. Additionally, this is a Spring of heavy rains. When rolling to determine the \weather, rolls for Percipitation have Advantage. PART One - WATERLOGGEO A drunken dwarf in Bree says to much and a secret meet: ing is uncovered. Escorting the dwarven siblings to Thar: bad, trouble is not far from the road. Part Two - St Passage is secured out of the ruined port of Lond Daer However, the long voyage to Umbar will not be easy With the Havens of Umbar far behind, the journey into Kes Ebb has only begun. Has a star truly fallen in Zimren- al? An ancient horror is beaten but at what cost? A stop in Bree is always a popular suggestion for any trav ler upon the Great East Road or the Greenway. With the ‘ming of the land and the melting of the snows, more: new faces arrive each day to the Prancing Pony. Having Just arrived, two young dwarves Kick the mud off their boots as they call upon a pregnant and busy Maeven But terbur. She points them towards her husband after taking their eloaks. COne-eyed and lean, the first dwarf demands mead in a heavy and thick accent, No doubt he is from the Blue Mountains. His companion is a much fairer of face and has long braids that are woven into the neatly cut chops. of her thin jaw beard. Settling in at a corner table, They begin to watch the room.

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