Radiology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Urolithiasis

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LWW/AENJ LWWJ331-03 April 25, 2007 22:57 Char Count= 0

Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 98–110
c 2007 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Column Editor: Jonathan Lee, MD

Diagnosis and Treatment of

Emily D. Eads, MD ;
Karen A. Herbst, MD ;
Jonathan Lee, MD

M ORE THAN 600,000 patients are

seen in the emergency department
in the United States each year due to
urolithiasis and the complications of this dis-
The annual incidence of urolithiasis ranges
from about 0.5% to 1% (Moe, 2006). The
prevalence has been noted to be markedly dif-
ease (Stamatelous, Francis, Jones, Nyberg, &
ferent among third world countries and de-
Curhan, 2006). A recent U.S. study indi-
veloped nations, likely relating to lack of ac-
cated that up to $2 billion is being spent
cess to radiographic diagnoses, which may
on the diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis
lower the number of diagnoses. The preva-
(Stamatelous et al., 2006). Urolithiasis is the
lence in the United States in the last decade
formation of solid depositions due to pre-
has been around 5% (Pak, 1998). A lifetime
cipitated solute in the renal system, includ-
risk for urolithiasis has been reported in mul-
ing the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, or
tiple studies as 10% to 15% (Pak, 1998). Those
urethra. The signs and symptoms of urolithi-
who have been diagnosed with a prior kidney
asis are widely variable, making it one of
or urethral stone have a 50% chance of devel-
those possible differential diagnoses on many
oping an additional stone with symptoms in
patients presenting with vague signs and
the next 5 to 10 years (Moe, 2006).
This article reviews the epidemiology and
etiology of urolithiasis, risk factors, recent ad- RISK FACTORS
vances in imaging, and several treatment op-
Factors such as age and the type of soda
tions for patients with urolithiasis.
drink ingested by patients have been associ-
ated with increased risks of nephrolithiasis
(Moe, 2006). Men develop stones in the re-
From the Transitional Medicine Program (Dr Eads), nal system three times more often than do
and the Departments of Internal Medicine (Dr Herbst) women (Portis & Sundaram, 2001).
and Emergency Medicine (Dr Lee), Scripps Mercy Hos-
pital, San Diego, CA. Other risk factors include diabetes, a his-
tory of renal stone, a history of vasectomy, hy-
Corresponding author: Emily D. Eads, MD, Transitional
Medicine Program, Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego, pertension, marathon running, and a strong
CA 92103 (e-mail: family history of renal stone (Smith, Levine,

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April–June 2007 r Vol. 29, No. 2 Urolithiasis 99

& Rosenfeld, 1999). Patients who have had higher concentrations of substrate in the poor
a recent increased risk of hypercalcemia urinary flow setting due to low urinary vol-
are also at risk. These include patients ume can lead to precipitation of that sub-
with resorptive processes, including hyper- strate. Different types of stones and their re-
parathyroidism, immobilization, or metastatic lated illnesses or disease states that can lead
disease. to a higher urinary concentration of its sub-
Individuals with higher serum levels of uric strate are described in the previous section.
acid are also at an increased risk of uric acid Because the majority of renal stones are com-
stones. These individuals include those with posed of either calcium oxalate or calcium
inflammatory bowel disease, ileostomies, and phosphate stones, most of the literature has
chronic diarrhea. These conditions can result focused on the pathophysiology of calcium
in metabolic acidosis. stones.
Randall plaque lesions were first described
TYPES OF STONES in the 1930s, and were found in individu-
als with renal calcium calculi. These plaques
Urinary tract stones vary in nature and lo-
have been thought to be a nidus for calcium
cation. The types of stones that can form
stone formation. It is thought that apatite for-
include calcium oxalate or calcium phos-
mation can occur due to sheer forces in partic-
phate stones, phosphate-containing stones,
ular areas of the urinary system. It arises from
uric acid stones, cystine stones, or combina-
the basement membrane of the thin limbs
tions of the former. Generally, 75% of stones
of the loops of Henle, protruding into the
are composed of calcium oxalate or calcium
uroepithelium and encasing the interstitium.
phosphate stones, mainly due to increases
It was initially thought that calcium stones are
in urine calcium concentration via calcium
formed on these plaques, but of late it has
oxalate or phosphate precipitates (Daudon
been determined that these plaques are of-
et al., 2005). Phosphate-containing stones
ten free from and do not correlate with stone
make up about 15% of urinary tract stones.
The stones are generally composed of mag-
Uric acid stones are generally formed in a
nesium ammonium phosphate precipitates.
low urine pH (usually pH <5.5). It has been
Urea-splitting organisms found in common
observed in patients with metabolic acidosis
urinary tract infections (UTIs) are often asso-
(such as diabetic ketoacidosis, chronic diar-
ciated with such stones, which are then called
rhea, or secondary to using medications such
struvite. These organisms produce urease, a
as acetazolamide, hydrochlorothiazide, etc).
protein that splits urea, which results in an in-
Indinavir has also been associated with stone
crease in pH. Klebsiella, Proteus, and Staphy-
formation secondary to the drug precipitating
lococcus saprophyticus are organisms that are
in the urine, forming crystals.
often associated with urease. Uric acid stones,
making up about 5% to 10% of urinary tract
stones, are associated with urine with acidic SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
pH and high levels of uric acid. Cystine stones
Renal colic, though a common presentation
are very rare and make up only about 1%
for urolithiasis, is only one of the many com-
of urinary tract stones. These stones are as-
plaints patients may have when presenting
sociated with an autosomal recessive disease
with a stone. It is thought that at least one
called cystinuria.
third of the urinary system must be occluded
before pain or symptoms begin. Most com-
monly, patients present with waxing and wan-
Very little is known about the exact mech- ing pain, classically in the mid-back and flank,
anism of urinary tract stone formation, but radiating into the abdomen, and later in the
most of the literature support the notion that groin (Table 1).
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100 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Table 1. Signs and symptoms for patients

with stones

Stone location Common symptoms

Kidney Vague flank pain,

hematuria, nausea,
and vomiting
Proximal ureter Renal colic, flank pain,
upper abdominal pain
Middle section Renal colic, anterior
of ureter abdominal pain, flank
Distal ureter Renal colic, dysuria,
urinary frequency,
anterior lower
abdominal pain, flank
pain, hematuria
Figure 1. 3-mm ureteral stone located over the
psoas muscle lateral to the L3 vertebral body.
Note. From “Diagnosis and Initial Management of Kidney
Stones,” by A. J. Portis and C. P. Sundaram, 2001, Ameri-
should also prompt a clinician to seek for
can Academy of Family Physicians, 63, pp. 1329–1338.
Adapted with permission of the authors. another cause of the presentation such as
leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm, aortic
Some patients present with nausea and dissection, renal infarction, renal artery dis-
vomiting. This nausea and vomiting and the section, incarcerated hernia, retroperitoneal
sensation of “upset stomach” are thought to hematoma, mesenteric ischemia, epidural ab-
relate to the idea that the celiac plexus inner- scess, or perforated viscus.
vating the kidneys and ureters also innervates
the stomach and proximal small intestine. RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES FOR DETECTION
Men with renal stones frequently complain AND DIAGNOSIS
of testicular pain or penile pain, which is of-
There are several radiologic techniques used
ten mistaken for testicular torsion. Groin pain
in the detection and diagnosis of renal stones.
is a symptom that is often attributed to a small
These include the plain radiograph, the intra-
hernia, but is later found to be due to stones
venous pyelogram (IVP), and computed to-
in the distal urethra.
mography (CT).
Some patients without any symptoms can
present with microscopic hematuria, though
Plain Radiograph
this rarely leads to a work up for renal sys-
tem stones. Patients with symptoms of re- The plain radiograph is capable of detect-
nal stones without hematuria should also ing only radio-opaque stones (Fig 1). Cal-
undergo evaluation for stones because hema- cium phosphate and calcium oxalate stones
turia is not always present. Occasionally, pa- comprise 90% of renal stones and are radio
tients will present with recurrent urinary tract opaque (Herring, 1962). Intermediate density
infections (UTIs) or pyelonephritis, and are stones including struvite (i.e., magnesium am-
later found to have renal calculi preventing monium phosphate) and cystine stones are
clearance of the urinary system. also typically visible in plain radiographs. The
The classic presentation of a patient with lower density stones are composed of uric
severe flank pain radiating into inguinal area acid, and are radiolucent, or undetectable,
and inability to find a position of comfort on plain radiographs (Table 2). Since 90% of
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Table 2. Stone composition and detection on plain radiographs versus CT

Radio opaque High

% of renal (seen on plain attenuation
Stone composition stones radiograph) (seen on CT)

Calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate 80 Yes Yes, 800–1000 H

Magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) 15 Yes Yes, 330–900 H
Cystine 1–2 Yes Yes, 200–880 H
Uric acid or xanthine 3–4 No Yes, 150–500 H
Matrix <1 No No, <50 H
Indinavir <1 No No, <50 H

Note. H = Hounsfield units. From “Pelvicaliceal System, Ureters, Bladder, and Urethra,” by W. E. Brant, 2006, in W. E.
Brant and C. A. Helms (Eds.), Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology (pp. 887–908), Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins. Adapted with permission.

stones contain calcium, and therefore are ra- obstruction with the presence of a kidney
dio opaque, one might expect the sensitivity stone. Although the IVP does give physio-
of plain radiographs to approach 90%. How- logic information as to the excretory func-
ever, plain radiographs have a sensitivity of tion of the kidney and the flow of contrast
only 45% and a specificity of 77% (Levine, within the ureter, it is typically the presence
Neitlich, Verga, Dalrymple, & Smith, 1997). or absence of obstruction that determines
This low sensitivity may be due, in part, to dif- the management of renal stones, rather than
ficulty detecting smaller stones, stones overly- the degree of obstruction (Smith et al., 1999).
ing bone, and secondary signs of obstruction
on plain radiographs. The low specificity may
be due to the fact that the calcification cannot
be directly localized within the ureter, mak-
ing it easier to mistake phleboliths for renal

Intravenous Pyelogram
The IVP, or excretory urogram, has been the
criterion standard for imaging the urinary
tract (Fig 2). With the development of the he-
lical CT, however, the noncontrast CT has re-
placed IVP as the primary diagnostic imaging
technique. The IVP requires injection of IV
contrast, which is concentrated by the kid-
neys into the collecting system and then ex-
creted into the ureter, thus allowing visualiza-
tion of the urinary tract. The IVP measures
an indirect sign of obstruction: a delayed ex-
cretion of contrast and dilatation of the renal
collecting system. The IVP does not directly
visualize renal stones, and a plain radiograph Figure 2. Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) with dye
is required to correlate the indirect signs of tracing the urinary tract.
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102 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Figure 3. Radiodense (bright white spot) 5-mm Figure 4. 2-mm ureterovesical junction (UVJ)
stone located outside the medial border of the right stone located on the left side within the bladder.
In addition, the use of IV contrast carries the Optimal CT imaging is dependent on the
risks of nephrotoxicity and anaphylaxis. In proper positioning of the patient and the pres-
high-grade obstructions, the contrast is not ence of a distended bladder. The renal stone
well concentrated in the urinary tract, and noncontrast CT protocol is performed in the
hence the IVP is of little diagnostic utility. prone position so that stones impacted in
the ureterovesicular junction (in the poste-
Computed Tomography rior bladder wall) may be distinguished from
Since the first use of CT for detecting renal stones in the bladder, which rest on the an-
stones was published in 1995 (Smith et al., terior bladder wall with the patient in the
1995), it has quickly replaced the IVP as the prone position (Fig 4). With a distended blad-
imaging modality of choice for urolithiasis der, the uterus is displaced, allowing better vi-
(Fig 3). CT images can be acquired rapidly sualization of the distal ureters and easier dif-
and have a higher sensitivity and specificity ferentiation of phleboliths from distal ureter
for the detection of urinary tract stones. More- stones.
over, CT allows for a more accurate descrip-
tion of stone size and location, both of which Stone Detection
determine management. Finally, CT also al- Virtually all renal stones are visible on CT
lows simultaneous evaluation for alternative scan, because almost all are highly attenu-
diagnoses, which are found in 10% to 32% of ated (see Table 2). The only exceptions are
cases. CT images are obtained in a mean time two types of low-attenuation stones: non-
of 4 min versus 63 min for IVP (Niall, Russell, crystalline matrix stones composed of pro-
MacGregor, Duncan, & Mullins, 1999). The tein, cellular debris, and organic materials and
sensitivity and specificity of CT for urolithiasis indinavir stones composed of the HIV pro-
ranges from 97% to 100% and 92% to 100%, tease inhibitor, indinavir (Blake, McNicholas,
respectively (Chen & Zagoria, 1999; Field- & Raptopoulos, 1998). The high attenuation
ing, Steele, Fox, Heller, & Loughlin, 1997; (>150 H) of renal stones on CT scan
Niall et al., 1999; Smith, Verga, MacCarthy, & makes it possible to distinguish from low-
Rosenfield, 1996). attenuation (<50 H) structures such as
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Table 3. Stone width and likelihood of spon- sign appears between 4 and 24 hours after
taneous passage impaction of a stone (Smith et al., 1995). In
one study, 92% of ureters with less than 4-
mm stones revealed a rim sign, whereas larger
stones were less likely to show a rim sign
Stone width (mm) passage (%)
(Heneghan, Dalrymple, Verga, Rosenfield, &
1 87 Smith, 1997). Only 8% of phleboliths revealed
2 72 a rim sign. Therefore, the presence of the
3 83 rim sign is helpful in differentiating ureteral
4 72 stones from phleboliths.
5 60
The ability to directly localize the site of
6 72
the stone within the ureter is an important
7 47
8 56 advantage of CT, as the location of the stone,
9 33 in addition to its size helps predict the
likelihood of spontaneous passage. Common
sites of stone impaction within the ureter
Note. From “Relationship of Spontaneous Passage of are at the anatomic sites of narrowing: for
Ureteral Calculi to Stone Size and Location as Revealed by
Unenhanced Helical CT,” by D. M. Coll, M. J. Varanelli, and
example, (1) the ureteropelvic junction, (2)
R. C. Smith, 2002, AJR American Journal of Roentgenol- the site where the ureter crosses the pelvic
ogy, 178(1), pp. 101–103. brim, and (3) the ureterovesicular junction.
According to a CT study by Dalrymple et al.
tumors, hematomas, infectious material, and (1998), 35% of stones are localized in the
cellular debris (i.e., sloughed papilla). proximal ureter, 7% in the midureter, 33% in
the distal ureter, 18% at the ureterovesicular
Stone Size junction, and 8% within the bladder (Table 4).
The major limitation of CT is that smaller
stones may not be detected, depending on the
slice size of the images gathered. Multidetec- Table 4. Stone location and likelihood of
tor CTs utilize thin slices, thus making smaller spontaneous passage
stones more visible. The size of the stone, in
particular the width, is the most important % of Likelihood of
predictor of the rate of spontaneous passage. Stone renal spontaneous
According to one study, the rate of sponta- location stonesa passage (%)b
neous passage was 87% for 1-mm stones, 76%
Proximal ureter 35 48
for 2- to 4-mm stones, 60% for 5- to 7-mm
Mid ureter 7 60
stones, 48% for 7- to 9-mm stones, and 25% for Distal ureter 33 75
stones exceeding 9-mm size (Coll, Varanelli, & Ureterovesicular 18
Smith, 2002; Table 3). The spontaneous pas- junction
sage rate is also affected by stone length, with Bladder 8
2- to 4-mm stones having a rate of 95% and 11-
mm stones having a rate of 20% (Ueno, Kawa- a From “The Value of Unenhanced Helical Computerized
mura, Ogawa, & Takayasu, 1977). Tomography in the Management of Acute Flank Pain,” by
N. C. Dalrymple, M. Verga, K. R. Anderson, P. Bove, A. M.
Stone Localization Covey, A. T. Rosenfield, et al., 1998, Journal of Urology,
CT, unlike the plain radiograph and the IVP, 159(3), pp. 735–740.
b From “Relationship of Spontaneous Passage of Ureteral
allows the localization of the ureteral stone
Calculi to Stone Size and Location as Revealed by Unen-
within the ureter. The tissue rim sign is a halo hanced Helical CT,” by D. M. Coll, M. J. Varanelli, and R. C.
of soft tissue surrounding the stone that rep- Smith, 2002, AJR American Journal of Roentgenology,
resents edema of the ureteral wall. The rim 178(1), pp. 101–103.
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104 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

The rate of spontaneous passage is 48% for

proximal ureteral stones, 60% for midureteral
stones, and 75% for distal ureteral stones (Coll
et al., 2002). Stone location also helps guide
interventional therapy, because proximal
stones are treated with extracorporeal shock
wave lithotripsy (SWL) and distal stones are
treated with ureteroscopy with extraction or
intracorporeal lithotripsy.

Signs of Secondary Obstruction

Indirect signs of stone impaction are also visi-
ble on CT scan, including signs of obstruction.
These signs include (1) more than 3-mm di-
latation of the pelvicaliceal system and ureter
proximal to the stone, (2) perinephric soft
tissue stranding, (3) perinephric fluid collec-
tions, and (4) decreased attenuation of the af-
fected kidney due to edema. The two most im-
portant signs are ureteral dilatation and per-
inephric stranding, both of which vary with
the severity of obstruction and duration of
symptoms (Fig 5).
In a study of patients with acute
ureterolithiasis, ureteral dilatation was
seen in 84% and 97% of patients at 2 and 8 hr,
respectively (Varanelli, Coll, Levine, Rosen-
field, & Smith, 2001). Perinephric stranding
was seen in 5% and 51% of patients at 2 and
8 hr, respectively. Most studies, however,
have failed to correlate these secondary
signs of obstruction with the likelihood
of spontaneous stone passage. In general,
secondary signs of obstruction do not change
management. It is primarily the stone size and
symptom severity that dictate management
(Preminger, Vieweg, Leder, & Nelson, 1998). Figure 5. (a) Two intrarenal stones (one near the
For detecting ureteral obstruction, ureteral superior pole and a smaller one near the infe-
dilatation has a sensitivity of 90%, a specificity rior pole with pererenal edema and fat stranding.)
(b) Dilated hydroureter (a round cystic structure
of 93%, a positive predictive value of 92%,
located medial to the left kidney).
and a negative predictive value of 90% (Smith,
Verga, Dalrymple, McCarthy, & Rosenfield,
1996). Other causes of ureteral dilatation in- struction has a sensitivity of 82%, a speci-
clude a UTI, which impairs peristalsis, extrau- ficity of 93%, a positive predictive value of
reteral inflammation secondary to appendici- 92%, and a negative predictive value of 84%
tis or diverticulitis, prior stone with residual (Smith, Verga, Dalrymple, et al., 1996). The
dilatation, extrinsic compression by a mass decreased specificity is due to the fact that
(typically the ovary), and megaureter. Per- this finding is also associated with numerous
inephric stranding for detecting ureteral ob- conditions other than renal stone obstruction,
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Table 5. Common alternative diagnoses on

noncontrast CT ordered to evaluate for

• Ovarian mass with torsion or hemorrhage

• Appendicitis
• Diverticulitis
• Choledocholithiasis
• Crohn’s disease
• Pancreatitis

Note. From “The Value of Unenhanced Helical Comput-

erized Tomography in the Management of Acute Flank
Pain,” by N. C. Dalrymple, M. Verga, K. R. Anderson, P.
Bove, A. M. Covey, A. T. Rosenfield, et al., 1998, Journal
of Urology, 159(3), pp. 735–740.

including pyelonephritis, renal vein throm- Figure 6. Pheleboliths: Two located medial to the
bosis, renal infarction, trauma, hemorrhage, right hip bone; one medial to the left hip bone.
and tumor. When used in combination, the
presence of both ureteral dilation and per- lated ureter without a stone may represent re-
inephric stranding has a positive predictive cent stone passage or impaired peristalsis sec-
value of 99%, whereas their absence has a neg- ondary to a UTI. Perinephric fat stranding may
ative predictive value of 95% (Smith, Verga, represent residual inflammation from a prior
Dalrymple, et al., 1996). insult. An extrarenal pelvis or peripelvic cysts
may mimic hydronephrosis. In addition, high-
Detection of Alternative Diagnoses attenuation lesions such as atherosclerotic
An additional benefit of using CT for diag- calcifications or phleboliths, which are calcifi-
nosing renal stones is its ability to detect cations within thrombosed veins, may be con-
other causes of flank pain, which in or- fused with urinary tract stones (Fig 6). Four
der of frequency include ovarian mass with key features distinguish phleboliths from re-
torsion or hemorrhage, appendicitis, diverti- nal stones: (1) the lesion is not localized along
culitis, choledocholithiasis, Crohn’s disease, the course of the ureter, (2) the absence of the
and pancreatitis (Dalrymple et al., 1998; tissue rim sign, (3) the presence of a “comet
Table 5). Other findings documented include tail sign,” which represents the thrombosed
among others pyelonephritis, leaking abdom- vein extending from the calcification, and
inal aortic aneurysms, incarcerated hernias, (4) lower attenuation of phleboliths (∼160 H)
splenic rupture, and renal artery aneurysm. (Table 6). In a study by Bell et al., a comet
In one study, 33% of patients had alter- sign was present in 0% of ureteral stones and
nate diagnoses by noncontrast CT that were 21% of phleboliths; therefore, the presence
not suspected by clinical presentation, half of a comet tail can exclude the diagnosis of
of whom had significant disease (Ha & a ureteral stone, but the absence of a comet
MacDonald, 2004). tail is not helpful (Bell, Fenlon, Davison,
Ahari, & Hussain, 1998). Phleboliths are com-
Limitations of CT monly found in the pelvic veins, known
Potential pitfalls of diagnosis of nephrolithia- as the periprostatic and perivesical veins in
sis by CT include detection of indirect signs men and the perivaginal, pericervical, and
of obstruction without detection of a renal perivesical veins in women. They may demon-
stone impacted in the ureter. Findings of a di- strate a central lucency due to the presence
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Table 6. Four key features distinguishing

ureteral stones from phleboliths

stone Phlebolith

Localization along + −
the course of
the ureter
Tissue rim sign + −
Comet tail sign − +
Attenuation High Low

of a thrombi within the calcified exterior;

however, this is seen only on plain ra-
diographs, and not on CT scans (Traubici,
Neitlich, & Smith, 1999). The attenuation of Figure 7. Imaging algorithm.
the calcification on CT can distinguish stones
from phleboliths, as the latter tend to have
lower attenuation. CT with low-dose radiation and a single pass
for image acquisition.
After obtaining a noncontrast CT, manage-
Suggested Imaging Algorithm
ment and further imaging is dependent on the
In patients presenting with acute flank pain CT findings. The following algorithm is modi-
and a history of urinary tract stones, either fied from Smith et al. (1999) (Fig 8):
no imaging or a plain radiograph may be 1. If a stone is located in the ureter on the
obtained. In some institutions, repeat renal symptomatic side, ureterolithiasis can be
stone CT scan is done with a reduced dose of diagnosed. The CT scout image should
radiation. If complicating factors such a fever, be used as a baseline radiograph for com-
elevated white blood cell count, or urinalysis parison with future plain radiographs to
indicative of infection are present, then a non- document stone passage. Only 17% to
contrast CT should be obtained. In addition, if 47% of stones are visible on CT scout, al-
symptoms persist in patients managed conser- though 48% to 60% are visible on plain
vatively with hydration and analgesia, a non- radiograph (Jackman, Potter, Regan, &
contrast CT should be obtained. In patients Jarrett, 2000). Therefore, if the stone is
without a history of renal stones, a noncon- not visible on the scout image, a plain
trast CT is a must (Fig 7). The exception to radiograph should be obtained. If the
the above is pregnant patients, in whom the stone is more than 1 cm in size and not
need for a rapid diagnosis must be balanced visible on the CT scout image, it is most
with the risks of radiation exposure. Some likely a radiolucent stone and a plain ra-
providers advocate the use of ultrasound, al- diograph is of little utility.
though its sensitivity is much lower even 2. If no stone is detected, and there
when combined with plain radiographs (24%, is neither ureteral dilatation nor evi-
44%, 61%, and 77% in findings of Catalano, dence of perinephric fat stranding, then
Nunziata, Altei, & Siani, 2002; Fowler, Locken, the diagnosis of ureterolithiasis can be
Duchesne, & Williamson, 2002; Sheafor et al., excluded.
2000; Tublin, Dodd, & Verdile, 1994, respec- 3. If there is no stone, but unilateral
tively). Others advocate use of noncontrast ureteral dilatation and perinephric fat
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Figure 8. Algorithm for interpretation of CT images. From “Helical CT of Urinary Tract Stones: Epidemiol-
ogy, Origin, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management,” by R. C. Smith, J. Levine, and A. T. Rosenfeld,
1999, Radiology Clinics of North America, 37(5), pp. 911–952. Adapted with permission of the authors.

stranding are present on the symp- the stone directly within or outside the
tomatic side, then symptoms must be ureter. One can also look for a tissue rim
taken into account. sign.
a. If the patient has no fever, elevated
white blood cell count, or evidence
of a UTI on urinalysis, then the pa-
tient may have either a tiny stone or The management of renal calculi depends
may have recently passed a stone. largely on the radiographic findings of the
b. If the patient has a fever, elevated calculi, and the signs and symptoms and the
white blood cell count, and evidence severity of the primary disease leading to the
of UTI, then one must exclude the calculi, and whether or not the calculi will
diagnosis of pyelonephritis or py- be amendable to minimally invasive proce-
onephrosis. dures. Other determinants are size, location,
4. If there is no stone, moderate to se- and composition of the stone. The probability
vere unilateral perinephric fat strand- of spontaneous passage of the stone is related
ing, and nephromegaly without ureteral to the stone size and location. The American
dilatation, then one must rule out Urological Association has published guide-
pyelonephritis, renal vein thrombosis, lines on management of ureteral stones on the
renal infarct, and renal tumor with hem- basis of size and location of stones (Segura
orrhage. One may obtain a CT scan et al., 1997c). Approximately 98% of stones
with IV contrast to evaluate the pres- less than 0.5-cm size, especially in the dis-
ence of renal parenchymal disease. If tal ureter, will pass spontaneously and can be
there is no stone but there is a calcifi- managed with hydration and analgesia. Stones
cation along the ureter, one can reana- with a low probability of passage more fre-
lyze the reformatted CT images to locate quently require intervention by a urologist on
LWW/AENJ LWWJ331-03 April 25, 2007 22:57 Char Count= 0

108 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

the basis of size and shape of the stone, inter- cium stone formation. This does not treat cur-
nal anatomy, or history of nonpassage. rent renal calculi.
Documentation of stone passage is impor- Stones that fail conservative management
tant, as relief from symptoms is not an ac- (i.e., the stone remained impacted, symptoms
curate indicator of stone passage. Weekly or worsen, or signs of infection such as fever,
biweekly plain radiographs are obtained to elevated white blood cell count, urinalysis
document stone passage, and are compared indicative of infection develop) may require
with a baseline CT scout image or plain radio- urologic intervention. The type of interven-
graph. In addition, patients are instructed to tion depends on the location (i.e., proximal or
strain their urine for stone fragments. Chemi- distal ureter) and size (i.e., >1 cm or <1 cm)
cal analysis of the stone composition is impor- of the stone. For stones located in the prox-
tant in guiding prevention and therapy. imal ureter, small stones less than 1 cm
Medical management of urolithiasis in- in size can be treated with extracorporeal
cludes not only aggressive hydration but also shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) (Table 7; Segura
diet modification. Thiazide diuretics have et al., 1997a). Stones exceeding 1-cm size may
been shown to decrease the incidence of new require extracorporeal SWL, percutaneous
stone formation, presumably by causing intra- nephrolithotomy, or ureteroscopy. For stones
cellular acidosis at the level of the nephron. located in the distal ureter, stones less than
This reduces calciuria, that is, preventing cal- or more than 1 cm in size can be treated with

Table 7. Treatment outcomes for ureteral stones

Extracorporeal Percutaneous Open

Location shock wave Ureteroscopy nephrolithotomy surgery
Outcomes in ureter lithotripsy (%) (%) (%) (%)

Chances of being Upper 84 56 76 99

stone free with Lower 85 89 No data 90
stones <1-cm
Chances of being Upper 72 44 74 71
stone free with Lower 74 73 No data 84
stones >1-cm
Chances of Upper 4 11 9 8
significant acute Lower 4 9 No data No data
Chances of Upper 15 27 15 11
unplanned Lower 10 7 No data 18
Chances of Upper No data 2 8 1
long-term Lower No data 1 No data No data
Ureteral stricture

Note. From “Ureteral Stones Clinical Guidelines Panel: The management of ureteral stones: A doctor’s guide for pa-
tients,” by J. W. Segura, G. M. Preminger, D. G. Assimos, S. P. Dretler, R. I. Kahn, J. E. Lingeman, et al., 1997b, retrieved
January 9, 2007, from guides/Ureteral Stones ptguide.pdf. Adapted with permis-
sion of the authors.
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April–June 2007 r Vol. 29, No. 2 Urolithiasis 109

ureteroscopy and intracorporeal SWL. Certain Nonopaque crystal deposition causing ureteric ob-
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drate, calcium phosphate, and cystine stones, therapy. AJR American Journal of Roentgenology,
171(3), 717–720.
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require percutaneous removal (McCullough, C., Scribano, E., et al. (2002). MR urography of the
1992). ureter. AJR American Journal of Roentgenology,
Additional imaging modalities include 179(5), 1307–1314.
the CT-IVP and the MR-IVP, which provide Brant, W. E. (2006). Pelvicaliceal system, ureters, bladder,
and urethra. In W. E. Brant & C. A. Helms (Eds.), Fun-
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SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Chen, M. Y., & Zagoria, R. J. (1999). Can noncontrast heli-
cal computed tomography replace intravenous urogra-
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emergency department presentations of pa- colic? Journal of Emergency Medicine, 17(2), 299–
tient with abdominal pain. In the diagnosis 303.
and management of ureteral stones, CT has Coll, D. M., Varanelli, M. J., & Smith, R. C. (2002). Re-
become the imaging modality of choice. lationship of spontaneous passage of ureteral calculi
to stone size and location as revealed by unenhanced
CT provides critical information for manage- helical CT. AJR American Journal of Roentgenology,
ment, including the size of the stone and 178(1), 101–103.
its location within the ureter. CT also pro- Dalrymple, N. C., Verga, M., Anderson, K. R., Bove, P.,
vides additional information about surround- Covey, A. M., Rosenfield, A. T., et al. (1998). The value
ing abdominal structures that may lead to in- of unenhanced helical computerized tomography in
the management of acute flank pain. Journal of Urol-
clusion or exclusion of alternative diagnoses. ogy, 159(3), 735–740.
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