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January 24, 2018

 China, like Japan, was forced to

open trade.
 After losing the Opium War, China
signed a treaty allowing Britain to
set up trade.
 Mercantilism is when a nation
becomes powerful with silver and
January 25, 2018
 Zulu War pitted imperial
competition for South Africa.
 Sepoy Rebellion was a revolt of
soldiers who refused to use the
new gun cartridges.
 Revolution occurred in Belgium,
Italy, and Russia despite congress
of Vienna.
 People are governed by their
January 29, 2018
 Meiji Restoration allowed Japan
to quickly industrialize and begin
their imperial conquest.
 Japan seized control of Korea
after defeating China in the Sino-
Japanese War.
 Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela
were countries that Simon
Bolivar led to independence.
 Industrial Revolution followed
the Agricultural Revolution.
January 31, 2018
 Monroe Doctrine stated
Americas were off limits to
European colonization.
 Cuba fought for over 10 years
to gain independence from
 John Locke believed all men
had rights to life, liberty, and
February 1, 2018
 The explosion of the USS
Maine led the US to begin the
Spanish-American war.
 Yellow Journalism
sensationalized the details of
the war.
 Jose San Martin was a general
who freed much of South
February 7, 2018
 Industrialization was the
primary economic origin of
 Congress of Vienna
reestablish balance of
power by returning land
Napoleon had taken, and
reinstated absolute
monarchs to the thrones.
 Nationalist movement
began in Balkans, who
rebelled against Ottoman
February 12, 2018
 What countries made up
the Triple Alliance?
Germany, Austria-Hungary,
What countries made up the Triple Entente?
Russia, France, and United Kingdom.
 Russia had a special ethnic
tie with Serbia because
both countries had Slavic
Austria-Hungary declared War on Serbia in
July 1914. Taking alliances into consideration,
explain how this could lead to widespread
If Serbia has a problem with Austria-Hungary
then Russia will jump in and France And the
UK will then Germany and Italy will fight.
February 13, 2018
 What is the “Crime of the
Age? They destroyed the
peace of Europe.
 What does the hand in the
upper left corner
represent? It’s saying you
are killing all of the civilians.
 Can this cartoon be used in
any way to argue that
alliances were a cause of
WWI? There was some
countries flip flopping to
different alliances.
February 14, 2018
 Which nation spent the
greatest percent on its
navy? Why would it do
that? Great Britain
because 1910 and 1940
 Is there evidence in the
chart to support the
argument that an arms
build-up (militarism) was
an underlying cause of
World War I? Explain.
They were growing in
army and navy. They had
to make sure that they
were safe.
February 15, 2018
 What is the main point
being made by the
cartoonist? Great Britain
is the power house
because they are
reaching to everywhere.
 What does this
document suggest is an
underlying cause of
World War I? Explain.
Imperialism because
they are taking over too
many countries.
February 16, 2018
 How can you use the
document to argue
that imperialism
(colonization) was one
underlying cause of
WWI? Britain and
France was a powerful
countries. Countries
were in a competition
for land.
February 20, 2018
 How would you best
describe harmony?
Harmony is different
types of vocal singing
a song and join
 According to the
cartoon, what needs
to happen? He wants
to get all the countries
to join together and
not fight
 Who might the
conductor be? Why?
The president of the
United States because
it was produced in
New York.
February 21, 2018
 America declared
neutral (didn’t take
 Reasons for U.S.
entry into the war:
 Economic
relationships with
the Allies
 The U.S. selling many
products and Ioaning
a lot of money
 Unrestricted
submarine warfare
 To prevent supplies
from getting to the
Allies, German U-
boat sunk boats
without warning
 Sinking of the
Americans killed!
 The Zimmerman
 A note from
Germany to Mexico
asking to attack the
February 23, 2018
 Germany accepted
an armistice (lay
down arms)(guns)
 Paris Peace
 The “Big Four” met
 Great Britain-
protect colonies,
punish Germany
 France- protect
colonies, punish
 Italy- wanted
 United States- Fair
to Germany, self-
League of Nation.
March 5, 2018
 Treaty of
Versailles Terms
 Germany lost
territory and
 German military
 Germany accept
 Germany pay $33
billion in
 League of Nation
(United Nation)
March 7, 2018
 Fascism- belief
that your
nation best and
should rule
 Nazism- belief
in racial
 Adolf Hitler-
ruler of
 Benito
leader of Italy
 National Social
Workers Party-
group that united
as “master race”

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