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Gingoog City
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2020-2021


STUDENT’S NAME: Joseph Patrick L. Ocapan DATE SUBMITTED: _____________

GRADE & SECTION: 12, St. Thomas Aquinas

In this module, you will be guided in your major decisions in life

that affect your future and your own measure of success. It provides you
with the alternatives that they you will take to reach your dreams. This
explores your interests and causes you to notice your aspirations in life.
After going through this module, you are expected to:

Lesson 1: Persons and Career

1.explain that through understanding of the concepts of career and life

goals can help in planning his/her career; (EsP –PD 11/12 PC –IIf–12.1)
2.identify the personal factors that can influence their career choices;
and (EsP –PD11/12PC –IIf–12.2)
3.take a self –assessment tool to know his/her personality traits and
other personal factors in relation to his/her life goals. (EsP –PD
11/12PC-IIg –12.3)

Lesson 2:Career Pathways and Insights Into One’s Personal Development

1.discuss the external factors influencing career choices that may help
you in career decision making; ( EsP-PD11/12CP-IIg-13.1)
2.identify pros and cons of various career options with the guidance of
parent, teacher,or counselor;and(EsP-PD11/12CP-IIg-13.2)
3.prepare a career plan based on your personal goal and external factors
influencing career choices. (EsP-PD11/12CP-IIg-13.3)
4.explain the factors in personal development that may guide you in
making important career decisions as an adolescent;
(EsP-PD11/12IOPD IIm-14.1)
5.share insights that make you realize the importance of personal
development in making a career decision as adolescent;and (EsP
6.construct a creative visualization of your personal development through
the various stages you went through, stressors, influences, and decision
making points, and a personal profile analysis.


You will be watching a video song using this link Afterwards, you will write
on the space given your feelings after watching it.
- For me this song reminds me of how I loved the person I loved the most which
is my family, sometimes we just have to step back in life to gain more
strength and courage to fight back.

Week No.: 7

Lesson 1 – Persons and Career

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1.explain that through understanding of the concepts of career and life
goals can help in planning his/her career; (EsP –PD 11/12 PC –IIf–12.1)
2.identify the personal factors that can influence their career choices;
and (EsP –PD11/12PC –IIf–12.2)
3.take a self –assessment tool to know his/her personality traits and
other personal factors in relation to his/her life goals. (EsP –PD
11/12PC-IIg –12.3)

What is Career?
Career is one of the most important aspects which all of us are concerned
about in our entire life. According to Advance Learner’s Dictionary, career
means a profession or occupation giving us multitudes of opportunities for
promotion. Occupation means a job or an employment. It helps us to earn a
livelihood or profession. It also means paid occupation, especially one
that requires advanced education and training, e.g. architecture, law,
engineering or medicine, etc. So a career is not simply a job, an
employment to earn a livelihood. A job is a certain position an individual
hold doing specific duties. For example, if you would look closely at the
job of a lawyer, you can say that a lawyer’s job is working as an associate
in X Law Firm. A job or profession or an employment can be called a career
only when it gives opportunity for progress and advancement as human needs
gradually changing. Moreover, a job or employment to be called as a career
must offer adequate opportunities to satisfy or meet those changing needs.
Thus, a job or profession must be dynamic enough to fulfil one’s
aspirations or ambitions before calling it a career in real terms.


1. Intelligence
Intelligence comprises your I.Q., Social Intelligence and Emotional
Intelligence (E.Q.). The Total intelligence is more important to be
successful in life and career than simply having a high I.Q. There are
many instances where an academically brilliant executive, considered a
genius in his field but had failed miserably in his career. He failed
because he did not have required social intelligence and emotional

2. Personality
A person may be an Introvert or Extrovert. One can be a
Dominating personality or Submissive personality. If you are an
Introvert, you should not select a career that needs people with
Extrovert nature. You may be too social or you prefer to be lonesome to
do creative work. Only you can judge your personality and choose what is
best for you. So always give to your personality factor while deciding
on your future career.

3. Interest
All work is hard unless you care for it, show interest and have
passion in it. You may have the ability, aptitude, financial backing or
any other support but if interest is absent it is no use. However, it
must also be said that too much interest towards an occupation does not
guarantee success in that field if other factors are also considered.

4. Special Aptitudes

If one is good at art, it would be really miserable for him to
take up a career where he has to work in a machine shop.

5. Physique
All jobs make varying degree of physical activities and demands.
The choice of a career should be made after carefully considering all
the relevant facts associated with it. Hence, a man with a poor health
and heart problem should not engage in a career in the mountain brigade
of the army.

6. Sex
As perceived men and women are socially and legally equal, but
nature has given them different physique and capabilities too. Some
careers are more well-suited to men than women. Consequently, this factor
should also be kept in mind while choosing a career. Some careers need an
early entry to be successful for this may only result to frustration.


Parents have the biggest influence on a child's career choice. Find out who
and what else will influence a young person's career decisions.

 Family
The child is also influenced by:
•Career selections and interests of their older brother or sister
•Needs, opinions and work of their parents
•Family work traditions or family aspirations for the future
•Limits to your family's experience of different career choices
•Negative beliefs like as “He’ll never amount to anything”, or “I’m a
failure and so is she”.
 Friends
The child's friends can:
•Pressure your child to form constant choice as them regarding
careers and effort leaving school
•Be good or poor role models •As a boyfriend or girlfriend pressure
your child to settle on study or a job in their city.
 Culture
Cultural influences on your child's career choices return from:
•Their neighborhood, ethnic group and social group
•Popular culture like TV and movies
•Role models –winning and famous individuals
•Money –lack of money will limit choices
•Government policy and economics both local and globally.
 Teachers/career advisers
Teachers and careers advisers can:
•Inspire, motivate and inform your child
•See your child's talent, skills and aptitudes for certain careers
•Offer resources, work expertise opportunities and guidance.
 Media
Your child will notice career information from:
•Online career websites, apps and newspapers
•Career designing and assistance books.

Lesson 8: Career Pathways and Insights into One’s Personal Development

1.discuss the external factors influencing career choices that may help
you in career decision making; ( EsP-PD11/12CP-IIg-13.1)
2.identify pros and cons of various career options with the guidance of
parent, teacher,or counselor;and(EsP-PD11/12CP-IIg-13.2)
3.prepare a career plan based on your personal goal and external factors
influencing career choices. (EsP-PD11/12CP-IIg-13.3)
4.explain the factors in personal development that may guide you in
making important career decisions as an adolescent;
(EsP-PD11/12IOPD IIm-14.1)
5.share insights that make you realize the importance of personal
development in making a career decision as adolescent;and (EsP
6.construct a creative visualization of your personal development through
the various stages you went through, stressors, influences, and decision
making points, and a personal profile analysis.

What influences Your Career Choices?

There are a lot of external factors to consider in career development. As
you go through the different factors below, you will see how they affect or
influence your career choices. You will also identify which among these
factors have least and big impact to your career options.

 Skills and Abilities

Skills and abilities are the things you naturally do well, talents and
strengths that you possess. These can include natural capabilities
you've always had or acquired through experience and training.
 Interest and Personality Type
Are your interests and personality type compatible with your career
choice? You need to know what makes you happy and be motivated every
day. Learning about your interest and personality leads you to better
choose a working environment that fits you.
 Life Roles
You play multiple roles in your lives and that these roles change over
the course of time. How you think about yourself on these roles may
influence how you look at careers in general and how you make choices
for yourself.
 Previous Experiences
Having positive experiences and role models working in specific
careers may influence you on the set of careers you consider as
options for yourself. If you have proven success and achieved positive
self-esteem in a particular area of work, more likely, you will have
it as a top career option.
 Culture
Racial and ethnic background, as well as the culture of your local
community, and extended family, may impact career your decisions.
Culture often shapes your values and expectations as they relate to
many parts of your lives, including jobs and careers.
 Gender
How you view yourself as an individual in terms of gender may
influence both the opportunities and obstacles you perceive as you
make career decisions. Studies of gender and career development are
ongoing as the roles of men and women in the workplace evolve.
 Social and Economic Conditions
All of your career choices take place within the context of society
and the economy. Changes in the economy and the resulting job market
may also affect how your careers develop.
 Childhood Fantasies
What do you want to be when you grow-up? You can remember this
question during your childhood years, and it may have influenced your
thoughts about careers, then, as well as in the present moment.


 Realistic(Do’er) –Prefers physical activities that require skill,

strength, and coordination. Traits include genuine, stable,
conforming, and practical.
Example professions include architect, farmer, and engineer.
 Investigative(Thinker) –Prefers working with the theory and
information, thinking, organizing, and understanding. Traits include:
analytical, curious, and independent.
Example professions include lawyer, mathematician, and professor.
 Artistic(Creator) –Prefers creative, original, and unsystematic
activities that allow creative expression. Traits include:
imaginative, disorderly, idealistic, emotional, and impractical.
Example professions include: artist, musician, and writer.
 Social(Helper) –Prefers activities that involve helping, healing, or
developing others. Traits include cooperative, friendly, sociable, and
understanding. Example professions include counselor, doctor, and
 Enterprising(Persuader) –Prefers competitive environments, leadership,
influence, selling, and status. Traits include ambitious, domineering,
energetic, and self-confident.
Example professions include Management, Marketing, and Sales Person.
 Conventional(Organizer) –Prefers precise, rule-regulated, orderly, and
unambiguous activities. Traits include conforming, efficient,
practical, unimaginative, and inflexible.
 Example professions include accountant, clerk and editor.You are most
happy when you are placed in jobs that match your personality.

When personality and occupation are in agreement, employee

satisfaction is high and there will be less turnover. Holland’s
Hexagon of Job Personalities created a hexagon view to show the
relationships of job personality types. Notice that the job
personality types closer to each other are more alike, while the job
personality types further away are least alike. You can see more
clearly the relationships of job personalities according to their
placements on the hexagon. For example, for Realistic and Social job
personality types, you will see that they are virtually the opposite
of each other. On the other hand, social and Artistic are located
besides each other. This shows that realistic and social job
personality types are least alike, while social and artistic job
personality types are more alike.


Writing your personal mission statement is essential. It is more than

your goals and aspirations. As an adolescent, this will help you
identify your priorities and reflect on how you live life leading to
the realization of your goals, be it short-term or long-term. Like a
compass, your personal mission statement becomes your guide and
direction which comes from you and not from someone else. Your
personal mission statement shows your awareness and commitment of your
life long journey towards personal development, which is essential in
setting career and life goals. There’s no right or wrong way to
formulate a personal mission statement. There are no limits on what
should be included as part of it. What is important is you write it
down and be passionate on its realizations. The content of your
personal mission statement may include:

•Personal attributes, such as honesty, loyalty and dedication
•Family and personal relationships
•Faith and Spirituality

Do This!
Activity 1: Self-Assessment
Complete the table with the personal information about your interest and acquired
skills that can be considered in your chosen career. Identify at least three (3)
Career Choices.

Subject that I enjoy Skills that I have Possible Job Interest

learning acquired/to be acquired Area

I want to acquire the Being a scientist

Science fastest method on
learning how to solve
I want to acquire a Being a philosopher
theory that is my own
Philosophy work

I want to acquire on how Being a historian

History to crack history codes

Activity 2: Who Shape Me!

Among those who influenced in career choices, who do you think is the one who
have great impact/influence on you in the choice of your future career in life.
Explain how it/he/she/they played a vital role in your career pathing.

YOU My family because they are the ones who

Really play a vital role on my career and my life

Broadening of Concept & Values Integration

How would you plan for your career? What are the factors to be considered?
- My plan for my career is to work hard even if I have the job that I wanted
and always be humble to anything that comes.

Is God part of your career plan? In what way have you included Him?
- Yes god is part of my career plan because in times of sadness, hardships
there he is continuing to shower us with love and care.

What will you do if your career choice does not work successfully?
- I would probably find something that is least. At least I can make it out of
something rather than nothing.
How the choice of school is considered in your career planning?
- For me its nothing any schools could teach you something in a different way
you just have to sacrifice and work hard to graduate.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for
evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
—Jeremiah 29:11--

Using the guide given below, make your own Personal Mission Statement.
Your Name
Your general statement showing what you value most
Who inspires you and why
What qualities you want to have
What are your goals and aspirations
What beliefs do you hold
How you want to be known (legacy)
And others you might want to be included here.


Joseph Patrick L. Ocapan

My family
My father and mother
To be able to do works faster
My goal is to achieve success
I belief that great success comes with great power
I want to be known for a great chef



Monitored by:

_______________________________ Date: _____________________

Parent’s Signature over Printed Name

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