Soal Pas Bhs Inggris SMT 1

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Nomor SK : 782/BAN-S/M/SK/2019

Kampus : Jl. Raya Kosambi – Telagasari, Kawali – Pancawati, Klari – Karawang

Telp. (0267) 432 588. Website:


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari / Tanggal :
Kelas / Semester : XI/1
Jam / Waktu :
Pengajar : Mella Lupita Febrizia, S.Pd

A. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

1. Hey Siti, …. go star-gazing tonight?
a. Are you c. Shall them
b. How about d. Would you like to
2. Sam: “would you like to go watching a movie this weekend?”
Carly: “ I can’t, I am low on cash right now. …. stay at home home and watch TV
a. Can I c. What about
b. Let’s d. I think
3. What shall we do today? …. we go to the library?
a. Shall I c. Why don’t
b. Let’s d. I think
4. …. like a cup of coffee?
a. Can I c. Would you
b. I’ll do d. Should do
5. …. the washing, if you like.
a. Can I c. I’ll do
b. Would you d. Let’s
6. Edo: “Ihave a lot of work to finish; I don’t know how I will manage.”
Sam: “…. half of it if you want.”
a. Would you c. Why don’t
b. I think d. I will help you with
7. Carly: “I submitted my essay to my teacher a few days ago, but I haven’t received any
response from her.”
Edo: “…. go and ask her?”
a. Shall us c. Why don’t you
b. I’ll do d. I propose
8. …. get you a drink?
a. Would you c. Can I
b. Why don’t you d. I’ll do
9. Aisya: “I am so thirsty.”
Annie: “…. a glass of iced tea?”
a. How about c. Why don’t
b. What about d. Can I
10. …. we go to Bali this weekend?
a. How about c. Why Don’t
b. Let’s d. I think
11. Bowo: “I feel so tired”
Sri: “…. take a rest for a while.”
a. I think c. Can I
b. I’ll do d. Why don’t you
12. Kate : We’ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Yani : I am thinking of going to Bally sorry
Kate : ….
Complete the dialogue above ....
a. Why are you going there?
b. I hope you have a nice trip
c. I have nothing to do
d. I don’t know what to do
13. Alex : What do you think about the film ?
Bram : I think ….
Complete the dialogue above ....
a. I like it c. Thank you
b. I can’t hear you d. You forget it
14. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment. What do you think?
Era  : I don’t think so …. Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
Complete the dialogue above ....
a. I know it c. I am thinking of
b. He forget it d. In my opinion
15. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sri : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
Complete the dialogue above ....
a. You must sing
b. You should lie down and have some rest
c. You can see the doctor tonight
d. I will take you to the hospital
16. Dave: So what do you think of my singing?
John: It's really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.
Dave: Thanks, John.
John: No problem, Dave!
From the dialogue above, Dave is....
a. Asking for help c. Giving an opinion
b. Asking for an opinion d. Giving help
17. Jade: What do you think of my drawing?
Rose: It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
Jade: Thank you so much for you opinion, Rose!
Rose: My pleasure.
From the dialogue above, Rose is....
a. Asking for attention c. Asking a question
b. Giving an opinion d. Asking an Opinion
18. Dirk: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?
Jake: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
Dirk: Thanks, Jake.
Jake: No problem!
From the dialogue above, Dirk is....
a. Asking for help c. Giving help
b. Asking for an opinion d. Giving an opinion
19. Jane: Roxy, what do you think of the cake I bake?
Roxy: It' really delicious! I love it!
Jane: yes!
From the dialogue above, Roxy is....
a. Giving an opinion c. Asking for help
b. Giving an item d. Giving help
20. Rina: “Harry Potter series is much better than Twilight series.”
Dila: “…. It’s not justified to say because both have different plots.”
a. I totally agree c. Absolutely right
b. I think so d. I don’t agree with you
21. Febri: “I think online gaming should be banned.”
Eka: “ …. It should be as it distracts students from studying.”
a. I think c. I think so too
b. I don’t agree d. I’m sorry but
22. Ira: “Should I work at that place?”
Nina: “I don’t think so. I think woman should stay at home and take care of their
From the dialogue above, Ira is….
a. Asking for help c. Giving a help
b. Asking for opinion d. Giving an advice
23. Here is the expression of asking for an opinion, except….
a. What do you think? c. How do you see the situation?
b. What’s your view? d. Can you help me with that?
24. Where is the location of PT CSL Indosejahtera?
a. Medan c. Banda Aceh
b. Lampung d. Bandarlampung
25. What is the position of Alex Manuhutu?
a. General manager c. Accounting manager
b. Sales manager d. Consume manager
26. Alex Manuhutu is invite Mr rakib to PT CSL Indosejahtera’s Anniversary.
The similar word of the underlined word is ….
a. Request c. Celebration
b. Invitation d. Wedding
27. What kind of invitation given above?
a. Wedding invitation c. Birthday invitation
b. Anniversary invitation d. Graduation invitation
28. How old is Layla?
a. 2nd c. 6th
b. 4th d. 9th
29. When the party will be held?
a. January 12th c. August 1st
b. April 10th d. August 10th
30. “Layla is Turning 4”
The synonym of the underlined word is….
a. Old c. Birth
b. Years d. Date
The Importance of Learning English

In this modern era, there are a lot of people who still can’t speak English.
Actually, there are many benefits of learning English. Here are two reasons why it’s
First, English opens new career opportunities. These days, many companies need
employees who can communicate with clients from around the world. Usually, it
means someone who can speak English because English is an international language.
Being a bilingual person, you can get the opportunity to work in a global company.
Second, English tests can get you into schools. You probably already know
English tests such as TOEFL and IELTS. If you learn English well enough to pass
English tests like TOEFL, you can study in English-language universities across the
globe. Although you aren’t going to study abroad, learning English can help you in
making the thesis because there are a lot of sources use English languages.
There are indeed many other benefits of learning the English language. But, the
two reasons above help us to believe that English is important for our life and by
learning English languages we can communicate with many people from other
31. What kind of text is given above?
a. Analytical exposition text c. Procedure text
b. Descriptive text d. Narrative text
32. How many arguments of the importance of learning English on the text above?
a. One arguments c. Five arguments
b. Two arguments d. six arguments
33. “…. English opens new career opportunities.” The word opportunities is in the closest
meaning to ….
a. A start c. A chance
b. A sign d. A way
34. “…. There are many benefits of learning English.” The synonym of word benefits is….
a. Advantages c. Career
b. Importance d. Learning
35. Why learning English is important for us?
a. Because we have to learning English
b. Because we can’t learning English
c. Because we can get many benefits from learning English
d. Because we can be a native speaker
36. From the text above, what can we get from Learning English?
a. A new job
b. A new school
c. A new career opportunities
d. A lot of money
37. The last paragraph is about…
a. Thesis c. Conclusion
b. Introduction d. Series of arguments
38. “Google …. by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998.”
Complete the following sentence using simple past tense.
a. Were founded c. Has founded
b. Was founded d. Has founded
39. “She read a book in the library.”
Change the sentence into passive voice!
a. The book is read by her in the library
b. The book has read by her in the library
c. The book was read by her in the library
d. The book were read by her in the library
40. “Marley and his friends have finished the project.”
Change the sentence into passive voice!
a. The project have been finished by Marley and his friends
b. The project was finished by Marley and his friends
c. The project has been finished by Marley and his friends
d. The project were finished by Marley and his friends

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