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Heroes & Smart people

This game will let the players play the brains behind the heroes in your classic medieval fantasy
story. Because we all know that the heroes in these stories just throw themselves in dangerous
situations without any regards of danger. The game master of this game will control all of the idiots
and dumb heroes, so their name will be referred to as the Idiot Master (IM) or Dumb Master (DM).

The classes the players can choose are alchemist and blacksmith. (I will add more if I continue to
work on this game). All of the players (recommended 1-4 excluding the IM) control one character
each with one class. These characters work in the same building, so they have lunch and fika breaks

The adventuring party are equal to the number of players. The players choose an adventuring party
when the game starts. Feel free to name the adventurers.
These are the classes the adventures are:

Adventure Wilderness Town Combat Social Special

Tracker 2d6 1d6 1d6 1d4 n/a
Deceiver 1d4 2d6 1d4 2d6 n/a
Warrior 1d6 1d6 2d6 1d4 n/a
Support 1d4 1d6 1d4 1d6 Once during each adventure, the
support can double the number of dice
from one other adventurer.
Caster 1d4 1d8 1d4 1d4 Once during each adventure, the caster
can double the number of dice from one
Archer 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d4 Once during each adventure, the archer
can triple the number of dice from one
other adventurer.

Each day the adventurers goes on one adventure. Each adventure contains of multiple missions (the
fewer the easier). These adventures are prepared by the IM before the game. Before each adventure
the player characters tries to convince the adventurers to follow their plan for the mission with a
convincing-roll. The players roll 2d6 for each player character and the IM rolls the social stats for
the party that are being convinced. If the players roll equal or above the adventuring party, then they
control their choices during the adventure. If the players give good reasons to the party, the IM can
decide to give the extra dice for the convincing-roll. If the players fail the convincing-roll, the IM
takes control of the adventurers during this adventure and makes bad decisions for the adventurers.

The player characters has access to a crystal globe, which they can use to look at their dumb
adventurers on their adventures.

Each mission contains the following:

• difficulty level (DL)– to succeed the adventure the adventurers need to roll equal or above
the difficulty level of the adventure. This number is decided by the IM.
• Location – this is the general location of the mission. Each mission can take place in either a
town or the wilderness.
• Encounter type – each mission are typically solved in one way, either social or by combat.

Example adventure:
Missions to go through:
1. wilderness | combat | DL:15
2. town | social | DL:25

The adventurers that are going on this adventure are: Beatrice the tracker, Billy the deceiver and
Adam the warrior. By looking at the stats on each of the adventurers we can see what dice to roll for
each mission. For the first mission, the tracker will get their wilderness and combat dice, which are
2d6 and 1d6 respectively. The deceiver will get 1d4 and 1d4. And the warrior gets 1d6 and 1d6. You
will also add dice from items with the passive trait.

Now you are going to make a mission roll. When you have calculated what dice to roll, you can
now decide to roll items that has the pre-roll trait and add the result to the mission roll. The IM rolls
the dice and compares it to the DL of the mission the adventurers are on. If the roll is successful, the
adventurers succeed and simply move on to the next mission. However if the mission roll is a
failure, the adventurers fail and one randomly selected adventurer dies (or goes to jail if the mission
was in a town). And then the rest of the adventure party continues to the next mission.

Let’s say that you rolled 22 on the mission roll. They succeed. So they go on to the next mission.
After you have recalculated the dice and made the mission roll. Let’s say you rolled 31. The
adventurers succeed and return to the players.

When the adventurers return, they have gathered items based on how much above the DL they
succeeded on each mission. For each 5 rolled over the DL on each mission they return with 2d6 of
one random item from the ingredient table.

Crafting system
to craft an item:
you have recepies – some recepies can be crafted easier by some classes.
roll dice based on your stats&items

Any item that does not have the passive trait is destroyed when used, unless specified otherwise.

Earth Water Fire Air
tree bark 1d4 dogs 1d4 tree bark 1d4 bat fur 1d4
bone 2d4 honey 2d4 wood 2d4 bat wing 2d4
Snake egg 3d4 Jellyfish 3d4 dragon 3d4 Puffball 3d4
tentacle scale
iron bar 1d4 Holy water 4d4 Dragon 4d4 Dragon 4d4
wing wing
steel bar 2d4
mithril bar 3d4
wood 2d4

In one day you have 8 hours to craft items, this is your time bank for the day. It will reset each day.
To craft an item, you need to spend time equal to the items crafting time.

Crafting instructions:
1. First we need to roll for the elements. If we would make a fancy iron armor, we need 5 fire.
• So we will mark of one wood in our inventory
• And then roll for the woods fire, which is 3d4.
• Luckily we got a 9 which is higher than the 5 fire we needed. So we can move on to the
next step. If we would not have met the requirements we would redo step 1 and add the
result we just got.
2. For the other requirements, we will do the same thing as in step one. We will just ignore
what type of element the item has.
3. When this is done you need to reduce your time bank with the crafting time.
4. If you successfully met the requirements you can add the fancy iron armor to your inventory.
If you did not meet the requirements however, all the items that you tried to use to create the
item are lost. And you waste 1h of being frustrated and unable to craft. (which is also
removed from your time bank)

The blacksmith anything made from metal and leather.
All items made by a blacksmith needs to be attached to one adventurer. If that adventurer is lost, so
are all the items attached to them. Each adventurer can have a maximum of one set of armor, one
weapon and one shield. The warrior can have 2 weapons and 2 shields, but still only one set of

Your passive ability as the blacksmith, when crafting you can exchange one of the dice of each fire
item with one stronger die (1d4 > 1d6).

As the blacksmith you can once per day assist 1h in one recepie of your allies. Your passive ability
is applied to all recepies that you assist in

Recepies for blacksmith

Item to When Effects Crafting Elements Other
craft to roll time
Fancy iron Passive Add 1d6 to combat mission rolls. 4h 5 fire 5 iron bars
armor Add 1d4 to social mission rolls. 5 oil
Fancy steel Passive Add 2d6 to combat mission rolls. 6h 10 fire 10 steel
armor Add 1d6 to social mission rolls. bars
5 oil
Fancy Passive Add 2d8 to combat mission rolls. 8h 15 fire 30 mithril
mithril Add 2d6 to social mission rolls. bars
armor 5 oil
Sturdy Passive Add 2d6 to combat mission rolls. 2h n/a 5 leather
leather 5 oil
Sturdy iron Passive Add 2d8 to combat mission rolls. 4h 5 fire 5 iron bars
armor 5 oil
Sturdy steel Passive Add 3d8 to combat mission rolls. 6h 10 fire 10 steel
armor bars
5 oil
Sturdy Passive Add 4d8 to combat mission rolls. 8h 15 fire 30 mithril
mithril bars
armor 5 oil
Iron shield Passive Add 1d6 to combat mission rolls. 2h 5 fire 5 iron
5 oil
Steel shield Passive Add 1d8 to combat mission rolls. 4h 10 fire 10 steel
5 oil
Mithril Passive Add 2d8 to combat mission rolls. 6h 15 fire 15 mithril
shield 5 oil
Ring Passive Add 1d4 to social mission rolls. 2h 5 fire 5 iron bars
5 oil
Intimidating Passive Add 1d4 to combat mission rolls. 4h 5 fire 5 iron bars
iron weapon Add 1d6 to social mission rolls. 5 oil
Intimidating Passive Add 1d6 to combat mission rolls. 6h 10 fire 10 steel
steel Add 2d6 to social mission rolls. bars
weapon 5 oil
Intimidating Passive Add 2d6 to combat mission rolls. 8h 15 fire 30 mithril
mithril Add 2d8 to social mission rolls. bars
weapon 5 oil
Sturdy iron Passive Add 2d8 to combat mission rolls. 4h 5 fire 5 iron bars
armor 5 oil
Sturdy steel Passive Add 3d8 to combat mission rolls. 6h 10 fire 10 steel
armor bars
5 oil
Sturdy Passive Add 4d8 to combat mission rolls. 8h 15 fire 30 mithril
mithril bars
armor 5 oil


Recepies for alchemist

Item to craft When Effects Crafting Elements Other
to roll time
Potion of pre-roll Add 3d10 to this social mission 3h 15 fire 15 honey
love roll. 15 oil
Enlarge pre-roll Add 2d8 for this mission, add 5h 25 earth 25 honey
potion 2d10 for the next mission and 5 oil
add 3d10 for the mission after
that. You can only add these
dice if the mission is a combat
Healing After Add 2d10 to this combat 2h 10 fire 10 honey
potion roll mission roll. 5 oil
Invisibility pre-roll Add 2d8 to this mission roll. 2h 10 air 10 honey
potion 5 oil
Splash potion Roll Add 2d10 to this mission roll. 3h 5 air 10 honey
of weakness before 5 earth 5 oil
or after
Potion of pre-roll Add 3d12 to this combat 4h 10 water 10 honey
strength mission roll, add 2d10 to the 10 earth 5 oil
next mission roll, if it is a
combat mission.
Potion of pre-roll Add 2d8 to this combat mission 1h 5 air n/a
farts roll, add an additional 1d8 if 5 fire
this is a town mission. If this
item is used in a social mission,
the mission automatically fails.
Potion of pre-roll Add 2d10 to this social mission 2h 10 air 10 honey
lying roll. 5 oil
Potion of pre-roll Make this combat mission into 4h 10 fire 10 honey
friends a social mission. 10 earth 5 oil
Potion of After Add 3d12 to this social 4h 10 earth 10 honey
animal frends roll wilderness mission roll. 10 water 5 oil

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