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Writing Project

Thank you for working through this course. 

In this last assignment you need:

A. Write a 800 - 1,000 words essay or monograph in a word processor in APA format. 

The topic of your paper should be 1 of these 4 questions with an educated opinion:

1. If you were asked to write a Christian fictional book, what genre and topic
would you pick? And why? How would what you have learned at CLI impact
your writing topic and style?
2. If you were asked to write a Christian book, what genre and topic would you
pick? And why? How would what you have learned at CLI impact your writing
topic and style?
3. If you could solve one problem particular to your hometown, what would you
solve? How would your studies at CLI help you to be part of the solution?
4. If you had the chance to share the Gospel with a famous person, who he/she
would be? How would you do it? How would your studies at CLI help you to be
a good witness of Christ?

 Be sure you define and describe your argument properly. Do not explain your
personal opinion, but your educated opinion based in research and accurate
information. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
 You have to write about the previous topic, you cannot write on any other topic or
out of the established length. 

B. The essay or monograph grading, 50 points in total:

 Purpose (5 points)
 Clarity (5 points)
 Grammar (5 points)
 Spelling (5 points)
 Educated opinion, evident research Introduction (5 points)
 Educated opinion, evident research Body (5 points) 
 Educated opinion, evident research Conclusion (5 points). 
 Title (5 points) that matches the content 
 APA Format (10 points)
o Total: 50 points

C. Once you write it down in a word processor, you should copy and paste it in here. 
 Submission: Papers may take 1-2 weeks to be graded. Make sure to submit this
paper at least two weeks before your enrollment date ends. 
 Plagiarism: Make sure you have read CLI PLAGIARISM POLICY before you write this
 When graded, if you are asked to rewrite your paper, you will have only one more
chance to do it. Papers that need to be rewritten will have an automatic 10 points
deducted from the total score of the paper. Be sure you take advantage of the first
and second chance to get a good grade!

 If you were asked to write a Christian book, what genre and topic would you
pick? And why? How would what you have learned at CLI impact your writing
topic and style?

If I was asked to write a Christian book, I would have chosen a “Theological” type with a topic
“Our essence of being in Christ”.
There is much of problem/conflict in Christianity today, and I think, this is caused by the
misunderstanding of purpose in Christ Jesus, hence, the conflict. If we understand, what our
purpose as Christians in Christ Jesus is, we then will be able to respond accordingly.

Believers are called by God to live in eternity now. In Christ, we also have the ability to
do the will of God. ... The Bible calls for believers to "live a life worthy of the calling you
have received." (Ephesians 4:1) Rather than living to please ourselves, we live to
please God. - Dan Rhodes -The essence of being 'Christ-like' -

Essence is defined as the “ultimate nature of a thing”. With any deep analysis into the
nature of being, it is important that we recognize our position in the process. We are

The first premise in anyone’s assessment of existence’s essence is “I exist”. As far as

verbally conceptualizing the nature of being, there is no greater preliminary
statement nor more primitive truth. The rest of the logical verbal concepts are
extrapolated from this as “I exist as” and “what do I do?”. And, because I believe in a
deterministic universe, the simplest way to express the essence of my being is that I
am a response to a stimulus.

As a relationship within the process of being, we can only derive its attributes
Dave Davidson - philosophy founded on a biological perspective
The linguistic and cultural background of the words ‫ םלצ‬and ‫ תומד‬supports a reading of Gen. 1:26–7
as a statement of humanity’s divine parentage. As such it is intended to evoke the responsibilities of
child to parent and of parent to child in the minds of its readers. Such an interpretation
accommodates both the semantic range of the key terms ‫ םלצ‬and ‫ תומד‬and the sense that the statement
is meant to be theologically significant.
Issue Section: The Journal of Theological Studies, Volume 61, Issue 1, April 2010, Pages 1–
Published: 08 February 2010

Believers are called by God to live in eternity now. That means we are not
living for this life only, but are preparing for eternity. Having the perspective
of eternity allows us to live the kind of life that has eternal benefits. By living
like the Lord Jesus Christ, we please God and earn rewards in Heaven.

Christ never did anything except that which glorified His Father in Heaven. Of
course, Christ was perfect. He never sinned, and He always did the will of God.
But, because we are 'in Christ', we also have the opportunity to live spiritually
significant lives. In Christ, we also have the ability to do the will of God.

The Bible calls for believers to "live a life worthy of the calling you have
received." (Ephesians 4:1) Rather than living to please ourselves, we live to
please God. The Holy Spirit empowers us to develop the character of Christ.
Through this empowerment we have the ability to spiritually transcend human
limitations. We can begin living our eternal life right here, right now.

This concept of "eternity now" is the key to living like Christ, with the
character of Christ. As we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are given the
inner qualities that Christ possessed. We are then able to live in God's will,
doing God's work, in God's way. This is the essence of being "Christ-like".

Ephesians 4:2 says, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing
with one another in love." Christ humbled Himself when He went to the cross
to die for our sins. He is gentle with everyone who comes to Him, forgiving
them. He deals with us patiently and loves us unconditionally. Living in
eternity now means being humble, gentle, patient, and loving.

We can't do any of this without Christ empowering us by His Spirit. And if we

are not obedient to God, He will not empower us. But, if we submit ourselves
to Christ in humility, He will enable us to soar above our limitations. We can
truly have a life worth living. The Bible says we are "created to be like God in
true righteousness and holiness." (Ephesians 4:24) God has an abundant life
prepared for you, not only in Heaven, but right now on Earth. Follow Christ,
love others, seek God's will, and you can be living in eternity now.

Dan Rhodes - The essence of being 'Christ-like' -

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