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Name: Irfan Khan

Roll No: 2419

Topic: Summary of “The Murder of Aziz Khan” (part4 ch 8-10).


Aziz Khan Chapter 8 Summary

Razia feels freer now that the Afaq's episode is over. She thinks its
ending to be her victory. She has realized her expectation out of pseudo-
love. She has with Afaq during her escapade in London. She has not only
maintained her marital dignity but also turned the episode to the
advantage of her own family.

She realizes that she is pregnant now. She hopes to have a son. She
according to the calculations feels disturbed that the child she carries is
probably Afaq's and not Ayub's.

Zarina imagines Afaq taking to drink in London, lying forlorn in his bed,
sighing sadly to himself and unshaven unwashed pining away for her,
She wishes she could overcome the tyranny of the elders, win her
independence by winning Afaq. Now he must be missing-her. She wishes
ne could see her cry. She sits like an unhappy girl before the mirror.

Afaq tells Pamela that Razia's main concern to visit London is to get her
children educatéd. She has used her flat he has been in Frankfurt.

One e day he has told her that his brothers have decided to disown him.
She asks him why they are bent upon doing so. that they, haye stopped
their allowance. She says that He says must be his sister in law. He
says, "I don't care. I'll sell the car. I'll get a job. I'll give up the flat
and shift to a smaller room. She feels happy and sees the play boy
has matured into a man. There is hope for him. She thinks, and for

Aziz Khan Chapter 9 Summary

He rolls over, senses a dream, presses one ear against the pillow, and
has the sensation that a wasp has entered the bed. It is a noise made by
thing. It is not continuous. It is like a distant monotonous humming but
it is actually a noise of pending calamity. Aziz Khan looks at the wall.
Silence is everywhere. There is not any sound of insect. He feels like
sleeping in his loneliness. He feels like being entombed in his own cool
room. He is interested in nothing. Colours do not ease him. Only
dårkness is a balm to him. He considers fingers to be in sympathy with a
troubled heart. They in darkness even go on pressing at the bosom.

A misery never comes alone but it with all its aching companions visits
a vexed bosom incessantly to disrupt the tranquil serenity of a man.
Firstly the law-enforcing agency hangs Rafiq, Aziz Khan's son. Secondly
the hired out beggars murder Javed. Thirdly the angel of death takes
Zakia and finally he is to be deprived of his land. Now he is destined to
sing a song of misery and woe.

The noise of wasp he hears is a noise of a machine coming from behind

the house. He stands in the door way and sees a bulldozer being driven
on his land. A man wearing a white hat and carrying some papers in his
hand to be handed ever to Aziz Khan. The papers say that he has
borrowed tu thousand rupees from Hussain a broker. He has given
security the prospective dowry of his son, failing the dowry he has
offered his land as security. The man says that the court has séttled the
land on his creditors. Aziz Khan asks him who the creditors are. The
man says that his creditors are the Shah Industrial Enter prises. Aziz
Khan tells him to get out. The man says that he cannot do this. They will
soon come to evict him.

He rises at last, goes to his room, finds the paper, which Javed's
murderers as well as the police have neglected to remove from his
pocket. He looks at it, reads through the Urdu statement. His creditor is
Ghulam Din of Lahore and not the Shah-Industrial Enter prises.

Aziz Khan says to the Chief Superintendent Fazal Elahi, "If I have
borrowed the money from Ghulam Din of Lahore, the Shah-Brothers
have no right to touch my land. How can the court give them my
land?" Fazal Elahi says that Ghulam Din of Lahore is a subsidiary
company of Shah-Industrial. Enterprises. Aziz Khan says that they have
played a trick. They lend him money under a false name. They come to
take his land away. Fazal Elahi says, "Khan Sahib, I sympathise with
all your troubles. I am sorry. Fate has been cruel to you. You ought
to go to Karachi or Lahore. Your daughter will look after you,
otherwise your mind will break under stress”. Aziz Khan does not
care to hear any more. He walks out.

Aziz Khan Chapter 10 Summary

The construction of the soap factory in Chittagong has progressed to the
point where one of Akram or Ayub must go and supervise the work. The
man who goes there will have to stay there up to the time of production.
He feels like sending Ayub there where as Akram desires to settle in
Karachi and hopes to enter the cosmetics industry till time the soap is
successfully marketed. Akram is resolved to send Ayub to Chittagong as
it is better to have him at a distance; as his personality is dominant in
the family.

Ayub declines to go to Chittagong and says that they will keep Kalapur
their headquarters. He needs to be within easy access of Karachi. It is
only a few hours by air from Chittagong. He asks Akram why he wants
to keep him away: Akram tells him that it is a decision. It is not a
sinister motive But Ayub smilingly says, "you are welcome to go. I'm
quite happy here. Besides there are one or two things I haven't
finished here".

Akram says that they have legal possession of his land and can drive
him out. None can oppose them.

Upon the basis of his observation, Ayub finds his brother to be very
bossy as he insists upon his going to Chittagong to look after the soap
factory. After a lot of castigating bickering, Ayub rises, picks up the three
files from the desk, looks for a moment at the model of the soap factory
and walks out.

Ayub looks at Zarina and asks her if she misses her parents that much.
"Why do you mention them?" Farida asks. "Poor girl doesn't even
know who they were". "There is no need to cause unhappiness".
Akram says. Akram looks at Ayub and says, “If you know anything
tell it. What is all this mystery?"

"There is no mystery. I have just asked Zarina why she is quiet, whether
she remembers her parents. Zarina rises sohs and walks away. Ayub

Akram says that he has made him richer than he'll ever have been his
own efforts. He has given him more power than he has ever had. It is
bad enough having Afaq whose crimes are against other people. He must
not commit crimes against own family. Just because he has insisted that
he should go his to Chittagong but he is digging a hole for him to fall
into. Ayub does not care to answer.

Turning to look at Razia, Akram says, "I don't think that Afaq has
assaulted you. May be you have enticed Afaq and attemted him to
assault you”. Razia exclaims that it is highly ridiculous. Akram says
that they know that his wife is childless. They have plotted to have Afaq
out of the way so that he may not be a threat to what they will inherit.
With trust and affection they can build up more and more.

How Farida can look at him and Zarina? How any one of them can look
at them? They should dissolve the business, Part Company and never
see one another again.

Ayub replies him that he has nothing. He has lost the love of his wife
and his illegitimate daughter. If Farida is barren, he can marry another

In short after a lot of bickering and abusing they become cool. "There is
no need to be bitter". Ayub says, "You do as I tell you and nothing
need be public". "Do as I tell you" Akram says.


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