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HIV-associated nephropathies: epidemiology,

pathology, mechanisms and treatment
Avi Z. Rosenberg, Saraladevi Naicker, Cheryl A. Winkler and Jeffrey B. Kopp
Abstract | HIV is a highly adaptive, rapidly evolving virus, which is associated with renal diseases including
collapsing glomerulopathy—the classic histomorphological form of HIV-associated nephropathy. Other
nephropathies related to viral factors include HIV-immune-complex kidney disease and thrombotic
microangiopathy. The distribution of HIV-associated kidney diseases has changed over time and continues
to vary across geographic regions worldwide. The reasons for this diversity are complex and include a critical
role of APOL1 variants and possibly other genetic factors, disparities in access to effective antiviral therapies,
and likely other factors that we do not yet fully understand. The mechanisms responsible for HIVAN, including
HIV infection of podocytes and tubular epithelial cells, the molecules responsible for HIV entry, and diverse
mechanisms of cell injury, have been the focus of much study. Although combined antiretroviral therapy is
effective at preventing and reversing HIVAN, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, arterionephrosclerosis and
diabetic nephropathy are increasingly common in individuals who have received such therapy for many years.
These diseases are associated with metabolic syndrome, obesity and premature ageing. Future directions for
HIV-related kidney disease will involve regular screening for drug nephrotoxicity and incipient renal disease, as
well as further research into the mechanisms by which chronic inflammation can lead to glomerular disease.
Rosenberg, A. Z. et al. Nat. Rev. Nephrol. 11, 150–160 (2015); published online 17 February 2015; doi:10.1038/nrneph.2015.9

HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN)—the first kidney about 10% are in children.2 Almost 70% of new infections
disease to be associated with HIV infection and the first occur in sub-Saharan Africa. The prevalence of HIV varies
form of collapsing glomerulopathy (also known as col- widely between geographic regions (Figure 1). The USA
lapsing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis [FSGS]) has an estimated 1.1 million HIV-infected individuals
to be recognized 1—is mechanistically attributed to and an incidence of ~50,000 new cases per year, which
HIV‑1 infection. Other renal diseases associated with has been stable for a decade.4 Among patients with HIV
Department of
Pathology, Johns
HIV include HIV-immune-complex kidney disease in the USA, it is estimated that 82% have been diagnosed,
Hopkins Medical (HIVICK), thrombotic microangiopathy and disorders 66% are linked to care, 37% rece­ive regular care and 25%
Institutions, 720 associated with nephrotoxic HIV therapies. are virally suppressed.4 Worldwide 12.9 million people are
Rutland Avenue,
Baltimore, MD 21287, In this article we review the epidemiology, histo­ receiving combined antiretroviral therapy (cART), repre-
USA (A.Z.R.). School pathology, mechanisms and genetic susceptibility to senting approximately 37% of those with HIV infection.
of Clinical Medicine,
Faculty of Health HIV-associated nephropathy. We also discuss approaches Three-quarters of those on therapy live in sub-Saharan
Sciences, University to diagnosis and treatment as well as future research Africa; treatment rates in this region are similar to those
of the Witwatersrand,
7 York Road, Parktown,
directions. in the rest of the world.
Johannesburg 2193,
South Africa (S.N.). Epidemiology HIV-associated chronic kidney disease
Basic Research
Laboratory, Center HIV infection AIDS-associated nephropathy—now known as HIVAN—
for Cancer Research, In 2013, an estimated 35 million people worldwide, was first reported in the USA in 1984.1 The disease pre-
National Cancer
Institute, Leidos
including 24.7 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, sents clinically with proteinuria and renal dysfunction and
Biomedical Research, were living with HIV infection.2 Since the start of the patho­logically with collapsing FSGS, microcystic tubular
Frederick National HIV epidemic, 78 million people have been infected and dilatation and interstitial inflammation. Prior to 1995,
Laboratory, Frederick,
MD 21702, USA 39 million have died of AIDS-related illness. By com- HIVAN was reported in 3.5–10% of the HIV-infected pop-
(C.A.W.). Kidney parison, only the 1918 influenza pandemic has caused ulation in the USA, predominantly in individuals of Afri­
Disease Section,
NIDDK, NIH, 10 Center
more deaths—an estimated 50–100 million—during the can ancestry, but is declining in prevalence as a result of
Drive, 3N116 modern era (since ~1500).3 Globally, the rate of new HIV the widespread use of cART.5 Although typically described
Bethesda, MD 20892‑ infections has decreased by 38% since 2001, but approxi- in young adults of African ancestry with advanced HIV
1268, USA (J.B.K.).
mately 2.5 million new infections occur annually, of which disease, HIVAN is occasionally diagnosed before acute
Correspondence to: HIV seroconversion has been identified, and presents
jeffreyk@ Competing interests with nephrotic-range proteinuria. Without cART, HIVAN The authors declare no competing interests. ­progresses rapidly to end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

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Key points 60% reduction in the risk of ESRD associated with HIVAN
following the introduction of cART.15 A French study
■■ Widespread use of antiretroviral therapy has led to a change in the spectrum
described the change in pattern of renal disease in patients
of renal pathologies associated with HIV infection
■■ The incidence of HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) has decreased since the with HIV infection over 15 years since the introduction
introduction of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) of ART; the incidence of HIVAN decreased over time
■■ Viral factors that likely contribute to renal injury in HIV-positive patients include and non-collapsing forms of FSGS emerged as the most
direct infection of podocytes and renal tubular epithelial cells as well as the HIV common cause of glomerular disease among patients with
proteins Nef and Vpr HIV, occurring in 47% of patients during 2004–2007.16
■■ APOL1 genetic variants predispose to HIVAN but not to HIV-immune-complex HIVAN occurred more frequently in black patients with
kidney disease
severe immunodeficiency and severe renal failure, whereas
■■ All HIV-positive individuals should undergo periodic (at least annual) screening
of renal function
patients with non-collapsing FSGS were older, more likely
■■ All patients with HIV-associated kidney diseases should receive cART; standard to have received ART, more frequently had cardiovascular
therapies for chronic kidney disease are also recommended risk factors, and histologically, had more severe interstitial
fibrosis and less severe tubular lesions. Renin and the HIV
protease share certain functions; both cleave angiotensin­
Unsurprisingly, rates of HIV-associated chronic kidney ogen to angiotensin I and also cleave the HIV Gag poly-
disease (CKD) vary widely between calendar periods, protein, an essential step in HIV replication.17 Thus cART
populations and settings. Renal disease has been reported might be predicted to suppress HIV-induced activation of
in approximately 6.0–48.5% of HIV-infected individu- the renin–angiotensin system (RAS).
als in Africa;6 24–83% of these cases were classic HIVAN cART-induced nephrotoxicity is an increasing clini-
in South Africa.7–9 A cross-sectional study of 31 European cal problem that can occur even in patients with normal
countries, Israel and Argentina reported HIV-associated- baseline renal function.18 The most common forms are
CKD in 3.5–4.7% of HIV-infected individuals.10 Other crystalluria and obstruction due to protease inhibi-
epidemiological studies have reported rates of 18% in tor therapy and proximal tubular damage due to tenofo-
Hong Kong,11 1.1–5.6% in Brazil,12 18% in Switzerland,13 vir therapy (Table 2). Tenofovir-induced nephrotoxicity
27% in India and 20% in Iran.14 Renal histological ­findings causes proximal tubulopathy, acute kidney injury (AKI)
also vary between countries (Table 1). and CKD.19 Dose adjustment according to estimated glo-
merular filtration rate (eGFR) is mandatory to minimize
Effects of combined antiretroviral therapy the nephrotoxic effects of tenofovir. Renal monitoring
In the USA the incidence of HIVAN has declined since the in patients receiving this agent is important and drug
introduction of cART; the best evidence for this decline is a ­cessation is advised in those with nephrotoxicity.

Adult HIV prevalence (%)

Aids free
No data
Figure 1 | Prevalence of HIV infection in adults in 2009. The highest prevalence is seen in sub-Saharan
ReviewsImage based
| Nephrology
on data from UNAIDS and adapted from Wikimedia Commons (
2009.svg), which is in the public domain.


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Table 1 | Spectrum of renal histology in patients with HIV infection in different countries
Biopsy series South Africa USA France
Cape Town 9
Durban 8
Johannesburg 7
Johannesburg 133
Baltimore 113
Chicago 134
Study details
Year of publication 2012 2006 2006 2014 2008 2013 2012
Number of biopsies 192 7 99 364 152 47 88
Renal histologic findings (%)*
Classic HIVAN 79‡ 86§ 27 33 35 34 30
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 1 — 8 11 22 23 26
HIV-immune-complex disease
Not further specified 2 — 21 15 — 4 9
Mesangial proliferative 2 — 6 — — — 7
Membranoproliferative — — — 3 5 2 2
Lupus-like glomerulonephritis — — — — 2 — 3
IgA nephropathy 1 — 5 4 2 — 3
Membranous nephropathy 3 — 13 8 3 — 4
Exudative proliferative or crescentic — — — — 5 — 2
Immunotactoid or fibrillary — — — — 1 — —
HIV thrombotic thrombocytopenic — — — — — — 3
purpura or haemolytic uraemic
Minimal change nephropathy — — 2 3 1 — 4
Other glomerular and tubular diseases 12 14 18 23 24 37 7
*Data indicate the percentage of each biopsy series that manifested particular diagnostic entities (all columns total 100%). Histomorphologic diagnosis is given as specified in the original
reference and may not reflect current diagnostic standards. ‡22% of individuals in the Cape Town series had both HIVAN and immune complex glomerulonephritis and are assigned to the
HIVAN category. §One individual in the Durban series had both HIVAN and membranous nephropathy and is assigned to the HIVAN category. Abbreviation: HIVAN, HIV-associated nephropathy.

Prolonged use of cART and the consequent increased glomerulopathy (classic HIVAN),1,23,24 HIV-associated
longevity of HIV-infected patients have led to the emer- lupus-like glomerulonephritis,25–28 IgA nephropathy,29,30
gence of new patterns of HIV-associated CKD. Despite thrombotic microangiopathy,31 membranoproliferative
successful suppression of HIV replication using cART, glomerulo­nephritis,8 membranous glomerulonephritis,8,32
a state of chronic inflammation and dysmetabolism infection-related or hepatitis C virus-associated immune
persists and is associated with renal diseases includ- complex glomerulo­nephritis33 and fibrillary or immuno-
ing diabetic nephropathy, arterionephrosclerosis and tactoid glomerulo­nephritis.34,35 Tubulointerstitial changes
possibly FSGS. Similarities between the ageing process related to drug-induced mitochondriopathies, drug toxi­
and HIV infection suggest that the virus compresses the city, acute interstitial nephritis or superimposed viral,
ageing process, accelerating comorbidity and frailty.20,21 fungal or mycobacterial infections may also be present.
The risks of drug toxicity and cardiovascular disease are Of the above entities, classic HIVAN is the best defined in
increased in individuals with low eGFR, including the terms of histologic features and pathomechanisms.
elderly and those with HIV-infection. The spectrum of Early reports identified the pathognomonic constella-
CKD in elderly patients with HIV infection is poorly tion of features that comprise HIVAN: collapse of glomer-
defined. Survival of elderly HIV-infected patients on ular capillaries, visceral glomerular epitheliosis, podocyte
dialysis is low and delays in initiating dialysis are associ- hypertrophy and proliferation, mesangial prominence
ated with increased morbidity and mortality. Whether and hypercellularity, endothelial tubuloreticular inclu-
controlling blood pressure or diabetes mellitus will sions (TRIs) on ultrastructural examination and micro-
improve outcomes in this population is not known. cystic tubules.1,23,24 Microcystic dilatation in particular
has been suggested as a histologic modifier that together
Histopathology with proteinuria predicts poor outcomes.9 Differential
HIV-associated renal diseases include a broad histo- diagnoses to consider in patients with collapsing glo-
pathological spectrum that encompasses glomerular merulopathy include other infectious aetiologies (such
and tubulointerstitial pathologies secondary to HIVAN, as cytomegalovirus, parvovirus B19 and Epstein Barr
AKI, cART-related toxicities and HIV-associated comor- virus [although the role of the latter two viruses remains
bidities (such as hepatitis C virus infection, hypertension uncertain36]), drug toxicities, vascular pathologies (such
and diabetes).21,22 Glomerular entities include collapsing as thrombotic microangiopathy), autoimmune diseases,

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Table 2 | Renal effects of highly active anti-retroviral therapies common in the presence of advanced disease, includ-
ing AIDS.39,40 Susceptibility to classic HIVAN is most
Class Drug Renal abnormality
striking in patients of West African descent,41 including
Nucleoside reverse Abacavir AIN (case report) African-American and Afro-Caribbean populations.42
transcriptase inhibitors Fanconi syndrome (case report)
HIVAN has been reported to a lesser degree in Hispanic
Didanosine Fanconi syndrome populations8 and variably in Asian Indian cohorts26,41 but
Lactic acidosis was notably absent in Swiss–European13 and Thai popu-
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus lations.43 Over the past two decades, a decreasing fre-
(case reports) quency of classic HIVAN has been observed in African
Lamivudine Renal tubular acidosis patients living in Europe.44
Hypophosphataemia (case report) HIVICK and non-collapsing forms of FSGS are
Stavudine Renal tubular acidosis increasingly reported in the post-cART era.45 HIVICK
Hypophosphataemia (case report) is less likely than HIVAN to progress to ESRD and is
Zidovudine None reported thought to be associated with greater exposure to cART
Non-nucleoside reverse Nevirapine None reported and hepatitis C virus co-infection.46 In HIV-positive
transcriptase inhibitors European-derived populations HIVICK is the dominant
Delavirdine None reported
glomerular disease and HIVAN is rare in comparison to
Efavirenz Nephrolithiasis its incidence in African-derived populations.
Nucleotide reverse Tenofovir Proximal tubular dysfunction Classic HIVAN does not seem to recur in allografts
transcriptase inhibitors with Fanconi syndrome and is associated with excellent transplant outcomes
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
AKI similar to those of HIV-negative cohorts.47 Recurrence of
CKD lupus-like HIV-associated kidney disease has, however,
Protease inhibitors Amprenavir None reported been reported in a renal allograft.48 This finding may
present future challenges to renal transplantation in
Atazanavir AIN (case report)
HIV-positive cohorts. The potential risk of recurrence
Darunavir None reported of HIVICK but not HIVAN in transplanted kidneys may
Fosamprenavir None reported reflect differing aetiologies; HIVAN results from direct
Indinavir AKI (AIN) viral infection of renal cells or the action of viral proteins,
CKD (AIN) whereas the aetiology of HIVICK is unknown.
Intratubular drug precipitation
Papillary necrosis Mechanisms
Hypertension Characteristic HIVAN pathologic changes are observed
Renal atrophy along the full length of the nephron and include glo-
Lopinavir None reported merular and tubulointerstitial features. Various patho-
Nelfinavir Nephrolithiasis (case report) mechanistic processes have been implicated in HIVAN,
including effects on glomerular filtration, proliferation,
Ritonavir AKI
apoptosis, de-differentiation and immunomodulation,
Saquinavir AKI in association with Ritonavir
most of which can now be related to the presence of HIV
Tipranavir None reported transcripts in affected renal parenchymal cells. In early
Fusion or entry inhibitors Enfuvirtide Membranoproliferative mechanistic studies of HIVAN the kidney was identi-
glomerulonephritis (case report) fied as a non-productive reservoir for HIV.49 Subsequent
Maraviroc None reported cDNA localization studies of renal parenchyma showed a
Integrase inhibitor Raltegravir None reported greater role for HIV infection in some HIV-related kidney
Abbreviations: AIN, acute interstitial nephritis; AKI, acute kidney injury; CKD, chronic kidney disease.
diseases, in particular in HIVAN, than in others such as
Permission obtained from Nature Publishing Group © Izzedine, H., Harris, M. & Perazalla, M. A. The HIVICK.50,51 Nonetheless, HIV viral proteins have a role
nephrotoxic effects of HAART. Nat. Rev. Nephrol. 5, 563–573 (2009).
in HIVAN and can induce collapsing glomerulopathy and
tubular injury in t­ ransgenic mice.52–54
malignancy, genetic factors and, if none of the above,
idiopathic collapsing glomerulopathy. The presence of HIV infection of renal cells
TRIs—interferon-related features most commonly seen The process by which HIV enters renal parenchymal
with viral aetiologies and in lupus nephritis—is helpful cells is not well understood (Figure 2). The receptors
in distinguishing viral forms of collapsing FSGS, includ- that mediate entry of the virus into T cells (CD4) and
ing HIVAN. The increased numbers of epithelial cells macrophages (C‑X-C chemokine receptor type 5) seem
attached to the glomerular basement membrane and to be absent from renal cells. Receptors that may have
within the Bowman space in collapsing glomerulopathy a role in HIV infection of these cells include CD209
are now thought to be the result of aberrant proliferation antigen (also known as DC‑SIGN), which contributes to
of stem cells that originate within the parietal epithelium37 HIV infection of dendritic cells and possibly podocytes,
and/or from renin-expressing cell populations.38 and lymphocyte antigen 75 (also known as DEC‑205),
Classic HIVAN histopathology can be seen in adults which may contribute to infection of tubular epithelial
and children at any stage of HIV infection, but is most cells.55 Phagocytosis of apoptotic CD4+ T cells has also


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a b



Tat protein entry

via heparan sulphate
proteoglycan Sclerosis
and lipid rafts and collapse


Hypertrophy and Loss of podocyte

Podocyte differentiation
hyperplasia of PECs
forming a markers and mitotic
Tubular epithelial cell pseudocrescent catastrophe

G2/M arrest and

HIV entry via DEC205 Loss of apoptosis
or phagocytosis of brush
infected cells border
Tubular dilation
Proximal tubule

Figure 2 | Mechanisms of collapsing glomerulopathy in HIVAN. a | Understanding of the mechanismsNature of

Reviews | Nephrology
HIV entry into
renal cells remains provisional, as studies have necessarily relied on cell culture models using transformed human kidney
cells and transgenic mice. In vitro, HIV enters podocytes via DC‑SIGN and tubule cells via DEC205, whereas the Tat
protein enters podocytes via lipid rafts and induced apoptosis of cultured podocytes. b | Expression of the HIV regulatory
and accessory proteins Vpr and Nef in transgenic mice produces the glomerular and tubular features of collapsing
glomerulopathy. Vpr and Tat, but not Nef, are present in human plasma. The mechanism that drives aberrant expansion
of podocyte stem cells, which are located in the parietal epithelium, remains unknown. The pathology of HIVAN is
characterized by podocyte loss, aberrant stem cell replenishment, tubular cell injury, and microcystic tubular dilatation.
Abbreviation: HIVAN, HIV-associated nephropathy.

been proposed as a mechanism by which HIV may enter driven by Vpr, mediated by ubiquitin-like protein FAT1065
tubular cells.56 The HIV proteins Tat and Vpr circulate in or caspase‑2 and Fas,66 and involving G2/M arrest.67
plasma and Tat can access podocytes via heparan sulfate Studies using an early primate model of AIDS sug-
proteoglycans and cholesterol-enriched lipid rafts. 57 gested that mesangial cell injury was central to the devel-
HIV has been shown to enter cultured podocytes by opment of collapsing glomerulonephritis. Intriguingly,
dynamin-mediated endocytosis but did not establish a the strain-limited ability of HIV to cause mesangial
productive infection.58 The study authors proposed that collapse highlights HIV-tropism; not all strains are
this mechanism might account for the detection of some capable of entrance and expression in mesangial cells
HIV genomes in human renal tissues. in a G‑protein coupled receptor 1 (GPR1)-dependent
manner.68,69 Expression of the HIV transgene envelope
Pathomechanism of HIVAN glycoprotein gp160 results in tumour necrosis factor
Studies in model systems with confirmation of findings and Bcl‑2-dependent proliferation and apoptosis of
in human biopsy samples have been integral in study- mesangial cells,70 whereas Tat expression was associated
ing the pathomechanism of HIVAN. In murine models, with mesangial cell production of transforming growth
renal HIV transgene expression results in a HIVAN-like factor β.71 Reduced expression of matrix proteins such as
pathology,59,60 supporting direct effects of HIV transcript perlecan (in an apolipoprotein E-dependent manner)72
expression in glomerular (mesangial and epithelial) and overexpression of matrix remodelling enzymes, such
and tubular cells61 as well as in microcyst formation.62,63 as matrix metalloproteinase 9, have been observed in
HIV-associated cell death has been proposed to occur in HIVAN glomeruli.73 Together these molecular processes
podocytes via mitotic catastrophe,64 in which defective regulate the sclerosing and collapsing features of HIVAN.
chromosome replication or other DNA damage leads Alterations in nephron morphogenesis and dedif-
to cell death, and in tubular cells via apoptosis, possibly ferentiation are central to the development of HIVAN.

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Sidekick‑1, a cell adhesion member of the immunoglob- by reducing expression of nephrin97 and HIV-dependent
ulin family involved in renal branching morphogenesis, downregulation of miR‑33 and miR‑200 has been shown
is overexpressed in glomeruli from patients and model in podocytes.98 In addition, levels of miR‑99a, miR‑100a,
organisms with HIVAN.74 This overexpression results miR‑199a and miR‑200 were decreased in HIV-infected
in podocyte aggregation, a feature of the extraglomer- podocytes; their expression could be increased in a
ular prominence and/or proliferation observed in this rapamycin-­dependent manner.99 Among many path-
disease.75 Expression of HIV transgenes (particularly ways involved in this process, Wnt signalling and oxi-
Tat and Nef) in podocytes and renal tubular epithelial dative stress were modulated by rapamycin. Finally,
cells results in dedifferentiation and/or epithelial mes- HIV-transduced human podocytes manifest reduced
enchymal transdifferentiation (that is, loss of expression vitamin D receptor expression, enhanced expression
of nephrin, cadherin‑1 [also known as E‑cadherin]) of cathepsin L, and increased production of angioten-
synapto­p odin, Wilms tumour protein and protein sin II.100 In summary, HIVAN histopathologic complexity
atonal homologue 8, and expression of zinc finger E-box- is likely the result of the convergence of many deregulated
binding homeoBox 1, α‑smooth muscle actin and fibro- pathways, which are altered by a small set of HIV gene
blast-specific protein‑1) and correlates with proliferation products in the structurally diverse kidney.
and tubular microcyst formation.63,76–81
The effects of Nef expression on podocyte prolif- Viral factors
eration and dedifferentiation are Src-dependent and The primate lentiviruses HIV and simian immuno­
involve activation of signal transducer and activator of deficiency virus cause nearly identical glomerulopathies,
transcription 3 (Stat3) and the Ras–mitogen-activated suggesting that retroviral gene products alter glomerular
protein kinase (MAPK) 1/2 pathway.82,83 Abrogation cell function in specific ways.101 Evidence from trans-
of Stat3 activation in podocytes alleviates many of the genic mouse models suggests that expression of single
glomerular and tubulointerstitial features of HIVAN.84 HIV genes can replicate the clinical features (proteinuria
Dedifferentiation seems to occur in a mammalian target and progressive kidney disease) and pathologic features
of rapamycin (mTOR)-dependent manner; the mTOR (collapsing glomerulopathy and tubular cell injury) of
inhibitor sirolimus reduced HIV transcript levels and HIVAN seen in humans. These models include the long-
progression to HIVAN in murine models.85,86 Roles of studied HIV transgenic mouse Tg26 which bears a gag–
activation of Notch 1 and Notch 4 in HIV-associated dys- pol deleted HIV transgene and has intact open reading
regulation of proliferation and self-renewal mechanisms frames for the accessory gene products Tat, Rev, Nef, Vpr,
have also been reported.87,88 Vpu and Vif, under the control of the viral long termi-
HIV transgenes also affect glomerular and tubular nal repeat.102 This mouse model and a rat model with the
epithelial cells via dysregulation of proliferation and same transgene develop glomerular and tubular disease.103
apoptosis. The mechanism that underlies loss of growth Expression of Nef under the human CD453 or nephrin
inhibition (that is, quiescence) of podocytes has been ­promoter,54 or of Vpr under the nephrin54 or podocyte pro-
associated with proliferation via reduced expression of moter (that is, podocin)52 replicate HIVAN in mice.
the cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors p27 and Both Nef and Vpr expression models induce HIVAN in
p57, resulting in activation of cyclin A.89,90 Intriguingly, transgenic mice; it is somewhat surprising that these two
loss of expression of CDK inhibitors correlates with regulatory/accessory proteins can each reproduce the key
increased expression of HIV transgenes,62 suggesting a features of HIVAN. With regard to Nef, proposed molecu-
feedback loop between HIV transgene expression and lar pathways of podocyte injury include vascular endo­
podocyte proliferation. More specifically, Vpr has been thelial growth factor expression, downregulation of Notch
implicated in epithelial cell hypertrophy, hyperploidy and signalling 88 and activation of Stat3 signalling.83
apoptosis via activation of the DNA damage response
pathway and subsequent ERK and Bax-mediated mito- Genetic factors
chondrial injury.91,92 In tubular cells interaction and Since the initial description of HIVAN it has been recog-
co-localization of Vpr with ubiquitin D (also known as nized that individuals of African descent are particularly
ubiquitin-like protein FAT10) in mitochondria has been disposed to this complication of HIV infection. This pre-
implicated in HIVAN-related cell death.65,93 Nuclear dilection is due to high frequencies of the APOL1 genetic
factor κB-dependent processes, including Fas ligand variants G1 and G2 in this population.104,105 These vari-
expression, associated apoptosis and inflammation have ants arose separately on chromosome 22 and recombina-
been identified in the kidneys of HIV transgenic mice.94,95 tion to produce a chromosome that has both G1 and G2
Other HIVAN disease mechanisms that require further has not been observed. Both variants must, therefore, be
study include HIV–associated dysregulation of micro- genotyped when evaluating risk of renal disease; geno-
RNA, effects of HIV on the cellular response to oxidative typing for only one variant makes the tacit and incorrect
stress, and direct effects of HIV transgenes on glomerular assumption that the other variant is absent.106 The G2
permeability. The role of oxidative stress in HIV-infected variant seems to be the oldest; it is widely distributed
kidneys is now being investigated and redox-stress throughout sub-Saharan Africa at rates of ~8–10%.106
responses, including mTOR-dependent p53 activation, Frequencies of the G1 variant, which seems to have been
have been observed in a HIVAN model.96 HIV Tat protein under recent selection pressure, range from 0% to 60%
has been shown to dysregulate glomerular permeability and are particularly high among the Yoruba, Igbo and


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Asante people of West Africa. Rarity of these risk vari- ratio and urine albumin:creatinine ratio. This approach
ants in Ethiopia likely accounts for the rarity of HIVAN aids in the identification of glomerular disease
in this population.107 The G1 and G2 variants confer risk (albumin:protein ratio generally >40%, reflecting the value
for HIVAN and HIV-associated FSGS, as well as other typical of plasma) and tubular disease (albumin:protein
glomerular diseases and arterionephrosclerosis (also ratio generally <30%, reflecting the predominance of low
known as hypertensive nephrosclerosis). The effect is molecular weight proteins such as β2 microglobulins,
largely recessive; homo­zygous (G1/G1 or G2/G2) or which are present in normal glomerular filtrate and are
compound heterozygous (G1/G2) individuals have the resorbed by the proximal tubule, a process that is impaired
highest risk of HIVAN. The risk allele frequency (G1 by tubular injury such as that seen with tenofovir and
or G2) is approximately 35% in the African American other toxins). Proximal tubular disease suggested by a low
population; ~12–14% of African Americans carry two albumin:protein ratio can be confirmed by measuring the
APOL1 risk alleles, which confer the highest risk of β2 microglobulin:creatinine ratio and by demonstrating
APOL1-associated nephropathy. increased excretion of phosphate and urate.
The published odd ratios (ORs) for a recessive model
of disease (requiring two copies of the risk allele) is Utility of kidney biopsy
29 for HIVAN and 17 for primary FSGS, with a non-­ The utility of kidney biopsy in HIV-infected individuals
significant trend for a single APOL1 variant to confer has been debated. As noted above, not all CKD accom-
risk.108 However, we have found that the OR for HIVAN panied by proteinuria and renal dysfunction in these
is numerically higher in South African HIV-positive patients is due to HIVAN; a range of pathological con-
populations with two APOL1 risk alleles (OR 89, 95% CI ditions may be responsible. Moreover, no single clinical
18–911) than in the previous US study108 and that a mar- parameter is diagnostic of HIVAN: kidney size or echo-
ginally significant effect of one risk allele exists (OR 5, genicity on ultrasound, nephrotic-range proteinuria and
P = 0.05).109 The mechanisms by which the APOL1 variant low CD4+ T cell counts do not reliably predict the disease.
proteins alter kidney cell function are a matter of con- Therapeutic decision making for renal diseases is guided
siderable interest. A promising line of work suggests that by biopsy findings; cART is an essential component in
altered function of vesicular trafficking, including endo- treatment of HIVAN, whereas its role in the therapy of
somal and autophagosomal function, may be critical.110 non-HIVAN lesions is unknown.113 In some respects, the
On other hand, the fact that individuals without risk decision whether to perform a renal biopsy is similar in
alleles or with one risk allele may develop HIVAN sug- HIV-positive patients and diabetic patients. Both decisions
gests that other genetic and/or environmental risk factors involve consideration of how typical or atypical is the clini-
are sufficient to cause this disease. cal presentation, what alternative diagnoses (other than
Approximately 6 million African Americans have two HIVAN or diabetic nephropathy) seem likely, whether
APOL1 risk alleles, but it seems that most will never an alternative diagnosis would lead to new therapy with a
develop kidney disease. In the setting of untreated HIV reasonable likelihood of changing the clinical course, the
infection, an estimated 50% of these genetically at-risk risks involved in renal biopsy in the individual patient and
individuals with two APOL1 risk alleles will develop the patient’s own preference with regard to biopsy.
HIVAN,108 making HIV by far the strongest environ-
mental factor to interact with this genetic risk factor. Therapy
Certainly one plausible hypothesis is that HIV induces Antiretroviral therapy
interferon expression, which drives APOL1 gene expres- Prior to the availability of cART, HIVAN almost uni-
sion,111 and that the increased expression of the variant formly progressed rapidly to ESRD. Current guidelines,
APOL1 proteins is toxic to cells.110 therefore, recommend HIVAN as an indication for initi­
ation of cART irrespective of CD4+ lymphocyte count.112
Screening and early detection Epidemiologic data showing a decline in the incidence of
Patients with HIV infection are at increased risk of CKD HIVAN114 and HIV-associated ESRD115 in the USA after
and should receive regular screening for incipient renal the introduction of cART, suggest that effective control of
disease, including HIVAN, as well as other glomerular viral replication can prevent the development of HIVAN.
and tubular diseases at diagnosis of HIV infection, on cART has been associated with a lower incidence
initiation of ART or change in therapy, and annually of HIVAN, improved kidney function and lower risk of
in stable patients. Guidelines from the HIV Medicine ESRD in observational studies of patients with biopsy-
Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America confirmed or clinically suspected HIVAN. Although the
(updated in 2014) state that annual screening should evidence for initiating cART in HIVICK is inconclusive,
include assessment of blood pressure, serum creatinine the approach seems to be appropriate. A study of 221
and eGFR as well as quantitative measurement of urine HIV-positive patients in South Africa reported that both
albumin levels and markers of proximal tubular func- HIVAN and HIVICK showed response to cART.9 HIV-
tion in patients on tenofovir.112 Referral to a nephrologist associated thrombotic microangiopathy also appears to
is recommended when eGFR decreases by >25% from benefit from ART and a decline in incidence has been
baseline or is <60 ml/min/1.73 m2. reported with widespread ART use.116
We believe that annual screening should include Several studies have demonstrated improvements in
random spot urine measurement of protein:creatinine kidney function in patients with HIV-associated CKD

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after initiation of cART. The DART study conducted in Renal replacement therapy
Uganda and Zimbabwe, showed improvement in GFR by Data from the US Renal Data System and from France
1.9–6.0 ml/min/1.73 m2 after 4–5 years of cART, with 2.8% show that survival rates of HIV-infected patients receiv-
of the 3,316 patients at an eGFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2.117 ing haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis who are stable
A 21% improvement in median eGFR after 2 years on cART on cART are comparable to those of patients on dialysis
was reported in Ugandan patients with HIV-associated without HIV infection; the choice of dialysis modality
CKD.118 A study from Tanzania showed improvement in does not impact survival.130–132 Strict use of universal
renal function with ART over a median period of 2 years; precautions with regard to blood components is the best
the number of patients with eGFR <90 ml/min/1.73 m2 form of prevention of HIV transmission in dialysis units.
decreased from 76% to 29.2% and those with eGFR <60 ml/
min/1.73 m2 decreased from 21.1% to 1.1%.119 Kidney transplantation
Many antiretroviral medications are partially or Kidney transplantation has been performed successfully
completely eliminated by the kidney and require dose in HIV-positive patients. A case series of 150 kidney trans-
adjustment in patients with CKD. Certain drug classes, plantations in the USA reported patient and graft sur-
such as protease inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse- vival at 3 years of 88.2% and 73.7% respectively.47 Despite
transcriptase inhibitors, are metabolized by the liver and high rates of acute graft rejection (31% in the first year),
do not require dose adjustment,120 whereas most nucleo- patient survival was similar and allograft survival was only
side reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) are excreted ­somewhat lower than that in recipients without HIV.
unchanged in the urine and do require dose adjustment.
NRTI doses may also have to be supplemented following Remaining questions and future directions
dialysis.121 In general, drug combinations should not be Several questions remain regarding the pathogenesis and
used in patients with eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2.112 treatment of HIVAN. For example, the role of host factors
is not well understood. The mechanisms by which APOL1
Management of HIV-associated kidney diseases risk variant proteins predispose podocytes, vascular cells,
In the first years of the HIV epidemic, several therapies tubular cells and possibly other cells to injury, and whether
were attempted for HIVAN. Studies in the pre-cART they act synergistically with viral factors on host pathways
era suggested a benefit of corticosteroid therapy.122 The to damage renal cells are unclear. Moreover, the factors
efficacy, however, seemed to be modest and often short- that protect some individuals with two APOL1 risk alleles
lived, so corticosteroids are not considered standard from developing glomerular disease remain to be iden-
therapy. Similarly limited data exist on the efficacy of tified. In particular, whether protective genetic variants
ciclosporin for inducing remission of proteinuria in chil- contribute to resistance to kidney disease in these patients
dren with HIVAN.123 The HIV Medicine Association of is unknown. The AOPL1 gene product does not seem to be
the Infectious Diseases Society of America recommend essential for normal kidney function. The mechanism that
that all patients with HIV-associated kidney disease underlies the recessive phenotype (whereby two risk alleles
should receive cART; if renal function does not improve, confer the greatest risk of HIVAN), therefore, remains to
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors be explained, as does the observation that 10% of patients
or ­angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) and/or pred- of African descent who have HIVAN carry no APOL1 risk
nisone (dose of 1 mg/kg per day; maximum dose 80 mg alleles, whereas 20% carry only one risk allele.108 These
per day for 2 months, with tapering over 2–4 months) estimates may not be precise, given the difficulties of dis-
may be added.124 Progression to ESRD has been reported tinguishing HIVAN from other forms of FSGS in certain
to be more likely when the following parameters are cases. Whether other genetic variants of African origin
present: high grade proteinuria, severely reduced eGFR, predispose to HIVAN is not known.
extensive glomerulosclerosis and chronic interstitial The critical pathways by which HIV accessory proteins
fibrosis.125,126 Among patients with HIV-associated kidney drive glomerular and tubular cell injury, and whether
diseases other than HIVAN, those with two APOL1 renal other viruses also activate these pathways, is also a topic
risk variants progress more rapidly to ESRD despite for future research, as is the potential contribution
­effective viral suppression.127 of environmental factors, such as toxins, to the risk of
Standard therapies for CKD are recommended for HIV- HIVAN. Improved understanding of the injury pathways
positive individuals, including control of blood pressure that are activated by HIV proteins and APOL1 protein
to <140/90 mmHg and the use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs. variants in HIVAN could potentially lead to new thera-
In Tg26 mice, the renin inhibitor aliskiren decreased pro- peutic strategies as well as new insights into the patho-
teinuria and progression of glomerular and tubular lesions genesis of other collapsing glomerulopathies, such as
by decreasing plasma angiotensin I and tissue angioten- idiopathic collapsing glomerulopathy.
sin II levels, suggesting that inhibition of renin activity
has the potential to slow the progression  of HIVAN.128 Conclusions
Underdosing of cART in patients with CKD is reported HIV infection and related therapies are associated with
to be associated with increased mortality.129 Other general diverse renal pathology, distinct glomerular diseases
management approaches include control of serum urate (particularly HIVAN and HIVICK), tubular injury (par-
and bicarbonate, avoidance of nephrotoxins, smoking ticularly owing to tenofovir therapy) and increas-
­cessation and weight loss in obese patients. ingly, diseases associated with chronic inflammation,


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metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes and premature From a research perspective, a major opportunity
ageing (such as arterionephrosclerosis, diabetic nephro­ exists to develop an understanding of how intact HIV
pathy and FSGS). Importantly APOL1 risk alleles are and its regulatory and accessory proteins interact with the
major risk factors for HIVAN, arterionephrosclerosis APOL1 risk allele variants to induce HIVAN. An under-
and FSGS. Clinicians must be alert to the possibility of standing of the HIV–APOL1 interaction might also serve
HIV-associated glomerular or tubular disease and screen to illuminate the mechanisms that underlie other forms
infected patients for these conditions on a regular basis. of APOL1-associated nephropathies.

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