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A- Choose the correct food words to complete the sentences.

Example: We had _____ chicken and vegetables for dinner last night.
A) grilled B) grill C) grills

1. Beetroot and cabbage are types of _____.

A) vegetables B) fruit C) meat
2. I love seafood, especially _____.
A) chicken B) duck C) prawns
3. Food that isn’t cooked is _____.
A) boiled B) raw C) fried
4. I’m trying to cut _____ meat. Vegetarian food is better for the planet.
A) down out B) down on C) down
5. This curry is really _____. It has lots of chillies in it.
A) fresh B) raw C) spicy
6. We don’t have any _____ because this is a seafood restaurant.
A) beef B) mussels C) squid
7. I don’t want to cook tonight. Let’s eat _____.
A) down B) out C) on

B- Choose the correct word(s) for the definitions, A, B, or C.

Example: another word for mother or father

A) sibling B) parent C) family
8. your grandfather’s / grandmother’s mother
A) great-grandfather B) great-grandmother C) grandmother
9. a child who lives with a new family not their birth parents
A) stepchild B) only child C) adopted child
10. a sister who only has one parent the same as you
A) half-sister B) step-sister C) only child
11. your husband’s / wife’s brother
A) stepbrother B) brother-in-law C) half-brother
12. relatives who aren’t immediate family
A) modern family B) stepfamily C) extended family
13 a child without brothers and sisters
A) a stepchild B) an adopted child C) an only child
14. a woman who marries someone with children
A) stepdaughter B) mother-in-law C) stepmother

C- Choose the correct prefix, A, B, or C, to make the adjective negative.

Example: mature
A) un- B) im- C) il-

15. reliable 18. imaginative

A) un- B) dis- C) in- A) im- B) in- C) un-
16. responsible 19. sensitive
A) in- B) im- C) ir- A) un- B) in- C) dis-
17. organized 20. patient
A) ir- B) dis- C) il- A) in- B) un- C) im-

A- Choose () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: Federico always _____ eggs for 9. I promise I _____ anyone else!
breakfast. A) won’t to tell B) won’t tell
A) is eating B) eats C) eat C) ’m not telling

1. Anya’s in the kitchen. She _____ dinner. 10. We’re _____ about you at the moment,

A) cooks B) ’s cooking C) will cook and we hope you’ll be home soon.

2. I _____ to eat fresh vegetables – I don’t A) believing B)

like frozen. C) thinking

A) prefers B) ’m preferring 11. The traffic’s terrible. I _____ miss my

C) prefer train.

3. Today most people _____ on junk food. A) will to B) ’m going to C) go to

A) cuts down B) are cutting down 12. A: _____ we order some salad?

C) is cutting down B: Good idea.

4. It’s hot in here! _____ open the window? A) Must B) Will C) Shall

A) Will I B) Shall I C) Do I 13. Tom _____ arrives on time. He’s always

5. He _____ swimming on Tuesdays. late.

A) always goes B) is always going A) never B) sometimes C) often

C) goes always 14. Where _____ on holiday this year?

6. A: Is there anything on TV tonight? A) you are going B) are you going

B: I don’t know. _____ online. C) do you go

A) I’ll look B) I’m going to look 15. People’s characters _______ on their

C) I look family background.

7. We _____ the cinema on Saturday. A) are depending B) depends

Would you like to come? C) depend

A) will go to B) go to 16. What _____ next weekend?

C) are going to A) do you do B) will do you

8. My brother _____ a job at the moment. C) are you doing

A) isn’t having B) won’t have 17. I’m not ____ speak to José any more.

C) doesn’t have A) will B) going C) going to

18. She _____ eats meat or fish. She’s a strict vegetarian.
A) often B) never C) sometimes
19. How many cups of coffee _____ a day?
A) do you drink B) are you drinking C) you drink
20. What _____ when he finishes university?
A) is he going to do B) does he do C) he does

B- Choose the correct verb forms.

SAM: When you start working from home next week, which room (0) are you going to
work / are you working in?
KIM: This bedroom, I think. It’s nice and bright.
SAM: Do you think (1) it’ll be / it’s being big enough?
KIM: Oh yes, I think so. My new desk (2) won’t take / isn’t taking up much space.
SAM: That’s good.
KIM: In fact, the shop has just phoned. (3) They’ll bring / They’re bringing it round in
half an hour.
SAM: Where are you thinking of putting it?
KIM: I’m not sure. (4) I’ll probably put / I’m probably putting it by the window.
SAM: I don’t think (5) it’s going to fit / it’s fitting there.
KIM: You’re right. (6) I’ll have to / I’m having to put it against that wall.
SAM: What about that bed? It’s (7) going to get / getting in your way. Also (8) you’ll
definitely need / you’re definitely needing some shelves for books and things. By
the way, what time is it?
KIM: It’s nearly six.
SAM: Is it? I must go. (9) I’ll play / I’m playing football at half past.
KIM: Right. (10) I’ll call / I’m calling you later. Bye.

C- Choose the correct sentence in each dialogue.

1. A: Would you like to see a movie tomorrow night?
B: 1) Sorry, I’ll play basketball./ 2)Sorry, I’m going to play basketball.
2. A: What are your plans for the summer?
B: 1) I’ll spend a month in the mountains./ 2) I’m going to spend a month in the mountains.
3. A: What do you think about the weather?
B: 1) It’ll probably rain tomorrow./ 2) It’s raining tomorrow.
4. A: What about tomorrow at about 6:00?
B: 1) OK. I’ll see you then./ 2) OK. I’m seeing you then.
5. A: Kelly is buying a dog next week.
B: 1) Really? What’s she going to call it?/ 2) Really? What’s she calling it?
6. A: It would be nice to see you next week.
B: 1) Are you doing anything on Wednesday?/ 2) Will you do anything on Wednesday?

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