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The Analysis of Time Series

An Introduction
Chatfield Texts in Statistical Science

The Analysis

An Introduction
The Analysis of Time Series
Chris Chatfield
Since 1975, The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction has introduced legions of
statistics students and researchers to the theory and practice of time series analysis.
With each successive edition, author Chris Chatfield has honed and refined the

of Time Series
presentation, updated the material to reflect advances in the field, and presented
interesting new data sets.

The sixth edition is no exception. It provides an accessible, comprehensive introduction

to the theory and practice of time series analysis. The treatment covers a wide range
of topics, including ARIMA probability models, forecasting methods, spectral analysis,
linear systems, state-space models, and the Kalman filter. It also addresses nonlinear,
multivariate, and long-memory models. The author has carefully updated each chapter,
added new discussions, incorporated new datasets, and made those datasets available
An Introduction


• A new section on Handling Real Data
• New discussion on prediction intervals
• A completely revised and restructured chapter on more advanced topics,
with new material on the aggregation of time series, analyzing time series in
finance, and discrete-valued time series

• A new chapter of Examples and Practical Advice


”... there is no question that this text is the most accessible text on time series in
—Dennis Cox, Rice University
”…this is about the only book I would recommend to readers for a safe, practically
minded, non-mathematical introduction to a fairly broad cross section of topics...“
— Neville Davies, Nottingham Trent University

Chris Chatfield is a Reader in Statistics at the University of Bath, UK, the author of
five books and numerous research papers, an elected member of the International
Statistical Institute, and a member of the Interna-
tional Institute of Forecasters. Chris Chatfield


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Texts in Statistical Science Series
Series Editors
C. Chatfield, University of Bath, UK
Martin Tanner, Northwestern University, USA
J. Zidek, University of British Columbia, Canada

Analysis of Failure and Survival Data Elementary Applications of Probability

Peter J. Smith Theory, Second Edition
The Analysis and Interpretation of H.C. Tuckwell
Multivariate Data for Social Scientists Elements of Simulation
David J. Bartholomew, Fiona Steele, B.J.T. Morgan
Irini Moustaki, and Jane Galbraith
Epidemiology — Study Design and
The Analysis of Time Series — Data Analysis
An Introduction, Sixth Edition M. Woodward
Chris Chatfield
Essential Statistics, Fourth Edition
Applied Bayesian Forecasting and Time D.A.G. Rees
Series Analysis
A First Course in Linear Model Theory
A. Pole, M. West and J. Harrison
Nalini Ravishanker and Dipak K. Dey
Applied Nonparametric Statistical
Interpreting Data — A First Course
Methods, Third Edition
in Statistics
P. Sprent and N.C. Smeeton
A.J.B. Anderson
Applied Statistics — Handbook of
An Introduction to Generalized
GENSTAT Analysis
Linear Models, Second Edition
E.J. Snell and H. Simpson A.J. Dobson
Applied Statistics — Principles and Introduction to Multivariate Analysis
Examples C. Chatfield and A.J. Collins
D.R. Cox and E.J. Snell
Introduction to Optimization Methods
Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for and their Applications in Statistics
Data Analysis, Second Edition B.S. Everitt
Bradley P. Carlin and Thomas A. Louis
Large Sample Methods in Statistics
Bayesian Data Analysis P.K. Sen and J. da Motta Singer
A. Gelman, J. Carlin, H. Stern, and D. Rubin Markov Chain Monte Carlo — Stochastic
Beyond ANOVA — Basics of Applied Simulation for Bayesian Inference
Statistics D. Gamerman
R.G. Miller, Jr. Mathematical Statistics
Computer-Aided Multivariate Analysis, K. Knight
Third Edition Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic
A.A. Afifi and V.A. Clark Systems
A Course in Categorical Data Analysis V. Kulkarni
T. Leonard Modelling Binary Data, Second Edition
A Course in Large Sample Theory D. Collett
T.S. Ferguson Modelling Survival Data in Medical
Data Driven Statistical Methods Research, Second Edition
P. Sprent D. Collett
Decision Analysis — A Bayesian Approach
J.Q. Smith
Multivariate Analysis of Variance and Statistical Analysis of Reliability Data
Repeated Measures — A Practical M.J. Crowder, A.C. Kimber,
Approach for Behavioural Scientists T.J. Sweeting, and R.L. Smith
D.J. Hand and C.C. Taylor Statistical Methods for SPC and TQM
Multivariate Statistics — D. Bissell
A Practical Approach Statistical Methods in Agriculture and
B. Flury and H. Riedwyl Experimental Biology, Second Edition
Practical Data Analysis for Designed R. Mead, R.N. Curnow, and A.M. Hasted
Experiments Statistical Process Control — Theory and
B.S. Yandell Practice, Third Edition
Practical Longitudinal Data Analysis G.B. Wetherill and D.W. Brown
D.J. Hand and M. Crowder Statistical Theory, Fourth Edition
Practical Statistics for Medical Research B.W. Lindgren
D.G. Altman Statistics for Accountants, Fourth Edition
Probability — Methods and Measurement S. Letchford
A. O’Hagan Statistics for Technology —
Problem Solving — A Statistician’s A Course in Applied Statistics,
Guide, Second Edition Third Edition
C. Chatfield C. Chatfield
Randomization, Bootstrap and Statistics in Engineering —
Monte Carlo Methods in Biology, A Practical Approach
Second Edition A.V. Metcalfe
B.F.J. Manly Statistics in Research and Development,
Readings in Decision Analysis Second Edition
S. French R. Caulcutt
Sampling Methodologies with The Theory of Linear Models
Applications B. Jørgensen
Poduri S.R.S. Rao
The Analysis
of Time Series
An Introduction

Chris Chatfield


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To Liz,

with love
Alice sighed \Vearily. 'I think you might do something better with the time,'
she said, 'than waste it in asking riddles that have no answers.'
'If you kne\v time as well as I do,' said the Hatter, 'you wouldn't talk about
wasting it. It's him.'
'I don't knovv what you mean,' said Alice.
'Of course you don't!' the Hatter said, tossing his head contemptuously. 'I
dare say you never even spoke to Time!'
'Perhaps not,' Alice cautiously replied, 'but I knmv I have to beat time when
I learn music.'
Ah! that accounts for iL' said the Hatter. 'He won't stand beating.'

Lev,ris CarrolL Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


Preface to the Sixth Edition xi

Abbreviations and Notation Xlll

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Some Representative Time Series 1
1. 2 Terminology 5
1.3 Objectives of Time-Series Analysis 6
1.4 Approaches to Time-Series Analysis 8
1.5 R.evie\v of Books on Time Series 8

2 Simple Descriptive Techniques 11

2.1 Types of Variation 11
2.2 Stationary Time Series 13
2.3 The Time Plot 13
2.4 Ttansformations 14
2.5 Analysing Series that Contain a Trend 15
2.6 Analysing Series that Contain Sea..sonal Variation 20
2.7 Autocorrelation and the Correlogram 22
2.8 Other Tests of Randomness 28
2.9 Handling Real Data 29

3 Some Time-Series Models 33

3.1 Stochastic Processes and Their Properties 33
3.2 Stationary Processes 34
3.3 Some Properties of the Autocorrelation Function 36
3.4 Some Cscful :\Ioclcls 37
3.5 The \Vold Dewmposition Theorem 50

4 Fitting Time-Series Models in the Time Domain 55

4.1 Estimating Autocovariance and Autocorrelation Functions 55
4.2 Fitting an Autoregressive Pror·ess 59
4.3 Fitting a :tvioving Average Process 62
4.4 Estimating Parameters of an ARiviA :\Ioclcl 64
4.5 Estimating Parameters of an ARIIviA :\Jodel 65
4.6 Box .Jenkins Seasonal ARI:\JA :tviodels 66

viii CO~TEI\TS

4.7 Residual Analysis 67

4.8 General Remarks on rviodcl Building 70

5 Forecasting 73
5.1 Introduction 73
5.2 Univariate Procedures 75
5.3 Iviultivariate Procedures 87
5.4 Comparative Revie'v of Forecasting Procedures 90
5.5 Some Examples 98
5.6 Prediction Theory 103

6 Stationary Processes in the Frequency Domain 107

6.1 Introduction 107
6.2 The Spectral Distribution Function 107
6.3 The Spectral Density Function 111
6.4 The Spectrum of a Continuous Process 113
6.5 Derivation of Selected Spectra 114

7 Spectral Analysis 121

7.1 Fourier Analysis 121
7.2 A Simple Sinusoidal :.VIodcl 122
7.3 Periodogram Analysis 126
7.4 Some Consistent Estimation Procedures 130
7.5 Confidence Intervals for the Spectrum 139
7.6 Comparison of Different Estimation Procedures 140
7.7 Analysing a Continuous Time Series 144
7.8 Examples and Discussion 146

8 Bivariate processes 155

8.1 Cross-Covariance and Cross-Correlation 155
8.2 The Cross-Spectrum 159

9 Linear Systems 169

9.1 Introduction 169
9.2 Linear Systems in the Time Domain 171
9.3 Linear Systems in the Ftequency Domain 175
9.4 Identification of Linear Systems 190

10 State-Space Models and the Kalman Filter 203

10.1 State-Space l'viodels 203
10.2 The I\:alman Filter 211

11 Non-Linear Models 217

11.1 Introduction 217
11.2 Some Iviodcls with I\on-Linear Structure 222
CO~TEl\TS ix
11.3 l'viodels for Changing Varianr·e 227
11.4 ~eural ~etv,rorks 230
11.5 Chaos 235
11.6 Concluding Remarks 238
11.7 Bibliography 240

12 Multivariate Time-Series Modelling 241

12.1 Introduction 241
12.2 Single Equation Ivlodcls 245
12.3 Vector AutoregreRRive I'viodelR 246
12.4 Vector AR:vlA 1\Iodels 249
12.5 Fitting VAR and VARrviA :vlodels 250
12.6 Co-integration 252
12.7 Bibliography 253

13 Some More Advanced Topics 255

13.1 lVIodcl Identification Tools 255
13.2 1\lodelling Non-Stationary Series 257
13.3 Ftar·tional Differencing and Long-11ernory Models 260
13.4 TeRting for Unit Roots 262
13.5 Model Cncertainty 264
13.6 Control Theory 266
13.7 Miscellanea 268

14 Examples and Practical Advice 277

14.1 General Comments 277
14.2 Computer Sofhvarc 278
14.3 Examples 280
14.4 More on the Time Plot 290
14.5 Concluding Remarks 292
14.6 Data Sources and Exercises 292

A Fourier, Laplace and z-Transfonns 295

B Dirac Delta Function 299

C Covariance and Correlation 301

D Some MINITAB and S-PL US Commands 303

Answers to Exercises 307

References 315

Index 329
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Preface to the Sixth Edition

tviy aim in wntmg this text has been to provide an accessible book, which
is wide-ranging and up-to-date and which covers both theory and practice.
Enough theory is given to introduce essential concepts and make the book
mathematically interesting. In addition, practical problems are addressed and
worked examples are included so as to help the reader tackle the analysis of
real data.
The book can be used as a text. for an undergraduate or a postgraduate
course in time series, or it can be used for self-tuition by research workers. The
positive feedback I have received over the years (plus healthy sales figures!)
has encouraged me to continue to update, revise and improve the material.
However, I do plan that this should be the sixth, and final edition!
The book assumes a knowledge of basic probability theory and elementary
statistical inference. A reasonable level of mathematics is required, though I
have glossed over some mathematical difficulties, especially in the advanced
Sections 3.4.8 and 3.5, \vhich the reader is advised to omit at a first reading.
In the sections on spectral analysis, the reader needs some familiarity with
Fourier analysis and Fourier transforms, and I have helped the reader here by
providing a special appendix on the latter topic.
I am lucky in that I enjoy the rigorous elegance of mathematics as \vell
as the very different challenge of analysing real data. I agree \vith David
\Villiams (20()1, Preface and p. 1) that. "conunon sense and scientific insight
are more important than :\Jathematics" and that "intuition is much more
important than rigour", but I also agree that this should not be an excuse
for ignoring mathematics. Practical ideas should be backed up with theory
\vhenever possible. Throughout the book, my aim is to teach both concepts
and practice. In the process, I hope to convey the notion that. Statistics and
1\Iathematics are both fascinating, and I will be delighted if you agree.
Although intended as an introductory text on a rather advanced topic, I
have nevertheless provided appropriate references to further reading and to
more advanced topics, especially in Chapter 13. The references are mainly
to comprehensible and readily accessible sources, rather than to the original
attributive references. This should help the reader to further the study of any
topics that are of partir·ular interest.
One difficulty in writing any textbook is that many practical problems
contain at least one feature that is 'non-standard' in some sense. These cannot
all be envisaged in a book of reasonable length. Rather the task of an author,
such as myself, is to introduce generally applicable concepts and models, while

making clear that some versatility may be needed to solve problems in practir·e.
Thus the reader must. always be prepared to use common sense when tackling
real problems. Example 5.1 is a typical situation where common sense has
to be applied and also reinforces the recommendation that the first step in
any time-series analysis should be to plot the data. The worked examples in
Chapter 14 also include candid comments on practical difficulties in order to
complement the general remarks in the main text.
The first 12 chapters of the sixth edition have a similar structure to the
fifth edition, although substantial revision has taken place. The notation used
is mostly unchanged, but I note that the h-step-ahead of the variable
x"''+h, made at time N, has been changed from x(N, h) to XN(h) to better
reflect modern usage. Some new topics have been added, such as Section 2.9
on Handling Real Data and Section 5.2.6 on Prediction Intervals. Chapter 13
has been r·ompletely revised and restructured to give a brief introduction to
a variety of topics and is primarily intended to give readers an overviev·i and
point them in the right direction as regards further reading. New topics here
include the aggregation of time series, the analysis of time series in finance and
discrete-valued time series. The old Appendix D has been revised and extended
to become a ne\v Chapter 14. It gives more prar·tical advice, and, in the pror·ess
reflects the enormous changes in computing practice that have taken place over
the last fe\v years. The references have, of course, been updated throughout
the book.
I \votlld like to thank Julian Farmvay, Ruth Fuentes Garcia and Adam
Prmvse for their help in prodm·ing the graphs in this book. I also thank
Howard Grubb for providing Figure 14.4. I am indebted to many other people,
too numerous to mention, for assistance in various aspects of the preparation
of the current and earlier editions of the book. In particular, my colleagues at
Bath have been supportive and helpful over the years. Of course any errors,
omissions or obscurities \vhich remain are my responsibility and I will be glad
to hear from any reader who wishes to make constructive comments.
I hope you enjoy the book and find it helpful.
Chris Chatfield
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Univf:r-8ity of flath
flath, Avon, flA2 7AY, U.K.
e-mail: cc{i!
Abbreviations and Notation

An Autoregressive
:tviA :\loving average
ARl'viA Autoregressive moving average
ARHviA Autoregressive integrated moving average
SARIIviA Seasonal ARIIviA
TAR Threshold autoregressive
GARCH Generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic
S\VK Strict white noise
UW:-:1 Cncorrelated white noise

.Ml\ISE :-vlinimum mean square error

P.I. Prediction interval
FFT Fast Fourier transform

ac.f. Autocorrelation function

acv.f. Autocovariance function

:-:1 Sample si~:e, or length of observed time series

:r,,,(h) Forecast of x ,.,,+h made at time ]\l
B Backward shift operator such that EXt = Xt-l
v First differencing operator, (1 - fl), such that
vX1 = X1- X1-1
E Expectation or expected value
Var Variance
I Identity matrix - a square matrix with ones on the
diagonal and zeroes otherwise
;V (p., a 2 ) Korrnal distribution, mean 11 and variance a 2
X~ Chi-square distribution with IJ degrees of freedom
{Zt} or {c-t} Purely random process of independent random variables,
usually iV(O, CJ 2 )
Transpose of a matrix A or vector X - vectors are
indicated by boldface, but not scalars or matrices

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Wheat price index

150 200 250 300 350


The r·lassic Beveridge wheat price index series consists of the average
wheat price m nearly 50 places in various countries measured in
successive years from 1500 to 1869. This series is of particular interest
to economic historians, and is available in many places (e.g. at Figure 1.1 shows part of this
series and some apparent cyclic behaviour can be seen.

Physiml time series

:\Iany types of time series occur in the physical sciences, partir·ularly
in meteorology, marine science and geophysics. Examples are rainfall on
successive days, and air temperature measured in successive hours, clays or
months. Figure 1.2 shows the average air temperature at Recife (Brazil) in
succeRRive months over a lll-~rear period and seasonal fluctuationR can be
clearly seen.
Temperature (deg C)


Jan 53 Jan 55 Jan 57 Jan 59 Jan 61


Figure 1.2 Average air temperature (deg C) at Recife, BraziL in successive

months from 1953 to 1962.

Some mechanical recorders take measurements continuously and produce

a continuouR trace rather than observations at disnete intervals of time.
For example, in Horne laboratories it. is important to keep temperature and
humidity as constant as possible and so devices are installed to measure
these variables continuously. Action may be taken 'vhen the trace goes
outside pre-specified limits. Visual examination of the trace may be adequate
for many purposes, but, for more detailed analysis, it is customary to
convert the continuous trace to a series in discrete time by sampling the
trace at appropriate equal intervals of time. The resulting analysis is more
straightfonvard and can readily be handled by standard time-series software.

Marketing time series

The analysis of time series arising in marketing is an important problem in
commerce. Observed variables could include sales figures in successive weeks
or months, monetary receipts, advertising costs and so 011. As an example,
Figure 1.3 shows the sales 1 of an engineering product by a certain company
in sucr·essive months over a 7-year period, as originally analysed by Chatfield
and Prothero (1973). Note the trend and seasonal variation \vhich is typical
of sales data. As the product is a type of industrial heater, sales arc naturally
lmvcr in the summer months. It is often important to forecast future sales so
as to plan production. It may also be of interest to examine the relationship
between sales and other time series such as advertising expenditure.
Number of sales


Jan 65 Jan 66 Jan 67 Jan 68 Jan 69 Jan 70 Jan 71


Figure 1.3 Sales of an industrial heater in successive months from .January

1965 to I\ovember 1971.

Derrwgn1,phic tirru; SfTies

Various time series occur in the study of population change. Examples inr·lude
the population of Canada measured annually, and monthly birth totals in
England. Demographers want to predict changes in population for as long

The plotted series incllJ(ks the six laL<'r observations adckd hy Chatfield and ProLlwro
("I !J7:>) in their reply Lo cornrnents by G.E.P. Box and G.\T. Jenkins.
• • •
• • • •
Process Variable

• • • • Target value
• • • • • •
• •


Time —
× × × × ×× × ××
Time —
1.3 Objectives of Time-Series Analysis

There are several possible objectives in analysing a time series. These

objectives may be classified as description, explanation, prediction and controL
and 'vill be considered in turn.

(i) Description
\Vhen presented with a time series, the first step in the analvsis is usually
to plot the observations against time to give what is called a time plot,
and then to obtain simple descriptive measures of the main properties of the
series. This is described in detail in Chapter 2. The power of the time plot as
a descriptive tool is illustrated by Figure 1.3, which clearly shows that there
is a regular seasonal effect, v,rith sales 'high' in winter and 'lmv' in summer.
The time plot also shows that annual sales arc increasing (i.e. there is an
upward trend). For some Reries, the variation is dominated by such 'obvious '
features, and a fairly simple model, whir·h only attempts to describe trend and
seasonal variation, may be perfectly adequate to describe the variation in the
time series. For other series, more sophisticated techniques v,rill be required to
provide an adequate analysis. Then a more complex model '"ill be constructed ,
such as the various types of Rtochastic processeR described in Chapter 3.
This book devotes a greater amount of space to the more advanced
techniques, but this does not mean that elementary descriptive techniques
are unimportant. Anyone who tries to analyse a time series without plotting
it first is asking for trouble. A graph will not only show up trend and seasonal
variation, but will also reveal any 'v,rild' observations or outliers that do not
appear to be conRistent v,rith the rest of the data. The treatment of outliers
is a complex subject in which common sense is as important as theory (see
Section 13.7.5). An outlier may be a perfectly valid, but extreme, observation,
'vhich could, for example, indicate that the data arc not normally distributed.
Alternatively, an outlier may be a freak observation arising, for example, when
a recording device goes wrong or when a Rtrike severely affects sales. In the
latter case, the outlier needs to be adjusted in some v,·ay before further analysis
of the data. Robust methods arc designed to be insensitive to outliers.
Other features to look for in a time plot include sudden or gradual changes
in the properties of the series. For example, a step change in the level of the
series would be very important to notice, if one exists. Any changes in the
seasonal pattern should also be noted. The analyst should also look out for
the possible presence of turning points, \Vhere, for example, an upward trend
suddenly changes to a dmvnward trend. If there is some sort of discontinuity
in the series, then different models may need to be fitted to different parts of
the series.

(ii) E:r:plarwtion
\Vhen observations are taken on two or more variables. it may be possible to
usc the variation in one time series to explain the variation in another series.
This may lead to a deeper understanding of the rner·hanism that generated a
given t.ime series.
Although multiple regression models are occasionally helpful here. t.hey
arc not really designed to handle time-series data, \vith all the correlations
inherent therein, and so we \vill see that alternative classes of models should
be considered. Chapter 9 considers the analysis of \vhat are r·<1lled linear
systen1s. A linear system converts an input series to an output. series by
a linear operation. Given observations on the input and output to a linear
system (sec Figure 1. 7), the analyst \vants to assess the properties of the
linear system. For example, it is of interest to see how sea level is affected
by temperature and pressure, and to see how sales are affer·ted by prir·e and
economic conditions. A class of models, called transfer function models, enable
us to model time-series data in an appropriate way.


Figure 1. 7 Schematic representation of a linear system.

(iii) Pruliction
Given an observed time series, one may want to predict the future values of
the series. This is an important task in sales forecasting, and in the analysis
of economic and industrial time series. :vlany writers, including myself use
the terms 'prediction' and 'forecasting' interchangeably, but note that some
authors do not. For example, Brmvn (1963) uses 'prediction' to describe
subjective methods and 'forec<cL..sting' to describe objective methods.

(iv) Contn;l
Time series are sometimes collected or analysed so as to improve control
over some physir·al or economic system. For example, when a time series is
generated t.hat. measures the 'quality' of a manufacturing process, the aim of
the analysis may be to keep the process operating at a 'high' level. Control
problems arc closely related to prediction in many situations. For example, if
one can predid that a manufacturing process is going to move off target, then
appropriate corrective action can be taken.
Control procedures vary considerably in style and sophistication. In
statistical quality control. the observations are plotted on control charts
and the controller takes action as a result of studying the charts. A more
complicated type of approach is based on modelling the data and using the
model to work out an 'optimal' control strategy - see, for example, I3ox et
al. (1994). In this approach, a stochastic model is fitted to the series, future
values of the series are predicted, and then the input process variables are
adjusted so as to keep the process on target.
l\hny other contributions to control theory have been made by control
engineers and mathematicians rather than statisticim1s. This topic is rather
outside the scope of this book but. is briefiy introduced in Section 13.6.
1.4 Approaches to Time-Series Analysis
This book \vill describe various approaches to time-series analysis. Chapter 2
describes simple descriptive techniques, which include plotting the data
and looking for trends, seasonal fiuctuations and so 011. Chapter 3 introduces
a variety of probability models for time series, while Chapter 4 discusses \vays
of fitting these models to time series. The major diagnostic tool that is used
in Chapter 4 is a funr·tion called the autocorrelation function, whir·h helps
to describe the evolution of a process through time. Inference based on this
function is often called an analysis in the tilne domain. Chapter 5 goes
on to discuss a variety of forecasting procedures, but this chapter is not a
prerequisite for the rest of the book.
Chapter G introduces a function called the spectral density function,
·which describes how the variation in a time series may be accounted for
by cyclic components at different frequencies. Chapter 7 shmvs how to
estimate the spectral density function by means of a procedure called spectral
analysis. Inference based on the spectral density function is often called an
analysis in the frequency domain.
Chapter 8 discusses the analysis of two time series, while Chapter 9 extends
this \vork by considering linear systems in which one series is regarded as the
input, \vhilc the other series is regarded as the output. Chapter 10 introduces
an important dass of models, called state-space models. It also describes the
Kalman filter, \vhich is a general method of updating the best estimate of the
'signal' in a time series in the presence of noise. Chapters 11 and 12 introduce
non-linear and multivariate time-series models, respectively, while Chapter
13 briefly some more advanced topics. Chapter 14 completes the book
with further examples and practical advice.

1.5 Review of Books on Time Series

This section gives a brief review of some alternative books on time series that
may be helpful to the reader. The literature has expanded considerably in
recent years and so a selective approach is necessary.
Alternative general introductory texts include Brockwell and Davis (2002),
Harvey (1993), Kendall and Ord (1990) and Wei (1990). Diggle (1990) is aimed
primarily at biostatisticians, while Enders (1990) and l'viills (1990, 1999) are
aimed at economists.
There arc many more advanced texts including Anderson (1971), Brocbvell
and Davis (1991). Fuller (1996) and Priestley (1981). The latter is particularly
strong on spectral analysis and multivariate time-series modelling. I3rillinger
(20()1) is a classic reprint of a book conr;entrating on the frequency domain.
I\:enda.ll et a.l. (1983). now in the fourth edition, is a valuable reference source,
but note that earlier editions arc somewhat dated. Hamilton (1994) is aimed
at econometricians.
The cla.ssic book by I3ox and .Jenkins (1970) describes an approach to
time-series analysis, forecasting and control that is based on a particular
class of models, called autoregressive integrated moving average (ARL\IA)
models. This important. book is not really suitable for the beginner, who
is recommended to read Chapters 3-5 in this book, Vandaele (1983) or the
relevant chapters of \Vei (1990). The 1976 revised edition of Box and Jenkins
(1970) was virtually undwnged, but the third edition (I3ox et al., 1994), with
G. Reinsel as third author, has changed substantially. Chapters 12 and 13
have been completely rewritten t.o incorporate new material on intervention
analysis, outlier detection and process control. The first 11 chapters of the
new edition have a very similar structure to the original edition, though there
are some relatively minor additions sud1 a.s new material on model estimation
and testing for unit. roots. For historical precedence and reader convenience
we sometimes refer to the 1970 edition for material on ARHviA modelling,
but increasingly refer to the third edition, especially for material in the later
Additional books \vill be referenced, as appropriate, in later chapters.
This page intentionally left blank


13 Some More Advanced Topics 13.1 lVIodcl Identification

Tools 13.2 1\lodelling Non-Stationary Series 13.3
Ftar·tional Differencing and Long-11ernory Models 13.4
TeRting for Unit Roots 13.5 Model Cncertainty 13.6
Control Theory 13.7 Miscellanea

14 Examples and Practical Advice 14.1 General Comments

14.2 Computer Sofhvarc 14.3 Examples 14.4 More on the
Time Plot 14.5 Concluding Remarks 14.6 Data Sources and

A Fourier, Laplace and z-Transfonns

B Dirac Delta Function

C Covariance and Correlation

D Some MINI TAB and S-PL US Commands

Answers to Exercises

Index 227 230 235 238 240 241 241 245 246 249
250 252 253 255 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 277
277 278 280 290 292 292 295 299 301 303 307 315
329 This page intentionally left blank
11 11. Non-Linear Models

have been given throughout this chapter. Alternative

introductions are given

by Franses (1998, Chapter 8). Granger and )Jcv,rbold (1986,

Chapter 10) and

Harvey (1993, Chapter 8). lVIorc detailed accounts arc

given by Priestley

(1981, Chapter 11; 1988) and by Tong (1990). The advanced

text by Granger

and Teriisvirta (1993) is concerned with economic

relationships and extends

discussion to multivariate non-linear models.


It is difficult to set exercises on non-linear models that

are mathematically

and practically tractable. The reader may like to try the

follmving exercise on

the logistic map.

11.1 Consider the logistic map with k = 4. namely Tt =

4:r1_t(l :r1-d This series is non-linear, deterministic·
and chaotic. Given the starting value x 0 = O.L evaluate
the first three terms of the series. Change :r 0 to 0.11
and repeat the calculations. Show that x: 3 changes from
0.289 to 0.179 (to 3 decimal places). Thus a change of
0.01 in the starting value leads to a change of 0.110 in
the value of :r: 1 and this provides a simple
demonstration that a chaotic series is very sensitive to
initial conditions.
12 12. Multivariate Time-Series Modelling

The beginner may find it helpful to read Chapter 5 of

Chatfield (2001),

Chapters 7 and 8 of Granger and Nev·ibold (1986) or

Chapters 13 and 14 of

\Vei (1990). A thorough treatment of VAR and VARMA models

is provided by

Lutkepohl (1993), while Reinsel (1997) covers similar

material in a somewhat

terser, more mathematical style. 1viultivariate versions of

structural modelling,

of Bayesian forecasting and of non-linear modelling have

not been covered in

this introductory chapter and the reader is referred to

Harvey (1989), to \Vest

and Harrison (1997) and to Granger and Tedisvirta (1993),



12.1 Express the following bivariate model in vector form

and say what sort of model it is. xll Xu-1 + 0.0X2.l-l +
Eu X21 o.2x1,1-1 + o.IX2,r-1 + c21 Is the model
stationary and invertible'?

12.2 Consider the VAR(1) model for two variables as given

by Equation (12.9). Determine 'vhether the model is
stationary for the follmving coefficient. matrices at lag
one; (a) ii> = ( 0.3 0.3 ): (b) <I> = ( 0.7 0.7 ):
0.3 0.3 0.7 0.7 (c) <I>= ( 0.7 0 );(d)<l>=( 0.9 0.5
) 0 0.3 -0.1 0.3 .

12.3 Find the covariance matrix function r(k). and the

correlation matrix function P(k) for model (c) in Exercise
12.2. assuming that e 1 denotes . . . . . . . ( (J2 0 )
lnvanate wh1te nmse w1th covanance rnatnx [ 0 = 0 1 (J~
at lag zero.

12.4 Consider the bivariate VAR11A(O, 1) model from

Equation (12.12) \Vith ( ) ( ) ( 0.6 0.4 ) <I> fl = I
and (~) B = I+ H 1 fl where B 1 = 0. 2 0.4 . Is the model
stationary and invertible?
12.5 Given data up to time lv', find the oneand
two-step-ahead forecasts for the bivariate VAR ( 1) model
in Exercise 12.2 (d).

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