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WORKSHEET: Too, Too Much, Too Many, (not) Enough

Jarelin Huayta Puente de la Vega Grupo:1

Too + adjective (Not) enough + noun
Too much + uncountable noun EXCESS (IN)SUFFICIENCY
Too many + countable noun (Not) + adjective+ enough

1. Fill the gaps:

-How many cars are in this city?
-It is easy to say that there are too many cars. But there are not enough parking places.
-That’s why I don’t go to work by car. There is too much traffic, there isn´t enough traffic lights, and it is too hard to find a parking place.

-How much is that phone? -It’s 300 euro.

-Oh, this is too much. It is too expensive for me. I haven’t got enough money to buy it. Do you have a cheaper one?
-This one is only 100. I think it is cheap too much.
-Perfect! The more expensive one has not enough functions anyway.

-How is your coffee?

-It is not strong enough. And it’s too sweet; there is too much sugar in it. And how is yours?
-Mine is too bitter. It doesn’t have too much sugar. There aren’t enough places where you can have a good coffee!

-Whose toys are these?

-They are my brother’s. He has too many toys and they take out too much space. But he always says he doesn’t have enough toys. He is
too spoiled. I don’t have too many toys, but they are enough for me.

-Whom did you call?

-I called my sister, but she was too busy to talk. She said she has too much work to do, too many reports to write, and not enough time to
finish it all.
-And does she get too much money for her work?
-No, she doesn’t. She is not paid enough for that.

-What is the minimum height for this roller-coaster? It’s 1,20m.

-Peter is taller than 1,20m. He is too tall to get on it. Paul is shorter than 1,20m. He isn’t tall enough. He is too short for this attraction.
There are not enough attractions for little children here.

-How old are your daughters?

-Maria just turned 18.
-Oh, she is old enough to make her own decisions.
-Yes, but she isn’t confident enough to do it. She is too insecure. Jane is younger, she is 14 years old. She is very confident, but also too
immature. She is still too many young.

-What is the weather like in your country?

-It’s too rainy. There are too much rainy days and there are not enough sunny days. The weather isn’t sunny enough.
-Here the weather is too much cold in winter and one needs to put on too many clothes. In summer it is too hot. And we never get too
much rain.

-How was your holiday?

-It was terrible. The hotel was too crowded and too noisy, the room was too many small, and the walls were too many thin. I couldn’t get
enough rest because there were too many teenagers making too noise. The music was too loud. There wasn’t enough food at lunchtime
-Eh, I think you make too drama about it!

-Is he sober enough to go home?

-No, he isn’t sober enough. He is still too drunk. He had too many cocktails.
-Yes, I told him he had too many drinks, but he didn’t listen to me. He is drinking too much alcohol these days...

-Where do you want to go tonight?

-I don’t know, we don’t have enough options. There are not enough bars in this little town. I don’t want to stay too much late anyway,
because I have to wake up early. And I had too many partying last week.

-Why don’t you bake a cake today?

-I don’t have enough flour; I forgot to buy. Last week I made too many cookies and cupcakes. But I misread the cookie recipe and I used
too much flour and not used enough eggs.
-Yes, the cookies were too tough to eat…

-Who turned the TV volume up? It is too high. Turn it down, please. Too many decibels aren’t good for your ears.
-But, Mom, when the volume is low I can’t hear clear enough what they’re saying.
-Well, maybe you should turn the TV off. You watch too many TV anyway and I think you’ve had too many cartoons for today.
WORKSHEET: Too, Too Much, Too Many, (not) Enough
2. Look at the question words in bold at the beginning of the dialogues. Explain the use for
each one. Translate in your language.

How many= ¿Cuánto? (contables)

How much= ¿Cuánto? (incontables)
How= ¿Como? o ¿Cuán? (Se utiliza cuando queremos preguntar)
Whose = ¿De quién? (El posesivo — pregunta por el dueño de algo)
Whom ¿De quién? ¿A quien? (Se usa cuando la persona es el complemento de la frase.)
What= ¿Qué? ¿Cuál? o ¿Cuales? (Se utiliza para preguntar por algo)
How old= ¿Cuántos años? (how con un adjetivo “old” para preguntar la edad de alguien)
Where= ¿Dónde? o ¿A dónde? (Se utiliza para preguntar por un lugar)
Why= ¿Por qué? (Se utiliza cuando queremos pregunte el porqué de algo)
Who=¿Quién? (pregunta por una persona)

3. Look at the pairs of antonyms in italicized letters from the first exercise. Find those in the
comparative form. Say the comparative forms for the others.

4. Use antonyms of the underlined words to 5. Rephrase the following sentences using
rephrase the following sentences: too, too much, too many, (not) enough.

Example: This car is too expensive for me. Example: The floor is full of toys.
This car is not cheap enough for me. There are too many toys on the floor.

This puzzle is too easy for Paul. There are 5 friends and only 3 beers.
-This puzzle is too difficult for Paul. -There are too many friends and only 3 beers.
The dark chocolate is too bitter for my taste. He ate 1 cupcake and he wanted more.
-The dark chocolate is not sweet enough for my taste -He did not eat enough cupcakes.
My youngest son isn’t tall enough for his age. He ate 3 cupcakes and he couldn’t eat another one.
-My youngest son is too short for his age. -He ate 3 cupcakes and he eat too many more cupcakes.
My daughter is too young to make her own decisions. He ate 30 cupcakes and then he felt sick.
-My daughter is not old enough to make her own -He ate too sweets and then he felt sick
decisions. This plant is almost dry.
In my area we get too much rain. -This plant is too dry.
-In my area we don't get enough sun. The air was so hot that I couldn’t breathe.
Your boots are too dirty. - There is too much air hot and I can't breathe.
-Your boots are too clean. He works a lot and he is always tired.
The hotel was too noisy and the room wasn’t big enough. -He too much works and he is always tired.
< -The hotel was too silence and the room was too small. He is strong and he can lift his sister in his arms.
It was early enough to see the sunrise. -He is too strong because he can lift his sister.
-It was too late to see the sunrise The baby needs to sleep 10 hours but she sleeps only 7.
The cookies are soft enough to eat. -The baby needs to sleep too many hours in the day.
The cookies are too hard to eat He drank 3 bottles of wine.
The TV volume is too low. -He did not drink enough wine.
The TV volume isn't high enough. The music was deafening.
The weather isn’t warm enough to wear shorts. -The music was too deafening.
The weather it’s too cool to wear shorts. The weather is freezing cold.
He has too many enemies. -It's too cold for me.
He has not friends enough.

Tips for filling the gaps (rules explained in other words):

First, you have to identify the word that is quantified (noun or adjective). Keep in mind that a quantified
noun may be preceded by several adjectives!
You also have to look at the position of the gap.

 If the gap is after the word (an adjective), you have to use “enough”. In the other situations,
the quantifiers stay before the word!

 If the gap is before the quantified word (an adjective), you have to use “too”.

 If the context suggests excess and the word is in plural (so it’s a countable noun), you have to

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