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Clear Learning Objectives

Written in terms of: At

the end of the lesson, students will be able to…… 

 Includes specific target language, observable verbs describing student behavior AND a

communicative task.

PRESENTATION STAGE - Students become familiar with the topic, the language and essential
vocabulary they will use during the lesson. 

Elicits background knowledge related to topic or language point

Finds out what the students already know related to the lesson.

Provides background and situation – activates schema

Introduces vocabulary/language structures inductively or deductively when appropriate

Gives students time to write and reflect on new language structures or vocabulary and ask questions.

– Students go through a process of internalizing information in order 
to prepare for later communication by practicing the language in various
ways moving from “teacher-controlled” to “student-centered” activities.

Provides a variety of types of activities that focus on the target material/language.

Teacher’s involvement gradually decreases as students take more control and move from controlled to
freer practice.

independent pair and groupwork with teacher monitoring to gradually 
increase student talking time and decrease teacher talking time.
involvement in pair/groupwork is limited to error correction related to
target language and clarification of instructions as needed.

Allows students to demonstrate their understanding as the teacher monitors and helps as necessary.

students for the “Use” stage where they will be able to use the 
language on their own, mostly independently of the teacher, written 
prompts etc.

USE STAGE – Students spontaneously produce the language required for the whole, real life task, real

Personalizes the material so that students use the language they have learned to talk about themselves,
their lives, persona l experiences, etc.

Requires students to be creative with and expand on the target language in a real context.

Allows students to demonstrate their independent control or learning of the new language/material.

Teacher involvement is limited to monitoring and checking on progress toward achievement of student
learning objectives

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