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3M Petrifilm” Interpretation Guide 3M™ Petrifilm™ Salmonella Express System is a qualitative pathogen test used for the rapid detection and biochemical confirmation of Salmonella in enriched foods and food process environmental samples. SALX Salmonella Express System 3M™ Petrifilm™ Salmonella Express System consists of: « 3M™ Salmonella Enrichment Base and 3M™ Salmonella Enrichment Supplement — a unique medium for recovery and growth of Salmonella species * 3M™ Petrifilm™ Salmonella Express Plate — a sample ready-to-use chromogenic culture medium system ‘that contains a cold-water-soluble gelling agent and is selective and differential for Salmonella, providing a presumptive result * 3M™ Petrifilm™ Salmonella Express Confirmation Disk — a biochemical substrate that facilitates the biochemical confirmation of Salmonella organisms Colony Examples Cc) iO ie @ @ Presumptive Positive Colonies on Plat Confirmed Salmonella Colonies with Confirmation Disk Figure A: Red colony with yellow zone and associated gas bubble, Dark blue/black colony with blue procipitate. Figure B: Red colony with yellow zone. Dark blue/black colony with derk red center and blue Figure C: Red colony and associated ges bubble, no yellow zone, precipitate. Figure H Figuret Non-Salmonelfa Colonies on Plate Non-Salmonella Colony with Confirmation Figure F: Red colony with no yellow zone and no associated Figure : Colony remains same red color without blue precipitate gas bubble. after adding confirmation disk Figure G: Red colony with » magonta zone. Figure H: Blue-groan colony with yellow zone and associated ges bub Interpretation of Presumptive Pos Salmonella Species : : Presumptive + . + Presumptive + . ++ Presumptive . . Presumptive + . + Presumptive + Figures : + + Prosumptive + 3M Petrifilm Salmonella Express Plate with No > pe Presumptive + Presumptive Positives Figure 4: (lsolated red colonies with no yollow zone and/or associated . * | Presumetive + g8t bubble. 2 Blue-green colonies with associated gas bubble © 8 Presumptive + RE eC Figure t 3M Petrifilm Salmonella Express Plate Negative contol plate hydrated with 2 mL diluent Figure 2b 3M Petrifilm Salmonella Express Plate with 3M Petrifilm Salmonella Express Confirmation Disk Circled presumptive positive colonies ae blue to dark blue/ black with a blue precipitate after the addition and incubstion of the SM Petrifim Salmonella Express Confirmation Disk Thee® circled colonies are biochemically confirmed positive for Salmonella species. Figu 3M Petrifilm Salmonella Express Plate with Presumptive Positive Colonies Circled ‘This plate has only prosumptive positive colonies present. Tho five (6) most predominate isolated presumptive positive colony morphologies (red wit yellow zone) have been circled on the plate's top Fm rs mi 3M Petrifilm Salmonella Express Plate colony morphologies (1 Isolated red colonies with yellow zone and associated gas, bubble (presumptive postive). (2) Isolated red colonies with yellow zone only (presumptive positive) (3) Background flora of blue, blue-green colonies. Reminders for Use Media Supplement 3M Petrifilm Salmonella Express Plate with 3M Petrifilm Salmonella Express Confirmation Disk Circled presumptive postive colonies ae blue to dark blue/ black with blue precipitate ater the addition and incubation of the 3M Petrifilm Saimoneila Express Confirmation Disk. “These circled colonies ae biochemicsly contimed positive for Solmonelia species, Enrichment Procedure ‘Aseptically woigh he aporopiate fmount of 2M Salmonella Enchment Supplement. ‘optically ath 3M Saimoneto Enrichment Supplement tothe sppropite amount of sutclved, prepared 3M Samora, Enrichmant Base. Propare dion of fod produc. Weigh orppete food product toe sterde ‘ontuiner such ava homogenizer bag or ‘Add eppropratequontiy of pre-warmed {3M Salmonella Enichmont fase plus 3M Salmonella Enschment Spplement ‘he sample bag or container procedure ‘land or hamoganiza sample per currant Incubate the envied semples at 151°C for 8-28 hours. Fr low mero back (ground samples (19 CFU) move step ‘a ater fst pertrming steps 82 Hydration Procedure Incubate tha REV RIO et 415% B24 hour, Move to stap 195 Reppaport Vassiliadis (R-V) R10. ‘ent onto the ‘enter fhe bottom Ps io ofthe plate Press get on Plato one st host the comer of the speade’ to datbute room trmpeature (20-25°C), protected ‘he diluent evenly. Sprea the diluent ‘tom ight low the gel form entire 3M Petri Salmonella rowth area bore the {Ger rll down the top fim oto into prevent epping a bubbles room temperature (20-25°C), protected from ight for up 8 hours before use hye hours Express 92s formad, Do ot side te sproodar sere the fn Plate Inoculation, Incubation and Interpretation . Fo low microbial beckground somos, For igh microbial background srl, Perform a singe stron, top of pate so sta Opt loop to withdraw afl utes ster Opt loop with to batom of late to obtain waated full oop of ample or ste colons. ftom bresking RE Cl a Roll down the top flo close ho Incubate plats at 41511 for 2422 hou 2M Patti Salmonalla Express Pete, ina horizontal poston with the colored side Using gloved hand (hie practicing Upinstacs of mo more than 20 plates. contact withthe plete, gonty eoply € seeping maton with even pressure ‘nto the tap lta ramove ryt Biochemical Confirmation ‘Onthe 2M Poti Soimoneta Express Pisttop flr cele minimum af five solute prosimptive poste Salmonella colones it pace) using permenant, 1a Saimoneta presurive postive resus {king tha 2M Petit Salmonella Express Remove an nhiunypstge Unga govern, gent appa © siirwstin Sinaalotese esp ton aan pene Cinfeaton Bk ter i pouch and croton ntarenorn ys stow cave toraam npr lebron en tropaclage toegeetie de titre good sonst betas tt, goth ah andromove te ak gelan tea on oor Lethe top Bln ih the ead ccd Express Confirmation Disk rosumptive Salmonl clone of the trdinget the dsb ong oto the get void entpping sir bubbles. love the pit us at @ Sons system torte mer and procedwtaainge otek Shiva ccs cooree Incubete the 2M Petisin Salmonso Express System (late end aiat t 3M Food Safety offers a full line of products to accomplish a variety of your microbial testing needs. For more product information, vis Im or call 1-800-328-6553. Remove the 2M Peifin Sainonao | mci | ct | cm | a Se 2M Food Safety 3M Canada For dealled CAUTIONS, DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES/LIMITED REMEDY 3M Genter, Building 275-SW-05 Post Office Box S757 snd LIMITATION OF 3M LIABILITY, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL information St.Paul, MN 551444000 USA London, Ontario NGA AT! sr INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE, se Products pockage ser, Canada Mand Pein 1-800-228-6553 Pesta royal 1-800-364-3577 0 trademarks of 2M, Used under Hoonse in Canada Printed in USA. © 3M 283 Al ighte 1008-9517.6 (Rev-127). ed

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