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Evaluation and measurement of magnetic field exposure at a typical high-

voltage substation and its power lines

Article  in  Radiation Protection Dosimetry · February 2008

DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncm326 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

S. Ozen
Akdeniz University


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Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2008), Vol. 128, No. 2, pp. 198–205 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncm326
Advance Access publication 26 June 2007


S. Ozen*
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Akdeniz University,
07058 Antalya, Turkey

Received January 10 2007, revised May 7 2007, accepted May 19 2007

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This study presents a survey of magnetic field measurements including those resulting from 380/154 kV power substations,
which play a vital role in human body biological studies. The survey was carried out in the main power substation of Antalya,
Turkey, located at the suburban region of the city, under actual loads. The paper also presents the actual magnetic field
strength measured near the 380/154 kV substation and power transmission lines (380 and 154 kV) connecting to the substa-
tion. Since most part of these lines pass through a residential area, they have been included in the study, and the actual mag-
netic field variation around them has been investigated by comparative analysis of measured data. For the occupants working
at substations, occupational exposure has been analysed with actual magnetic fields at operating locations. Induced internal
electric fields and current densities in the occupants’ body due to exposure to external magnetic fields produced by a conven-
tional 380/154 kV power substation have been investigated.

INTRODUCTION associations observed in human populations with

Modern society is dependent on the use of electri- two forms of cancer: childhood leukemia and
city, and high-voltage substations are considered to chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in occupationally
be a major part of the electric power transmission exposed adults(4). Coleman et al. (5) studied 771 adult
system. Power subsystems are expected to produce leukaemia cases in Southeast England diagnosed
very high-magnetic fields, since they drive very between 1965 and 1980 with regard to closeness to
high-electric current densities that result in an high-voltage lines. Coleman et al. reported that for
accumulating exposure to electric, magnetic and people living less than 50 m away from line, the risk
electromagnetic fields; such exposure can cause of adult leukaemia doubled whereas for those living
health problems if systems are designed without between 50 and 100 m, risk increased by 33%.
reference to standards. The interaction between mag- Power frequency magnetic field exposure still
netic fields produced by power lines and substations draws the attention of many researchers worldwide,
with living organisms are still open to many who investigate its health effects on the human body.
researchers worldwide because of the results of a Limited work is available in the literature, which
number of laboratory and epidemiological studies, deals with detailed measurements over high-voltage
which indicate possible adverse effects(1). substation areas(6,7). Although many studies address
Some epidemiological studies found weak associ- the problems of induced electric fields and current
ation between exposure to power-frequency EMFs densities inside human bodies due to exposure to
and some forms of cancer, such as leukemia, magnetic fields, very few studies have investigated
whereas other studies failed to find such association. electric field and current induction due to proximity
The most significant and replicated findings are an to actual magnetic field at the high-voltage substa-
apparent change in ion flux at cell membranes in tions. For a quantitative assessment of the effect of
response to limited ranges and intensities of ELF magnetic fields at electric power substations on
electric fields, an effect of ELF magnetic fields on living bodies, it is necessary to describe the magnetic
melatonin production and effects on enzyme activity. field distributions produced by the high-voltage
It is also known that ELF fields may interact with substation and its power lines.
tissues by inducing electric fields and currents in This study reports magnetic field measurements
them(2,3). Scientific evidence suggest that ELF– through the 380 kV power substations of 380 kV
EMF exposures pose any health risk is weak. The incoming and 154 kV outgoing power lines. Real-
strongest evidence for health effects comes from time measurements were carried out in the substa-
tion and around the power lines. The induced
electric fields and current densities in the occupants’
Corresponding author: body due to exposure to actual external magnetic

# The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

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Figure 1. Simple plan layout of the 380/154 kV substation.

fields produced by a typical 380/154 kV power sub- incoming line conductors (Oymapınar). Measured
station have been investigated analytically. magnetic field under the S phase conductor is 2 mT,
R phase conductor is 1.65 mT and, T phase conduc-
tor is 1.60 mT for 170 A balanced lines current. An
LAYOUT OF 380/154 KV SUBSTATION additional magnetic field strength measurement
AND MEASUREMENT SETUP under the 380 kV busbar reads 4.2 –5 mT for
High-voltage substations are considered a major Oymapınar line (for 170 A line current) and 4.3 –
element in high-voltage electric power systems. The 5.4 mT for Denizli line (for 220 A balanced line
high-voltage substation under study is a typical 380/ current). Figure 3 represents the magnetic field
154 kV open-air power station located in the residen- measurement with respect to operator height in front
tial areas of Antalya city, Turkey. This station has of the circuit breaker of the 380 kV outgoing line
two incoming lines (380 kV), six outgoing lines (Denizli).
(154 kV) and 15 lines (31.6 –34.5 kV), as shown in
Figure 1. The 380 kV lines pass through residential
areas for 10 km. The 154 kV lines pass mostly Control and measurement room
through the residential areas, and all 31.6 –34.5 kV Figure 4 is a picture of the control and measurement
lines are in the residential areas. For this reason, this room, and Table 1 represents the magnetic field
substation and its lines were chosen for the magnetic measurement taken in the control room. Magnetic
field study.
Magnetic fields in the substation were measured
by using a commercially available magnetic field
meter, ELT-400 Exposure Level Tester, Narda Safety
Test Solutions, Wandel & Golterman, Germany.
Figure 1 represents the layout of the 380/154 kV
substation, with a 380 kV feeder going out to the
city of Denizli, a 380 kV feeder coming into the sub-
station and 154/34.5 kV outgoing lines for Antalya.


Under 380 kV busbar
Figure 2 represents the magnetic field measurement Figure 2. Magnetic field variations versus operator height
with respect to operator height under the 380 kV under the 380 kV incoming lines center.


Figure 3. Magnetic field variations versus operators’ height

in front of the circuit breaker of 380 kV Denizli busbar.

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Figure 4. Control and measurement room.

Figure 5. (a) 154 kV busbar and (b) circuit breaker region.

fields vary between 0.54 and 0.85 mT, and the table
at which the operator spends 8 h a day reads
0.58 mT for a minimum load season. magnetic field variation with respect to operator
height at ‘location M1’ as shown in Figure 5. These
measurements were made for 350 A.
Under 154 kV busbar
Figure 5 represents the magnetic field measurement
Inside the 154/31.5 kV control room
with respect to operator height under the 154 kV
busbar. Measurements have been taken at the There are 20 feeder control cells. Magnetic field
locations in the operating region. Under the middle measurements have been taken just in front of each
of busbar, the magnetic field is 15 mT and around cell at a 1 m height from the floor at operating
9 mT on both sides. Circuit breaker region readings points. Figure 7a and b represents the front and
are between 10 and 18 mT. Figure 6 represents the

Table 1. Measured magnetic field variations in control and

measurement room.

Measurement locations Magnetic

field strength

Front of 380 kV measurement panel 0.54

Front of 154 kV measurement panel 0.85
Front of 31.5 kV measurement panel 0.75
Operator table 0.58
Operation rooms 0.5– 0.7 Figure 6. Magnetic field variations versus operators’ height
at M1 point.

than at the front because of power cable configur-
ations, as shown in Figure 7b.

Near the power transformers

Actual magnetic field strength was measured around
power transformers in the substation. Measurement
was done at 2 m from transformers versus operators’
height standing under the input and output bar con-
ductor of power transformers.
Figure 9 depicts magnetic field variation over oper-
ator height while standing at the 380 and 154 kV
side of transformer (TR-1); line current is 92 A
during the measurement. Figure 10 depicts magnetic

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field variation over operator height while standing at
the 380 and 154 kV side of transformer (TR-2); line
current is 108 A during the measurement.
Figure 11 depicts magnetic field variation over
operator height while standing at the 380 and
154 kV side of transformer (TR-4); line current is 90
A during the measurement.
Figure 12 depicts magnetic field variation over
operator height while standing at 380 and 33.6 V
side of transformer (TR-B); line current is 70/780 A
during the measurement.
Figure 13 depicts magnetic field variation over
operator height while standing at 154 and 31.6 kV
side of transformer (TR-A); line current is 490 A for
31.6 kV circuits during the measurement.
Figure 7. Front corridor of 34.5 kV control rooms and Figure 14 depicts magnetic field variation over
measurement locations. (a) Front corridor and (b) back operator height while standing at 154 and 31.5 kV
corridor of the rooms.
side of transformer (TR-D); line current is 600 A for
31.5 kV circuits during the measurement.
back view of the cells, respectively. As demonstrated Figure 15 depicts magnetic field variation over
in Figure 8, magnetic field measurements at those operator height while standing at 154 and 31.5 kV
points vary between 2 and 65.1 mT. Measurements side of transformer (TR-C); line current is 900 A for
of L7– L11, L17 and L18 are higher at the back 31.5 kV circuits during the measurement.

Figure 8. Measured magnetic field variations (mT) in the 34.5 kV lines control room.


Figure 11. Magnetic field variation over operator height

Figure 9. Magnetic field variation over operator height while standing next to the transformer (TR-4) at 380 and
while standing next to transformer (TR-1) at 380 and 154 kV side.

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154 kV side.
the segment and the observer point (P) at which one
Measured magnetic field strengths of the transfor- calculates, ~J the current density in the current
mers were greater at the low-voltage side than at the segment, ~r the position vector of the current segment
high-voltage side. Depending on the current increase and ~ r0 the position vector of the point at which
at the low-voltage side of the transformers, the mag- one calculates(8,9). m0 is the magnetic permeability
netic field level increases, reaching the higher levels of free space (m0 ¼ 4p  1027H m21). Related
depending on load demand. equations were solved analytically and the magnetic
field variation around the power transmission lines
was simulated using Matlab.
INCOMING AND OUTGOING POWER The magnetic field of the 380 and 154 kV over-
LINES OF THE SUBSTATION head lines connecting to the substation was
measured, with the instruments held under the over-
The pattern and strength of the magnetic field pro- head line conductors at a position of 1 m above
duced by overhead transmission lines depend on the ground level. The main information related to the
complex geometry of the line configuration, height lines considered is given in Table 2 and in Figure 16.
of conductors above ground level, voltage level and Figure 16a and b shows the power line configuration
currents, and they can be distorted by nearby objects for 380 and 154 kV, respectively. The dimension
such as tall trees and structures. The magnetic flux shown in Figure 16 is at the tower position.
density at any location can be computed from Biot– Figure 17 is a comparison of the calculated and
Savart’s law in its general form: measured results of the 380 kV lines connecting to
ð ~ ~ the substation. The comparison was made for 400 A
~ 1 J  Zrr
HðA=mÞ ¼ dv ð1Þ line current. Although the overhead line circuits
4p V j~r0 ~ rj2 carried high currents, the maximum magnetic flux
BðTÞ ¼ m0 mr  H ~ ð2Þ density measured was only 3.3 mT at a ground clear-
ance of 18 m for the 380 kV line; it attenuated rapidly
where H~ is the magnetic field strength, ~B the mag- over distance, and at the standard ground clearance
~rr the direction vector between
netic field density, Z of 12 m, the maximum magnetic flux density

Figure 10. Magnetic field variation over operator height Figure 12. Magnetic field variation over operator height
while standing next to the transformer (TR-2) at 380 and while standing next to the transformer (TR-B) at 380 and
154 kV side. 33.6 kV side.


Figure 13. Magnetic field variation over operator height Figure 15. Magnetic field variation over operator height

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while standing next to the transformer (TR-A) at 154 and while standing next to the transformer (TR-C) at 154 and
31.6 kV side. 31.5 kV side.

measured 6.2 mT at 1 m above ground. The magnetic and permittivity vary with the type of body tissue
flux density measured was 1.4 mT under the tower. and also depend on the frequency of the applied
Figure 18 shows a comparison of the measured field. Electric fields to the body induce a surface
magnetic field under the tower and maximum mag- charge on the body resulting in induced currents in
netic flux region for 154 kV line connecting to the the body, the distribution of which depends on
substation. The measurements were made for 350 A exposure conditions, on the size and shape of the
line current. The maximum magnetic flux density body and the body’s position in a field(10).
measured was only 4.3 mT at a ground clearance of To determine the current density that is induced
13.75 m for the 154 kV line and attenuated rapidly inside a human body standing at different locations
over distance; the magnetic flux density measured near the at substation, the human body is simulated
was 3.01 mT under the tower. as a prolate spheroid(6,11). According to Faraday’s
law, a changing external magnetic field produces an
internal electric field inside the body. Thus, the
INDUCED CURRENT DENSITY INSIDE induced internal electric field components can be
OCCUPANTS BODY expressed by the following equations:
The interaction of time varying electric fields with  
the human body results in the flow of electric charge ~x ¼ j v zBy  b yBz
E ð3Þ
(electric current), the polarisation of bound charge 2 a2 þ b2
(for motion of electric dipoles) and reorientation of  
~y ¼ j v a2
electric dipoles already present in tissue. The relative E ðxBz  zBx Þ ð4Þ
magnitudes of these different effects depend on the a þ b2
electrical properties of the body that is, electrical ~ b yBx xBy
conductivity and permittivity. Electrical conductivity Ez ¼ j v 2  ð5Þ
a þ b2 2

where Bx, By and Bz are the three components of the

external magnetic field and v is the angular fre-
quency of the external magnetic field.
Total electric field E induced inside the body can
be expressed by E ¼ (E2x þ E2x þ E2x)1/2, and the
current density ~J induced inside the body by the

Table 2. Power line configuration information.

Line voltage Number of circuits/ Span (m) Minimum

(kV) number of sub clearance
conductors (m)

Figure 14. Magnetic field variation over operator height 380 Single/2 350 12
while standing next to the transformer (TR-D) at 154 and 154 Single/1 300 9
31.5 kV side.


Figure 16. The power line configurations (a) for 380 kV

and (b) 154 kV (incoming and outgoing lines to the
Figure 18. Comparisons of measured magnetic fields of

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154 kV overhead line connecting to the substation for
internal field can be determined as 350 A at two different locations (incoming line to the
substation through residential areas).
~ ~
J ¼ sE ð6Þ
where s is the electrical conductivity of the body Table 3. Maximum induced current densities and electric
tissue (S m21). As the biological body is dealt and fields different locations at substation.
the ELF magnetic field is considered, s  v 1
(e ; permittivity of the body), and so the displace- Location Maximum Maximum Maximum
ment current component is neglected(12). The measured calculated calculated
second-order magnetic field due to the current magnetic current electric
induced inside the body is also neglected. For this field (mT) densities fields
reason, the magnetic field inside the body can be (mA m22) (mV m21)
regarded as uniform.
Here, the frequency of external magnetic field Under the 380 kV 5.4 4.68 23.4
is 50 Hz and the conductivity of the body is busbar
0.2 S m21(13). The prolate spheroid body para- Control and 0.85 0.737 3.685
measurement room
meters can be seen in detail in reference(14). Table 3
Under the 154 kV 15 13.06 65.3
depicts the maximum induced current densities at busbar
different operation locations in the substation and 154 kV Circuit breaker 18 15.607 78.035
under the power lines corresponding to the average region
magnetic field values from the measurements. 34.5 kV control room 65.1 56.447 282.235
33.6 kV side of TR-B 20 17.34 86.7
31.5 kV side of TR-D 10 8.67 43.35
Under the 380 kV line 3.3 2.86 14.3
Under the 154 kV line 3.01 2.61 13.05
(at tower)
Under the 154 kV line 4.3 3.728 18.64
(at flesh)

The International Commission on Nonionizing

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10 mA m22 in the frequency range 4 Hz to 1 kHz,
and general public reference level is specified as
2 mA m22 in the same frequency range(10).

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magnetic fields of 380 kV overhead line connecting to the magnetic fields of between 0.5 and 0.8 mT. The
substation for 400 A (incoming line part to the substation maximum global magnetic field measured inside the
at residential areas). 380/154 kV substation under normal load condition

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