Lección 12 - Adjetivos Demostrativos

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Escribe el adjetivo demostrativo que mejor se adapta a la oración.

1. That / Those 6. That / Those

are my old jeans paintings are expensive.

2. That / These 7. This / These

are your glasses. is my new watch.

3. This / These 8. That / Those

are my beautiful dogs. are his books.

4. That / Those 9. This / Those

sofa is new. is my boss Luis.

5. This / Those 10. That / These

are my parents. oranges are on the table

Escribe las siguientes oraciones utilizando

las palabras claves y su adjetivo Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones.

This That 1. Ese perro está corriendo en el parque.

These Those
That dog is running in the park.
1. Swimsuit / Orange 2. Esas manzanas están en la nevera
This swimsuit is orange
Those apples are in the fridge.
2. Snake / Long 3. Este queso es delicioso

This snake is long. This cheese is delicious.

3. Shoes / black and Brown 4. Estos son mis amigos Carlos y Jorge

Those shoes are black and brown. These are my friends Carlos and Jorge.
4. Table / black 5. Esta es mi casa, esta es la cocina y estas son
las habitaciones. Este es mi padre y esta es mi
This table is black. madre
5. Bananas / on the table

Those bananas are on the table.

6. Cellphone / ringing
This is my house, this is the kitchen and these
This cell phone is ringing. are the bedrooms. This is my father and this is
7. Dog / playing with the ball my mother.

That dog is playing with the ball. VOCABULARIO DE AYUDA

Old Viejo Glasses Lentes
Parents Padres Paintings Pinturas
Expensive Costoso Watch Reloj
Boss Jefe Swimsuit Traje de baño
Long Largo Ring Timbrar (verbo)
Fridge Nevera Delicious Delicioso

Encuentra los resultados en la página 2

Francisco Ochoa Inglés Fácil Pacho8a Francisco Ochoa Inglés Fácil

Escribe el adjetivo demostrativo que mejor se adapta a la oración.

1. That / Those 6. That / Those

Those are my old jeans Those paintings are expensive.
2. That / These 7. This / These
These are your glasses. This is my new watch.
3. This / These 8. That / Those
These are my beautiful dogs. Those are his books.
4. That / Those 9. This / Those
That sofa is new. This is my boss Luis.
5. This / Those 10. That / These
Those are my parents. These oranges are on the table

Escribe las siguientes oraciones utilizando

las palabras claves y su adjetivo Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones.

This That 1. Ese perro está corriendo en el parque.

These Those That dog is running in the park.

1. Swimsuit / Orange 2. Esas manzanas están en la nevera

This swimsuit is orange Those apples are in the fridge.
2. Snake / Long 3. Este queso es delicioso
This snake is long. This cheese is delicious.
3. Shoes / black and Brown 4. Estos son mis amigos Carlos y Jorge
Those shoes are black and brown. These are my friends Carlos and Jorge.
4. Table / black 5. Esta es mi casa, esta es la cocina y estas son las
This table is black. habitaciones. Este es mi padre y esta es mi madre

5. Bananas / on the table This is my house, this is the kitchen and

Those bananas are on the table. these are the bedrooms. This is my father
and this is my mother.
6. Cellphone / ringing
This cell phone is ringing.
7. Dog / playing with the ball Old Viejo Glasses Lentes
That dog is playing with the ball. Parents Padres Paintings Pinturas
Expensive Costoso Watch Reloj
Boss Jefe Swimsuit Traje de baño
Long Largo Ring Timbrar (verbo)
Fridge Nevera Delicious Delicioso

Francisco Ochoa Inglés Fácil Pacho8a Francisco Ochoa Inglés Fácil


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