Faith Over Water and Fire

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“Faith over Water and Fire”

-Ezer de Iyapayao-

Is today’s youth passionate in their faith? Is today’s youth degraded themselves away from the tenets of
love and hope? Will their faith toward God remain true and faithful amidst worldly temptations such as
immorality and corruption of the body? Will they compromise their faith to avoid criticisms and bullying from
their fellow peers? Will they remain stagnant in their lives for the service for God? Let us dive in to the lives of
different young ladies and gentlemen having different status and personalities in life connected accordingly in
one main issue: The Service for God.



“It has been a long time that I am carrying these questions in my head. Am I still worthy of the position
entrusted to me? Am I still anointed by God in doing service for Him? Is my faith genuine? People accused me
of being hypocrite of some of my ways? It is evident that they are discouraged in regards for me saying that
people going to church are more devilish than those not going to church? It is so sad to think about it.
Nevertheless, I am also discouraged from the actions of our superiors in the Church for some accusations of
corruption and disunity. From the point itself, why am I still thinking all about it? It is only a waste of time
thinking about such things. Vanity it is! But I am somewhat concerned toward it that it shall be my duty to
accomplish like a soldier. Oh man, just be a simple man yourself. Disregard rules and ethics. Follow your heart
and be happy. Forget the imperfections of your life, friends, family and authorities! Don’t bear such burden.
Live life like many other youths out there in this world! No. No. No. It must not be! For the heart is deceitful
itself. Finish your mission as God’s anointed. God be with me.”, uttered of a young man as he went away from
Church after the service.

The young man was quite tall. His perplexed brown skin marks his nativity. His beard and mustache
make him looks old. He was much admired in his young age in terms of physicality and intelligence. He is now
a College graduate currently seeking for jobs. But he was also studying online in an online Bible School. He is
22 years of age. His name is Julian Baltazar.

As the young man went walking home, a co-youth member passed by riding in his motorcycle and
talked to him.

“Hey Brother Julian, come and ride with me for I will pass by your house.” offered by a cheerful
younger man.

“Oh thank you, Joseph, for the offer. How was life within this week?” said Julian as he rides on. The
younger man started to drive.

“I have been in the farm helping my father after class. I then practiced for service in playing guitar.
High School life is enjoyable for a part of me within this week” answered Joseph.

“It seems to me that you are not affected by such issues”, Julian said.
“By what issues, Julian?” inquired the younger man.

“It is a sort of scandalous moments relating to the religious leaders and the system itself”, sighed Julian
as he looked up in the heaven, “The past. I even dream more of the past where religious fervor is very evident.
But for now, as I observed, disunity and corruption crept some religious grounds and personas.”

“God will put all things in justice, Julian. Remember that. For now, focus on your faith. Focus on the
things that will build you up in the Lord, Brother”, Joseph replied as he noticed Julian’s face becomes
mysteriously sad yet looking optimistic. “Oh. Here we are now. See you on next Sunday again brother in the

“Thank you again, brother. Yes. I believe that all these things happening now will God put to justice. I
am praying that God use me in such matters. God bless brother!” exclaimed Julian.

Julian then walked home as he was murmuring to himself, “Brother Joseph is right. This Religious
division is quite breaking my heart to the brink of losing the faith itself. I must focus on things that build up for
the Lord Almighty.”

As the young man entered his home, he saw her mother cooking for dinner whiles his sister cleaning the

“Hey, you should go and wash your motorcycle. It is as messy as mud sticks to it”, annoyingly said by
his sister.

“Why me? I did not even use it this day. Father used it to visit our fields”, annoyingly responded by the

“You will use it tomorrow. Why just go and clean it up”, demanded her mother.

The young man cleaned the motorcycle but not with so much enthusiasm as he was annoyed by it. His
sister noticed it.

“Come on, you are so hard-working in the church while at home you don’t willingly work at all.
Hypocrite”, his sister uttered.

Julian was so annoyed that he answered back in temper, “Why you? At least I go to Church while you
just stay here and do nothing as you watch your soul burned in such attending.” He then went to his room and
prayed silently, “Lord guide me over my sinful flesh in this corrupted world.”

Afterwards, he checked his mobile phone and called Harry, another youth leader, “Hello brother. Let me
remind you of the event on Sunday. How is your preparation?”

Harry replied, “Me and the group are quite excited about it but…”

“What do you mean ‘but’?” inquired Julian.

“Pastor Jose will always have the final say.” answered Harry.

Julian was troubled and just replied, “All right Brother. Let us pray for such things for the Lord.”


“Silence! Please behave. You are not children anymore acting such childish things but youth prepared
for the service of God!” shouted Lorena Dela Cruz, a youth elder as Julian, who was respected by the youth
group, “It is time for us to start the meeting for our today’s agenda for the group. Julian, you may now begin.”

Julian then started speaking, “Brothers and sisters of our anointed council, we will discuss for today
these following agendas: Planning for Youth Pray Day and Pastor’s Day and strengthening of some of our
present programs. Let us discuss then first for the…

“No way!” shouted Jarus loudly as he burst in laughing. The attendees all look to him as Jarus was
talking to Peter.

“We are on a meeting right now yet you are all not acting with respect to this council!” burst in anger as
Julian slam the table.

The group was shocked at the Julian’s reaction. Peter distanced himself away from Jarus as the young
man who shouted was looked and judged already as the culprit.

“Come on, Julian, don’t be so serious. And guys, as if you did not behave like us before. Do not be
hypocrite ok.”, Jarus said sharply.

Teresa, one of the youth elders, stands up and says, “We need to finish this meeting soon because it is
effective for us to come prepared for such activities and efficient for us to go home early to review our lessons.”

“How can we lead other people if we do not submit ourselves to discipline? Come on guys! We need to
finish the meeting! All I need for all of you is discipline! I have been tolerant in the past meetings hoping that
you yourselves could reflect on your actions. I did not lead with an iron hand so that fear is not the reason you
follow me. But it seems to a people of you, brothers and sisters, are much more obedient in the whipping of an
iron rod. Don’t force my hand!”, Julian said in anger and pain.

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