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Mateo villa
Juan José Vahos
Juan Pablo Aristizabal
Sebastian Gil Munoz
2 glasses of the same size
A syringe with water
A laser
An electrical tape

How to do it:
Making this microscope is very easy; we have to place the 2 glasses close to
each other in such a way that when we place the syringe, it is held in them.
We squeeze the syringe a little until a small drop of water comes out. Next,
we have to place the laser at a height where the beam passes through the
drop of water.
You can help from a notebook that is at the same height as the drop. And so
that the button is always in contact we have to wrap it around with the
insulating tape around the button. and to see what is inside our mouth we
have to pass a pin around our walls of our mouth and we prick the drop
with the pin that our saliva has now all we have to do is point it towards a
wall and turn off the light.
How would you help us?
That can help people a lot since it could be an element that we could have
easily and that we could realize if our mouth is in good condition or not and
to avoid some diseases such as cavities, gingivitis, sores that is the most
what is seen in the mouth area.

Who invented it? The experiment was invented by max Spain (French
content creator for YouTube)

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