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1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions below.

a. What are the men and women doing?- They are working
b. Are these typical roles for men and women? - Yes, i believe
c. Do they show examples of gender equality? Why? Why not? - Yes, because it is seen
that they are doing a job that is rare to see from time to time

2. Read the definition of gender equality in the box and then match the texts on the right
with the statements (a-d) below.

a) 3- Kelly
b) 1- Jaime and Rebecca; 5- Jim and Mary
c) 2- Jane
d) 4- Jeremy

3. Match pictures 1-10 with the jobs in the box.

builder – football player – nurse – cleaner – police officer

Chef – mechanic – doctor – taxi driver – hairdresser

4. Answer the questions about the jobs.

a. Who can get these jobs? - People with experience can get it
b. Which skills do you need to get one of the jobs? - Positive attitude
c. Do you know anyone who does these jobs? Is it a man or a woman? – Yes, it's a man
d. Are these jobs typically for men or women? Is that fair? - For both, as some men and
women are good at some of those Jobs

5. Read the texts and then answer the questions.

a. What are some difficulties Lakshmi and Razia have in going to school? – Work,
b. What is similar and what is different in the girls’ stories? - Similar in that they both want
to go to school and the difference is that one works and the other, for reasons of their
country, cannot go.
c. How do you feel about the stories? - Surprised and shocked

6. Look at the words in bold in the texts in exercises 2 and 5. Then complete the

a. The first word in all the expressions in bold are:

1. nouns 2. adjectives 3. Prepositions
b. The second word in all the expressions in bold are:
1. nouns 2. prepositions 3. Verbs
c. Three sentences that follow the same pattern of the expressions in bold are:
1. My friends and I are very good at mathematics.
2. I really don’t like disrespectful people.
3. Eating well is very beneficial for our health.
4. It is quite usual for people to confuse the words ‘sex’ and ‘gender’.

7. Complete the collocations with the correct preposition.

a. I am so proud OF my sister. She’s the first person in our family to go to university.

b. The girls’ uniform is different FROM the boys’ one, but they both wear trousers.
c. I’m not keen ABOUT science fiction. I don’t really like it.
d. I’m interested ON learning about gender equality. I think it’s important.
e. People must be responsable IN their actions.
f. The school wants to start a football team for boys and girls next year and I’m happy FOR

8. Some adults and teenagers talking about gender issues. Organise the statements in the
order you read them.

a. At my school, girls can study the same subjects as boys.

b. Girls can do and wear what they like, the same as boys.
c. Everyone must share the household chores.
d. To have gender equality, boys and girls must have the same rights and opportunities.
e. Girls must have the same job opportunities as boys, including in traditionally male áreas
like the construction industry

9. Look at the sentences from the reading. Do the sentences express a free choice or an
a. Companies must pay men and women the same money for the same job.
b. At my school girls can study the same subjects as boys.
c. Men mustn’t expect women to clean the house. It’s the responsibility of everyone.
d. Girls can do or wear what they like

10. Are these rules and obligations true for your country?
a. Girls must go to school. True
b. Children must start school at the age of four. False
c. Students mustn’t use their smartphones in class. True
d. People mustn’t smoke in cafés or restaurants. True
e. People must drive on the left side of the road. False
f. Students mustn’t wear jeans to school True
g. Companies must pay men and women the same money for the same job. True
h. Eighteen-year-olds mustn’t get married without their parents’ permission False

11. Write a description of a situation in your school which shows gender equality. Use the
mind map to help you.
- respect and regulations

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