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In 2013, HODAG RPG was born of a spark in

a conversation between two best friends. It

would be their last project together, though
only one of them knew that.

Ursa Minor belongs to the stars now, as The HODAG RPG

Ursa Major carries on his legacy as HODAG Original 2013 Edition
RPG in honor of his late friend, which is
very confusing in this context. But it
makes sense, I guess, every other place…

I think I speak for both of us now when I

say that we hope you enjoy it.



Written by Ursa Minor.
Drawn and shaped by Ursa Major.
Layout and editing by Marcia B. (@chiquitafajita_).
Thanks to Steven E., Ed F., Aaron K., Hambone M., and Beck S. for
playtesting in December 2020. Special thanks to Wills P., TK, RV, SE,
and SW who doubtlessly helped shape this game before it was even
dreamed of..
This text is free to reproduce so long as it is reproduced in whole
with accreditation..
HODAG was made as a low-magic, low-tech, and low-level setting
More Rewards! based on the aesthetics of the earliest role-playing games. It seeks
the magic of those early days which were, in turn, largely based on
Efficacious Spells European fantasy works and fairy tales.
These exceptional spells are wielded by Evil Archmages and also by
Wizard player characters who have found them in treasure hoards But be not fooled! HODAG is meant for everyone, and there is no
or taken them from a powerful but defeated adversary. They right way to play. HODAG is a multicultural, multilingual, multigendered,
take the form of a golden scroll or a jade obelisk Once learned, an multireligious, intersectional world full of brave, kind and just heroes
efficacious spell can be used once daily. who strive their best for the greater balance of good. Heroism
has no color, gender, creed, orientation, or physique.
 Blast of Damnation: Deals 8 damage to an enemy.
 Efficacious Heal: Heals all allies of all damage taken. HODAG is intended for High Adventure, and Saturday Morning
 Ruinous Smite: Summons a massive fist of pure light that stakes. However, while HODAG encourages a lighter tone, it is still a
knocks all nearby enemies flat and deals 2 damage. good idea to use safety tools during play to make sure everyone is
 Teleport: Allows the user to teleport anywhere. having fun and wants to play again. Established ones like X cards are
 Transform: Transform one creature (DL 3 or lower) into any good, but inventing your own at the table is even better! Avoiding
other creature. unnecessary maliciousness and cruelty while providing high stakes
for the players is the key to success in HODAG!
Character Advancement
For long-term play, you might award characters an extra point of
health onto their total every 3rd or 5th session, depending on your
group's wishes. You may also award them new minor skills or other
advantages for completing difficult tasks, or for length of play.

Player Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 DAG Master’s Guide . . . . . . 25 Magic Weapons
The Basics ………………………………………………….. 2 Running HODAG …………………………………. 26  Vorpal Sword: Instantly kill a target upon rolling double sixes.
Magic Power …………………………………………... 4 Adversaries …………………………………………… 27
 Stinging Dagger: Deal double damage if dice equal each other.
Money + Costs ……………………………………… 6 Animals ……………………………………………………. 28
The Warrior …………………………………………….. 8 Outlaws ………………………………………………….. 28  Axe of Umbridge: Deal double damage against whoever attacks
The Thief ……………………………………………………... 9 Evil-doers ..…………………………………………… 30 its wielder first.
The Wizard …………………………...…………………… 10 Spell Casters ..……………………………….. 30  Noisy Crossbow: Deals +1 damage if the wielder shouts their
The Priest ………………………………………………….. 1 1 Goblinoids ……………………………………………… 3 1 catchphrase before shooting (e.g. “CROSSBOW!”).
The Elven Wood . . . . . . . . . 13 Evil Slimes ……………………………………………. 32
New Characters! ……………………………….. 14 Undead …………………………………………………….. 32 Magic Armor
The Druid …………………………………………………….. 16 Elementals …………………………………………… 34  Shining Plate Mail: Force an opponent reroll to any attack
The Wilder …………………………………………………. 17 The Hodag ………………………………………….. 34 against you once per encounter.
The Burrower ……………………………………… 18 Treasure ………………………………………………….. 36  Stalwart Shield: Gives +2 defense if the wielder does not make
The Dwarf ………………………………………………... 19 Efficacious Spells ………………………... 38 an action that turn. This bonus is cumulative per turn.
The Elf …………………………………………………………. 20
 Morgo’s Magic Chainmail: Absorb one magic spell per turn.
The Leprechaun ………………………………. 2 1
The Gnome ………………………………………………. 22  Armored Cape: Made of super light mithril, and grants the
Other Characters ………………………….. 23 wearer a +4 defense bonus.
Magic Artifacts
These items are not intrinsically valuable, but will change the course
of the game and make things more interesting.
 Bedazzled Sword: Encrusted with gemstones, and attracts the
jealousy of all swordsmen who behold it such that they will
challenge the wielder to a duel the moment they first see it.
 The Ebony Owl: Gives +2 defense if the wielder does not make
an action that turn. This bonus is cumulative per turn.
 The Candelabra: The possessor has no fear and can accomplish
any feat, win any bet, and accept any dare . . . or so they think.
Players might also be rewarded with spell scrolls, non-magical but
more powerful items, or other treasures of your own invention.
4 37
Players should be rewarded for completing quests and defeating
evil adversaries. Rewards can take the form of treasure, like gold
coins or rare items such as the ones listed here..

Magic Misc. Items

 Magic Wand: Casts any spell 10 times at the DM’s discretion.
 Bag of Gremlins: Contains 5 gremlins at the owner’s service.
Only one gremlin may be summoned at a time, and if one is
drawn one is already in use, the original gremlin explodes. When
the bag is empty, it disappears in a gout of stinky green flame.
 Collar of Skullduggery: Allows the wearer to cast Disguise
twice daily, changing their appearance and voice for an hour.
 Tymon’s Torch: Produces a magic flame that generates no heat.
 Dogs of War: A silver statuette of two growling dogs that can
be summoned to life when the command is given. The dogs will
kill one adversary of DL 2 or lower. Then the item’s power is
expended, and becomes a lead figure of two dogs sleeping.
 Robe of Rags: Made of the tattered remains of powerful
magic robes. Grants a +4 defense bonus, and its pockets
contain an infinite number of dirty rags and scraps of clothing.
 Watchman’s Blanket: While sleeping under this blanket, the user
will be awakened immediately if an adversary comes within 20’.
 Ring of Diminishing Returns: A silver ring that allows its wearer
to shoot a magic bolt at an enemy. The first deals 6 damage,
Player Rules
the next deals 5, and so on until it reaches 0 and the ring itself HODAG is a tabletop role-playing game for 4 to 6 players, and run
dissolves into quicksilver. by a facilitator known as the DAG Master. There are four types
of characters that players may choose to play as: the Warrior,
the Thief, the Priest, and the Wizard.

It is recommended to play with four characters, one of each

character type. The following pages will explain all of the facets of
each character, and how to play the game.

36 1
The Basics
Your character has four scores that represent their basic abilities
used in the game.
 Strength: Wield weapons and accomplish feats of strength.
 Speed: Move fast and avoid being damaged.
 Fortitude: Handle harm and absorb damage.
 Intellect: Solve problems and use magic.
Possible scores range from 1 to 5, and represent as follows:
1. A small child or a dog.
2. A below-average adult.
3. An average adult.
4. An above-average adult.
5. The pinnacle of human ability.
Your character’s constitution scores are determined by their type.
For example, a warrior type has Strength 5, Speed 3, Fortitude 4,
and Intellect 2.
Derived Stats
Your character has a number of health points equal to twice their
fortitude score. They represent your character’s ability to absorb
and survive harm. When your character loses all their health points,
they die and you lose the game.
Your character also has a base defense double their speed score.
Armor and magical items will increase your character’s defense.
This is the score that opponents must meet or exceed when making
a skill check to attack your character. Read on!
2 35
1. Air Elemental A: 0 D: 10 H: 2 D: 0
This swirling form of vaguely humanoid mist constantly generates a
gentle breeze, until you make it mad. Then it creates high winds with
Skills represent your character’s areas of expertise. Each skill
which it tosses enemies into walls, off cliffs, or into lakes.
encompass a variety of related tasks or areas of knowledge.
2. Water Elemental A: 0 D: 12 H: 8 D: 0 There are two types of skills, major and minor. Major skills get a
This specter of living water in the shape of a person slides about. +4 bonus and minor skills get a +2 bonus.
It can cast the Ice Knife spell at will, dealing 2 damage.
 Advanced Melee Weapons: Axes, flails, hammers, spears, swords.
3. Earth Elemental A: 6 D: 15 H: 10 D: 2  Arcane Lore: Spells, runes, rituals, scrolls, wands.
This mass of stone and earth lumbers about on two granite legs.  Athletics: Balance, climbing, jumping, swimming, tumbling.
 Basic Melee Weapons: Daggers, clubs, maces, staves.
4. Fire Elemental A: 0 D: 20 H: 12 D: 0  Brawling: Dealing damage while unarmed.
This construct of fire wants nothing but to spread to all creation.  Diplomacy: Bluffing, intimidation, innuendo, negotiating.
It can cast the Flaming Fist spell at will, dealing 2 damage.  Heavy Armor: Equip all types of armor (minor skill only).
 Performance: Dancing, instruments, poetry, singing.
 Ranged Weapons: Bows, crossbows, javelins, slings.
The Hodag
 Skullduggery: Disarming, forgery, lockpicking, pocket-picking.
?? The Hodag A: 10 D: 20 H: 20 D: 5
 Skulking: Disguising, hiding, sneaking.
The most dangerous beast in all the land. It can fire spikes from its
 Wilderness Lore: Animals, foraging, hunting, navigation, tracking.
back ridge that deal 2 damage each. Face it if you dare.
Players may choose their character’s skills according to their type.

Skill Checks
To resolve a difficult situation, the player rolls 2D6 and adds their
relevant constitution score plus their skill bonus. They must either
roll above the DAG Master's 2D6 roll, or against a flat number
determined by the DAG Master (for example, a defense score).

34 3
Magic Power
There are two types of characters that can cast spells: the priest
and the wizard. This magic power consists of three levels:
 Trivial spells can be cast an unlimited number of times per day.
 Minor spells can each be cast twice per day.
 Major spells can each be cast once per day.
Trivial Spells
 Arcane Arrow: Shoot an arrow of spectral energy from your
hand and deal 1 damage.
 Cat Fall: Land unharmed after jumping or falling a great height.
 Clean/Mend: Permanently cleans or repairs small, mundane items
such as clothing.
 Kindling: Ignite flammable materials in calm conditions.
 Torch: Summons a magical torch which floats near the caster
and generates light until dismissed.
Minor Spells
 Create Food/Water: Create 4 meals or 1 gallon of water.
 Disguise: Change a person’s appearance and voice for one hour.
 Flaming Fist: Fire a fist of white, hot fire and deal 2 damage.
 Heal: Restore someone’s health points equal to your Fortitude.
 Ice Knife: Shoot a dagger of solid ice and deal 2 damage.
 Message: Transmit a telepathic message of 10 words.
 Scry: Look into a crystal ball to see a non-enemy from afar.
 Sleep: Put a number of creatures to sleep for a number of
combat turns, both equal to your Intellect.
 Spell Armor: Equip spectral armor with a defense bonus equal
to your Intellect for 10 minutes.
 Telekinesis: Move up to 20 pounds with your mind for 4 turns..
 Wind Sprint: Dash upon the air itself for 100’, horizontally.
4 33
Evil Slimes
1. Hairy Pudding A: 2 D: 8 H: 1 D: 1
This hideous goop dissolves and digests the whole of anything it kills,
except for hair. Targets must make a Fortitude check or else
halve their speed due to the sticky hair that covers their body.

2. Blood Pudding A: 5 D: 1 1 H: 5 D: 2
This disgusting bloody goo is a mass of dissolved animal tissue. Yours
might be next! Targets must make a Fortitude check or else their
blood boils and they take an additional point of damage.

3. Gelatinous Ooze A: 6 D: 9 H: 6 D: 2
This jiggly horror resembles a green jello mold with corpses
dissolving inside of it. Targets must make a Fortitude check or else
be blinded for 4 turns.

4. Sinister Goo A: 8 D: 12 H: 10 D: 4
This oily black goop can take the vague shape of sinister monsters.
Targets must make a Fortitude check or else be transformed into
a hairy pudding in 4 turns unless the goo is killed first.
Major Spells
 Command: Take control of one person’s mind for 10 minutes.
 Fireball: Shoot a ball of pure, white flame which explodes and
1. Skeleton A: 2 D: 8 H: 1 D: 1
deals 4 damage to the target and 2 damage to anyone within 20’.
The reanimated skeleton of a human, possibly even a friend.
 Fly: Fly at a rate of twice your Speed for 1 hour.
Bludgeoning weapons deal double damage against them.
 Invisibility: Become invisible for 10 minutes.
2. Zombie A: 5 D: 1 1 H: 5 D: 2  Lightning: Shoot a bolt of coruscating lightning from your hand,
A stinking, moldering reanimated corpse. Piercing and bludgeoning dealing 4 damage and stunning your target for 2 turns.
weapons deal half damage against them.
When a spell affects another creature or person’s mental state
3. Ghost A: 6 D: 9 H: 6 D: 2 (like Sleep or Command), that targeted creature must be weaker
An immaterial emanation of a deceased person. It cannot be fought, than your character for the spell to succeed. The DAG Master will
and can only be put to rest by completing its unfinished business. compare your own difficulty level with that of the target to see if
the spell is possible: if yours exceeds theirs, the spell works.
4. Vampire A: 8 D: 12 H: 10 D: 4
A pale, blood-eating revenant that cannot survive the sun’s rays.
Upon attacking a target twice, they drain their blood and reduces
their health points to 0. That person must make a Fortitude check
or else become a vampire under control of their murderer.

32 5
Money & Costs
The currency of HODAG is the Guilder (G), which are gold coins.
Characters each start the game with a certain amount of Guilders.
They may spend as much as all of it on equipment before play.
Weapons & Ammunition
Weapons deal at least 1 damage against an opponent. Weapons listed
with an asterisk are considered advanced due to their size and use.
The numbers in parentheses indicate damage dealt by the weapon.
Melee Weapon ( 1 ) ……………………….. 1 G Ranged Weapon (3) …………………. 4 G
Melee Weapon* (3) …………………... 4 G Ranged Weapon (5) ……………….. 6 G
Melee Weapon* (4) …………………. 6 G 20 Arrows ………………………………………….. 1 G
Shield Spikes (+1) …………………………... 1 G + Silver Plating ……………………………... 5 G
Armor & Shields
The plus indicates an improvement in your defense score.
Leather Jerkin (+4) ………………. 5 G Buckler (+1) ………………………………………... 3 G
Chainmail Tunic (+6) ……………….. 15 G Round Shield (+3) ……………………….. 5 G
Breast Plate (+8) …………………….. 18 G Kite Shield (+5) ……………………………. 10 G
Half Plate (+10) ………………………….. 20 G
Plate Mail (+12) ……………………………. 25 G
Magic Items
Healing Potion ………………………………….. 5 G Spell Scroll, Minor …………………... 18 G
Holy Water …………………..………………….. 15 G Spell Scroll, Major ………………… 20 G Goblinoids
1. Gremlin A: 2 D: 8 H: 1 D: 1
A small, greenish, tunnel-dwelling creature hungry for all flesh.
2. Hobgoblin A: 5 D: 1 1 H: 5 D: 2
A vicious type of murderous under-human, and quite ugly.
3. Troll A: 6 D: 9 H: 6 D: 2
A hideous collection of tumorous muscles that eats people alive.
4. Ogre A: 8 D: 12 H: 10 D: 4
A massive, oversized monster troll that is very aggressive.
6 31
1. Knave A: 8 D: 12 H: 6 D: 1
A general sort of scumbag. If it’s profitable and nefarious, there’s
Miscellaneous Items
a knave in there somewhere. They can run 10’ faster than anyone
Backpack ………………………………………………. 1 G Lockpick ……………………………………………. 5 G
chasing them if they have just stolen something from their pursuer.
Blanket ………………………………………………………. 1 G Mirror ………………………………………………………... 1 G
2. Rakish Swordsman A: 10 D: 14 H: 4 D: 2 Cat ………………………………………………………………….. 1 G Mule ……………………………………………………………. 2 G
This hot-headed sell-sword will run you through for the slightest Chickens (10) ………………………………………. 1 G Rope ……………………………………………………………... 1 G
insult. Of course, everything is an insult to him. He deals an extra Clothes ………………………………………………………. 1 G Rations (10) ……………………………………………. 1 G
point of damage if the DAG Master shouts “Ha-ha!” prior to rolling. Crowbar …………………………………………………. 1 G Sheep (4) ……………………………………………….. 1 G
Dog …………………………………………………………………. 1 G Torches (4) ………………………………………... 1 G
3. The Dastard A: 12 D: 16 H: 3 D: - Flask of Water ……………………………... 1 G Wineskin ……………………………………………….. 2 G
An unpleasant fellow who instigates trouble in local taverns and Grappling Hook ………………………………... 1 G 10’ Pole ……………………………………………………….. 1 G
markets. They don’t fight, but they get +8 to all diplomacy checks Horse ………………………………………………………. 5 G 15’ Ladder …………………………………………... 3 G
to incite locals to violence against the adventuring party.

4. The Black Knight A: 16 D: 14 H: 16 D: 6

The black knight sneers from atop his mountainous black charger.
If he ever took off his helmet, you might be able to see that. He
takes half damage from all attacks while mounted on his horse.

Spell Casters
1. Evil Wizard’s Apprentice A: 2 D: 8 H: 1 D: 1
This knock-kneed, pale teen will one day be the most powerful
wizard in the land . . . if they survive! They can cast all trivial spells.

2. Evil Journeyman Wizard A: 5 D: 1 1 H: 5 D: 2

This berobed spell-chucking madman is very dangerous, especially if
you walk into his trap. He can cast all trivial spells twice daily, and 4
minor spells once daily.

3. Evil Master Wizard A: 6 D: 9 H: 6 D: 2

This mage on the path to retire will be the death of you if he can
curtail his laughter long enough to kill you. He casts all trivial spells,
4 minor spells twice daily, and 1 major spell once daily.

4. Evil Archmage A: 8 D: 12 H: 10 D: 4
This menacing mage is the personification of malevolent magic. He
doesn’t make mistakes. He casts spells as the Wizard character
plus an additional efficacious spell.

30 7
The Warrior
Strength: 5
Speed: 3
Fortitude: 4
Intellect: 2
Health Points: /8
Defense: 6 + =
All warriors have Heavy Armor as a minor skill. Pick one of the
following as a major skill (+4) and the other two as minor skills (+2).
Then choose one additional minor skill (+2).
 Heavy Armor: Equip all types of armor.
 Basic Melee Weapons: Daggers, clubs, maces, staves.
 Advanced Melee Weapons: Axes, flails, hammers, spears, swords.
 Ranged Weapons: Bows, crossbows, javelins, slings.
 __________________________________________
 Battle Cry: Shake enemies to the core with your mighty roar.
Stun enemies within 3 squares for 2 turns. You can only do this
once per day because the tremendous shout wrecks your
throat and it needs time to heal.
You start with 1 melee weapon, and 20 G.
8 29
1. Bray Hound A: 4 D: 10 H: 1 D: 2 The Thief
This canine menace will attack anyone that gets too close. It can
mimic the warrior’s Battle Cry ability with its baying howl, stunning Strength: 2
enemies within 3 squares for 2 turns. Speed: 5
2. Belligerent Badger A: 6 D: 10 H: 4 D: 3 Fortitude: 3
This badger is highly territorial and stubborn. You might hop away Intellect: 4
from the badger on one leg! It can latch onto those it bites and
deal a constant 1 damage per turn until removed from the victim.
Health Points: / 6
3. Razor Cat A: 10 D: 10 H: 9 D: 3 Defense: 10 + =
This cat has razor-sharp claws and teeth.

4. Hammer Gorilla A: 10 D: 18 H: 10 D: 5 Skills

All thieves have Basic Melee Weapons as a major skill. Choose any
This gorilla is named for its unique hammer-handed bashing attack.
two major skills (+4) and any two minor skills (+2).
 Basic Melee Weapons: Daggers, clubs, maces, staves.
1. Neer-Do-Well A: 4 D: 12 H: 3 D: 1
A skulking, opportunistic sort quick to mug way unwary townsfolk.  __________________________________________
They have a +6 skill bonus at picking pockets.
 __________________________________________
2. Bandit A: 7 D: 14 H: 4 D: 2  __________________________________________
Bandits travel in groups and often attack travelers at night. They
have a +4 skill bonus to hit a target unaware of their presence.  __________________________________________

3. Highwayman A: 6 D: 14 H: 6 D: 3
A sophisticated thug that often travels in pairs with another. They
 Backstab: You fight dirty. You know how to hit where it hurts.
have the thief’s Backstab ability, dealing double damage when hitting
Deal double damage to anyone with a spine when you hit them
a target unaware of their presence.
4. Bandit King A: 9 D: 16 H: 8 D: 4  Detect Secret Doors: Your opportunistic nature allows you to
The king of all outlaws! He is unparalleled in his thuggery, and has all spot secret doors. The DAG Master will roll an Intellect check
the abilities of the lesser outlaw types described above. on your behalf for you to notice whenever you pass by one.

You start with 1 melee OR 1 ranged weapon, and 20 G.

28 9
The Wizard Adversaries
Here is a list of opponents for you to send out against the players.
Strength: 2 Use them or feel free to create your own monsters and minions.
Speed: 4
Adversaries are divided into different groupings of classification,
Fortitude: 3
for example Undead or Goblinoid. Each classification is then divided
Intellect: 5 into four difficulty levels, DL 1 through 4.
1. The party can fight four at once.
Health Points: / 6 2. The party can fight three at once.
Defense: 8 + = 3. The party can fight two at once.
4. The Boss! The party can fight only one at a time.
Choose any minor skill (+2), but not one for weapons or armor. Each adversary has four scores: Attack, Defense, Health Points,
and Damage, abbreviated as ADHD.
 __________________________________________
 Magic Power: You know all trivial spells which you can cast
anytime, and six minor spells which you can cast twice daily.
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
You also know two major spells which you can cast once daily.
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
You start with 1 melee OR 1 ranged weapon, and 10 G.
10 27
Running HODAG RPG The Priest
In HODAG RPG, role-playing IS the game. Let your players know that
Strength: 3
they should have a good time with it. Don't feel trapped by the rules.
The DAG Master ultimately decides what is possible and has final Speed: 2
decision in all disputes regarding the rules. Fortitude: 5

Rolling Dice Intellect: 4

All skill checks are rolled using two D6. For example, in combat, the
player rolls 2D6 plus their Strength score and their weapons skill if Health Points: / 10
they have one. The player succeeds if they roll above or equal to
Defense: 4 + =
their opponent’s defense score.

Other skill checks are resolved in a similar fashion. The player rolls Skills
2D6 plus their relevant ability score and their bonus if applicable. All priests have Basic Melee Weapons as a major skill (+4). Choose
The player succeeds if they beat a target number that you set, or any three minor skills (+2) in addition.
if they beat an opposed skill check that you roll yourself.
 Basic Melee Weapons: Daggers, clubs, maces, staves.
Combat  __________________________________________
Combat is turn based, and the order of turns is according to the
characters’ speed, with D6 roll-offs for ties. Each character may  __________________________________________
take two actions per turn:
 __________________________________________
 Attack  Drink potion  Use skill
 Move  Retrieve item  Cast spell Specials
 Draw weapon  Speak  Use scroll  Magic Power: You know all trivial spells which you can cast
anytime, and three minor spells which you can cast twice daily.
Spells that affect the mental function of the target only work on
non-Boss creatures, or those with a difficulty level of 4.  _______________________________________

 _______________________________________
Character movement is tracked in 5’ increments at a rate equal to  _______________________________________
that character’s Speed score, though you don’t have to be precise.
The DAG Master has the final word on all issues of movement.  Blessing: You can bless up to four weapons so they deal +1
damage against undead. You can also sanctify up to four flasks
of holy water which can be thrown at undead for 1 damage.
Health points replenish at your discretion, perhaps after 6-8 hours
of rest. Elves, leprechauns, and burrowers only require 4-6 hours,
but burrowers often complain if they get less than 9. You start with 1 melee OR 1 ranged weapon, and 20 G.

26 11
Priestly Domains
1. Major Divinica
An Elven Religion adopted by Humans in large cities and larger,
wealthier kingdoms. Known for prayers in the ancient elven tongue,
local flavored themed churches and cathedrals, and an emphasis on
statuary and mural work.
2. Druidism
The monoreligion with a thousand sects of the Druids. The three
largest sects are: Thornall, Thornelm (led by humans) and Demetyr
(led by Wood Elves).
3. Bresitism
The folk religions still worshipped in the rural kingdoms and the
hillfolk tribes. Their most common holy sites are outdoor
amphitheaters made of stone, but they will sometimes construct
long, curved, open-walled worship halls atop large hills.
4. Noorsein
The preferred religion of the high north, known for their many
intricate festivals and feasts, rivaled only by the Sorbeccian rites.
5. Sorbecc
From the Grand Dunes of the Sand Roads to the Islands of
Venture to the High Forest Temples, Sorbeccian Worshippers are
a universal constant, eschewing temples for daily practice, feasts
and festivals.
6. Wendarianism
DAG Master’s Guide
A hybrid monoreligion with polytheist "saints", named for their savior This chapter is a set of tools for the DAG Master — that is, you!
figure Wenda. Anywhere in populated Realms that isn't Divinican is Use what you need, but don't forget that you are the master here.
usually Wendarian, with massive and ornate Cathedral Halls. Make the game your own. You know your players best, so give
them the best game possible.
There are many rules for HODAG that are not explicit. In order to
expedite play and make a fun game that can be played without any
prior experience, most decisions are left to you, the DAG Master.
12 25
Fortitude: 5
Intellect: 6

Health Points:




The Elven Wood

Black dots represent combat encounters and grey dots represent
environmental encounters. The darker the path, the less safe it is!
Fill in the sites below with your own encounters.

1. The Wilder’s Overlook 4. The Hodag’s Den

Equipment 2. The Grave of Gregory 5. The Northern Elf Fort
LeBlaque, Infamous Thief 6. Poole Rock, The Demetyr
3. The Southern Elf Fort. Grove of Elven Druids

24 13
New Characters! Other Characters
16. The Druid
Here are some other possibilities for playable characters. A blank
Druids are nature worshippers akin to clerics. They act as law
character sheet is given on the flipside of this page.
givers, peacekeepers, and protectors of rural places, people,
animals, or ideas. They have a governing body called a Grove, though Elvish Folk
some are not beholden to it in any serious way. They often travel An extremely rare subtype of playable character. The character
in pairs: a mentor and an apprentice. in question is, statistically, the same as any human character, but
they have elven ancestors or they were a human raised by elves.
17. The Wilder
Use the elven character type for any other elf heritages.
Wilders roam the wide wilderness, protecting nature from mankind
and mankind from nature. They have taken oaths to ensure the Elvish characters may choose to start with elven gear instead of
natural balance, but often find themselves entangled in the affairs their character types gear.
of settlements large and small.
High Orcs
18. The Burrower An uncommon but not rare type of playable character. High Orcs
Burrowers are small folk half the size of humans that live in idyllic split off from Orcs and evolved alongside human beings, working
rural communities called “glens”, with houses called "burrows" under together and creating empires. Use the statistics provided for any
into the rolling hills that are as cozy as burrowers themselves are. human character.
Some burrowers however are struck with wanderlust and a thirst
for adventure!
19. The Dwarf
Dwarfs are miners, smiths, and craftspeople. They are known for
their eccentric and intricate beards and hair, and for the massive
mountain halls in which they live. Dwarfs who do not crave the
safety of the hearth make wonderful explorers and travelers.
They are between 4 and 5 feet tall.
20. The Elf
There are many types of elves, but they are not more than a
stone’s throw from one another in temperament, culture or values.
That is, unless you ask them to explain the differences between
themselves. They are ancient, wise, and magical, have a natural bond
to the earth. Their personalities range from elitist to affable, from
excited to ice cold, no different than anyone else. They usually
stand just below the average human height.
14 23
The Forest Gnome
21. The Leprechaun
Strength: 2
Leprechauns live in forests, using tricks and spells to ward off the
Speed: 5 axes of the big folk who would use the faerie woods for lumber.
Fortitude: 2 They are one of the only faeries that dare enter the human world.
However, the more time they spend with them, the quicker the
Intellect: 4
thread pulls and the magic that gives them long life becomes thinner.
Leprechauns that have lost their 'thread' tend to become Wizards.
Health Points: / 4 They are fond of fancy dress and tricorne hats, and must refuse
food three times before eating what they are offered.
Defense: 10 + =

22. The Forest Gnome

Skills Gnomes are especially small folk with pointed caps and long beards.
All gnomes have Arcane Lore, Diplomacy, Performance, and
Their elders are set apart by their moustaches and their unkempt
Wilderness Lore as major skills (+4).
beards and hair, as a symbol of natural lifestyle. They have as much
 Arcane Lore: Spells, runes, rituals, scrolls, wands. diversity in their number as humans and high orcs do, and they are
found in every biome.
 Diplomacy: Bluffing, intimidation, innuendo, negotiating.

 Performance: Dancing, instruments, poetry, singing.

 Wilderness Lore: Animals, foraging, hunting, navigation, tracking.

 Magic Power: You have one major and three minor spells, which
you may only cast once. You may also cast four trivial ones.
 _______________________________________

 _______________________________________

 _______________________________________

 _______________________________________

 Forest-Wise: You cannot lose your way in a forest or cavern,

and you can speak to any animal.. You can always find water.
 Heart-Wise: You may not directly harm any living thing.

You start with a satchel full of healing herbs OR unbraided hair.

22 15
The Druid The Leprechaun
Strength: 3 Strength: 2
Speed: 3 Speed: 6
Fortitude: 4 Fortitude: 3
Intellect: 4 Intellect: 5
Health Points: / 8 Health Points: / 6
Defense: 6 + = Defense: 12 + =
Skills Skills
All druids have Basic Melee Weapons, Diplomacy, and Wilderness All leprechauns have Bluffing, intimidation, innuendo, negotiating, and
Lore as major skills (+4). Choose one additional minor skill (+2). Skullduggery as major skills (+4).
 Basic Melee Weapons: Daggers, clubs, maces, staves.  Diplomacy: Bluffing, intimidation, innuendo, negotiating.
 Diplomacy: Bluffing, intimidation, innuendo, negotiating.  Performance: Dancing, instruments, poetry, singing.
 Wilderness Lore: Animals, foraging, hunting, navigation, tracking.  Skulking: Disguising, hiding, sneaking.
 __________________________________________  Skullduggery: Disarming, forgery, lockpicking, pocket-picking.
Specials Specials
 Magic Power: You have three minor spells, though you may only  Magic Power: You have four minor spells, though you may only
cast them once daily. You may also cast three trivial ones daily. cast them once daily. You may also cast four trivial ones daily.
You may also cast the Priest’s Blessing once per week.  _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 _______________________________________
 Forest-Walker: You cannot become lost in forests. You only get
 Treasure Sense: Even if you don’t have a pot of gold, you know
lost in a cavern when you roll snake eyes on two dice. Finally,
where to find one near you.
you can always find your way to water.
 Weaponless: You can throw punches, but refuse to bear arms.
You start with robes, a blessed Shileaghleagh, 1 basic melee weapon,
You start with a fancy suit with a top hat OR 100 G, and 20 G.
a walking stick OR a satchel of healing herbs OR an elven cloak.
16 21
The Elf The Wilder
Strength: 2 Strength: 5
Speed: 6 Speed: 4
Fortitude: 2 Fortitude: 4
Intellect: 5 Intellect: 2

Health Points: / 4 Health Points: / 8

Defense: 12 + = Defense: 8 + =

Skills Skills
All elves have Ranged Weapons, Skulking, and Wilderness Lore as All wilders have Ranged Weapons, Skulking, and Wilderness Lore as
major skills (+4). Choose one additional minor skill (+2). major skills (+4). Choose one additional minor skill (+2).

 Ranged Weapons: Bows, crossbows, javelins, slings.  Ranged Weapons: Bows, crossbows, javelins, slings.

 Skulking: Disguising, hiding, sneaking.  Skulking: Disguising, hiding, sneaking.

 Wilderness Lore: Animals, foraging, hunting, navigation, tracking.  Wilderness Lore: Animals, foraging, hunting, navigation, tracking.

 __________________________________________  __________________________________________

Specials Specials
 Magic Power: You have four minor spells, though you may only  Ambidexterity: You may make a second attack after you attack
cast them once daily. You may also cast four trivial ones daily. while wielding your sidearm, or you may parry and cancel out
 _______________________________________ your opponent’s attack once per round.
 Forest-Walker: You cannot become lost in forests. You only get
 _______________________________________
lost in a cavern when you roll snake eyes on two dice. Finally,
 _______________________________________ you have a 5-in-6 chance to find your way to water.

 _______________________________________ Equipment
 Elven Eyes: You can see in total darkness. You start with a unique cloak, a side arm (e.g. dagger, hatchet, club),
1 melee weapon, a walking stick OR a satchel of healing herbs, and
Equipment 20 G.
You start with 1 ranged weapon OR a fine elven knife with +1 attack
and +1 damage OR an elven all-season cloak, and 20 G.

20 17
The Burrower The Dwarf
Strength: 3 Strength: 5
Speed: 4 Speed: 3
Fortitude: 4 Fortitude: 5
Intellect: 4 Intellect: 2
Health Points: / 8 Health Points: / 10
Defense: 8 + = Defense: 6 + =
Skills Skills
All burrowers have Athletics, Diplomacy, and Ranged Weapons as All dwarves have Advanced Melee Weapons, Athletics, and Brawling
major skills (+4). Choose one additional minor skill (+2). as major skills (+4). Choose one additional minor skill (+2).
 Athletics: Balance, climbing, jumping, swimming, tumbling.  Advanced Melee Weapons: Axes, flails, hammers, spears, swords.
 Diplomacy: Bluffing, intimidation, innuendo, negotiating.  Athletics: Balance, climbing, jumping, swimming, tumbling.
 Ranged Weapons: Bows, crossbows, javelins, slings.  Ranged Weapons: Bows, crossbows, javelins, slings.
 __________________________________________  __________________________________________
Specials Specials
 Encyclopedic Knowledge: Burrowers are voracious readers,  Mountain Hall Singers: Dwarves are renowned for their
gossips, eavesdroppers, and know-it-alls. When set with a beautiful singing voices and intricate vocal mimicry of nature.
knowledge task, you may ask for 3 hints or rumors about the You receive +1 to all performance checks relating to either.
matter. The DAG Master will give you 1 solid fact about the  World Ambassadors: Dwarfs are raised to be considerate,
question, one half truth, and one lie. polite and well natured around non-dwarfs, and pride themselves
 Unknown Bravery: Burrowers are deft at knowing when to in hospitality and goodwill, and often demand the same of others.
flee, but will never turn their back on a friend in need. You They almost always view themselves as Ambassadors from
receive +2 to any heroic act that may save a friend from their home, clan and family and act accordingly.
doom, at the discretion of the DAG Master. It may last for any
amount of time that seems appropriate. Equipment
You start with 1 advanced melee weapon, a fine tankard of any fine
Equipment material OR a piece of jewelry with your coat of arms, and 20 G.
You start with 1 melee weapon, a satchel of Burroughleaf, a
smoking pipe OR a walking stick, and 20 G.
18 19

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