Group 6 Mid Test Project

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Group 6

Mid Test Project

Group Member:
• Marhaeni
• Siti Rabiah Al Adawiyah
• Andi Besse Wilen Rani
• Nurul Wahdania
• Nurul Jahirah

UIN Alauddin Makassar

English Education Department

Time approximately 60 minutes

(including the reading of the directions for each part)

In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand
conversations and talks in English.

Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. Do not take
notes or write in your test book at any time.


In this part you will hear some conversations. After each conversation,you will read a question about the
conversation. The conversations will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible
answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Listen to an example.

On the recording, you hear:

(man) That exam was just awful.

(woman) Oh, it could have been worse.

(narrator) What does the woman mean?

In your test book, you read:

(A) The exam was really awful.

(B) It was the worst exam she had ever seen.

(C) It couldn't have been more difficult.

(D) It wasn't that hard.

You learn from the conversation that the man thought the exam was very difficult and that the woman
disagreed with the man. The best answer to the question, "What does the woman mean?" is (D), "It wasn't
that hard." Therefore, the correct choice is (D).

1. How many seats are reserved?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

2. What's Amy's favorite dish?

A. Chocolate cake

B. Grilled Fish

C. Chicken Soup

D. Lasagna

3. From the conversation above, it can be seen that the place is at?

A. Hospital

B. Restaurant

C. Coffeshop

D. Mall

4. How do they feel at dinner in a restaurant?

A. Happy

B. Sad

C. Dissapointed

D. Angry
5. what food did son order?

a. vegetable soup

b. grilled fish

c. grilled chicken

d. chicken soup

6. who orders ice cream for dessert?

a. father & mother

b. mother & son

c. father & daughter

d. daughter & son

7. Why didn't Amy eat the food right away?

A. The food is spicy

B. The food is hot

C. The food is salty

D. The food is too sweet

8. What did mom order for dessert?

A. Ice cream

B. Chocolate cake

C. Cheese cake

D. Pudding

9. What drink did son order?

a. Milkshakes
b. Orange juice

c. Lemonade

d. A glass of water

10. Guest: I'll.... Vegetables soup and grilled fish.





11. How much do they pay at the restaurant?

a. It costs 5 dollars

b. It costs 6 dollars

c. It costs 7 dollars

d. It costs 8 dollars

12. What is the waitress going to do?

a.To pay the customer's bill.

b.To take another food.

c.To talk to his manager.

d.To fetch the correct bill.

13. What is the first thing to do before ordering?

A. Drink

B. Ask the menu

C. Pay
D. Eat

14. What does the father think about the test of the food?

A. Delicous

B. So bad

C. Nice

D. Not too bad

15. Who is that ordered the vegetable soup as a starter?

A. Amy

B. Mom and Dad

C. Dad

D. Paul and Amy

16. Why is the father ask water again?

A. Because his son thirsty

B. Because the waiter forgot it

C. For washing his hand

D. Because the drink spilled

17. How many customers eat at the burger restaurant?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5
18. how do hamburgers taste?

a. sweet

b. spicy

c. bitter

d. sour

19. How many times did the man eat fast food?

A. 1 time a week

B. 2 times a week

C. 3 times a week

D. 4 times a week

20. What's the girl's favorite food in fast food?

A. Chicken hamburger

B. Taco

C. Fried chicken

D. Salad

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