Gee Gender and Society

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The gender inequality or discriminiation in our surroundings are mostly happens and may

causes bad effects to the personal life an individuals. So I picked the topic of:

 Pictures of women discriminations ; gender discrimination and inequality in corporate


The image portraying is that the man is move valuable, knowledgeable and have more
strategy to provide than a woman. Discrimination in womens happens in our country Philippines
for some facts that we have this culture where we are the conservative of every thing. Being
conservative country we adapt the culture that womens must stay at home to be assigned to the
household chores, caring and other aspects that are connected to the abilities of a women, and
nether the less boys will do the physical aspects to provide. Otherwise this culture of being
conservative in any actions that a women been doing is gradually dissappearing for the reason
that many people are believing in the saying that if they can, why can I.

For my point of view to the image, when it come to reality I must say that women are more
to show virtues rather than the mens. In the reality world discrimination in every aspects of life is
noticeable especially the gender role ineqauility. Gender discrimination in the workplace, in
education, and in sports is a significant issue because it has slowly affected, minimized, and
undervalued women and young girls all over the world. Women face discrimination in the
workplace. Color, ethnicity, and gender have a major influence on women’s salaries
nowadays.However, Philippines is not that usually notice by women discrimination especially in
the work situation. Though in some parts women are discriminated via physical aspects, gender
role, and also to employment. They are discriminated through physical aspects because most of
the girl in a workplace are placed in the offices even if they can be placed on the fields such as
visiting sites and when it comes to construction mostly they do not allow the girls which apart
from it girls are able to do the welding portion of the construction sites. There are many reason
for which paying female workless than a male woker is considered a discriminstory practice
from the moral point of vie. Not only does gender discrimination at work place affects women
causing psychological harm in terms og lower self-worth, potential harassment and insecurities
but in mainly affects the entire society which is not able to develop and reach its full potential as
long as to dicourages women to use their talents.

Since our country womens have charisma of being empowered womens as long as they can
provide or give to their family any types of work they are willing to go with it. In spite of the
reasons of discrimination most of the women who has been discribed and judged by many are
now certified professional or in short successful degree holder, a good prodiver and have the
confidence to face the challenges of life with their own fights. As the saying says don’t judge the
book but its cover. Every Filipinos are very lucky for the fact that we are living in a free country
where we have the freedom to express ourselves whether you are a girl or a boy as long as you
have the right your complaint will be granted.

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