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Review Article 51

Evaluation and Treatment of Alkalosis in Children

Matjaž Kopač1

1 Division of Pediatrics, Department of Nephrology, University Address for correspondence Matjaž Kopač, MD, DSc, Division of
Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Pediatrics, Department of Nephrology, University Medical Centre
Ljubljana, Bohoričeva 20, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
J Pediatr Intensive Care 2019;8:51–56. (e-mail:

Abstract Alkalosis is a disorder of acid–base balance defined by elevated pH of the arterial blood.
Metabolic alkalosis is characterized by primary elevation of the serum bicarbonate. Due
to several mechanisms, it is often associated with hypochloremia and hypokalemia and
can only persist in the presence of factors causing and maintaining alkalosis.
Keywords Respiratory alkalosis is a consequence of dysfunction of respiratory system’s control
► alkalosis center. There are no pathognomonic symptoms. History is important in the evaluation

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► children of alkalosis and usually reveals the cause. It is important to evaluate volemia during
► chloride physical examination. Treatment must be causal and prognosis depends on a cause.

hydrogen ion concentration and an alkalosis is a pathologic
Alkalosis is a disorder of acid–base balance defined by process that causes a decrease in the hydrogen ion concentra-
elevated pH of the arterial blood. According to the origin, it tion. Therefore, acidemia and alkalemia indicate the pH
can be metabolic or respiratory. Metabolic alkalosis is char- abnormality while acidosis and alkalosis indicate the patho-
acterized by primary elevation of the serum bicarbonate that logic process that is taking place.3
can result from several mechanisms. It is the most common Regulation of hydrogen ion balance is basically similar to
form of acid–base balance disorders. This was confirmed in a the regulation of other ions in the body. There must be a
study on 3,300 patients where gas analysis of the arterial blood balance between the intake or production of hydrogen ions
was done in 13,000 samples.1 Respiratory alkalosis is a con- and their net removal from the body to achieve homeostasis.
sequence of dysfunction of respiratory system’s control cen- The kidneys play a key role in regulating hydrogen ion
ter.2 The pH of the arterial blood is elevated in metabolic removal but much more is needed to achieve precise control
alkalosis and lowered or normal in respiratory acidosis of extracellular fluid hydrogen ion concentration. There are
although there is increased concentration of bicarbonate and also several other acid–base buffering systems involved, such
hypercapnia (elevation of partial pressure of carbon dioxide– as the blood, cells, and lungs that are crucial for maintaining
pCO2) in both disorders.1 normal hydrogen ion concentrations in both the extracellu-
The relationship between the pCO2, the bicarbonate con- lar and the intracellular fluid.4
centration, and the hydrogen ion concentration can be pre- To determine the primary acid–base disorder, we must
sented by rearranged Henderson–Hasselbach equation: examine the pCO2 and the bicarbonate concentration. In
[Hþ] ¼ 24  pCO2/(HCO3) general, there is pCO2 below 35 mm Hg in respiratory alkalosis,
An increase in the bicarbonate concentration or a decrease serum bicarbonate concentration above 26 mm Hg in meta-
in the pCO2 decreases the hydrogen ion concentration and bolic alkalosis, pCO2 above 45 mm Hg in respiratory acidosis,
the pH increases. On the other hand, a decrease in the and serum bicarbonate concentration below 22 mm Hg in
bicarbonate concentration or an increase in the pCO2 increases metabolic acidosis.5 However, acid–base disorders are not
the hydrogen ion concentration and the pH decreases.3 accompanied by appropriate compensatory responses in
Regarding terminology, acidemia is a pH below normal some instances. When this occurs, the abnormality is referred
(< 7.35), and alkalemia is a pH above normal (> 7.45). An to as a mixed acid–base disorder. This means that there are two
acidosis is a pathologic process that causes an increase in the or more underlying causes for the acid–base disturbance.4

received Copyright © 2019 by Georg Thieme DOI

June 25, 2018 Verlag KG, Stuttgart · New York 10.1055/s-0038-1676061.
accepted after revision ISSN 2146-4618.
October 17, 2018
published online
November 18, 2018
52 Alkalosis in Children Kopač

Physiological Aspects Pathogenesis

Increased concentration of bicarbonate in metabolic alkalo- Metabolic alkalosis can only persist in the presence of factors
sis elevates serum pH which triggers alveolar hypoventila- causing alkalosis (there is a source of base) and factors
tion, leading to hypercapnia. The pCO2 in metabolic alkalosis maintaining alkalosis, when there is impaired ability to
rarely exceeds value 7.3 kPa (55 mm Hg) because there is no excrete excess bicarbonate in the urine due to different
full response with hypoventilation due to hypoxia. Respira- causes, such as: hypovolemia, reduced effective arterial
tory compensation of metabolic alkalosis is impaired in some blood volume, chloride depletion, hypokalemia, reduced
diseases, such as obstructive airway diseases, severe liver glomerular filtration rate, hyperaldosteronism, or combina-
diseases, cardiac failure, and others. Metabolic alkalosis is tions of these factors. Normally, bicarbonate is excreted
often associated with hypochloremia and hypokalemia.1 through the kidneys regardless of the cause.1,8
Addition of chloride (Cl) is therefore often important part
of alkalosis treatment. Base excess is at least 2 mmol/L.6
Factors Causing Alkalosis
Carbon dioxide (CO2) production is fairly constant in the
body. During hypoventilation the amount of CO2 excreted Loss of Acid from the Extracellular Fluid
exceeds the amount formed in the metabolic processes. The Gastrointestinal causes: The most common cause of hydro-
potassium (Kþ) loss is also important for generation and gen loss is the loss of gastric secretions due to vomiting or

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maintenance of alkalosis because it enhances excretion of nasogastric suction. Other causes are diarrhea in patients
hydrogen ions and bicarbonate reabsorption. This is impor- with rare disorders that block intestinal chloride absorption
tant clinically in mineralocorticoid excess.7 (such as congenital chloridorrhea) and villous adenomas.
Increased concentration of bicarbonate is a consequence There is a good response to infusion of normal saline (con-
of gastrointestinal hydrogen loss, excessive renal hydrogen taining chloride), therefore it is named saline-responsive or
loss, administration and retention of bicarbonate ions, chloride-depletion.1 Gastric secretions can be significantly
volume contraction, or intracellular shift of hydrogen ions. enhanced with appropriate stimuli (even 20 times or more).
Normally, gastric hydrogen ion secretion does not lead to One mEq of bicarbonate is formed per 1 mEq of hydrogen ion.
metabolic alkalosis, since the hydrogen ions are not lost from In vomiting the equilibrium is disturbed because hydrogen is
the body but instead are neutralized by bicarbonate secreted removed and bicarbonate remains. In this way metabolic
by the pancreas, liver, and intestines in response to the acid alkalosis is generated that can be accentuated by hypovole-
that enters the small bowel. The hydrogen and bicarbonate mia and hypokalemia.7
ions combine within the intestinal lumen to form carbonic Renal causes: It is the most common cause of meta-
acid and water, and the secreted chloride, sodium, and bolic alkalosis due to acid loss from the extracellular
potassium ions are reabsorbed into the systemic circulation. fluid. It is most commonly due to diuretic therapy, either
When vomiting or nasogastric tube suction removes hydro- with loop or thiazide diuretics. These drugs stimulate acid
gen chloride from the body and prevents it from reaching the excretion via increased distal sodium delivery and tubular
duodenum, the bicarbonate that is added to the extracellular flow which then causes secondary hyperaldosteronism.1
fluid is not neutralized by the subsequent secretion of Additionally, diuretics increase secretion of some electro-
bicarbonate into the more distal gastrointestinal lumen.8 lytes (Naþ, Kþ, Cl) more compared with bicarbonate.7
Hyperventilation reduces pCO2 in blood and consequently Other renal causes of metabolic alkalosis are Bartter
amount of carbonic acid in respiratory alkalosis. Non-bicar- syndrome, hypoparathyroidism, posthypercapnic meta-
bonate buffer system releases hydrogen ions that bind to bolic alkalosis, and hypersecretion of mineralocorticoids.
serum bicarbonate. This reduces its amount which corrects In the latter group, we should mention primary hyper-
or attenuates incipient alkalosis. The bicarbonate concentra- aldosteronism, such as Liddle syndrome, or the combina-
tion decreases in this way while concentrations of other tion of secondary mineralocorticoid secretion with a
buffer systems increase. Therefore, there is no base excess.2 diuretic whose site of action is proximal to the site of
Respiration is regulated through central chemoreceptors in hydrogen ion secretion.1,8
the respiratory center which respond to changes in pCO2 and Intracellular shift of hydrogen: Hydrogen ions move from
blood pH, and through peripheral chemoreceptors in the the extracellular fluid into the cells in hypokalemia
walls of great blood vessels which respond primarily to (exchange of Kþ with hydrogen ions) which is not a common
hypoxia. Respiratory alkalosis is a common disorder in cause of metabolic alkalosis.1 This happens mostly when
complex patients. Respiratory center can be stimulated by serum concentration of Kþ is less than 2 mmol/L with a
some toxins (e.g., released in gram negative sepsis), hypona- consequent efflux of Kþ from the cells due to concentration
tremia, ammonia (in liver dysfunction), the pons tumors and gradient and influx of hydrogen ions into the cells to main-
by signals from the cortical centers (in psychogenic hyper- tain electroneutrality. This results in extracellular alkalosis
ventilation). Respiratory alkalosis can also be a consequence and paradoxical intracellular acidosis.7
of some lung diseases (such as pneumonia, lung embolia, Cystic fibrosis: There can be metabolic alkalosis with
lung edema) where pathological process (inflammation, hypokalemia due to excess of chloride loss in the sweat.
edema) activates juxtacapillary receptors or receptors in This leads to enhanced Naþ reabsorption in the distal tubules
the airway epithelia, which stimulate respiratory center.7 of the kidney, in exchange for Kþ and hydrogen ions.9

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Alkalosis in Children Kopač 53

Increased Bicarbonate Concentration in the Extracellular directly related to the metabolic alkalosis are uncommon.
Fluid Patients with metabolic alkalosis may be asymptomatic or
Metabolism from bicarbonate precursors: Citrate, acetate, and may complain of symptoms that are primarily related to the
lactate are bicarbonate precursors that can be converted to alkalemia, to the underlying etiology of the metabolic alka-
bicarbonate. This can happen during massive transfusions losis, or to accompanying electrolyte abnormalities.10
because blood and blood products are anticoagulated with
citrate salts.1 Infusion of large amounts of fresh frozen plasma Metabolic Disturbances
(e.g., during plasmapheresis) and the use of citrate as an Metabolic alkalosis is often associated with hypokalemia
anticoagulant during hemodialysis or continuous renal repla- which is due to Kþ loss in the context of a disease that also
cement therapy can also generate alkalosis. In these situations, leads to metabolic alkalosis or due to Kþ shift in the cells. It is
the alkali load is not readily excreted because of reduced also accompanied by reduced concentration of ionized Ca2þ
effective arterial blood volume or renal impairment.8 (and normal concentration of the entire Ca2þ) due to
Alkali administration: Alkali administration, orally or increased protein binding and increased production of
parenterally, is another important cause of increased bicar- citrate and lactate. In addition, alkalosis increases anion
bonate concentration in the extracellular fluid. It can be gap (up to 12 mmol/L) and stimulates glycolysis and thus
found in cases of total parenteral nutrition, during resuscita- lactate production. Reduced volume of extracellular fluid
tion and in milk–alkali syndrome. In the latter, there is a leads to increased plasma protein concentration with their

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combination of chronic kidney disease, hypercalcemia, increased negative charge.1 Patients may consequently pre-
nephrocalcinosis, metabolic alkalosis, and continued inges- sent with lassitude, easy fatigability, muscle cramps, and
tion of milk or dairy products and Ca2þ-containing antacids.1 postural dizziness. Hypokalemia may produce muscle weak-
However, the short-term administration of even large ness, cardiac arrhythmias, and if persistent, polyuria and
amounts of sodium bicarbonate to normal individuals polydipsia due to impaired urinary concentrating ability,
usually results in very rapid renal excretion of the entire and/or direct stimulation of thirst.10
alkali load with minimal increase in the bicarbonate con-
centration. Metabolic alkalosis may develop, especially when Disturbances of Cardiovascular System
renal function is poor, as a consequence of ingestion of Supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias may often
cocaine that is often produced in illicit laboratories using a appear that may not respond to treatment in cases of
strong base, such as household drain cleaner.8 prolonged alkalosis. There is often hypokalemia (due to
Drugs: Some patients take large amounts of antacids in cellular shift), hypotension (due to alkalosis mediated vaso-
treatment of gastritis or ulcer disease. When using some dilatation), and hypovolemia with decreased minute volume
aluminum-containing antacids there is no significant base of the heart.1,7
absorption. However, hydroxide in Mg-hydroxide containing
antacid binds with hydrogen ion and neutralizes it while Mg2þ Disturbances of Nervous and Muscular System
binds to bicarbonate, phosphate, and fat. As a result of this, part There is increased release of acetylcholine in the peripheral
of bicarbonate remains unbound and is reabsorbed.7 During nerves and reduced concentration of ionized Ca2þ. This
parenteral high-dose penicillin salts administration, the peni- results in increased neuromuscular excitability that presents
cillin part does not absorb and consequently, Naþ reabsorbs in clinically with muscle cramps, muscle weakness, tetany,
exchange for Kþ and hydrogen ion which leads to hypokalemia paresthesias around mouth or in the extremities, and carpo-
and metabolic alkalosis. In salicylate intoxication, respiratory pedal spasms with a positive Chvostek and Trousseau sign.
alkalosis develops at the beginning due to direct stimulation of Laryngeal spasms are rare.1,7
the respiratory center but later metabolic acidosis ensues.7
Central Nervous System Disturbances
Factors Maintaining Alkalosis Alkalosis, especially when pH of arterial blood exceeds 7.55,
Factors maintaining alkalosis are a consequence of inability causes nausea, disorientation, and later stupor. This may be
to excrete the excess bicarbonate in the urine due to intra- associated with simultaneous reduced brain blood perfusion
vascular volume contraction, reduced effective arterial blood and oxygenation.1,7
volume (e.g., due to heart failure), chloride depletion, hypo-
kalemia, renal impairment, excess mineralocorticoid activ-
Diagnostic Evaluation
ity, parathyroid hormone deficiency, or combinations of
these factors.1,8 History is important first step in the evaluation of alkalosis,
especially information about vomiting, diarrhea, or drug
intake (prescribed or self-intake). History usually yields
Clinical Features
the necessary information to identify the cause. During
Clinical features of metabolic alkalosis result from patholo- physical examination, it is important to assess volemia
gical influences of alkalemia on various organ systems with a with evaluation of skin turgor, pulse, presence of edema,
consequent dysfunction. Alveolar hypoventilation is most orthostatic signs, and blood pressure. In addition to gas
prominent manifestation of alkalosis which is a physiological analysis, we should check blood concentrations of electro-
response of organism to this disoder.1 Clinical manifestations lytes (especially Kþ) and urine concentration of Cl.1

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54 Alkalosis in Children Kopač

Metabolic Alkalosis with Hypovolemia patients can have Bartter’s syndrome associated with
Causes can be renal or extrarenal. Alkalosis is maintained sensorineural deafness (very rarely).9,11
due to hypovolemia and hypokalemia with a consequent • Calcium sensing receptor (type 5, due to gain-of-function
increased reabsorption of bicarbonate in the proximal kid- mutation of CASR gene): thick ascending loop of Henle’s is
ney tubules and due to reduced glomerular filtration rate affected tubular region. Disease onset is variable. Other
that decreases bicarbonate excretion. There is Cl depletion features are hypocalcemia, low parathyroid hormone
with urine concentration of Cl less than 15 mmol/L. This is levels, hypercalciuria, and elevated urine prostaglandins
hypovolemia with a good response to infusion of normal (PGE2); it is an uncommon cause of Bartter’s syndrome.12
saline, named saline-responsive or chloride-responsive alka-
losis. After restoration of plasma volume with saline infu- Mutations in the first two of the above-mentioned genes
sions bicarbonate excretion increases.1 In addition to were proven in patients with Bartter syndrome with asso-
bicarbonate, Cl is the only anion in a body that is present ciated hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis-neonatal Bart-
in a large amount. This is important to achieve enough renal ter syndrome or Bartter syndrome type 1 and 2. These
bicarbonate excretion with simultaneous Naþ reabsorption children are born after pregnancies complicated with poly-
in the proximal kidney tubules and parts of loop of Henle. In hydramnios and premature delivery. Mutations in the gene
some patients, urine concentration of Cl may be high in for renal chloride channel were discovered in patients
hypovolemia due to impaired mechanisms of Cl reabsorp- without nephrocalcinosis–classic or Bartter syndrome

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tion in the kidney tubules and therefore, it does not reflect type 3. In these patients there is no hypercalciuria but
the true situation and is not diagnostic in these cases.7 there can be severe dehydration.11 There is impaired
urinary concentrating ability with a consequent water
Renal Causes loss through kidneys in all children with Bartter syndrome.
Diuretics: Thiazide and loop diuretics are a common cause of For this reason, they are prone to develop hypernatremic
metabolic alkalosis with hypovolemia as they cause secondary dehydration. Clinical features in these patients can vary
hypokalemia, hypovolemia, and hyperaldosteronism. Alkalosis from prenatal presentation with polyhydramnios, prema-
is present in 3 to 50% of patients treated with diuretics. Thiazide ture delivery, severe and life-threatening dehydration with
diuretics increase serum bicarbonate concentration for 2 to 7 hypotension (due to salt loss in the first year of life), and
mmol/L and loop diuretics for up to 15 to 20 mmol/L. There is failure to thrive (especially neonatal Bartter syndrome) to
increased concentration of Naþ and Cl in the urine despite gradual progression to chronic kidney disease. On the other
hypovolemia in these patients. After treatment cessation, the hand, they can be asymptomatic and identified incidentally
urine concentration of Cl is less than 15 mmol/L.1 in adulthood.9 The evaluation of these patients should
Bartter syndrome: This is a rare syndrome characterized by include gas analysis of the blood (revealing metabolic
metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypochloremia, hyperuri- alkalosis) and blood analysis of electrolytes: Kþ, Cl (both
cemia, increased concentration of renin and aldosterone and decreased), Mg2þ (normal or decreased), Naþ (variable),
sometimes hypomagnesemia. Blood pressure is normal. There Ca2þ (usually normal), urea, creatinine, and albumin (to
is increased synthesis of prostaglandins and increased urine assess renal function and hydration). It should also include
concentration of Cl. Histologically, there is juxtaglomerular analysis of electrolytes in urine: Naþ, Kþ, Cl, Mg2þ (ele-
apparatus hypertrophy. Disease presents in children and vated fractional excretion–FE), Ca2þ (variable), and creati-
young adults with polyuria, paresthesias, and muscle weak- nine (to calculate FE). Ultrasound of the abdomen and
ness with crumps.1 Etiologically, Bartter syndrome is a con- genetic analysis should also be done. All types of Bartter’s
sequence of mutation of at least five genes, coding for several syndrome are inherited in an autosomal recessive way,
protein transporters in the ascending part of Henle’s loop: with exception of type 5, which is inherited in an auto-
somal dominant way.9,12
• Bumetanide-sensitive Na-K-2Cl cotransporter (type 1, gene Gitelman syndrome: It is a rare syndrome characterized
SLC12A1 on chromosome locus 15q15–21): impaired reab- by metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia
sorption of Naþ in the thick ascending part of Henle’s loop. (due to increased excretion of Mg2þ in the urine), hypo-
• Inwardly rectifying renal potassium channel (Renal Outer calciuria, and decreased urine concentration of Cl.1 It
Medullary potassium (K) [ROMK], type 2, gene KCNJ1 on results from mutation of the gene TSC, coding for thia-
chromosome locus 11q24–25): impaired transfer of Kþ zide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter, located in the distal
molecules in the tubular lumen with a consequent too low convoluted kidney tubule. This results in reduced delivery
Kþ concentration in the tubular lumen for normal func- of NaCl to the distal convoluted tubule with NaCl loss in
tion of Na-K-2Cl cotransporter. urine, hypovolemia, enhanced renin-angiotensin-aldoster-
• Renal chloride channel (type 3, gene CLCKNB on chromo- one system, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis. Patients
some locus 1p36): responsible for voltage dependent Cl can suffer from tetany, seizures but can also be asympto-
transport across basolateral membrane back to the circu- matic.11 Others can suffer from hypotension, dizziness,
lation with a concomitant defect of NaCl reabsorption at joint pains, muscle weakness, cramps or nocturnal enur-
the luminal membrane. esis. A prolonged QT-interval on ECG (electrocardiogram)
• Barttin (type 4, gene BSND on chromosome locus 1p31): occurs in 10% of patients. Inheritance is autosomal
the barttin subunit is also expressed in inner ear and these recessive.9

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Alkalosis in Children Kopač 55

Extrarenal Causes due to 17 α-hydroxylase deficiency, there is often hyperten-

Upper gastrointestinal loss: The most common cause of sion, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis as well. This dis-
metabolic alkalosis with hypovolemia is vomiting or naso- order responds to glucocorticoids because the concurrent
gastric suction with subsequent fluid, electrolytes, and excess production of mineralocorticoid 11-deoxycorticoster-
hydrogen loss from the extracellular fluid. Hypovolemia one is under the control of ACTH. In 11 β-hydroxysteroid
causes hyperaldosteronism that enhances Kþ loss in urine dehydrogenase deficiency, also called apparent mineralocor-
with subsequent hypokalemia and hypochloremia.1 ticoid excess, cortisol is not converted in the kidney to corti-
Other extrarenal causes: Other forms of metabolic alka- sone. The latter does not bind to the mineralocorticoid
losis associated with hypovolemia and chloride depletion are receptor. Cortisol can therefore bind to the mineralocorticoid
laxative abuse, cystic fibrosis with excessive sweating (loss of receptor in the kidney and act as a mineralocorticoid. Patients
a large volume of chloride-rich sweat), congenital chloride with this deficiency, despite low levels of aldosterone, have
diarrhea, and alkalosis in infants given a chloride-deficient hypertension, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis.3
synthetic formula.10
Hypervolemia without Hypertension and without
Metabolic Alkalosis with Hypervolemia Elevated Plasma Concentration of Renin and
The kidneys cause and maintain metabolic alkalosis with Mineralocorticoids
elevated urine concentration of Cl above 20 mmol/L in this Hypervolemia without hypertension and without elevated

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disorder that is not responsive to infusion of a normal saline. plasma concentration of renin and mineralocorticoids can be
It is therefore called saline-resistant or chloride-resistant associated with metabolic alkalosis due to increased alkali
alkalosis. This disorder can be divided according to the administration, transfusion of large amount of blood, or
presence or absence of hypertension.1 blood products or with milk–alkali syndrome.1
►Fig. 1 schematically shows the diagnostic process using
Hypervolemia and Hypertension with Mineralocorticoid some clinical and laboratory data in the evaluation of chil-
Excess dren with alkalosis.1
Mineralocorticoid excess causes reabsorption of salt and hyper-
volemia, hypokalemia, and increased excretion of Kþ and Cl in
Treatment and Prognosis
the urine. Mineralocorticoid excess with elevated plasma con-
centration of renin can be found in renovascular hypertension Treatment of metabolic alkalosis must be causal. When there
(e.g., renal artery stenosis) and in malignant hypertension with is reduced amount of extracellular volume in a patient, this
associated hypokalemic alkalosis in 10 to 20%. Mineralocorti- must be corrected with infusion of a normal saline. Metabolic
coid excess with reduced plasma concentration of renin can be alkalosis with hypovolemia and urine concentration of Cl
found in primary hyperaldosteronism where metabolic alka- less than 15 mmol/L has, in general, a good response to
losis is accompanied by hypokalemia, hypernatremia, and infusion of a normal saline (saline-responsive alkalosis). On
arterial hypertension.1 Aldosterone directly enhances hydro- the other hand, metabolic alkalosis with hypervolemia and
gen excretion through the kidneys that causes additional elevated urine concentration of Cl above 20 mmol/L is not
production of bicarbonate or bicarbonate reabsorption that responsive to it (saline-resistant alkalosis).1
would have been otherwise filtered and excreted. As a conse- Hypokalemia must be corrected with the administration of
quence, there is increased bicarbonate concentration, hypoka- potassium chloride, either orally or parenterally. Sometimes
lemia, and hypochloremia.7 Mineralocorticoid excess (without (very rarely) we can use acetazolamide which increases urinary
elevated aldosterone) with hypervolemia and hypertension bicarbonate and also Kþ excretion. We must be careful with fluid
(together with metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia) can be replacement in patients with kidney or heart failure as this can
found in Cushing syndrome, either intrinsic or iatrogenic.1 worsen an underlying disease.1 Rarely, patients with very severe
There are some monogenic forms of hypertension asso- alkalosis, with blood pH value above 7.6, can be treated with
ciated with hypervolemia and alkalosis. One of them is Liddle intravenous infusion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) that must be
syndrome, the autosomal dominant disorder, secondary to an given in a central vein, to reduce pH value below 7.5. An HCl
activating mutation of the sodium channel in the distal precursor, such as ammonium chloride or arginine chloride, can
nephron. Since it is continuously open in Liddle syndrome, be used but only when liver function is normal. Dialysis is
these children have hyperaldosteronism with hypertension, available for anuric patients, using dialysis solution with reduced
hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, and low serum levels of bicarbonate concentration.1 Fluid and electrolytes replacement
aldosterone.3 In glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (normal saline) is mandatory in Bartter syndrome. Indometha-
(also called glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldosteronism cin (or other inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis) can be used to
or familial hyperaldosteronism type I), an autosomal domi- reduce renal losses but not in the neonatal period because of the
nant disorder, there is excess production of aldosterone risk for necrotizing enterocolitis. Treatment with spironolactone
because of the presence of an aldosterone synthase gene is an option in some cases but can cause severe hypotension.9
that is regulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Supplementation of electrolytes (Kþ, Cl, Mg2þ) is necessary in
This disorder can be treated with glucocorticoids which inhibit Gitelman syndrome to maintain electrolyte and acid–base
ACTH production by the pituitary, leading to a decrease of balance and to prevent neurological symptoms. Treatment is
aldosterone production.3 In congenital adrenal hyperplasia lifelong. Patients are encouraged to maintain a high-salt diet.

Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care Vol. 8 No. 2/2019

56 Alkalosis in Children Kopač

ECF volume

decreased ECF increased ECF

decreased / normal BP increased BP normal BP

increased mineralocorticoid effect increased mineralocorticoid effect decreased mineralocorticoid effect

increased Aldosteron Non-renal cause: increased Aldosteron decreased Aldosteron decreased Aldosteron
vomiting / diarrhea
villous adenoma

increased Renin increased Renin decreased Renin Cushing syndrome decreased Renin
exogenous mineralocorticism

Renal cause: renal artery stenosis primary hyperalosteronism exogenous base input
Barrter & Gitellman sy malignant hypertension milk-alkali syndrome

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of evaluation of alkalosis. 1 BP, blood pressure; decr., decreased; ECF, extracellular fluid; incr., increased; malig.,
malignant; Sy, syndrome.

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Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care Vol. 8 No. 2/2019

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