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Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer

1.What best describes kanya - kanya syndrome?

a. ningas cogon
b. crab mentality
c. que cera cera
d. cow fave

2. It emphasises the welfare and interest of the family over those of the community.
a. personalism
b. particularism
c. familialism
d. values orientation

3. What best describes particularism?

a. face to face encounters
b. knowing how to entertain people
c. family honour
d. emphasises the welfare and interest of the family

4. Successful leadership or being a good manager necessitates a personal touch, and

problem-solving is effective if handled through good personal relations. What main trait
underlying Filipino values is being referred to?
b. particularism
c. familialism
d. values orientation
5. It is the way individuals relate to objects, events and ideas that may influence work or
social relationships.
a.personalism bar
b. particularism
c. familialism
d. values orientation

6. What is the meaning of SIR?

a. smooth intrapersonal relationship
b. smooth interpersonal relations
c. smart interpersonal relationship
d. sincere interpersonal reaction

7. Derick gives unsolicited help to others in any way he can. What character is he
a. bayanihan
b. pakikisama
c. galang or respect
d. pakikiramay

8. It indicates deference to the opinions of elders, peers, or those in authority, during

important deliberations.
a. galang
b. pakikiramay
c. pakikisama
d. bayanihan

9. Filipino women are loving, and value the relationship, always staying faithful to their
husbands. What character is being portrayed?
a. love and caring
b. respect
c. hospitality
d. strong work ethics

10 Filipinos always find creative ways to earn a living, like creating a small business
from their home where they sell foods or other items for the convenience of their
neighbours. What character is being portrayed?

a.strong family ties and religions

c.strong work ethics
d. hospitality

11. What best illustrates respect in Filipinos?

a. Claire who always say po and opo.
b. Nick who always pray before going to sleep.
c. Henry who works hard for his family.
d. Delfin who likes to send sweet text messages.

12. Families go to church and pray together because their religion is important and
creates a strong bond, marking God as the center of their lives. What character is being
a. strong family ties and religious
b. respect
c. strong work ethics
d. hospitality

13. This is prevalent in politics where people tend to push each other down to clear the
way for their own gain.
a. hypocrisy
b. ningas cogon
c. blaming others
d. crab mentality

14. What is synonymous to the word procrastination?

a. ningas cogon
b. kanya - kanya syndrome
c.mañana habit
d. Filipino time

15. What best describes passivity?

a. lack of leadership
b. social climbing
c. being thoughtless of others
d. irresponsibility

16. It means living beyond their means.

a.lack of leadership
b. social climbing
c. being thoughtless of others
d. irresponsibility

17. Some politicians are already having their televisions ads and posters ready even if it
the campaign period for the elections has not started. What characteristics is being
a. inconsideration
b. gossiping
c. ningas cogon
d. attention grabbing
18. Ana, the class president is being teased by her classmates as onion - skinned. What
character is being portrayed by Ana?
a. passivity
b. gossiping
c. too sensitive
d. blaming others

19. Tardiness is similar to what character?

a. social climbing
b. Filipino time
c. ningas cogon
d. mañana habit

20. Flor is excellent in starting her projects but failed to finish it because of laziness and
lack of excitement. What character is being portrayed by Flor?
a. ningas cogon
b. hypocrisy
c. laziness
d. inconsideration

 21. It is seen as the intense feeling of pride for one's "nation" or loyalty to one's nation.
a. patriotism
b. loyalty
c. devotion
d. nationalism

22. What being illustrated by devotedly singing of the "Lupang Hinirang".

a. patriotism
b. loyalty
c. devotion
d. nationalism

23. What is the term referring to the someone who loves and respects their country?
a. nationalist
b. guerrilla
c. soldier
d. patriot

24. Which of the following does not illustrate patriotism?

a. fireworks during Independence day
b. singing of National Anthem
c. flag waiving
d.being proud of one's country no matter what it does

25. It is a feeling of attachment and commitment to a country, nation, or political

community or simply love of country.
a. patriotism
b. loyalty
d. nationalism

26. What type of nationalism where the state derives political legitimacy from the active
participation of its citizenry and from the degree to which it represents the "will of the
a. state nationalism
b. ethnic nationalism
c. civic nationalism
d. liberal nationalism

27. What type of nationalism where a shared religion can be seen to contribute to a
sense of national unity,and a common bond among the citizens of thenation?
a. pan - nationalism
b. diaspora nationalism
c. religious nationalism
d. national conservatism

28. It is a radical form of imperialism (and not really true Nationalism at all) that
incorporates autonomous patriotic sentiments with a belief in expansionism, usually by
military aggression.
a. Expansionist Nationalism
b. Romantic Nationalism
c. Third World Nationalism
d. Stateless Nationalism

29. It is where it is claimed that individuals need a national identity in order to lead
meaningful, autonomous lives, and that liberal democracies need national identity in
order to function properly.
a. Third World Nationalism
b. Diaspora Nationalism
c. Liberal Nationalism
d. Romantic Nationalism

30. It is where the nation is defined by shared culture, and neither purely civic nor purely
a. Romantic Nationalism
b. Liberal Nationalism
c. Religious Nationalism
d. Cultural Nationalism

31. It is a variant of Civic Nationalism, where the nation is assumed to be a community

of those who contribute to the maintenance and strength of the state, and that the
individual exists in the community expressly to contribute to this goal.
a. Religious Nationalism
b.State Nationalism
c. Ethnic Nationalism
d. Civic Nationalism

32. It is where nationalist sentiments result from resistance to colonial domination in

order to survive and retain a national identity.
a. Third World Nationalism
b. Ethnic Nationalism
c.Religious Nationalism
d. Liberal Nationalism

33. It is a type of nationalism where Ethnic or Cultural Nationalism applies to a nation

which is itself a cluster of related ethnic groups and cultures.
a. Diaspora Nationalism
b. Stateless Nationalism
c.Pan - Nationalism
d. Liberal Nationalism

34. It is an ethnic population living outside their traditional homelands.

a. imperialism
b. diaspora
c. liberalism
d. nationalism
35. It is known as the patriotism of the heart.
a. patriotism of duty
b.patriotism of affection
c. patriotism of manners
d. patriotism of mind

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