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MAGCAMIT September 27, 2020

Social Dimensions of Education (SDE) Module 2 Sir Jaymar Magtibay


1. What are some of the changes in Philippine society described by Mrs. Santos?
According to Mrs. Santos, the Philippine society has been characterized by massive changes
throughout the years from the former president Marcos’ regime to the present. These changes
include the political governance, improvements in the nation’s economy, the Filipino values,
development of communication technology, and the rise of environmental problems, such as

2. What would be the possible effects of these changes on 21st century education in the

These vast changes in the Philippine society would also cause changes and adjustments to
our modern education. In the field of political governance, so far, equality and freedom in
education has been mostly given emphasis by the government since the former president Cory
Aquino’s term. During Noynoy Aquino’s presidency, there has been a big shift in educational
curriculum from basic education to K to 12 curricula. Along with the K to 12 curricula, there was
also a rationalization law which includes reorganization of the Department of Education staff and
their roles and functions.
The Western societies has spread their cultural values, particularly the English language, to
the Filipino people. Instruction in English language, and American history, lead to forming of a
national identity and Filipino nationalism in education.
The development of technology has a big impact to the 21 st education in the Philippines.
Communication, teaching, and learning has been made a lot easier and faster. Any news and
updates regarding the changing education system or curriculum can easily and quickly be known
through the internet. Teachers can now download ready-made lesson plans and students can
access and find lots of information, academic studies, researches, online references, and they can
also be creative in artworks and literatures using computers or mobile phones. Visual aids have
also improved. Schools now have televisions in every classroom and others use projectors for
discussions and presentations.
The environmental problems, such as pollution, climate change and global warming has also
affected the 21st education in the Philippines. Schools in cities, such as Metro Manila, are having
difficulties with the heat and the air pollution which causes distractions and illnesses to teachers
and students. Although many schools now use air conditioners, it is still not good for the
environment since it requires lots of energy to function properly. It consumes so much electricity
and therefore releases pollution. When fossil fuel is burned, carbon dioxide is also released into
the air, more commonly known as a greenhouse gas, which is a major contribution to ozone
depletion. But since this problem has been observed by the environmental scientists and
government officials, schools now also teach about its reality and how to address it.

1. Classrooms now have televisions and air conditioners, especially the college institutions
and senior high schools.
2. The shift to K to 12 Curriculum has added new subjects, especially to the senior high
school and colleges.
3. There is now what the government call “Blended Learning” in education. Examples of
this are online learning, distance learning, printed modular, and digital modular.
4. The new generation of learners are inclined to the world of internet and advanced
technology, such as computers, mobile phones, and other trending gadgets. This helps the
learners learn faster and additional learning can be taken right away.


1. The four pillars of education are learning to know, learning to do, learning to live
together, and learning to be.

Learning Learning Learning
to KNOW to DO to BE

The above illustration shows that the four pillars build education. For our day-to-day living we
really apply those pillars, such as learning to know, where we need knowledge on what and how
to apply to our every action so we need to learn how to do things. It is important to learn to live
together because we are social beings and we need other people to survive. We need also to learn
to keep our identity as a unique individual and live morally upright.
For me, in attaining education, means applying those four pillars in our daily living. It’s useless
to have only the knowledge without the actual application, without others, and most especially
without keeping the self-identity, they must all be present.
3. a.

This image represents interreligious dialogue between Muslims and Catholics. In my

opinion, this is one of the best ways of achieving unity and solidarity in the society. It
implies that even if there are differences in their religious beliefs, they still find ways to
make peace and understanding with each other.


This image shows the union of Foreign Ministers, who came from different countries in
the Southeast Asia. This was a retreat that happened last January 18, 2019. In my
opinion, communication and union with other nations help us maintain peace and
security, combat terrorism, address poverty, improve global trade, improve global
telecommunications, promote responsible tourism, improve literacy and education,
facilitate academic and cultural exchanges, promote human rights, seek solutions to
environmental problems, and fight diseases with newly discovered medicines, especially
in times of pandemics.

This image shows the volunteers are distributing goods for the needy during the
pandemic crisis. For me, it implies unity of kind-hearted people to do such generosity to
the fellow Filipinos in need.


1. C
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. B


• Compose a song or write a poem about harmony and solidarity.

Interreligious Harmony and Solidarity Through English Language

(Composed by Carlo Magne Jeffrey Magcamit)
A black African man was wearing a white robe

People in the town was listening to his words

In his hand was a Bible, in preaching he abode

Despite his color, he evangelized to the world.

On the other side of town was a Chinese man

Children at the streets were sitting and listening

While he taught with humor and so much fun

About the Word of God which he was keeping and sharing

When the day was to end and the sun was to set

The black African man and the Chinese man met

At the front yard of the church, on a bench they sat

Shared each other’s stories of how God guides their path

Race, color, origin, and culture

Nothing impedes them when their faith is one

Through one language their faith is nurtured

Through English language, may they be one!

This language brings unity and communion

It is truly catholic and it unites the world

By communication of each nation and by evangelization

Through English language, let us spread the Word

Now we must act for the New Evangelization

Let’s speak good English to communicate to all nations

Spread the Good News of our Salvation

English language is the greatest gift for communication.

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