2nd Quarter: Welcome To Values Education Class

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2nd Quarter

Welcome to
Start it right!
Food for Thought
How do you feel today?
of Human Act
Lesson 1
How will you define
the word volunteer? Do you do things

Which task is easier to

accomplish, the task you did
voluntarily or the task you do it
full of rants?

What motives do you have

when you do good?
Let's dig deeper
Let's dig deeper
What is
a willingness to undertake a service.
a person who does something, especially
helping other people, willingly and
without being forced or paid to do it

Synonyms : free-will ,self-imposed,unforced,

What is An act that is performed only by a human
Human Act? being and thus is proper to man.

Not every act that a human being does is a
distinctively human act.
Human Act
When a Acts of man, therefore, are acts shared in
common by man and other animals, whereas
human being
human acts are proper to human beings.
does such
Acts of man
acts, they are man and animals
called acts of Human Act
man or human beings
man but not
human acts.
What makes an act
performed by a human
being distinctively a
human act is that it is
voluntary in character,
that is, an act in some
way under the control
or direction of the will,
which is proper to man.
One can therefore
identify the human act
with the voluntary act.

A voluntary act proceeds

either from the will itself—for
example, an act of love or of
choice—way be moved by the
Two Principles of Human Act

Internal External
Principles Principles
of Human of Human
Act Act
Internal Principles of Human Act

The internal principles of human acts

include the intellect, the will, and the sense
appetites, and the habits.
External Principles of Human Act

Among the internal principles of

human acts, virtue is the primary
means of directing man to the
good of human happiness.
Other means by which he is ordered
to leading the good life are law and
grace, both of which may be referred
to as extrinsic principles of human

Law, Natural Law, Eternal Law, Grace

A discussion of the internal and
external principles of the human
act is logically followed by a
consideration of the human act
Prior to an analysis of the human act
into its component parts, however, it
is convenient to treat how and in
what way the human act is free.
It is now necessary to distinguish
between a voluntary act and a
free act; for although every free
act is necessarily a voluntary act,
not every voluntary act is strictly
a free act.
A free act, most properly speaking, is
an act of choice.
Thank you for
Have a great day ahead.

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