Soal UAS XI English 1920

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A. Choose a, b, c, d or e for the best answer in your answer sheet.

This text for question no 1 to 5

Man : May I have a look at the breakfast menu, please?
Waitress : Certainly, here you are, sir.
Man : Thank you. I think I’ll have the English breakfast.
Waitress : Yes, what would you like to start with?
Man : I’ll start with a glass of juice. No, wait a minute, I see there’s cereal, too. Do you
have things like corn flakes?
Waitress : Yes, we have corn flakes, rice.
Man : I’ll have the rice, then. Now, let see, yes, the good old bacon eggs and so on.
Waitress : Would you prefer mushrooms or grilled tomato, sir?
Man : Tomato I think.
Waitress : And would you like marmalade, honey, or jam with your toast?
Man : Oh, definitely marmalade. That is the real thing for English breakfast, isn’t it?
Waitress : That’s right, sir. And what would you like to drink?
Man : A nice big pot of tea, please.

1. Where does the dialogue probably take place?

a.In the hotel d. In the school
b. In the park e. In the home
c.In the restaurant

2. Is the man want to a glass of juice?

a.Yes, it is
b. No, she is not
c.Yes, it was
d. No, he is not
e.Yes, he was

3. When does the man eat?

a.In the midnight
b. In the afternoon
c.In the morning
d. In the evening
e.In the night

4. What does he want to drink?

b. Coffee
c.Soft drink
d. Ice tea

5. Does the man choose a honey for a toast?

a.Yes, He does
b. No, He does not
c.Yes, He is
d. No, He is not
e.Yes, does he

6.  He never comes late,……?

a. Hasn’t he                           c. Didn’t he e. Had he
b. Does he                             d. Won’t he   

7. Without his glasses he hardly sees us, ……he ?

a. Cannot                               c. Does          e. Do                         
b. Can                                    d. Could

8. Your sister always gets up late on Sunday,…..…?

a. Is not it                             c. Should she     e.  Do not she       
b. Will she                           d. Does not she    
9. He works hard. He seldom has time to go to parties,…..?
a. Does he                      c. Doesn’t he e. Has he
b. Hasn’t he                  d. Isn’t he

10. Siti speaks very soft,……....?

a. does she
b. doesn’t her 
c. doesn’t she
d. isn’t she
e. don’t she

11.Andre : I need to book a room for this weekend. May I know the rate?
Banu : It is about 20 dollars per night and which room would you like to have, single or
Andre : I would like single room, please.
Banu : Ok.…………
Andre : Sure, my name is Andrea
a. Will you put me through Mr.Brown?
b. Can I talk to the manager?
c. May I leave a message?
d. May I know who’s speaking?
e. Can I help you?

12. Ticket service : .....

Ms. Eva : I want an Executive Class. Would you give me a seat by the window?
Ticket Service : Sure, Miss. here is your ticket.
a. Would you take the business class?
b. What kind of ticket do you need miss?
c. Where would you like to stay?
d. When would you like to go?
e. Why do you look for ticket, miss?
13. A : ..... .…….the lesson two days ago.
B : Why do not you ask your teacher to explain it again?
a. I did understand
b. I don’t understand
c. I really understand
d. I didn’t understand
e. I understood

14. A : I’m worried that Jay will suffer from heart attack and lungs cancer.
B : Why don’t you tell him.....smooking?
a. stop b. to stop c. stops d. stopping e. stopped

15. Ope : Did you know there was a huge earthquake two days ago.
Toni : I heard so. What was damaged?
Ope : All the public facilities and houses, people said.
Toni : When did the earthquake occur?
Ope : The earthquake ……….. when all people were working in their own work places.
Some people were injured and taken to the hospital.
a. occurred b. were occurring c. occurring d. will be occurring e. occurred

16.Sena : Hello, Can I speak to Suci, please?

Mailan : Hello,.....?

a. Who is coming?
b. What are you talking?
c. Who’s speaking?
d. Sorry, I’m busy
e. What is your name?

17.Wendi : ..... are you so sad today, Dedy?

Dedy : My Mom is sick.

a. When b. Who c. Why d. Which e.Where

This text is for question no 18 to 21

Do you want to buy a mobile phone? Don’t be hasty. There are many things to consider. Be
reasonable before making a decision.
First, you can start by asking yourself the usefulness of the equipment. The question might
be, “Do I want it for prestige or its usefulness?”
Then, you should make a choice on the type of the mobile phone. There are various choices
in the market, so you should decide the one that meets your needs and whether you can afford it or
The consequence of using a mobile phone is its high operational costs. You have to pay
more for a mobile phone compared to a fixed telephone. Therefore, you should use the mobile
phone only for important talks.

18. What is the text about?

a. The various types of mobile phones
b. How to use a mobile phone effectively
c. The advantages of using a mobile phone
d. The consequence of using a mobile phone
e. Things to consider before buying a mobile phone

19. According to the text, which of the following is NOT TRUE about a mobile phone?
a. It’s practical d. It’s economical
b. It’s expensive e. It’s easy to carry
c. It’s prestigious
20. Which of the following is the most important thing to consider before buying a mobile phone?
a. Its type d. Your choice
b. Its use e. Your prestige
c. Its price
21. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
a. All type of mobile phones are good
b. It is very important for us to have a mobile phone
c. Buying an expensive mobile phone is a wise decision

d. It is wise using a mobile phone for chatting with friends
e. It is advisable to use a mobile phone only for important talks

This text for questions 22 to 24

An ant went to the river banks for drink. The unlucky ant feels into the water and
almost drowned. A dove was sitting in a tree hanging over the river. She plucked a
leaf, and let it fall into the water near the ant. The ant climbed onto the leaf and floated
back to the river bank. Later, a hunter arrived and began to make a trap for the dove.
The ant came and stung the hunter on the foot. The painful sting made the hunter cry
out. Then the dove was warned of danger and flew way.

22. Who saved the ant from drowning?

a. Another hunt d. A bird
b. A dove e. An unlucky ant
c. A hunter
23. Which is the following statement is true according to the story?
a. The ant went to the river bank to save the dove.
b. The hunter made a trap for the ant.
c. The ant stung the hunter to save the dove.
d. The dove flew away to sting the hunter.
e. The dove hung over the river to make ant drowned.
24. What do we learn from the story above?
a. Don’t make an enemy carelessly
b. Unity is strength
c. Enemy can be your friend
d. One good turn deserves another
e. True nature can’t be hidden
Read the following text to answer questions 25 to 29.
Long ago in the Neverland, there was lived a very beautiful princess, Snow White. The
queen was her stepmother. She was very jealous of her beauty. So, she wanted Snow White died.
Snow White knew about the evil plan. She escaped into a forest. There she made friends
with seven dwarfs.
The queen turned into a witch. Snow White did not realize it. The witch gave her a poisoned
apple. As a result, Snow White was put into sleep for years.
Fortunately, in the end, Prince Charming revival her with a kiss. They lived together happily
ever after.

25.  Who were involved in the story?

a. Cinderella and Glass Shoes
b. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
c. Alice in Wonderland
d. Sleeping Beauty
e. Peterpan
26.  Which parts are called the complication?
a. Cinderella, Prince Charming, and The Queen
b. Snow White and The Queen
c. Snow White, and Seven Dwarfs, and Prince Charming
d. Snow White, Cinderella, and The Queen
e. Peterpan and the witch
27.  Why was the queen jealous to Snow White? We can find the answer in …
a. Paragraph 1 d. Paragraph 4
b. Paragraph 2 e. Paragraph 5
c. Paragraph 3
28.  Why did Snow White’s stepmother turn into a witch?
a. Because of Snow White’s beauty
b. Because of Snow White’s wealth

c. Because of Snow White’s boyfriend
d. Because of Snow White was her step daughter
e. Because of Snow White’s selfish

29.  Did Snow White eat the poisoned apple given by the witch?
a. Yes, she does d. No, she didn’t
b. No, she doesn’t e. Yes, she is
c. Yes, she did
This text is for question 30 to 32

30. What is the advertisement tell us about?

a. Job vacancy d. Curriculum vitae
b. Resume e. Senior secretary
c. Personal letter
31. What is the company looking for a senior secretary?
a. Human resource department company d. Mining Company
b. Beverage company e. Movie Company
c. Food company
32. What does the criteria of vacancy for senior secretary?
a. Male, 3 years experience, graduate from a reputable university
b. Female, 2 years experience, graduate from a reputable university
c. Male or female, 3 years experience, graduate from a reputable university
d. Male, 1 years experience, graduate from a reputable university
e. Female, 3 years experience, graduate from a reputable university

This text is for question 33 to 35

Dear Joe,
Hi, Joe. What’s up, Man! Long time no see. Where do you live now, Joe? I can’t send you letter
by post. I have a thing for you. It will be surprising you when you accept it. Fortunately I still
have your e-mail address. When did you move, Joe? Why didn’t you call me? Dicky, Nico and I
found you everywhere. Please, reply my e-mail.
We miss you Joe.
Your true friend

33. Who does the person send letter?

a. Nico d. Indra
b. Dicky e. The writer

c. Joe
34. Why does Indra want to know Joe’s house? Because….
a. He wants to see him
b. He wants to find him
c. He wants to know his e-mail address
d. His friend find him
e. He wants to send something
35. Who does the person accept the letter?
a. The writer d. Indra
b. Nico e. Dicky
c. Joe

B. Answer the questions below correctly!

36. Read the conversation carefully.

Hitler : What do you like to do in your spare time, Kennedy?
Kennedy : I like fishing very much. I go fishing almost every weekend.
Hitler : You do? Hey, we share the same hobby then.
Let’s go fishing together sometimes. I know some favorite spots.
Kennedy : That sounds great. What about next Sunday? I’ll bring the fried rice for lunch.
Hitler : Okay, that’s a good idea. I’ll bring the juice then.
Answer the question based on the conversation above completely!

a. What is the Hitler’s hobby?

b. When do they go to fishing?
c. What for the Kennedy bring the fried rice?

37. Change the sentence below into indirect speech!

a. She said,” My brother helps me in this problem.”
b. He said,” I read the novel yesterday.”
38. Make one yes-no question using to be/auxiliary below!
a. Is
b. Do
39. Make one question using WH-question below!
a. Who
b. When
40. Fill in the blanks using correct question tags!
a. She found a ring yesterday,……..?
b. She could make a cake,………?


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