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Paleobiology, 4( 2),1978, pp. 150-162

SCALE Bone Weathering Stages
o 10 20 40 km

Stage a.-Bone surface shows no sign of

cracking or flaking due to weathering. Usually
Taphonomic and ecologic information from bone weathering bone is still greasy, marrow cavities contain
tissue, skin and muscle/ligament may cover
VOLCANOS part or all of the bone surface.
Stage l.-Bone shows cracking, normally
Anna K. Behrensmeyer para!lel to the fiber structure (e.g., longitudi-
nal In Ion? bones). Articular surfaces may
show mOSaIC cracking of covering tissue as well
Abstmct.-Bones of recent mammals in the Amboseli Basin, southern Kenya, exhibit distinctive
weathering characteristics that can be related to the time since death and to the local conditions as in the bone itself. Fat, skin and other tissue
of temperature, humidity and soil chemistry. A categorization of weathering characteristics i~1to mayor may not be present. (Fig. 2a)
six stages, recognizable on descriptive criteria, provides a basis for investigation of weathenng Stage 2.-0utermost concentric thin layers
rates and processes. The time necessary to achieve each successive \veathering stage has been of bone show flaking, usually associated with
calibrated using known-age carcasses. Most bones decompose beyond recognition in 10 to 15
y1'. Bones of animals under 100 kg and juveniles appear to weather more rapidly than bones
cracks, in that the bone edges along the cracks
of large animals or adults. Small-scale rather than widespread environmental factors seem to tend to ~eparate and flake first. Long thin
have greatest influence on weathering characteristics and rates. Bone weathering is potentially flakes, WIth one or more sides still attached to
valuable as evidence for the period of time represented in recent or fossil bone assemblages, in- the bone, are common in the initial part of
cluding those on archeological sites, and may also be an important tool in censusing populations Stage 2. Deeper and more extensive flaking
of animals in modern ecosystems. follows, until most of the outermost bone is
gon~. Crack edges are usually angular in cross-
Anna K. Behrensmeyer. Peabody Museum, Yale Ullive'l'sity; New Haven, Connecticut 06520
se~tlOn. Remnants of ligaments, cartilage, and
FIGURE l. Map showing general location of the
Amboseli Basin in southern Kenya. Lake Amboseli is sk111 may be present. (Fig. 2b)
Accepted: January 6, 1978
except during periods of heavy rainfall. Stage 3.-Bone surface is characterized by
patches of rough, homogeneously weathered
to specific processes acting over known
Introduction includes 600 km 2 of flat-lying terrain compact bone, resulting in a fibrous texture.
of time.
Vertebrate bones decompose on subaerial This paper will present a descriptive d by a mosaic of vegetation zones. The In these patches, all the external, concentrically
surfaces, and their destruction can be viewed gorization of weathering based on syn .. ~.~n'~h is internally drained, and soils are gen- layered bone has been removed. Gradually
as part of the normal process of nutrient re- alkaline. Amboseli National Park covers the patches extend to cover the entire bone
observations of recent bones in Amboseli
cycling in and on soils. vVhether or not a bone Kenya. vVeathering categories or "stages" part of the basin area which is used by a surface. Weathering does not penetrate deeper
survives to become fossilized depends on the set up to provide a basis for descriptive e fauna of wild herbivores and car- than 1.0-1.5 mm at this stage, and bone fibers
intensity and rate of various destructive pro- parison with bones from other contexts, , as well as Maasai people, domestic are still firmly attached to each other. Crack
cesses and the chance for permanent burial fossil and recent. Within the Amboseli , and tourists. Numbers of animals in edges usually are rounded in cross-section.
prior to total destruction. Surprisingly little is park fluctuate seasonally, and highest con- Tissue rarely present at this stage. (Fig. 2c)
system, it is possible to show how the we
known about how these processes affect bones, ing stages relate to rates of decomposition tions occur during dry periods, when Stage 4.-The bone surface is coarsely fi-
and how they may consequently bias the velte- to surface processes characteristic of diff only available water flows from the base brous and rough in texture; large and small
Kilim~njaro (vVestern and Van Praet 1973). splinters occur and may be loose enough to
brate fossil record. macro- and micro-habitats. Such inform
Bones freed of covering tissue and exposed Samplmg of the bone assemblage in the cen- fall away from the bone when it is moved.
provides a basis for assessing the
on the ground surface usually undergo rather basin was done using linear transects cover- Weathering penetrates into inner cavities.
value of bone weathering as a source of
rapid changes in appearance. Various re- parts of six major habitats. These habitats Cracks are open and have splintered or
logic and taphonomic data, both within ded swamp, dense woodland, open wood-
searchers interested in bone decomposition Amboseli Basin and in a more general rounded edges. (Fig. 2d)
have conducted small-scale experiments or plains, bush and lakebed. The lakebed
dry most of the year, 'with sporadic inunda- Stage 5.-Bone is falling apart in situ, with
have collected observations on recent bones
which indicate that weathering may follow Background for 1 to 2 months following periods of large splinters lying around what remains of
broadly similar patterns in different environ- rain. Weathering stages defined by the whole, which is fragile and easily broken
The study of bone weathering grew out
ments (Voorhies 1969; Isaac 1967; Brain 1967; observable criteria were established by moving. Original bone shape may be diffi-
broader taphonomic sampling program in the sampling program and used cult to determine. Cancellous bone usually ex-
Hill 1975, pers. comm.; D. Gifford, pel's. ated in 1975. The results of the overall
comm.; Tappen and Peske 1970). Ecologists t the study. Reference bones and posed, when present, and may outlast all traces
of the recent bone assemblage in the In.j.,,~ •• ~._. L were used as standards of com- of the former more compact, outer parts of
have recently become interested in aging verte-
Basin will be reported elsewhere ( Considerable effort has gone into the bones. (Fig. 2e)
brate carcasses using weathering character-
istics (D. vVestern, pel's. comm.). However, meyer and Dechant, in prep. ) . the descriptions given below simple
The Amboseli Basin lies at the northern ightforward so that they can be readily In deciding what stage to record for a particu-
little systematic work has been done to de-
fine types of bone weathering and relate these of ivIt. Kilimanjaro in southern Kenya (Fig. and applied in the field. lar bone, the following guidelines are used;
© 1978 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved.

divisions upon what was observed to be a COn-
tinuous spectrum, and this created some prob-
lems of categorization. For instance, many
bones were equally covered by Stage 2 and
Stage 3 surfaces, and proved difficult to place
in one .or the other category. However, by
employmg the criterion of "most advanced
stage covering more than 1 cm 2," most of these
problems were resolved. The success of the
scheme has been indicated by the ease with
which new observers recognize the stages, and
there may be some "natural" component in the
classification. This could reflect the fact that
bones spend relatively longer periods within FIGURE~. "M.osai?" pattern of bone surface cracking
each stage than between them. However, at and flakrng which IS rare in the Amboseli assemblage
compared to textures shown in Fig. 2. Cause of this
this point the stages should be h'eated as pro- weathering pattern is not yet understood.
visional descriptive categories only.
In general the six weathering stages are only
ap~licable to mammals larger than 5 kg body by hyenas, within a shallow depression On a
Weight, and a weathering classification has not caliche "hard pan" surface. Many of the bones
been attempted for smaller animals. Bones of were chalky and had irregular small-scale
mammals such as the African hare (Lepus flaking. without extensive cracking. This
capensis) clearly differ in weatheling char- weathermg was not seen in the overall surface
acteristics from the larger species in Amboseli assemblage.
and seem more subject to cracking and splin-
tering rather than flaking. Bones of birds, Processes of Weathering
reptiles and fish also differ from mammals in
weathering features, and each group will
eventually require separate study.
:v eathering is defined for the purposes of
th~s paper. as the process by which the original
In Amboseli the weathering characteristics mICroscopIC organic and inorganic compo-
of teeth could not be related in any consistent nents of a bone are separated from each other
to the bone stages. There are mandibles and de.stroyed by physical and chemical agents
3-4 with uncracked teeth, and Stage operatmg on the bone in situ, either on the sur-
1-2 mandibles with severely fractured teeth. face or within the soil zone. Physical damage
Teeth seem to split easily when subjected to cau~ed by carnivore mastication, trampling,
surface desiccation, but the lack of any clear flu:'Ial transport, and geochemical changes
pattern of weathering suggests that the indi- wh~ch take .place diagenetically during fossili-
FIGURE 2. Weathering stages for the Amboseli recent bone assemblage. a: Stage 1: cow mandible showing ual characteristics of each tooth, including zatIOn are excluded from consideration here
initial cracking parallel to bone fiber structure; b: Stage 2: opposite side of same cow mandible showing flak~ .stage of eruption, wear, ratio of enamel to although such processes are closely related t~
ing of outer bone layers; c: Stage 3: bovid scapula showing fibrous, rough texture and remnants of surface
near lower right border; d: Stage 4: part of scapula showing deep cracking, coarse, layerec\ fiber structure; e: ~entine and overall morphology, may be most weathering in its broader context.
Stage 5: scapula blade showing final stages of deep cracking and splitting. (15 cm scale in all photographs) Important in determining characteristics and Evid~nce for the important weathering pro-
rates of weathering. More rapid fragmentation cesses In Amboseli is derived from observed
o! teeth relative to bone cannot be related variation in weathering characteristics in dif-
1) The most advanced stage which covers gorize. Small, compact bones such as podials SImply to mid climate, as suggested by Toots ferent macro- and micro-environmental con-
patches larger than 1 cm2 of the bone's and phalanges weather more slowly than other (1985) . texts. ~t present, hypotheses concerning
surface is recorded. elements of the same skeleton and do not Not all observed weathering characteristics ,,:eathenng processes are based on compara-
2) Whenever possible shafts of limb bones, hibit all the diagnostic characteristics of ~mboseli fall into the six stages given above. tIve data and inferences which have defined
flat surfaces of ja"vs, pelves, vertebrae, weathering stages. In deciding the stage A fe:v bones exhibited a striking pattern of the potentially iInportant variables but await
or ribs are used, not edges of bones or a carcass with many parts, rather than for mosaIC surface flaking (Fig. 3) and others empirical confirmation.
areas where there is evidence of physical isolated bone, it is advisable to examine Variation in weathering stages on a single
extensive flaking without significant
damage (e.g., gnawing).
3) All observers must agree concerning the
different bones (e.g., a limb bone, rib, elting. The causes for the mosaic flaking bone provides important evidence concernin bcr
stage before it is recorded.
vertebral spine) to assess the most adv .and variability in cracking are not yet under- process. In particular, bones in Amboseli are
weathering characteristics. stood. Another type of unusual weathering usually weathered more on upper (exposed)
The larger skeletal parts are easiest to cate- The six weathering stages iInpose ar than lower (ground contact) slufaces. Bones
observed in an assemblage accumulated
with Stage 0 On the lower surface and Stage
2 on the upper are not uncommon. Bones or
parts of bones that project more than 10 cm
above the ground surface are often less
weathered than those close to the ground.
Thus it seems that greatest bone weathering
occurs in the zone immediately above the soil.
Recent work by Hare (1974; pel's. comm.)
indicates that organic breakdown in bones is
enhanced by fluctuating temperature and hu-
midity. Soil surfaces in open habitats can be
subject to wide diurnal fluctuations in tem-
perature and in moisture evaporating through
the soil (Coe, pel's. comm.; Ricklefs 1973). !t is
FIGURE 4. Bone surface cracking, splitting and
relatively easy to observe that such fluctuatIOns mentation due to the precipitation of salts (N
occur in Amboseli; one can feel that bone sur- and NaCl) in pore spaces. Salts present in
faces are drier and hotter during midday than and ground water precipitate as surface crusts
during morning or evening. The lower su:'- periods of net evaporation and may preferentially
faces of bones are less subject to extremes 111 stroy those portions of a bone in direct contact
the ground.
temperature and moisture than upper surfaces,
and they can also be observed to weather rela-
tively more slowly. Buried bones frequently
show no sign of weathering even when ex- faces are not in contact with salt-pr,ecj"piltatllufJ:
conditions, bacterial activity, roots
posed parts are in Stage 4 or 5. Thus, it seems
organisms may be responsible for rhc>i-'.."nh,
reasonable to associate temperature and
moisture fluctuations at the soil surface with patterns of weathering. Dendritic patterns
bone weathering in Amboseli. Preliminary shallow grooving observed on some
bones are interpreted as the result of CllS:SOltl",,'
analysis of Amboseli bones of different weath-
tion by acids associated with the growth
ering stages which indicates a correlation be-
decay of roots or fungus in direct contact
tween the stages and progressive amino acid
bone surfaces. Roots may also cause spli
racemization in the collagen supports this in-
and fragmentation of buried bones (Fig.
terpretation (Hare, pel's. comm. ) .
Termites have been found in bones ob
It seems probable that the physical stresses
chewed by a small organism, and in some
of repeated heating and cooling, and wetting
(particularly on red, non-alkaline soils
and drying, contribute to the weathering char-
of the basin) presumed termite damage
acteristics in addition to microscopic changes
bones is not uncommon (Fig. 6).
in organic components. Large longitudinal
grooving known to be caused by larvae of
cracks often appear on limb bones only a few
moth Tinea deperdella, which feed 011
days after the death of the animal. The rela-
organic components of horns ( Hill
tive importance of such physical stress may
Behrensmeyer 1975), has been observed
be affected by the original bone thickness and
many of the bovid horn c?res
density and hence by the physical condition of
(Fig. 7).
the animal before death. This factor is of un-
Another weathering process can p
known significance in Amboseli, but it has
distinctive polish on bone surfaces. Bone
been recently studied by Binford and Bertram
ments swallowed by hyenas and either
( 1977) in relation to bone fracturing and
tated or passed as fecal matter have a
seems potentially important.
acteristic polished and "dissolved" c:tuUV<C"'-"'-~~
In some cases bones are more weathered often with sharply pointed ends. Bones
on lower than upper surfaces. This usually also acquire polish and edge rounding
occurs on highly alkaline soils where salts continued trampling, as demonstrated
(Na 2 C0 3 , NaCI) crystallize on the bone sur- Brain (1967), and more work needs to be
faces (Fig. 4). The lower parts of the bones in order to establish how to distinguish 5. Cracking and expansion of a zebra (EqiIUS btlfChelli) mandible due to root growth within the body
often are encrusted with salt crystals and show two processes. the ramus. Enlarged area in 5b is designated in 5a.
flaking and splitting caused by the force of Overall, the major weathering effects
crystallization. In situations where lower sur- Amboseli appear to be caused by a com
1. Numbers of carcasses of known age since TABLE 2. Weathering stages related to number of
this process, and much local that can be assigned to each weathering stage years since death for known-age carcasses in Am-
weathering can be expected due . The total sample consists of 35 carcasses, boseli.
climatic conditions. In general, the of which have been observed 2 yr in succession vVeathering Possible range in
equable the immediate environment of a total of 52 observations. stage years since death
bone, the faster it should weather. o 0-1
vVeathering stage
variations in the patterns of weathering Total number 1 0-3
occur due to soil chemistry, insects, and 0 2 3 4 5 observations
2 2-6
effects of bone-collecting by hyenas. 6 1 7 3 4-15+
7 7 4 6-15+
relative importance of bacteria, root 5 6-15+
3 3 6
and soil acids associated with plant 1 5 6
sition cannot yet be assessed, except to 3 3
that the good condition of most buried 3 3 8, in spite of the variation in habitat and
argues against these as significant factors 1 4 1 1 7
FIGURE 6. Cranium of cow showing perforations at- 3 3 6 micro-environments represented by the carcass
tributed to termites or possibly other unidentified bone destruction in Amboseli. 2 2 sample. Most bones falling into Stages 0, 1
insects. The bone was in a fragile state in 1975 and 1 1 2 and 2 have lain exposed for three years or
had fallen apart when relocated a year later. Rates of Bone Weathering 1 1 1 3 less. Carcasses exposed longer than three
Weathering rates for Amboseli bones 52 years show a broad range of weathering stages,
tion of temperature and moisture fluctuations but none fall into Stage 1 or 0. Thus it is pos-
leading to bone decomposition at the ground been determined using 35 carcasses
sible to distinguish carcasses exposed for less
surface. The weathering stages apparently are known dates of death and one year or two than 3 yr with fair certainty using weathering
cessive years of observation. Results are in Tables 1 and 2 and Fig. 8. Informa-
a result both of the intensity and duration of on dates of death has been provided by stages. Otherwise, the initial sample indicates
vVestern. Weathering stage determinations that weathering stages are most useful in pro-
done in 1975 and 1976. viding an estimate of minimum number of
thering stages appear to be predictably years since death (Table 2). vVith additional
with time since death as shown in Fig. sampling and monitoring of the known weath-

5 0 0

4 /',.

x +0 0 /',. 0
/',./',. x

1------ ---------- ~---

10 x/',.
1 /',. X
1_/',._ _ _ _


0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

+ Swamp /',. PI aln s
0 Woodland 0 Bush
X Open 0 Lakabed

. 8. Weath~ring stage v~rsus number of years since death for known-age carcasses in Amboseli. Each
lepresents a smgle weathenng stage observation; in some cases the same carcass was observed in 2 succes-
FIGURE 7. Grooving on horn cores of a male Grant's gazelle (Gazella granti) caused by larvae of the and thus ~ppears twice on the graph. The total sample consists of 35 carcasses. Open-ended bars in-
Tinea deperdella. Arrow in 7 a indicates enlarged area in 7b. Bone fiber structure is vertical with grooving that the maXllllum ages for the weathering stages are not yet known; minimum ages are more celiain
on the present sample.
most perpendicular to it.

suggests what might be expected in an attri-

ering-age of carcasses over several years, it Of,
tional fossil assemblage derived from different
should be possible to judge accurately th~ 30 30 DENSE
WOODLAND habitats. Two important factors may be re-
most probable number of years of exposure ~f
sponsible: 1) differential rates of weathering
any bone of a given weathering stage. ThIs 20 20
2) changes in patterns of habitat utilization
will be further refined by increased under- and/or mortality among the major herbivores
standing of how weathering rates vary in dH- (0 10
over the last 10 yr.
ferent habitats and micro-habitats. 10 Censuses of the living herbivores in the
There is no condstent association between o 1 2 3 4 1.1 o 1 2 3 ~ 5
various habitats have been done by vVestern
11'lbitat and weathering stage revealed by the (1973 and pers. comm.) since 1967. During
data presented in Fig. 8. This implies that o OPEN 30
(255) 1967-1969, the open woodland, plains and
localized conditions (e.g., vegetation, shade, o 2 4 5
lakebed habitats were utilized heavily by the
moisture) are more important to bone weatl~­ WEATHERING STAGE 20
major wild herbivores, zebra and wildebeest.
erinab than overall characteristics of the habl- FIGURE 9. Percentages of carcasses (minimum num- In 1973 these species increased their utilization
tats. However, the samples from each habitat bers of individuals) in each weathering stage for the of the dense woodland and swamp habitats
are relatively small and may not reveal im- total mammal sample (1534 carcasses). The peak
during a drought period (D. 'iV estern pers.
portant trends. In the total bone sample, in Stage 2 may be due to heavy drought mortality o I 2 3 4 5 o I 2 3 4 5
in 1972-1973, but it could also mean that bones re- comm. ) . Bones from animals that died in
Stages 0-1 are more common in the swamp main in this stage for a longer period than in other 1967-69 should be Stage 2 and over, those
habitat and weathering in general seems to stages. from deaths in 1973 and later should be Stage
be slo,~er where bones are kept moist and pro- 0-2. Assuming that weathering rates do not
tected by swamp vegetation. As ~vid~nce ?f

vary significantly from habitat to habitat, the

this, a rhinoceros (Dice'l'Os bicorr"t'ts) hl~ed ~n intense desiccation unless protected within areas used more heavily in 1967-69 should
the swamp in 1961 was Stage 3 weathe~'ll1g III
mummified carcass. The potential effects show a greater abundance of carcasses of
1975, while a number of carcasses half Its age these initial conditions on subsequent weath- Stage 2 and over. The data presented in Fig.
were Stages 4 or 5 in other habitats. ering may be important but are unknown at o I 2 3 .. :;
10 for lakebed and bush, in contrast to swamp,
In the total bone sample from Amboseli, 810/0 present. agree with this hypothesis. However, open
of the recorded carcasses were Stage 0-3. The relative numbers of carcasses in the six FIGURE 10. Percentages of carcasses in the six ,veath- woodland, plains and dense woodland do not
Based on the information available at present, weathering stages are given in Fig. 9. Thirty- ering stages for the major habitats in Amboseli. Num-
in parentheses are the total mammal sample for fit as well, and it is apparent that other factors
it seems safe to say that nearly all of these eight percent of the sample is "s~gl~i~al1t1y each habitat. Two X two x2 test on the numbers of must be considered.
carcasses were exposed for 10 yr or less. weathered" ( Stage 3-5), 55% IS slightly ,carcasses in Stages 1 and 2 show that there is no sig- The more equable environments with re-
Sixty-two per cent of the total sample is Stage weathered" (Stage 1-2) and only 7% is "fresh" difference (P =
.5-.75) between swamp and spect to weathering processes are the swamp
0-2 and this, for the most part, should repre- (Stage 0). Although how the ~~llboseli woodland but that for swamp vs. open wood-
and dense woodland, 'where moisture and
sent the last five years of accumulation. Bones pIe compares with other attntlOnal surface land, P =
.90-.95 and for swamp vs. bush, P ~ .995.
shade tend to moderate the diurnal and sea-
in Stages 3-5 may have been exposed for as assemblages is not yet known, it seems highly sonal fluctuations in smface temperature and
much as 15 yr but most are probably less than probable that these will all include some bones humidity. Slower weathering in these habitats
this. Thus, in Amboseli, bones exposed con- that are fresh, some that are slightly wea Ie to carefully excavated bones or "float"
could lead to relatively greater numbers of
tinuously on the surface show significant and some that are weathered. This is signifi- ens with matrix covering bone smfaces
bones in Stage 0-1 than in other habitats, all
weathering by the time they are 3-5 yr old, cant in terms of the fossil record, since it pro~ have not been changed during recent
other factors being equal. Such a weathering
and most disintegrate in less than 15 yr, al- vides a means of identifying an attritional . Three broad categories: fresh (Stage
though some may last longer under favorable effect could be added to the changes in habitat
semblage. , slightly weathered (Stage 1-2) and weath-
utilization to give modes in Stage 1 for the
micro-environmental conditions. Weathering has often beeI~ noted by .. n .... - - - - , (Stage' 3-5) are most likely to be recog-
swamp and dense woodland, but a Stage 2
tologists, usually as the cause of destl:ucLon e on fossils. Simple ratios of fresh to
a valuable piece of morphological inform mode in the others.
Weathering Stages in an Attritional red bones may also provide important
on a specimen. However, in its H1Tlnrlnnmic evidence concerning the attritional The biological and the taphonomic factors
Bone Assel11blage in the patterns of weathering stage distribution
characteristics, the same specimen may non-attritional nature of the original assem-
Overall the Amboseli bone sample is attri- important paleoecological data. . S cannot be separated at present. However,
tional, i.e., composed of carcasses added con- (1977) has applied the weathenng habitat effects on bone weathering rates are
tinually through death by predati?n, star:,a- scheme given above to an excavated 'l}'.C·C'~,~I,?,'.' being monitored, and once this factor is known
tion, disease, etc. High mortahty dunng fauna from Ft. Ternan, Kenya. She notes eathering Stages and Habitats
it should be possible to isolate the ecological
drought periods among water dependent spe- fossilization may obscure or change bone The six major habitats in Amboseli: swamp, component in the weathering stage distribu-
cies adds a seasonal "mass death" component face features, leading to difficulties in e woodland, open woodland, plains, lake- tions. Surface bone assemblages could then
to the attritional assemblage which does affect assignment. . and bush, proved variable in tlle relative become a source of information for the history
its faunal composition (Behrensmeyer and In applying weathering stages to fossIls,
worker must be sure that surface textures bers of carcasses showing the different of habitat utilization in modern vertebrate
Dechant, in prep.). Bones of animals dying stages (Fig. 10). This variation communities.
during dry periods are subjected initially to bones are primary, and this limits the uS

carcasses in Stage 0 is .50, Stage 1: 3.7, observations east of Lake Turkana, Kenya, spatial distributions of bones of different
Weathering and Body Size 2: 1.0, Stage 3: .20. There were no ju that bones go through stages similar
.1T1Lll'-":tL'-' weathering stages, 2) the vmiation in weath-
There is evidence that bones of relatively wildebeest bones recorded in Stages 4 or those in Amboseli, and that weathering rates ering on bones of a Single animal, 3) the
small animals (~100 kg) weather more rap- Variations in ratios between Stages 0 and highly dependent on local conditions of relationship of weathering stages to different
idly than those of large, thereby inb'oducing a may be caused by anyone of the three and vegetation cover (Hill 1975; Gif- sedimentary environments. If bones in all
given above, but it is difficult to explain pel's. comm.). Bones of a young topi weathering stages are homogeneously mixed
size-related bias into the Amboseli bone as-
total absence of juvenile bones in Stages 4 k01'rigu1n) placed on a roof sev- in a single deposit, then it is highly likely that
semblage. Size-biasing is also caused by a
variety of other processes which are discussed 5 unless weathering has decomposed them meters above the ground and fully ex- they represent attritional accumulation. On
yond recognition. The evidence thu,s d to sun and rain at Lake Turkana weath- the other hand, if bones of the same weather-
by Behrensmeyer and Dechant (in prep.).
that inm1ature bones weather more to Stages 2 and 3 after 3 yr. This implies ing stage are clustered together, then they
This paper deals with evidence relating weath-
than adult. The record of juvenile conditions near the ground are not re- may reflect local variation in weathering con-
ering as previously defined to the preferential
is lost for the bone sample older than 6-8 yr to produce the recognizable weathering ditions and mayor may not be attritional.
destruction of bones of small animals, includ-
ing both small adults and juveniles of larger Amboseli. Careful study of fossil remains in situ will 0 b-
It is not yet possible to separate the Observation of suIface bone weathering in viously be important in establishing the history
species. variety of environments on several continents
Among the major herbivores, there are 15% of the two variables, small size and Imm~lture: of accumulation and surface exposure of any
bone structure, on weathering rates. shown that textural characteristics of the particular vertebrate assemblage, and further
fewer carcasses in Stage 3-5 for species smaller
the latter appears to be more significant stages are generally recognizable. study of modern land smfaces may reveal
than 100 kg, compared with larger forms.
cause there is a fairly large proportion implies that structural features of the other helpful lines of evidence.
Populations have remained relatively stable in
Stages 4 and 5 in the adult bone sample themselves have a major influence in In archeological sites, weathering could pro-
the basin, and the carcass input per year from
species under 100 kg, while these weathering characteristics regardless of vide important evidence for relative duration
all species has been more or less constant.
almost unrepresented for juveniles. conditions. Temperature and humid- of occupation, recurring occupations, or the
Therefore all species should have proportional
ing of marked carcasses will eventually n'·'"\"' .... " may exert strong control of the rate of this presence of a "background" of skeletal ma-
numbers of carcasses in each weathering stage
calibration for the size-related weathming ing, however. terial that was not related to site formation.
unless there is variability in weathering rates.
Effects of habitat should not be important be- fects. Recent ethnoarcheological investigation of
tential Uses of Weathering in the modern campsites has shown that much bone
cause the smaller species are distributed over
much the same areas as the large. It is possible Weathering in Areas Other Than ossil Record refuse may be buried by trampling and re-
that smaller bones do not always exhibit the main in Stage 0-1 (D. Gifford, pel's. comm.;
Aluboseli Weathering features on fossils can provide
typical characteristics of Stages 3-5, or that Gifford and Behrensmeyer, 1977). If bones
VIClen(;e of taphonomic processes, and if pri-
were present on the site prior to occupation,
they achieve them more slowly during weath- A preliminary survey of known-age ca]~ca:sse~k weathering can be distinguished from
ering. The rate of decomposition may also be they could be sinnlarly buried but should rep-
in Nairobi National Park suggests that abrasion and diagenetic effects, then
greater for smaller bones once they reach resent a wide range of weathering categories,
Amboseli weathering stages may be gelileralllf .. weathering can give specific informa-
Stage 3, resulting in their more rapid elimina- unlike the cultural refuse of a short-term occu-
indicative of the number of years since concerning smface exposure of a bone
tion from the surface assemblage. pation. The potential use of weathering in an
even under different climatic and soil to burial and the time period over which
Bones of juvenile animals can be classified archeological context seems promising, but
ditions. Seven carcasses of large accumulated. Vom'hies (1969; p. 31)
systematic investigations using information
using the weathering stages, although it is clear were all in Stage 2 after 2.5-3.0 yr of weather~. used the lack of vatiation in weathering as
that the immature bone varies from adult in from recent bones have yet to be done.
ing. TIns agrees well with the Amboseli ence that animals preserved in the Plio-
weathering characteristics and in rates of de- A single carcass 4.5 yr old was Stage 3. l'\JAllrnn,l Verdigre Quarry died and were buried in
composition. Bone of very young or foetal
Park has a higher rainfall than relative short petiod of time. If bones ex-
animals associated with bones of the mother cooler average temperatures due to its only a single weathering stage, this may Bone weathering is a potentially useful tool
usually were more weathered by one or two elevation and generally more vegetation. te catastrOphic death, but it could also in paleoecology, archeology and recent ecol-
stages. Numbers of juvenile carcasses also vary weathering rates (at least thr0ugh Stage that local conditions (e.g., moisture, ogy. The presence of a wide range of weather-
with weathering stage. The ratio of juvenile partly independent of overall climatic burial) inhibited weathering of gradu- ing stages in bones from a single deposit may
to adult wildebeest (Connochaetes tattrinus) then weathering stages may be accumulating skeletal remains. An assem- indicate that it is an attritional assemblage.
is about .70 for the live population (Andere plicable as an ecological tool. However, with bones in all stages of weathering Tills can strongly affect paleoecologic inter-
1975). There is high juvenile mortality, but ther sampling over a broad range of climanc be attritional, representing long term ac- pretations concerning the faunal composition,
many carcasses are completely destroyed by regimes will be essential to establish this, tion over periods of years or tens of relative abundances of taxa and age-struchue
carnivores. Those remaining should represent in temperate climates, the added effects . However, it could also reflect highly of the preserved populations because it indi-
a constant proportion at each weathering stage freezing and thawing will need to be Ie micro-environmental conditions in cates that taphonomic biases inherent in an
unless: 1) weathering rates are different from A weathering rate experiment conducted some bones of the same carcass could attIitional bone assemblage must be taken
those of adult bones, 2) mortality of juveniles M. Posnansky and G. Isaac (Isaac 1967) in Stage 1 while others weathered more into consideration. The presence of a single
versus adults has changed during the sample Olorgesailie, Kenya showed that after 7 , even to the point of total distintegra- weathering stage or a mixture of various stages
period, 3) carnivore consumption of juvenile bones of a cow and juvenile goat had rll"lntl'~' The relative importance of micro-envi- on an archeological site can indicate important
versus adult carcasses has varied during the grated to a cracked and friable state ··-c,
LJ.L·J ..... tal factors versus the length of time of differences in duration of occupation, local
sample period. The ratio of juvenile to adult corresponding to Stage 3 or 5. Exp .,-,u.HtlJ.u.. tion can be sorted out using: 1) the conditions of burial and/ or the presence of

prtleOUI-UI,ugy, 4( 2), 1978, pp. 163-170

non-cultural bone material. Bone weathering Literature Cited
rates, when known for a variety of environ-
mental conditions, should provide ecologists BEHRENS1IEYER, A. K. 1975. The Taphonomy
paleoecology of Plio-Pleistocene vertebrate
with a means of censusing animals and survey-
ing habitat utilization over periods of perhaps
blages of Lake Rudolf, Kenya. Bull. Mus.
Zool. 146:473-578.
"tial diversification of macroboring ichnofossils
1-15+ yr. BEHRENSMEYER, A. K. AND D. E. DECHANT. In exploitation of the macroboring
Work on bone weathering has only begun, The recent bones of Amboseli Park, Kenya in
tion to East African Paleoecology. To be che in the lower Paleozoic
and readers are advised to treat statements in Behrensmeyer, A. K. and A. Hill, eds. Fossils in
this paper as hypotheses which need testing Making. In Prep. (Wenner-Gren Foundation
through additional research on both recent and Anthropological l'esearch symposium 69.)
fossil bones. The major point of emphasis is BINFORD, L. RAND J. B. BERTRAM. 1977. vid R. Kobluk, Noel P. James, and S. George Pemberton
that weathering characteristics do record frequencies-and attritional processes. Pp. 77
In: Binford, L. R, ed. For Theory Building
meaningful information which deserves to be Archeology. Academic Press; New York.
recognized and investigated further. The BRAIN, C. K. 1967. Bone weathering and the -The traces of macro boring organisms are known throughout the Phanerozoic, with
weathering stages given in this paper may well lem of bone pseudotools. South Afr. J. Sci. 63(3 vert;iti(:!atllon and exploitation of the macroboring niche paralleling variations in the develop-
need elaboration and revision as more work is 97-99. of skeletal metazoa. The oldest macroboring biota is an abundant yet low diversity
GIFFORD, D. P. AND A. K. BEHRENS:MEYER. in hardgrounds and reefs of Lower Cambrian age. Following the extinction of archaeo-
done. They should be considered provisional, Observed formation and burial of a recent at the end of the Lower Cambrian (and thus the demise of skeletal reefs until the
but hopefully will help to establish a useful occupation site in Kenya. Quaternary Res. 8: Ordovician), boring organisms appear to be restricted to submarine hardgrounds. With
basis of communication and promote interest 266. opment of skeletal reefs in the Ivliddle Ordovician the macroboring fauna shows
in weathering rates and processes. HARE, E. P. 1974. Amino acid dating of b speciation and a dramatic increase in diversity. This same pattern occurs again in the
influence of water. Carnegie Inst. of Wastlin~~tQn This record appears to represent refuge of the fauna in low stress, hardground en-
Acknowledgnlents Year Book. 73:576-58l. when skeletal reefs were not present and radiation in the high stress environment of
HILL, A. 1975. Taphonomy of contemporary reef when large skeletal metazoa were abundant and diverse.
Information and assistance of major impor- late Cenozoic East African vertebrates. 331
tance to the study of bone weathering in Am- Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis; Univ. of London,
ISAAC, G. I. 1967. Towards the inteq:lretati()n R. Kobluk. E'l'lndale College, Emth and Planetary Sciences, University of Toronto;
boseli was generously given by Dorothy E. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 1C6
occupation debris: some experiments and
Dechant, Elizabeth Oswald and David 'Vest- vations. The Kroeber AnthropoI. Soc. Pap.
ern. Permission to work in Amboseli National 31-57. of Geology, MemOl'ial University; St. Johl1's, Newfmllldland,
Park was granted by Dr. Perez Olindo, then RICKLEFFS, R E. 1973. Ecology 861 pp.
Press; Portland, Oregon.
Director of National Parks, and Mr. E. K. SHIPMAN, P. 1977. Paleoecology, taphonomic Department of Geology, McMaster University; Hamilt011, Ontario,
Ruchiami of the Office of the President of tory, and population dynamics of the
Kenya. Their cooperation, and also that of fossil asselnblage from middle Miocene
IVIr. Joe Kioko, Park 'Varden, was much appre- exposed at Fort Ternan, Kenya. Unpubl. : January 18, 1978
ciated. The staff of the National Museum of thesis; New York Univ. (Anthropology), New
TAPPEN, N. C. AND G. R PESKE. 1970. vV
Kenya were velY helpful in providing osteo- cracks and split-line patterns in archeological
logical material for the study. Chris and Ali- Am. Antiq. 35:383-386. Palmer 1976) has led us to the conclusion that
son Hillman contributed information and help TOOTS, H. 1965. Sequence of disarticulation metazoa which bore into solid sub- the occurrence of macroboring ichnofossils is
in aging carcasses in Nairobi National Park. I mammalian skeletons. Contrib. GeoI. 4:37-39.
in the marine environment ( macro- much more common in the lower Paleozoic
VOORHIES, M. 1969. Taphonomy and
also thank Diane Gifford, I. Findlater, E. P.
dynamics of an early Pliocene vertebrate also termed macro-endolithic organ- than generally recognized.
Hare, Andrew Hill, G. Isaac, and Judith Van see size definition below) are known to There are a few problems in the study of
Knox County, Nebraska. 69 pp. Contrib.
Couvering for their contributions, ideas and Spec. Pap. No. l. Univ. vVyo. Press; te many different substrates, but the lower Paleozoic macrobOlings which make
stimulating skepticism regarding bone weath- Wyoming. . t numbers and diversity of forms are difficult such a synthesis and integration of
ering. WESTERN, D. 1973. The structure, dynamics in carbonate, particularly reef, habitats. the data presently available. The taxonomy of
The study of recent bones in Amboseli Park changes of the Amboseli ecosystem. 385
publ. Ph.D. thesis; Univ. of Nairobi ugh the trace fossil record of macro boring Paleozoic macroborings is sadly confused and
was supported primarily by the National Geo- ranges from the Lower Calnbrian crude, and much is subjective. Such limita-
graphic Society (Grant # 1508), with addi- WESTERN, D. AND C. VAN PRAET. 1973. modern, the organisms are generally re- tions should be kept clearly in mind when inte-
tional funding provided by National Science changes in the habitat and climate of an East as rare and unimportant in the lower grating the Paleozoic macroboring data. How-
Foundation Grant #GS 268607 A-I. can ecosystem. Nature. 241: 104-106. zoic, only becoming important as fossils ever, the last few years have witnessed such a
the Mesozoic (Copper 1974). great expansion in the available data, that it
he recent discovery of numerous traces of is now possible to attempt to synthesize the
organisms in reefs of Lower Cambrian data in an overall scheme of diversification
(J ames et aI. 1977) coupled with the re- . through time and to speculate upon the phe-
detailed investigation of other lower nomena which influenced the history of macro-
endolithic communities (Newall X borers in the paleozoic.
Bromley 1972; Halleck 1973; Pojeta and The purpose of this article is:

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