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J SEM NB! TUESDAY JOK LIKE A GIRL CT LIKE A LADY INK LIKE A MAN ORK LIKE A BOSS Peters oman 1U ‘LJ Vous pouvez ra FRIPOUNET E Envoyez pour ¢ non oblitérés LECTEUR! 17, rue do I't Soret SEE tnvers de la coiffure de la poupée (les costumes sont en page 16). er votre poupée MARIS INET al'adresse sulvant ETTE 31, rue de Fleuru reonnage commandé 0,3 idresse écrite avec sol: 2 pourra vous parvenir. adressez-vous 4 GRAS - ILLY. Joindre un timbr 2 if poupée commandée, (| eancenneaencoemecenieateenctt et son IS @*) mbres. votre JR France 5 Brew ses moiyn BENITO DURANTE EL PIBE 10 ‘arama ve) [in ise) [rum ™ PEURS coos gor |_| pase emaone ‘se | | russ envons LA BALLE AU PIED Pour filles __ et gargons D \ I SO 3 PEPINO Y SUPERPIBE i EL ANDROIDE . a YOLANKA Peso “| | resone, ge | | Fesoxe “s roetinte aso |_| rerano wis | | rewenna wo AVI AD cerca on user cso ess PUT uk mS TENE AOES NOE @) taein unique iworvinr YOUn vvbe: AD BETTER CU ae ee —— MORE BLIN ENTHUSIAS EMPLOYEES MSHY ATFIRST sae BUT...| DO THE a STUPIDEST =3.- mus: RANDOM SHI — WHEN I GET ‘wal RALITFTOHRATADIC AEN Tay. Has appeared | series by Lo eneed a Ricky was also ir latest show, Ma {ENCED BY SOMEONE th th: PERCEPTION aE to ° | lik wi be He also was i Funny, where C . Louis CK, Jerry € Race 100% N se | Ricky talk abot 100% es 8 es wa — 100% 22285 OY Fae: RKET 100% zu$gs —_______~ Bguze * ETITORS 100% 9G] ~ Far N 5 ove SY NEY LAUNG H DAY 1 OCTOBER 7 ot guvranten EN 1G FROM 630-1, 4 CIsae = T EDITION TO RIC econo The World e Ae TARA | GRmmee mamanailitentenall CE SATURDAY 28 SUNDAY OSCAR WILDE M040 D04 = TO4 M03 WO3 D032; 103 M02 WO2 DO2 & . 102 M01 WO1 D015 & 101 MG WG DG ST. 1G MLG DLC ‘Our ede f il faut jratuiti r le ne ble. » vot MeL. a : ae Gotingetated in Minnesota n January a fay fa CABALLERO ROJO ‘ux MAKO, e de tissu acinw |_RUBEN PEUCELUE Dd WITH US. times { h :omioi 4 NOMBRE CF ;JOUEURS 2 équipes de! : aximum : _ MATERIF! = - a ice > SIMI TEV Oll nlarad.- ‘OF STAR WITH SOMEONF DARTH LUKE PRINCESS c3P0 VADER SKYWALKER LEIA “xa xe x2 x2 Sat = Sch cin PADME OBLWAN KID KID * ae a Prachtvoll, opulent, dr DIAMANTSCHM aK ~ eiNig dep area qa penasessopeene IE ‘ountry’s GDPis a better indicator $¢ $238M ofits chai s in South Africa thitn Its team's playing formation ARF ren paying Xs Thereare many waystoforecst World K ERKO’S Sus reeis the nest berate csthe = Fitnrenkngs inthe aye ofa very baste ADS MORE Hi gameot Top Trans. Butintheirbook Why England lane arprspa Sion Rope? anuSefan Sey develop amedelfr oy forecasting international football results Ce caer eareaie apa Reainer pear pecan mirs W.WOODENT: they found that, In almost three In four @ COU sbbrtues tutes ation’ peplotone fee tone nrangefr hes ) ton Adling FD prea r , dowlnge peptic wet ayrmants roceived from tage. That doesn’t sound like much, but Ape in BONG. consider that Switzerland’s GDP per head equivalent of 4% a's estimated GDP. werent, utp, Transformation “We wilsing of great crowas exited by work, by pleasure, and by riot; we will sing of the multt- coloured, polyphonic tides of revolution in the modern Capitals; we wil sing of te vibrant nightly fervour of arsenals and shipyards blazing with violent electric moons; greedy railway stations that devour smoke-plumed serpents; factories hung on clouds by the crooked POWER Iines oftheir smoke; bridges that stride RE 2: rivers like giant gymnasts, flashing in the sun witha glitter of knives; adventurous steamers that sniff the horizon; deep-chested locomotives whose ‘wheels paw the tracks like the hooves of enormous steel horses bridled by tubing; and the sleek flight of planes ‘whose propellers chatterin the wind like bannersand seem to cheer like an enthusiastic crowd.” 10-11 Ricky develope projects with h Stephen Merc Karl Pilkington also made part as extr I i P TO HAVE FR ron p THE IMPOR OF tr LEARNI Brawny gods ins SENu ONE PER INSPLA NINETY -I — PERCE PERSPIRA] “-—na! ch YOU THIN YOU GET THE ONL' 116 from both sutures (s¢ the ambit: ambulacra nine const rangemen that Mr. | to be reg ambulacre near the consist. of of a cent demi-plat and beloy arrangem! moid’ pla an ambul: we find the simp the large ambitua DR. J. W. GE | T f the vertical sutures E E fig. 1), as in Phormosc ambulacral plates (~ plates and three der nents in all. Thi EDS SHOWN =| @ Blog | @ Twitier | @ Flickr - By this point they were inside the Vietoria city Limi Mee T @FredDeakin: | New Flashman : Yeh, have some! RT * ew Flashman video releasedat * INFOBAR Aoi ideo released at _| last: bearded DESIGN ist: bearded ladies, witchcraft, {. JACKET(o1)F#4 dies, witchcraft, beheadings- °h, SUBLIL eheadings- something for . . e 2 FOFEF Ivia mething for everyone. x we yeryone. | www.dirside.couk/ ' @WeAredAirsideJP flashman 7 ashman * ny t ‘ 7 july 14th, 2011 L " Tweeted by @megaist tained 10 tide ] " i heparan “ot eso & V1 uinyrusing recon soascen ech out why my worl fond olIRERA moon ' Check out my old hinus, Seriously, how did °, boss Swifty's new 9 trup- rawing 66: this happen? #fb website-packed type, lassic holiday full of goodies rawing this: La G5GY » lotte again, fh : | pologies tomy ” x ” Honmiact B ond, your rho: uvestee! alTvsta fromthe tovateh.¢ barn oetolé Fs vt. Buch tite te ndupad ek, pnson, B chnique: 1st 2006 onfesse urglaries jail, and confesse vA test. 1 ear, a sega, eh 5 ions f the hay esand eck ox rch did was lack g.uying part. Ts Ein Kindermobel? Den Barcelona- mprint Mailbox Sontributors ssel von Knol gibt es jets in einer Mini-Version. Links: Do Baby Hairy Berto lung auf Harry Berto Anspie~ ide Chair Contributor form-Leser kennen die schinen, kloren Fotografien von Dieter eit 1999 arbeitet der Frankfurter fur unser Magavin, In ‘Iriberg im Schwarz wald geboren, studierte er Visu- elle Kommunikation in Dortmund Heute ister als freier Fotograf fir Vorn Journ: hwer (40) schon viele renommicrte Verlage und diesem Heit dokumenticren unter anderem das Making of des neues ten Braun-Rasiere (S.70). Er selbst dl immer noch den B: Micron Plus mit G form readers have | iar with the beautifi graphs taken by Dic Front his base in Fis been working for the 1999. Born in Tribe Forest, he studied V cation in Dortmune works asa freelane forseveral renowne agencies. Among ot pictures in this edit the making of the L shaver (p. 70). Actu Die beiden Kélner Sonja (32) und in Japs Alexander Kerkhoffs (40) arbeiten —zcitsehriftn seit 2002 als freie Redakteure und andere Mag Ubersetzer fiir die form, Diesmal viele Promi ‘aben sie die Redaktion unseres et. Linen gi Sonderhefts zur ISH tibernommen, — grafierte er her kommend, g su07 Elnsendeschluss Submission deadine Braun Preis 2007 Kronberg/Taunus/D Braun GmbH wevrw 9.207 Einsendeschluss/Submission deadiine IDEA 2007 Dulles, VA/USA Incustial Designers Society ‘of America (IDSA) ‘dea sidsa.o1g worw idsa.o1grigesz007/ 162.07 Einsondaschiues/Submistion deadline 100 beste Plakate 06 jindete dasEhe- iar vor {anf Jahren dig Firma Print & Screen Productions. Neben ey over swory Designer What the Design und Web 2.0: adressen vor und hat Der dienstalteste D Roland Ullmann ist die Bereiche Male I Alva —— Shinichiro The F yy den News schen Fotos mus sowie der Wis- den japanisé senschaft und dem Verlagswesen Issey Miyak n newest em Desi ‘Tokio (S, s0so7 Elnvendeschives/Submi BDG: Logo Wetth Stuttgarvo 206 Sudwest a V, Desi Stumgart ogostbdo-doursehand. wor od-ktuel do 0807 Einsondeschuss/Submi BDG: Typo Wettb Stuttgan/0 0G Sudwest eV, Des Suurigart typo by deutsch abd aituel do a, Tagung n Netz eb can do for you uine Fogelberg stellt die wichtigsten Internet- len Machern gesprochen, erbei Brau twortlich fur emovalund om.) riya (31 rn der japani- arheitet fiir eine Wenn Dirk Peits (3S) nicht gerade — breitete Wochen-—iiber jedelte burmesisehe 1s cra” und Flachtlinge in Buffalo, Flussfabr -.Erhabe schon ten auf dem Mekong oder die portraitiert, sagt Nachwirkungen des Tsunami in ssonderen foto- Aceh reportiert, schreibt er tiber exklusiv fir uns; Popkultur und zeitgendssische Mode-Designer Kunst, Bis zum vieldiskutierten dieser von sci- - Umvug det Redaktion von Kiln ojekt berichtete, -ntrum mitten h Berlin war Peltz acht Jahre Spex-Autor, seit 2003 schreibt cer regelmabig fiir das Feuilleton 293-0307 e2a207 deadine | Face to Face 7: Ambiente rh | Estland und Deutschland | Frankurta.mso Stuttgart/D ease Pronktun GmbH Design Conte stungort | t -4ovo3m 9 ar wwwvdesign-conter de 262-1307 | Messen deadiine ‘airs | ’ 103.-73.107 www zowede _ Heimtextil | Franklurt a. M./ 03-10307 Messe Frankfurt Gmbit 1, +49 0189 75 75-0 GROTESKI THE BIGOT DESIGN. HELVETICA IST EINE UEBERS uiue range that to b ambr near consi of a Gestaltung — Amaturen, Sc Zur Funktion = Der Anyierd deuti outbe ~ Sie Be rere Tne | ambi fore, fusio1 In ambu scribi prim: x WITTE TU LOG| ~ WILL GET Y FROM = A-O- “waciMAT * WILL TAKE YOU * EVERYWHER ALBERT EINSTEIN Easy removal ef stuck Trouble geting your arer @ ennktne ong ‘Batones and osignes Bsa | iets ney ensuing piste fa NAS wo aneblacktop forabouthalfa mile then took ICK — herhsadbosbingbetween the sirandtheparement JRE oficersupawite ovens that went osor Basins THE UNSCIENTIFIC METHOD ve accused of erie youdid’t commit? How about to beac snes like GSE, O31: New York, and OSU. whiquos to solve violent crimes like the tim a1 examiner pou derweapon Bonu were to appear on CSE he would be quirky, they would bel 2are reliably used to track criminals and snitf out drups and bo ‘Varies states have used scent lineups but there's bitle science ved training, and they bad never been certified. Pikett (who dec either and his protocals Imself were primitiveat — terpatterns.andeven esr and ippe xerbenes isprohably as helpsolvecrimes Butover tepastal in. On thaw liom veTTyler the current dis- just how unscientific forensic see stTikett workedonmicce crime scene, wnsoind techniquesh ‘othanonsthourand ss sontimeand again. Thomest ist lertwitness before ratir- exonerations nationwide sineo 108 thelnnooenes Proje ee ere seitemaks oad spa happyending sve by DNAtae ~ hatha ip plate ecient Texas i these sors the s S08 gradi ice, sound spe plate Si demi. “= parison ana smal] sei owas aleo ZONE esis Some have beend ment ssn tonin i987 derand sen LQ tncevasn there {nic standard fa leo romist print exam investigatin kalled 91 pe say FACES INTELUGENCE (S NOT AN INDICATION. 1) My i THIS MAN OF CAREER IU FYPOSURE TO THE SUN WN’ CASE DEATH Ever) isaR ln ad www.diterschwere wienugett ton 35 Jal Summe d diesem Ge fort auf des Interview s 34. Did you know? jo wvnw.100-beste-plakate.ce 162.07 Einsendeschiuss/ Submission deaaiine Lebens(t)riume 2007 Hannover/® IF tnternetione! Forum Design F <49 09611 69.911 29 wer itdesign. da 20207 Einsendeschuss/ Submission desing European Design Awards ‘thew GR European Awards Ltd 7 «30210959 30 33 209.07 Einsendoschives/Submission deadline Lightouch Design Competition 2007 ‘Singapur/ SGP Design Singancre Council. FLOS info wnw designsingaporeorgiightoush 15407 Einsendeschiuss/Submistion deadline International Museum Communication Awards 07 Brusse!/B mca 17507 Einsendeschiuss/Submission deadiine 3. Internationaler Marianne-Brandt-Wetthewerb Chemaita/D Kunstversin Villa Arto 0.¥, T: +49 (0)383 08 348 15 ‘wow marianne | s207 Volvo Sports Desi = Personal Design ‘Mincher/0 Pascher + Heine GmbH Tr oa9 (0}89 94 41 $5.23 rw spo-sporscesign 212.23207 Design Indaba Conference 10 Kopateat/24 Dovign indabo ut 12721 at8 66 68 wwe 232-28.2.07 22. Bundesforum Dusseldort/D FH Dusseldert, FB Desig info 22h. de www 221.06 vanae7 Colophon 2007 Loxomburg Mice Kondinger Ecstion ‘wurw.colophon2007.con @ Sciteipage 40 143.-16.307 11th European In tional Conference Design Managem Kopenhagen/OK Design Management ns sewn 263.-27307 7. Pro Carton Kor Franklurta.M./D Pro Carton 7: +49 (0)8261 13 69 95 eww procarongermany in Nordamenka, Maashott abel. rand Consutting arbetten ce! tot seit 2000 fiir Johnson Controls, 15 Personen. zuletzt betreute er als Senior MetaDesign: Nitschke heads Br Design Manager die Fahrzeug- Consulting. Dirk Nitschike (42), Innenausstattung fir verschiedene as the new Head of Brand Con Automobilhersteller. ting at MetaDesign, is responsit for strategic brand consulting a Memmever) Deutsche Messe AG forum |r: ,49(0)511 69.0 rgrafie a www domotex de ws1-21107 imm cologne Kain/D Kosinmesse 7.049 0)221 821-0 ewer immoologne de 241.8107 Paperworld Franklut a M4. /D Messe Frankfur. Gmbet 7: +49 0389 75 75-0 www messetrankturt.som 251.-29.107 Planéte Meuble Paris Pavis/F Sari +330) 44 29 02 00 261-20.107 Maison & Objet Pais/F SAFI T +33(0)1 44 29 0200 wun. 42-7207 Ispo Winter 07 Munchen/D Messe Monchon GmbH 249 0189 949 207 29 72-012.07 Stockholm Furniture Fair Stockholm/S Stockholmsmasson +46 (098 749 41 09 weer atockholmtuinituretaiccom Institutionen Institutions BDG-Honorar- empfehlungen Viele Designer sind unsicher, Internationaler Automobil-Salon Gent/CH ICA wow. 193-213.07 Cebit Hannever/D Deutsche Messe AG 49 03611 89.0 293.313.07 Creative Industries Friedrhshaten/O Messe Friedrichshafen Gmbit .+49(017541 708 407 | www.creative-industiestv 194.29.607 Salone del Mobile/ Euroluce ‘moitana/t Cosmet spe «39027269 41 Design-Events Design events 151-21107 Passagen 2007 Kein/0 Baro Sabine Voggeareiter 1 o49 01221 250 47 23 vn snisr Agenda 9S DESIGN UNIKAT thadai Zur Ergonomie: ~ Die Bedienur so angeordni im Dunkein werden konn ~ sie sind an die Formen (Mo enwahnt) unc anzupassen, (fig. 4), ¢ that is arrange! plates o these up the serie gradual plate, a demi-ple small kl: 1979 began der 9% 100%, dan fig Designer Abe: ment of! 1° Quar there regi

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