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Engaran, FMD
Date of Submission: 24 September 2020

Answer to Study Guide Questions:

1. The bigger tarsus to catch prey. The bigger body to get food and prey. The bigger wing to
fly fast to catch prey and avoid predators. The bigger beak to eat larger prey.
2. They only lay one egg so that the baby bid can adapt easily because the parent birds
cared for it.
3. It is not better because for example the mother dies the baby bird also dies.
4. It evolved in the sexual mode of reproduction so that the offspring has genetically
recombined DNA of the parents so that it can easily adapt to its environment.
5. The advantages of this is the mother can protect it developing offspring. The
disadvantages is if the mother dies then the developing offspring dies.
6. The effect of the opportunistic hunter is that the Philippine Eagle’s population will be
lessen again if the hunter kills one of them thus resulting in harder mate pairing for them.
7. The Philippine Eagle need high and cool nest to ensure that they and the eggs are safe.
The height will protect them from predators and coolness will help them to produce more
8. They only produce one egg for two years.
9. The lifestyle and activities of the Filipino destroy habitats for the Philippine Eagle and kill
some of them. Hunting and deforestation are the major causes of the population of the
said eagle to decline.
10. Help raise funds to protect the Philippine Eagle by donating money in fundraisers.

Learning Guide 03

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