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Faith helps us to navigate through the journey of life. It is joyful to believe and entrust our lives to Jesus.

This is the reason behind the joy of the 500 years of Christian faith in the Philippines, the joy of living in
the Lord.

It is our faith that tailors meaning to experiences that at times are utterly bereft of it. Our gift of faith in
the lord through the instrumentality of the Catholic church is an indelible distinguishing mark of our
being, a nation.

Whether one is a believing Catholic or not, the development of the Filipino nation cannot be understood
without a knowledge of the major, often decisive role that the church has played well or ill in that
process and continues to play

An integral feature of our nation is faith which has made our life joyful amidst difficulties and
uncertainties in life. But more than this providence of happiness, this giftedness involves the duty to
evangelize. Embedded in our being gifted with faith is the mission to share it with others so that they
too may find life meaningful and joyful. In our present times, especially this pandemic, we cannot be
indolent evangelizers of faith. There are already indications that we, especially the young generation,
might already be loosening up our grip to faith. Among others, one indication could be the rise of suicide
cases. Among other means perhaps retightening our grip to faith may help alleviate the situation for one
who has faith hopes and with hope, who can think of suicide? It is for these reasons that this webinar is
conducted to celebrate with gratitude for this giftedness. In this webinar, we listen so that we may
understand so deeply and be inspired to live according to the dictate of faith and pledge to do our part
in sharing our faith to others through our words and action.

The topic is not only timely but also thought provoking as it invites us to reflect and discern not just on
how Christian faith has shaped the Filipino but also on how the Filipino has shaped his Christian faith.
500 years ago, the Filipinos have received the Christian faith when the first baptism was celebrated here
in our own island of Cebu. We call it a gift indeed. It is the good news of our lord Jesus Christ the gospel
of our salvation. What we receive 500 years ago was not a mere rules to comply or a list of doctrines to
realize but a spirit that gives life that transforms so much so that even now more than a century of
revolution that seems faith is still very much alive and vibrant. This is the faith that has become
intertwined with our identity with our culture as Filipinos and as Cebuanos. When we look back at our
heritage, we see our old churches standing. We look at our celebrations and we see our town and barrio
fiestas in honor of the saints. We look at the things we hold dearly like our values. The faith that we
have receive has become a Filipino faith. It is now time for us to share this gift of faith to the world. A
faith that we must share not as explorers but as witnesses of the love and joy of the gospel as Christians
in the true sense of the word. Indeed this is a very great gift that we have receive and we are therefore
gifted to give.

Faith is truly a gift because a true gift is lasting and will remain in us forever.

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