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Nama : Vika Puspita Dewi

Npm : 211120101

1. Andy warhol was .... In the Pop Art movement who was known for his multi-image silkscreen painting

Answer :(B) A leading figure

2. Even with research there is still a great deal that is .... Known about the working of the human brain.

Answer :(C) Not

3. .... the United States consists of many diferent immigrant groups, many sociologista believe there is a
distinct national character.

Answer : (C) Even though

4. Typically, .... In meadows or damp woods and bloom in the spring.

Answer :

5. The art works of Madlyn-Ann Woolwich are characterized by strong, dark colors and fine attention to
patterns of light .... the viewer's eye.

Answer :

6. A grass-eating, river-dwelling mammal, the hippopotamus .... to the pig.

Answer : (B) Is related

7. Woodrow Walson .... as governor of New Jersey before he was elected President of she United States
in 1912.

Answer :(D) Served

8. .... fish in Great Salt Lake, but its waters do contain small brine shrimp.

Answer : (D) There are no

9. An etude is a short musical composition written especially .... a particular technique.

Answer :(D) To enable students to practice

10. Seldom .... games been of practical use in playing real games.

Answer :(C) Has the mathematical theory of

11. The city of Kalamazoo, Michigan, derives its name from a Native American Word .... bubbling springs

Answer :(B) meaning

12. Jet propulsion involves .... of air and fuel, which forms a powerful exhaust.

Answer :(D) The ignition of a mixture

13. Salt is manufactured in quantities that axceed those of most .... Other comments chemicals

Answer :(D) if not all

14. The United States consists of fifty states .... has its own government.

Answer :(A) Each of which

15. Though smaller that our solar system, a quasar which looks like an ordinary star, emits more light ....

Answer :(A) Than an entire


Directions: In question 16-40 each sentence has for underlined word or phrases. The four underlined
part of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) . Identify the one underlined word or phrase that
must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Than, on your answer sheet,find the number of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the latter of the answer you have chosen.

16. Peope usually wear clothing why to basic purposes warmth and decoration

A B. C D

Answer : why -> for

17. In 1890 Hurd-Mead be came medical director of the bryn Mawr Shcool for girls,one of a first


shcool in the United States to initiate a preventive health program.

Answer : a --> the

18. Superior to all others woods for shipbuilding,teks is aslo used for furniture, flooring and


general construction.

Answer : others --> other

19. Weather is the transitory expression of climate that can change great form day to day or season to

20. Archaeological investigations indicate that control of fire is an extremely old technical
attainment,thaough the time ,place and mode of his origin may never be learned.

21. Paul Revere designing the metal plates on which the first paper money in the United States was

22. It was after shortly mocroscopes were introduced at the beginning of the seventeeth century that
mocroorganisms were actually sighted.

23. Until the 1840's, practically the only pionseers who had ventured to the western United States were
trappers and a little explorers.

24. Medical research indicates but large amounts of histmines can be responsible for colds hay fever and
other respiratory reactions.

25. Yttrium is a silvery metalic element used in the made of red phosphors for television picture tubes.
26. Topical forests exist close the equator ,where both high temperatures and abundant rainfall occur

27. The ease with which houseplants can grown causes them to be popular among amateur
horticulturists .

28. Paintings of a religious, ceremonial, or history character tend to elevate their subjects above the
level of ordinary existence.

29. According to classical musical tradition the term "sonata" is given to those works are written for solo
piano or for a solo wind or stringed instrument.

30. Precisely because photographs are produced by mechanical devices, a camera's images now seem
to some artists the perfect means for expression the modern era.

31. The discovery of the magnetic effects of cilos made possible to measure an electric current.

32. Since the 1950's the city Baltimore gas financed several major programs of urban renew including
rebuilding the inner harbor

33. For at least 4000 years, native American artists adorned rocks, cliff walls, and caves in the American
southwest with an amazing various of symbolic figures

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