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Name: Ombao, Carla Jane L.

Lab Group Members: Sister Jade

Section: PHY061.1- FG
Date: November 3, 2021

Laboratory Activity 5
Reaction Time and Free Fall

This laboratory activity aims to determine how fast a person can react through reaction
time experiment. This also seeks to determine the time it takes for a falling object to land in the
ground with regards to the person’s reaction time.
Experimental Set-up:
Part 1.
For the first part, I prepared the meterstick, as shown in Figure 1. I then asked my sister
to be my partner who will drop the meterstick. I sat in the chair and positioned my arm in the
table. We positioned the meterstick in between of my thumb and point finger, both 1 inch from
the stick, as shown in Figure 2. We mark the 20cm of the meterstick as our starting point, as
shown in Figure 3. My partner then randomly dropped the meterstick, then clipped it with my
two fingers. I then recorded the position on the stick where my two fingers are being clipped.
Then repeat it five times. After this, I solved for the average distance of the five trials, then
calculated the time it takes for the stick to fall from rest before I catch it.
Part 2.
For the second part of the activity, I prepared a coin-sized stone, tape measure and
stopwatch, as shown in Figure 4. Then we looked for a place where we can perform the activity.
It needs to be in a high position. I then measured the vertical height from the high position to the
ground. After this, my partner positions herself upon holding the stone, ready to release it any
time, as shown in Figure 5. I told her to randomly drop the ball without saying she will do so.
She then randomly released the stone, then I started to record the time it takes for the stone to hit
the ground. Then repeat it five times. I calculated the average flight time of the stone for it will
be my experimental flight time. I also calculated the total time flight of the stone using the
vertical height from the original position to the landing position, assuming it is in free fall.
Lastly, I calculated the percent error for the time flight.
Figure 1: Photo of a Meterstick

Figure 2: Position of meterstick between Figure 3: 20cm of the meterstick marked as

the thumb and point finger the starting point

Figure 4: Photo of stopwatch, stone and Figure 5: Original position of the stone
tape measure
Part 1.
Upon doing the five (5) trials, below are the outcomes being determined and 20cm as the
starting point.

Table 1. Outcomes yielded in 5 trials

Trial Distance from the starting point (20cm)

1st 39cm-20cm = 19cm
2nd 39cm-20cm = 19cm
3rd 45cm-20cm = 25cm
4th 36cm-20cm = 16cm
5th 44cm-20cm = 24cm

Solving I. Average distance of the 5 trials.

The average is determined by 𝑥̅= (𝑥 + 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑥N), where x is the corresponding distance
N 1
taken and N is the total number of trials.
As an illustration, for Solving I, there are 5 outcomes yielded.
With that, we can solve:
1 1 1
𝑥̅= (𝑥1 + 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑥N) = (19+19+25+16+24) = (103) = 20.6
N 5 5

Therefore, the average distance for five trials is 20.6 cm.

Solving II. Time it takes for the stick to fall from rest before catching it.
1 2
The time is determined by using the formula ∆− y=v o t+ a t , where the y is the
average distance for five trials, v o is the initial velocity of the object and “a” is the gravitational
acceleration (-9.8 m/s2)
As an illustration, for Solving II, the average distance for five trials is given 20.6 cm
(0.206 m), v o is 0 (at rest), and a is -9.8 m/s2

With that, we can solve:

∆− y=v o t+ a t 2
1 m
-0.206 m = 0(t) +
2 ( s )
−9.8 2 t 2

m 2
-0.206 m = (-4.9 )t
−0.206 m
m 2
−4.9 2 = t

√ 0.042 s 2 = t
0.20 s = t
Therefore, the reaction time is 0.20 seconds.

Part 2.
Upon doing the five (5) trials, below are the outcomes being determined and from a
vertical height of 249 cm.

Table 1. Outcomes yielded in 5 trials

Trial Time it takes for the ball to fall

1st 0.46 s
2nd 0.67 s
3rd 0.37 s
4th 0.45 s
5th 0.52 s

Solving III. Average time of the flight time of the stone for five trials.
The average is determined by 𝑥̅= (𝑥 + 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑥N), where x is the corresponding
N 1
time taken and N is the total number of trials.
As an illustration, for Solving I, there are 5 outcomes yielded.
With that, we can solve:
1 1 1
𝑥̅= (𝑥1 + 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑥N) = (0.46+0.67+0.37+0.45+0.52) = (2.47) = 0.494 s
N 5 5
Therefore, the average of the flight time of the stone for five trials is 0.494 s.
Thus, the experimental flight time is 0.494 s.

Solving IV. Time of flight

1 2
The time is determined by using the formula ∆− y=v o t+ a t , where the y is the vertical
height from the original position to the landing position, v o is the initial velocity of the object and
“a” is the gravitational acceleration (-9.8 m/s2)

As an illustration, for Solving II, the height is given 249 cm (2.49m), v o is 0 (at rest), and
a is -9.8 m/s2
With that, we can solve:
∆− y=v o t+ a t 2

1 m
-2.49 m = 0(t) +
2 ( s )
−9.8 2 t 2

m 2
-2.49 m = (-4.9 )t
−2.49 m
m 2
−4.9 2 = t

√ 0.51 s 2 = t
0.71s = t

Solving VI. Percent error for the time flight

The percent error of each measurements is determine by using the formula for percent error,

% error =¿ standard value−experimental value∨ ¿ ¿

standard value x 100% , wherein the absolute

value of the difference between the standard value(calculated total time flight of the stone using
the formula) and experimental value (average time flight of the stone for five trials) is divided by

the standard value and then multiplied to 100.

 The experimental value is average time flight of the stone for five trials + reaction time =


 The standard value/theoretical value is 0.71 s

% error =¿ standard value−experimental value∨ ¿ ¿

standard value x 100%

% error =¿ 0.71−0 .494∨ ¿ ¿ x 100%


% error =¿ 30.4%

Solving V. Percent error for the flight time + reaction time

The percent error of each measurements is determine by using the formula for percent error,

% error =¿ standard value−experimental value∨ ¿ ¿

standard value x 100% , wherein the absolute

value of the difference between the standard value(calculated total time flight of the stone using

the formula) and experimental value (average time flight of the stone for five trials + reaction

time) is divided by the standard value and then multiplied to 100.

As an illustration for Solving V:

 The experimental value is average time flight of the stone for five trials + reaction time =

0.494s + 0.20 s = 0.694s

 The standard value/theoretical value is 0.71 s

% error =¿ standard value−experimental value∨ ¿ ¿
standard value x 100%

% error =¿ 0.71−0.694∨ ¿ ¿ x 100%


% error =¿ 2.25%

The laboratory experiment (Toss Coin Experiment) has helped me to understand that
when tossing a coin there is always a probability that the outcome would be a head or a tail
which would give us a 50% probability of getting a head and 50% probability of getting a tail.
However, upon able to toss the coins 20 times, I learned that the outcome can be repeatable but
cannot be manipulated. Therefore, the outcomes are not equally likely. We cannot always expect
that there would be an equal outcome of heads as of the tails. I was able to yield 13 tails and 7
heads outcomes, which means that the hypothesis of equally likely result of the toss-coin
experiment is null and rejected.

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