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Tax awareness is still a major problem. The problem that arises is that there are still
many individual taxpayers and agencies (institutions / agencies / companies / others)
who are still not aware of fulfilling tax obligations, many citizens who are not yet
taxpayers, do not pay taxes but also enjoy facilities that provided by the government,
for example, such as train passengers who do not have tickets but enjoy the benefits of
transportation and still do not match the actual assets and income they have, even a lot
of wealth is hidden. Because of the importance of tax money to become the backbone
of development finance.
The problem of corruption until now is still a lot happening, both at the center and in
the regions. Based on data from IT, Indonesia is still ranked 88th in the ranking of the
most corrupt countries in the world. This shows that the behavior of public officials is
still found to be incompatible with the Pancasila moral / values standards.
Based on geographical location, Indonesia is a strategic country. However, the
strategic location not only has a positive impact, but also has a negative impact. One
example of the negative impact of geographical location, seen from the eyes of drug
dealers, is that Indonesia is strategic in terms of drug marketing. Not a few drug
dealers of foreign nationals who have been caught carrying illegal substances into this
country. However, the sanctions given appear to be less assertive so as not to cause a
deterrent effect. As a result, many young people whose future is bleak because of drug
Citizenship case in Indonesia.
1. Naturalisation simply is the admittance of a foreigner to the citizenship of a country.
There are a lot of naturalization case in Indonesia, one of them is Christian Gonzales.
He is Indonesian football players who are Uruguayans but have settled in Indonesia
and married Indonesian people, Eva Nurida Siregar. Christian Gonzales who was
originally a foreigner became an Indonesian citizen because he and his wife had
settled and lived in Indonesia.
2. The case of the former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arcandra
Tahar who proved to have a dual passport namely the United States (US) and
Indonesia, led to the removal of his position as minister. Only 20 days in the seat of
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra was dismissed by President
Joko Widodo. Arcandra, who was sworn in on July 27, 2016, was officially removed
from his position on August 15, 2016. Other than Arcandra, there are also some of
Indonesian people that change their citizenship, namely: Anggun C. Sasmi (singer)
-France, Mia Audina (badminton athlete) - Netherland, Daniel Sahuleka (singer) -
Netherland, Tielman Brother (Band) – Germany and Kristina Virginia (Miss
Indonesia 2006) – America.
3. Gloria Natapradja Hamel, flag raiser on Indonesian Independence Day, was forced to
be removed because she still has a French passport that is still valid until February
2019. However, the family considers that Gloria still has the rights and obligations of
Indonesian citizens so she continues to participate in the selection of flag raisers due
to her age of not yet 18 years old. If you follow the rules in force in Indonesia, Gloria
cannot register her citizenship status. Women born in 2000 must be registered with
the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in the period 1 August 2006 to 1 August 2010
if they want to obtain Indonesian citizenship. A year later, the Constitutional Court
finally decided to request a review on August 31, 2017. The result was the
constitutional guard refused all Gloria's mother's requests because she had no legal
Religion Case in Indonesia
1. Aceh singkil religious conflict
Aceh singkil religious conflict is the attack that occurred on October 13 2015 in
Aceh Singkil District, Aceh, Indonesia, where one church was burned, one person
was killed, and four people were injured. The attack involved approximately 600
people. As a result of the incident, around 1,900 Acehnese Christians fled to North
Sumatra, and resided in Sibagindar, Pagindar, Pakpak Bharat villages and Saragih
villages, Manduamas, Central Tapanuli
This attack was triggered because there was an attack on a house of worship, which
did not accept 21 churches that did not have founding permits. Initially, residents
who supported the demolition of the church had discuss with the local government,
and had reached an agreement on all churches that did not have permits to be
dismantled on Monday, October 19 2015
Residents who did not accept the results of the dialogue assumed that residents
who participated in discussions with the local government were those who were not
representatives of residents who refused to worship houses without permission.
They are considered the perpetrators of the burning of a house of worship
2. Andre Taulany Case
PA 212 Report Andre Taulany to Bareskrim on charges of insulting the Prophet
In the talkshow, Andre Taulany talked about the body of the Prophet Muhammad.
At that time, Virzha as a guest star mentioned her favorite reason to wear perfume.
At that time, Virzha said that he wanted to be like the Prophet Muhammad who had
a fragrance like a thousand flowers. Andre Taulany answered with a joke that
caused an alleged insult. "The aroma of a thousand flowers? Is that a body or a
garden?" said Andre Taulany.
As a result of that remark, Andre Taulany also received many threats. One of them
from PA 212 who reported it to the National Police Bareskrim.

"I came to apologize through MUI as a representative of Muslims, I apologize for the
mistakes I have made. I am Muslim, I certainly love the Messenger of Allah, where
I always call it in my worship, in my prayers, and my prayers , "said Andre
The arrival of Andre Taulany to the MUI was welcomed by the Chairman of the
MUI Da'wah Commission, Muhammad Cholil Nafis. On that occasion, Andre
Taulany also asked Muslims to accept his apology

3. Tolikora Conflict
The Tolikara conflict occurred on July 17, 2015 in Tolikara Regency, Papua. This
conflict arise from the distribution of village funds that were unfair between the
residents of Gika regency and Panaga Regency. As a result, one person died, 17
people were seriously injured, and 15 people were lightly injured. In addition, 95
houses were also burned due to this conflict.
But the main problem that occurs is the use of loudspeakers during the Id Prayers
along with GIDI KKR participants from a number of provinces who were
worshiping. ​Previously, the ban on the use of loudspeakers had been approved by
Muspida Tolikara and figures from Tolikara Christians and Muslims. So there was
a protest from the KKR participants over the use of loudspeakers which led to the
burning of a number of shop houses that seeped into the mosque and shooting at
Indonesia Language
As a national language and also as a state language, Indonesian language must be
used in all official state activities. Similarly, at all levels of education ranging from
elementary school to college, Indonesian is used as the language of instruction. It was
intended that Indonesian language could develop naturally in the community of users.
In addition, these efforts are also expected to be the glue of thousands of culture into
one great nation, namely, the Indonesian nation.

1. Both the government and society increasingly use terms in foreign languages.
The use of Indonesian as a national language is increasingly marginalized. It is true
that there is nothing wrong with using foreign languages in communication, but the
context and situation must be considered. And abandoning mother tongue is a mistake
today. Various international events, speeches from state officials, higher education
activities, and even local governments did not escape choosing to use foreign
languages rather than Indonesian.

Other countries, like for example Japan, China, and Russia, put the country's language
to the fullest. Looking carefully at the World Cup yesterday, performers and all
Russian-language activities were then translated into English. Russia respects the
language of the country. The opposite, in Indonesia the use of the word "skytrain" is
more flashy than "Kereta Layang", or the term "Flyover Semanggi" in Jakarta is more
familiar than" “Simpang Susun Semanggi", and so on.

2. Indonesian Language that Starts to Eradicated by development of era

It does not rule out the possibility that in a more modern era, the use of Indonesian
language that is good and right will be even more confused. The use of language will
be more sophisticated and assimilated with other more well-known world languages
such as English, Arabic, Francis, Japanese, Chinese, and others. That can be predicted
because Indonesian language lessons themselves are considered one eye by education
today. By using Indonesian language as a mother tongue, so even it is not taught,
children will know.

Of course this is wrong, in fact Indonesian should be the one who must be preserved,
do not multiply foreign subjects compared to Indonesian in the current education
curriculum. Indonesian is currently far behind the English language that people use as
the language of the world. To be able to take higher education both at home and
abroad the conditions must be mastered in English. So it's really ironic when a child
will be considered extraordinary when mastering English even though the value of his
Indonesian language is decrepit.

The use of standard and polite Indonesian began to erode, even though Indonesian
language subjects began to be taught in elementary school and even to college. But
we can see for ourselves, far more people who major in foreign languages ​than
Indonesian. This further indicates that Indonesian is still weak in the eyes of the world
even in the eyes of its own people.

3. Does language change mean progress or setback?

The debate about whether language changes for the better or for the worse is the topic
that continues to be discussed. If we look at language changes more closely, we know
that this is a normal, inevitable, ongoing thing, and involves interrelated
sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic factors, which are not easily separated from one
another. Larry Trask even joked that the only language that did not change was the
language that had no speakers at all such as Latin or Sanskrit.

New words will continue to emerge because we need them, words persist if we
continue to use them, and the old words disappear by themselves when no one else
uses those words. Knowing this, we do not need to worry or be emotional with the
language that changes. What is considered tacky now, can be standard or common in
the future. Conversely, what is considered cool now, may be a normal value or not
very meaningful in the future. We can see the dynamics of language change as
something fun and exciting that enriches vocabulary, as long as we can also carefully
use it in the appropriate context and situation.

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