The Action Potential: Mark W Barnett, Philip M Larkman

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H U N D D Pract Neurol 2007' 7: 192-197

The action
Mark W Barnett, Philip M Larkman

t is over 60 years since Hodgkin and called ion channels that form the permeation
Huxley“ made the first direct recording of pathways across the neuronal membrane.
the electrical changes across the neuro- Although the first electrophysiological
nal membrane that mediate the action recordings from individual ion channels were
potential. Using an electrode placed inside a not made until the mid l97Os,2 Hodgkin and
squid giant axon they were able to measure a Huxley predicted many of the properties now
transmembrane potential of around E60 mV known to be key components of their
inside relative to outside, under resting function: ion selectivity, the electrical basis
conditions (this is called the resting mem- of voltage-sensitivity and, importantly, a
brane potential). The action potential is a mechanism for quickly closing down the
transient [<1 millisecond) reversal in the permeability pathways to ensure that the
polarity of this transmembrane potential action potential only moves along the axon in
which then moves from its point of initiation, one direction.
down the axon, to the axon terminals. In a
M W Barnett subsequent series of elegant experiments ION DISTRIBUTION AND THE
Post-doctural Research Fellow Hodgkin and Huxley, along with Bernard RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL
Centre for Integrative Physiology, Katz, discovered that the action potential
School of Biomedical Sciences,
The resting membrane potential is essential
results from transient changes in the perme- for the normal functioning of the neuron and
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
ability of the axon membrane to sodium [NaT) is maintained through an unequal distribution
and potassium (KT) ions. lmportantly, Na+ and of ions across the neuronal membrane.
P M Larkman KT cross the membrane through independent Figure lA:i illustrates the distribution of ions
Lecturer pathways that open in response to a change across the membrane of a typical neuron. The
Centre for Neuroscience Research, in membrane potential. different ion concentrations are established
School of Biomedical Sciences, As testimony to their pioneering work, the and maintained by ATP-dependent pumps,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, fundamental mechanisms described by most significantly one that exchanges inter-
UK Hodgkin, Huxley and Katz remain applicable nal Na+ for external KT, thereby concentrating
to all excitable cells today. Indeed, the Na+ outside, and KT inside, the neuron.
Correspondence to:
Dr M W Barnett predictions they made about the molecular Consider what happens if membrane perme-
Centre for Integrative Physiology, mechanisms that might underlie the changes ability to Na+ ions suddenly increases. What
School of Biomedical Sciences, in membrane permeability showed remarkable forces act on the Na+ ions? The high external
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh foresight. The molecular basis of the action concentration of Na* means there is a
EH8 9XD, UK; potential lies in the presence of proteins concentration gradient. Na+ diffuses down
Ai ii
No" (I 55)
v,e,,=_oo to -70 mV As (162) ci-(130)
KT (140) KT I3)
NoT (20) A" (25)
'IE@— c|— rs)
cQ2* (0.1 )iM)
ca2+ (1.2) Nernst equotion
RT l [X10
Introcellulor K

Ionic pump
NOT Hoop Outside

B O.
5 ENQT ‘ ‘EG ‘L I
‘E I
4?I; ‘L I
50 T - ~
1 AA
I C GSII I I @- — $- -AA
6-15 I GEII I I 6-

E NH2 ‘\\
¢*. O"——“ COOH

'_ Increose Inoctivotion gote Inside

in gNciT ii NO+




Increose F‘
IQ, ‘
in gKT Inside
- 1 oo — EI<*
§_ @t
¢3~ If:‘£1:

(Ai) Diagrammatic representation of the unequal distribution of ions across a typical neuronal membrane. All concentrations are in millimolar [mM) except where indicated
otherwise. Internal and external NaT and KT concentrations are maintained by the ATP-dependent NaT/KT pump. A’ represents the large internal anionic charge carried by non-
membrane permeable proteins. Cytoplasmic Ca2T is usually maintained at nanomolar [l0T9M) concentrations by sequestration into membrane localised stores. The resting
membrane potential ll/ms, = ~60 to ~70 m\/) is measured inside the neuron relative to outside. [A:ii) The Nernst equation used to determine the equilibrium potential [E) for
the ion, x, where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature in “K, F is the Ea raday constant and zx is the valency of ion, x. [)G,, and [X], are the external and internal concentrations
of ion x, respectively. (B) Illustration of the membrane potential changes resulting from either an increase in conductance to NaT [gNaT) or KT [gKT). The change in membrane
potential is determined by the difference between the resting membrane potential (Vrest) and the equilibrium potential for that ion [EN,+ or E)<+). (Ci), a two dimensional,
diagrammatic, representation of the molecular structure of the pore forming or subunit ofthe voltage-sensitive NaT channel. It is a single protein that has four domains ll, II, III,
IV). Each domain has six transmembrane [Tl\/l) spanning regions [I-6). The region between the TM5 and Tl\/I6 in each domain dips into the membrane but does not cross fully
before coming back out on the extracellular side. These are called the P-loops (coloured magenta). Voltage-sensitivity is conferred predominantly by TM4 lgreen) in each
domain. Each Tl\/I4 contains several positively charged amino-acid residues l-l—l--l—l-). A change in voltage across the membrane promotes a movement of TM4 that induces a
conformational change, opening the channel pore. The linker region between domains III and IV (blue) forms the inactivation gate. [Cii) A proposed 3D view through the
voltage-sensitive NaT channel. Each of the domains forms the outside of a cylindrical structure with a central pore, lined by Tl\/I6 of each domain. The P-loops lmagenta) form a
selectivity filter at the extracellular entrance to the channel that determines which ions pass through the channel. Movement of the voltage sensors (TM4) is thought to induce
movements of the intracellular ends of TM6 in the direction indicated by the red arrows thereby opening the activation gate. The blue arrow indicates the movement of the
inactivation gate resulting in blockage of the open pore from the intracellular side.

this concentration gradient into the neuron membrane potential also has an effect on
carrying with it a net positive electrical the movement of NaT ions. As the electrical
charge. The movement of positive charge gradient across the membrane is diminished it
makes the inside of the neuron more positive starts to oppose the movement of the
(known as depolarisation) leading to a positively charged ions into the cell. Thus,
reduction and eventual reversal of the two opposing forces act on the NaT ion—a
transmembrane potential. This change in concentration gradient and an electrical
Practical Neurology

A diagrammatic representation of the Resting 4i’ Ppen KT channels
action potential and associated models /
/”' (closed) / /
\ +
depicting the sequence of activation
/ \ K
/ /’/ /
I\ Time /,/ /
and inactivation of the voltage- I ,,
sensitive NaT and KT channels. Arrows \ Extracellulaf //
\ ,,/’
indicate the state of the respective ion +40 \ /-" /
channels during different phases of the \
/ "activation" gate
action potential. The broken line on the \_4 \ Intracellular
action potential trace indicates the o \ \ i /
\ \ /
resting membrane potential and is used agemV
: \ \ /
\\ \ ///
to highlight the rebound after- Vo \
hyperpolarisation. _6O .
____Y_ \___\:_*
Q \
\\ \ \\
\ \ \\
\\ After-hyperpolarisation
Activation T. Inactivation \ \
NO+ ChGnne|S Resting) 4i’ Open 4i In(activat<)ed
(closed closed


Q "activation" gate
/€ "inactivation" gate

gradient. These two forces will eventually

reach equilibrium at a new, stable, membrane
potential. This is called the equilibrium
potential for NaT, defined as the membrane The action potential can be divided into three
potential at which there is no net flow of NaT main phases. The initial phase is a rapid change
across the membrane. The equilibrium poten- in membrane potential from around -60 to
tial can be determined from the Nernst +40 mvldepolarisation). The second phase is a
equation [fig lAii). Thus, for our typical ionic return towards the resting membrane potential
concentrations, equilibrium potentials for NaT lrepolarisation), and the third phase is a slowly
and KT would be +55 mV and -103 mV at recovering overshoot of the resting potential,
37°C, respectively. termed the after-hyperpolarisation [fig 2). The
What determines the resting membrane initial depolarising phase is mediated by an
potential? At rest the neuronal membrane is increase in membrane permeability to NaT. If
permeable to several ions, thus, the resting NaT is removed from the extracellular solution,
potential is not equivalent to the equilibrium action potentials cannot be generated and
potential of any one ion but lies between the the membrane current that underlies the
equilibrium potentials for the individual ions. depolarisation from —6O to +40 mV is
If KT permeability dominates, the resting abolished. This has been confirmed using
potential will be close to the KT equilibrium tetrodotoxin (TTX), a neurotoxin found in the
potential. If permeability to KT and NaT is ovaries and liver of the puffer fish, which, by
equal, the resting potential will lie between potently blocking NaT channels, abolishes
the equilibrium potentials for these ions. This action potentials in neurons.
means, that when additional ion channels In Hodgkin and HuxIey's original experi-
open, the direction of ion movement and, ments they initiated an action potential by
therefore, the change in membrane potential, applying a very short electrical current to the
will be determined by the difference between outside of the nerve. This promotes a local,
the resting membrane potential and the depolarising disturbance in the resting mem-
equilibrium potential for that ion or ions brane potential that induces the opening of a
[fig IB). small number of NaT channels generating
what is termed a "local depolarising response" channel is the result of another part of
of the membrane. But what normally triggers the channel protein structure that
an action potential? In sensory neurons occludes the pore and so prevents further
stimulation of specialised sensory nerve end- movement of NaT. The pore blocking
ings may lead to a local depolarising response. structure is termed the inactivation gate.
At a molecular level the inactivation gate
In the central nervous system, synaptic events
is a part of the channel that is found on
received over the dendritic tree ofa neuron are
the intracellular side of the membrane
integrated into a signal that may be sufficient that flips up and occludes the inner
to promote the generation of action potentials entrance to the pore [fig lCi and ii).
in the axon of the neuron.
NaT channels open because they possess a v The second reason for the termination of
sensor mechanism that detects depolarisation the depolarisation is the opening of
in transmembrane voltage. Triggering this another set of voltage-sensitive channels
sensor promotes their opening, or activation, in the membrane. These channels are
through a conformational change in a part of selectively permeable to KT ions. As we
the ion channel close to the inner face of the have seen already, the intracellular KT
concentration is high resulting in an
membrane, commonly termed the activation
equilibrium potential more negative than
"gate" [fig lCii). This is why NaT channels are
the resting membrane potential. Thus,
said to be voltage-sensitive ("voltage-gated" or when the membrane potential is depo-
"voltage-activated" are synonymous terms). A larised during the action potential, KT
few NaT channels open in response to the local flows out of the neuron bringing the
depolarisation and the influx of NaT through membrane potential back towards more
these channels then adds to the depolarisation. negative potentials. Two properties tailor
If the membrane potential depolarises to a these voltage-sensitive KT channels to this
"threshold" value around -45 mV, then there role; compared to NaT channels, they
will be a rapid recruitment of all the voltage- require a greater depolarisation of the
sensitive NaT channels leading to the fast membrane potential before they open, and
depolarising phase of the action potential. This they activate more slowly [over several
milliseconds) than NaT channels. These
recruitment of NaT channels is "regenerative"
properties allow the depolarising phase of
in the sense that NaT going through one
the action potential to be initiated before
channel adds to the depolarisation which the KT channels open [fig 2).
triggers more NaT channels to open. As such,
the action potential is termed an "aII or Thus, an increase in KT permeability initially
nothing" response; once threshold is reached puts a brake on the depolarising phase of the
the full action potential is always generated. action potential and then, as all the KT
The molecular mechanisms which have been channels activate and the NaT channels start
proposed to underlie voltage-sensitivity and to inactivate, the membrane potential is
the subsequent opening of the activation gate driven back towards the resting state. This
are illustrated in figure lCi and ii. KT conductance is termed the "Delayed
The depolarising phase of the action Rectifier" KT conductance because it activates
potential overshoots zero mV so reversing after, and it repolarises or "rectifies" the
the transmembrane potential; however, the change in membrane potential caused by the
depolarisation stops before it reaches the opening of NaT channels. In addition, the
predicted equilibrium potential for NaT. This is channel does not inactivate, thus KT perme-
for two reasons: ability is terminated by closing the activation
gate, or deactivation, as the membrane
~ The first is an inherent property of potential hyperpolarises. This process is,
voltage-gated NaT channels, known as
however, slow [like the opening of KT
inactivation. After being open for only a
channels) which means these channels
very short time l~l millisecond), the NaT
channel switches to a conformation that remain open for a period after the action
no longer allows NaT to pass through potential and this can result in an overshoot
even though the membrane potential is of the resting membrane potential, generating
still depolarised and the activation gate is what is termed an after-hyperpolarisation.
still open [fig 2). This conformation of the We will return to this shortly.
Practical Neurology

greater penetration down the core of the axon.

But even with the insulating myelin there is a
limit to how far a local current can propagate
The depolarisation of the membrane by the in the absence of high densities of NaT
action potential generates local currents that channels, thus, at intervals down the axon,
depolarise adjacent parts of the axon mem- gaps in this myelin sheath called "nodes of
brane. If these local currents depolarise the Ranvier" are found. The density of voltage-
adjacent membrane to threshold, the action gated channels in the axonal membrane is high
potential will be propagated to this part of the at these nodes to allow the action potential to
membrane and so on down the axon. The speed propagate by jumping from node to node by
at which the action potential propagates down what is called "saItatory conduction" [from the
the axon, or conduction velocity, is largely the Latin meaning "tojump").
result of how far the local currents extend
down the axon before an action potential is
produced. The further the local currents travel
down the axon, while being of sufficient
amplitude to still allow the membrane to reach
threshold, the faster the propagation of the Action potentials usually propagate from the
action potential. This distance depends on the cell body, down the axon, to the axon terminals.
electrical properties of the axon, in particular This polarity is largely due to the action
the electrical resistance of the membrane and potential being triggered by synaptic input
the internal contents of the axon. Large received across the dendritic tree of the neuron.
diameter axons have low internal resistance Action potentials do not normally propagate
while the greater the number of open channels back into the dendrites because, in general,
in the membrane, the lower the membrane they do not have a sufficiently high density of
resistance. High internal resistance and low voltage-sensitive NaT channels. However, once
membrane resistance will result in slow the action potential reaches the axon terminals
propagation of the action potential. what prevents it turning round and coming
A commonly used analogy for the spread of back up the axon? Remember, that after the
these local currents is a leaky garden hose. initial depolarising phase of the action poten-
Water pushing down the hose follows the path tial, voltage-gated NaT channels are in an
of least resistance; thus, if the diameter is inactivated state. This inactivation means that
narrow and there are many holes, water leaks once an action potential has occurred, that part
out limiting the distance it can travel down the of the membrane enters a period during which
core of the hose. There are two solutions to another action potential cannot be initiated.
getting water further down the hose. Either, Thus, the action potential propagates towards
increase the diameter of the hose thereby the axon terminals because only the membrane
making the core a lower resistance pathway, or "ahead" of it has NaT channels ready to open.
patch up the holes in the hose with tape The axon "behind" the action potential, where it
thereby preventing leakage. The squid adopts has just come from, has inactivated NaT
the first solution with axon diameters of channels so cannot generate another action
~I mm. The second alternative is preferred potential until these channels recover from the
by the mammalian central nervous system inactivated state, a process which is both time-
where the number of neurons is greater and and voltage-dependent, occurring faster at
space at a premium. Specialised glial cells hyperpolarised potentials. The membrane
called oligodendrocytes wrap themselves "behind" the action potential is said to be
around the axon to form a high resistance "refractory". Indeed, because the NaT channels
insulating membrane called the myelin sheath are unable to conduct NaT in this state, an
(in the peripheral nervous system myelination action potential cannot be generated no matter
is provided by another type of glial cell, the how big the local membrane depolarisation.
Schwann cell). Thus, the local currents are The time during which no action potential can
unable to leak across the membrane because be generated is termed the "absoIute refractory
of the insulating myelin, resulting in their period".
In addition, for a short time, the axon
membrane "behind" the action potential, has
high permeability to KT because KT channels Action potentials are fundamental for neuro-
close relatively slowly. Open KT channels nal communication, their frequency and
mediate the after-hyperpolarisation (fig 2) pattern being the code for information transfer
and also confer low membrane resistance, throughout the nervous system. There are IO
conditions which oppose the chance of distinct types of mammalian NaT channel and
reaching threshold. This also contributes to more than 90 KT channel types, each with
the reluctance of the membrane "behind" the subtly different properties. Different neuronal
action potential to initiate another action types have different channel combinations,
potential. The transient after-hyperpolarisa- therefore, the frequencies at which they
tion, however, speeds up the recovery of NaT conduct action potentials vary greatly. In the
channels from inactivation. Therefore, once peripheral nervous system sensory neurons
enough NaT channels have recovered from conduct action potentials at frequencies
inactivation, an action potential can be between I and 20/second. In the central
initiated but a greater stimulus is required nervous system, there are many examples of
because the KT permeability is still high. This neuronal types coding action potentials at
period is termed the "relative refractory these frequencies but there are others that can
period". generate must faster bursts of action poten-
By the time NaT channels have recovered tials. For example, the Purkinje cells of the
from inactivation and KT channels have cerebellum can generate action potentials up
closed, the action potential will have moved to 200/second while some neurons in the
a distance away from this part of the axon hippocampus, thalamus and cortex can pro-
membrane such that the local currents that duce action potential bursts of up to 300/
spread back (and the depolarisation they second. It is not surprising then that disrupting
cause) will not be big enough to reach the mechanisms that underlie this signalling
threshold. This ensures that in response to a system can have disastrous consequences. In
single stimulus an action potential only several forms of epilepsy the characteristic
propagates in one direction—down, not up, hyperexcitability of neurons that mediates
the axon. Another action potential can only seizure activity can be attributed to mutations
be generated by further stimulation after an that alter the normal function of voltage-
interval determined by NaT channel inactiva- sensitive NaT or KT channels (see Ashcroft for
tion and relatively slow KT channel closure. review).3 In a similar way, changes in sensory
Therefore, these properties also tightly govern neuron excitability associated with some
the maximum frequency at which an axon chronic pain states may be attributable to
can generate action potentials. changes in voltage-sensitive ion channel
It is worth noting, however, that if the function. Finally, the symptoms associated
stimulus that triggers the action potential with multiple sclerosis are linked to impaired
occurs at the axon terminals then an action action potential propagation caused by a
potential will propagate towards the cell disruption of axon myelination.
body. We might do this experimentally in Thus, the mechanisms first described over
which case we would call it an "antidromic" 60 years ago remain vital to our continued
action potential. Also, sensory nerves with progress in the understanding of a range of
specialised axon terminals that act as sensory nervous system disorders.
receptors in the skin propagate action
potentials towards, rather than away from,
1. Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF. Action potentials recorded
the cell body, but again only in one direction.
from inside a nerve fibre. Nature
Thus, the properties of the channels that l939;144I7lO—ll.
mediate the action potential do not confer a 2. Neher El, Sakmann B. Single channels currents
direction of propagation on the axon per se recorded from the membrane of denervated frog
muscle fibres. Nature 1976;260:779-802.
but do ensure that an action potential only 3. Ashcroft FM. From molecule to malady. Nature
propagates away from the stimulus source. 2006;440:440—7.

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