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Education Conversation Starters

Sharpen your pencils. It’s time for an education conversation.

243. What do you think of online education?

Whether it be online courses for schools, Khan Academy, or tutorials on YouTube there is lots of education
happening online. If the person you are talking to is into education this is a rich vein for conversations.

244. How can governments make education more efficient?

Because if there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people are totally happy with the public-school system
and there is no room for improvement.

245. What do you think of standardized tests?

Love them or hate them, they are an entrenched part of the school system. You could talk about possible
improvements, how effective or ineffective they are, and if there are any viable alternatives.

246. Are bigger or smaller schools better?

Most people will agree that small class sizes are better. But how about the whole school? What are the pros
and cons of a small or a big school?

247. Is teaching a skill that can be taught?

Are good teachers born, or are they created? Are there any inherent traits that might make a person more
likely to be a good teacher? This one is a good pool of possible conversations to dive into.

248. What will the future of education be?

Who doesn’t love some fortune-telling? See if your idea of the future of education matches up with their
prediction. What would be the best outcome? What is the most likely outcome?

249. What do you think of homeschooling?

Homeschooling is becoming more and more popular. And with anything, it has pros and cons. Whether you
are for or against, it’s a great topic for those who are interested in education.

250. How has the education you received changed your life?

And if you don’t think it’s changed your life in any way, just imagine having no education, and you can see
the impact of education.

251. How can technology improve education? Can it hurt education?

As with anything involved with technology, the use of technology in the classroom is hotly debated. Most
want more, some want less. What kind of technology would you like to see put into the classroom, and is
there any you would want to be taken out?

252. What or who has taught you most of the information you use regularly?
Is it school, friends, family, the internet? We pull information from lots of sources. Which do you think is
the best source for good information?

253. What are some good and bad things about the education system in your country?

This kind of brings all the previous questions together in a big whopper of a question. Get ready for a long
conversation with this question.

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