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Machine Shorthand
Fourth Year

Module 8
Machine Shorthand An easy skill course

What is the module about?

Hello! A blessed day! I’m glad to see you all. This module will
give you information about the Machine Shorthand. Machine Shorthand is an
easy skill course. Expect that it is more difficult than the past lessons. It only
means that we will explore what we have learned from our past lessons. You
just need to listen and follow the instructions for you to learn and develop
your skill in the proper homekeys and in typing in this subject. So let’s start!

What you are expected to learn?

In this module, you are expected to:
 Review the abbreviations, derivatives and phrases.

How to learn from this module?

I would like you to picture out or make an improvised keyboard in
Machine Shorthand so you can try typing on it because Machine Shorthand is
so expensive so we cannot afford to buy it. Do not hesitate to practice it for
you to be able to familiarize the proper homekeys and to know if you are
already accurate in typing the words that we have discussed.
Try the activities that are prepared after the topic and answer the self-
check exercises honestly by not looking to the keyboard and the key to
correction. Always remember that “Honesty is the best policy”. Let us work
and help each other.


Direction: Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. This is a variation of an abbreviation.
a. Phrases c. Derivatives
b. Abbreviation d. Machine Shorthand
2. President, present & Public Relations in Machine Shorthand.

a. P R c. P T

b. P O R d. P O R

3. Are, our, hour in Machine Shorthand.

a. R c. A P
b. R U d. O U R
4. TAS is the phrase of the word __________?
a. Saturday c. present
b. During d. takes
5. P O R is the abbreviation of the word ________?
a. Take the c. number
b. Advertise d. important, importance
6. To write the word takes is written in Machine Shorthand by adding
__________ to the abbreviated word TA.
a. E c. S
b. U d. R
7. Tonight in Machine Shorthand is written as?
b. TA T d. R U
8. It is writing more than one word in one stroke.
a. Abbreviations c. Machine Shorthand
b. Phrases d. Derivatives
9. TPHO is the abbreviations of the word __________?
a. Purchase c. are, our, hour
b. Number d. part, point
10. In Machine Shorthand, vowel I is written by _______?
a. E U c. A E
b. O U d. A E

Machine Shorthand Abbreviations

is, his S
at, the, it T
take T A
Saturday S A T
Street S T
You U
a, an A
on over O
another A O
Tuesday T U S
Purchase P U R
are, our, hour R

railroad R R
respect R S
part, point P
President, present, Public Relations P R

superintendent S U R T

plaintiff P
important, importance P O R
April A P
in, not T P H
any T P H EU
tonight T P H EU T
number T P H O
advertise T EU S
Phrasing is writing more than one word in one stroke.

is the S T
is a S A
at the T
take the T A T

are you R U

you are U R
on the O
on your O U R

Machine Shorthand Derivatives

The variation of an abbreviation is called a derivative.
TA take
To write the word takes is written in Machine Shorthand by adding S to
the abbreviated word TAS.
TAS takes

How did you define this lesson? Isn’t difficult to recall our past
lessons? Do you think you learned in this subject? Well, let’s see by
answering the self-check prepared below. Be sure to answer it with whole
honestly by not looking on the correction key!

These materials may be dictated at 30 and 35 WAM for one minute.

One minute dictation at 30 words a minute

I say. I sigh. I state. I point./ You are
true. Take the rose. Point the race. Ray/ is at
the tour. Susie is nice. The tour/ is on Tuesday
Sasa takes the statue.¹

One minute dictation at 35 WAM

Pay Ray Saturday. Pass the tray to Papa. The/

superintendent starts the tour. Purchase the nice/
rose. The President starts the sport race. The
race starts/ on Saturday. Susie purchase the
nice rose. ¹
Rosa tries the tasty pie. Take the stew Tuesday./
The city is nice at night. Tonight the race starts/
at State Street. Ray knows your Papa. Is the
statue/ at your store? The president is present
tonight. ¹
The night nurse is Susie. Tour the city at night./
The city is a nice sight at night. Your number/
is on top. Take the tray, too. Pass the soup to
Tato./ The President states the statue. The
Sports race rates.
Activity 8
Match me with my partner!
1. appoint 5. take the
2. superintendent
a. T T
3. Important – importance b. APTS
c. T U R
4. to your
d. S UR T
e. P O R

Self- check:
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the right answer.
____1. Derivative of a word purchaser.
____2. Abbreviation of a word respect.
____3. At your in Machine Shorthand.
____4. President – present in Machine Shorthand.
____5. Advertisers’ in Machine Shorthand.

You learned new knowledge from this lesson. I

hope that you will not forget what we have discussed in
the lessons. But now, it is time for you to enjoy and
relax. See you next time in other sets of lessons!

God bless!
Pretest and Post test key to Correction
1. C

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. D

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. B


1. B
2. D
3. E
4. C
5. A

2. RS
3. T UR
4. PR

DA 150

Presented by:
Mary Joy M. Lozada

October 2010

Edited by:

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