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Nama : Derris Aliayunika Jawad

Nim : 111010771

Kelas : MA.19.A6

Tests of Normalitya,b,c,e,g
Kolmogorov-Smirnovd Shapiro-Wilk
SUMX1 Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
SUMY 25 .260 2 .
26 .265 3 . .953 3 .583
28 .346 5 .051 .742 5 .025
29 .196 7 .200 .908 7 .381
30 .248 7 .200 .863 7 .160
31 .374 4 . .763 4 .051
32 .209 8 .200 .950 8 .709
33 .335 8 .009 .804 8 .032
34 .280 4 . .808 4 .117
35 .165 8 .200* .948 8 .690
36 .176 10 .200 .966 10 .852
37 .166 7 .200 .911 7 .403
38 .260 2 .
39 .260 2 .
40 .385 3 . .750 3 .000
41 .294 4 . .851 4 .230
42 .208 4 . .985 4 .929
43 .385 3 . .750 3 .000
44 .214 4 . .963 4 .798
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. SUMY is constant when SUMX1 = 21. It has been omitted.
b. SUMY is constant when SUMX1 = 23. It has been omitted.
c. SUMY is constant when SUMX1 = 24. It has been omitted.
d. Lilliefors Significance Correction
e. SUMY is constant when SUMX1 = 27. It has been omitted.
g. SUMY is constant when SUMX1 = 45. It has been omitted.

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