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Bill of Quantities

Part 1

Construction of Remaining Area of the Second Floor of the North

Wing at Hebron Hospital

June 2009
Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Section I - Civil Works

1 Preparation Works

The contractor shall visit the proposed site to

familiarize himself with the required scope of work
and the existing site conditions. Unit price shall
include costs of the needed material and the
workmanship which are required to complete the
work. The price shall include costs for making the
necessary temporary works to ensure the safety of
the visitors of the functioning hospital and to
protect the finished works rendered in the existing
hospital. Price shall also include cost of hauling
away the demolished material. The contractor
shall preserve, protect and make the necessary
works to maintain the existing electro-mechanical
system to serve the functioning hospital.

Carefully demolish the concrete covering steel

reinforcement of the columns starters. The work
includes demolishing portions of concrete
parapets, walls, slabs... etc., and cleaning of steel
rebars with a steel brush to remove any concrete
1.1 JOB 1 0.00
paste, rust, stains, etc. necessary for making
proper bonding and connections of the existing
structural elements to the new proposed
constructions. All as directed by the engineer and
as shown on the drawings.

Demolish and remove portion of the existing block

1.2 wall between the existing corridor and the new M2 15 0.00
constructed one as shown on the drawings.

Dismantle, repair, paint and re-install of staircase

1.3 steel door (210cm x 120cm) at the existing roof JOB 1 0.00
level to the roof of the new construction.

Demolish and haul away the existing sloped light

1.4 weight concrete layer on the existing roof M2 450 0.00
according to the engineer instruction.

Total of Preparation Works carried to


Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

2 Concrete Works:

Unit rates of concrete works includes supplying

and casting of a ready mixed concrete. The price
shall include all costs of material and workmanship
for preparing the formwork, shuttering, fixing of
steel reinforcement, vibration, curing making
grooves and sleeves ..etc.

Supply and cast concrete B300 for columns of

2.1 M3 27 0.00
various cross sections .

Supply & cast concrete B300 for 46cm thick

ribbed slabs, price includes cost of the required
2.2 M2 235 0.00
light weight polyester blocks "ETOLITE", and drop
beams as shown on drawings.

2.3 Ditto, but for 56cm thick ribbed slabs. M2 220 0.00

Supply and cast of B300 for staircase flights,

2.4 M3 9 0.00
landings and steps .

Supply and cast concrete B300 for walls 20-35cm

2.5 M3 17 0.00

2.6 Supply and cast concrete B300 for roof parapet. M3 20 0.00

Supply and cast concrete B300 for suspended

2.7 M3 5 0.00
solid slabs of various thickness

Supply and cast concrete B300 for machine

2.8 foundations including vibration insulation rubber M3 1 0.00
pads... etc, as approved by the engineer.

Supply of deformed high yield steel rebar

reinforcement of various diameters, characteristic
strength FY=4200kg/cm2 for concrete
2.9 reinforcement, as shown on drawings and TON 28 0.00
according to specifications. The steel
reinforcement should be stored in a proper
location on site as instructed by the engineer.

Total of Concrete Works carried to civil


Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

3 Block Works:

Supply and construct hollow concrete block walls

using cement and sand mortar (1:4) . The price
includes cost of cutting, bonding, control and
expansion joints, vertical concrete bond beams to
columns or walls including steel reinforcement (of
4 steel bars 12mm dia and 8mm stirrups@ 20cm
c/c). All as shown on the drawings, the
specifications and as directed by the engineer.

Ditto, for constructing 10cm hollow concrete block

3.1 M2 650 0.00
3.2 Ditto, but 15 cm hollow concrete block . M2 220 0.00
3.3 Ditto, but 20 cm hollow concrete block . M2 310 0.00

Casting horizontal B300 concrete lintels or girdles

above block works 20 or 10 cm thick. The price
shall include the cost of steel reinforcement of
3.4 M3 10 0.00
4steel bars 12mm dia and 8mm stirrups@ 20cm
c/c. All in accordance with the engineer's
instructions, all as shown on the drawings.

Total of Block Works Carried to Summary: 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

4 Sealing Works:

Supply and cast light weight sloping foam concrete

layer, of density 1400kg/M3and compressive
strength of 40kg/cm2, on the roof having
minimum thickness of 5cm and to the required
4.1 M2 480 0.00
slope. Unit rate includes performing 2 cm cement
screed layer and 12x12 cm cement fillet at the
parapet above the light weight concrete layer to
receive the water proofing membrane.

Supply and install one layer of water proofing

membrane 5mm thick, covered with white gravel,
"Pazkar"or equally approved. The unit price shall
4.2 M2 540 0.00
include cost of a prime coat GS474 at a rate of
0.25 kg /m2 including all the necessary material
and workmanship, as specified.

Supply and install sealant cover at groove" NP1 or

4.3 equally approved" at roof parapet, as shown in MR 90 0.00

Supply and apply three coats of hot asphalt layers

(25/75) at rate of 500g/m2 for each layer,
4.4 reinforced by two layers of fiberglass, and a prime M2 80 0.00
coat GS474. All according to the manufacturer
instructions and to the engineer's approval.

Insulation of exterior walls with two layers of

BONZAL sealant or equally approved. The price
4.5 also include preparing the surface and applying M2 340 0.00
one layer of cement and sand(2:1) plaster to
receive the sealant coat.

Thermal insulation of exterior walls with high

4.6 density extruded polystyrene boards RANDOPAN M2 340 0.00
or equally approved, 3cm thick

Circular strip with foamed rubber and caulking with

4.7 elastic compound for vertical and horizontal seams MR 30 0.00
Supply and install aluminum clip strip for covering
4.8 MR 13 0.00
vertical and horizontal expansion joints .

Supply and install 2 cm extruded polystyrene for

4.9 M2 85 0.00
expansion joints (24 kg/m3).

Total of Water Proofing carried to summary: 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

5 Carpentry and Metal Works:

All door frames of the required widths (metal or

wood) shall be of formed galvanized sheet metal
2mm thick. The frames shall be held in place with
standard concrete filling. Door frames shall be
painted using a prime coat brown unseal ZN,
under coat, and the finishing coat.

Wooden door leaf shall be 45mm thick with 70%

fill, plywood facing on each side shall be 6mm
thick, the door panels frames shall be of hard
wood 45*100mm.The doors shall be coated with
"PVC" on both sides similar to the existing doors
on the same floor or oil-based paint. Price shall
include cost of the protection plates, hinges,
closing mechanism, door stops, and all needed
accessories. All as per drawings and the

Supply and install heavy duty hinges (three 4"

hinges for each door), locks and cylinders are
"Yardini" or equally approved. Doors shall have 3
original sub-master keys and 2 general master
Door handles shall be steel handles similar to
those installed on the existing doors at the same
floor or as approved by the engineer

The "pvc" shall be 2mm thick "Tarkett Commercial

" # 227 NCS 4010- B90G or equivalent applied on
both sides of door panels.

The thickness of the sheet metal of the fire doors

shall be 1.5mm insulated with rock wool 50mm
thick and density of 80-90kg/m3. The door shall
include the emergency door-opening handle,
fireproof locks, and hydraulic door closers made in

All wooden door panels shall be furnish by oak

wood frames and should be painted with 3 coats
of lacquer paint.

All wooden and metal door panels shall be

painted with 2 coats of butty, one coat of under
coat and 3 coats of oil base paint.

All exposed edges, louvers and door frames are

oak wood and should be painted with 3 coats of
lacquer paint.

Rate for smoke proof doors include 100% filling,

sealing strips around door panel including bottom
of panel.

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

5.1 A-Carpentry

Fabricate supply and install the following wooden

doors complete with all necessary fixing
accessories, glazing, hinges, louvers, grills,
hydraulic closures, hardware and ironmongery. All
in accordance with the drawings and

Single sealed door with fixed wooden slats

5.1.1 UNIT 12 0.00
120x210 cm, type N-24

Single sealed door 90x210 cm, type N-45 in the

5.1.2 UNIT 1 0.00

5.1.3 Ditto, but with a wooden louver UNIT 3 0.00

Wooden single door 80x210 cm, type N-62in the

5.1.4 UNIT 1 0.00

Single door + window 80x210 cm, type N-63 in the

5.1.5 UNIT 11 0.00

5.1.6 Four doors closet 240x200x40 cm, type N-85 UNIT 1 0.00
5.2 B. Metal Works 0.00

5.2.1 Ladder anchored to the wall, type M-21 in the list UNIT 1 0.00

Metal door , 200x40cm bent sheet 2mm thick, M-

5.2.2 UNIT 1 0.00

5.2.3 Sheet metal door 35X200 cm type M-27 in the list UNIT 6 0.00

Fabricate, supply and install steel cover for the

main mechanical shaft at existing roof, covered
with corrugated white color galvanized sheets of
5.2.4 0.06 mm thick as per the drawings and Engineer Job 1 0.00
instructions. Price to include preparing the shop
drawings for approval and painting the steel of
three coats of oil paint on one coat of primer.

Fabricate, supply and install steel Fire Escape

Stairs. The price shall include preparing the shop
drawings for approval, steel handrail for the stairs,
5.2.5 painting works, fastening the stairs at both ends, Job 1 0.00
civil works and foundations, and all other works
that might be needed as per the drawings and the
Engineer instruction.

Supply and install a staircase steel door (210cm x

5.2.6 120cm) similar to the door installed at the existing No. 1 0.00
roof level.

Total of Carpentry and metal works….. carried

to summary:

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

6 Stainless Steel Works

Sink and work area ,255 /60/90cm, type M-51 in
6.1 UNIT 1 0.00
the list
Sink and work area ,215 /60/90cm ,type M-53* in
6.2 UNIT 1 0.00
the list
Sink and work area 302/60cm ,type M-61*in the
6.3 UNIT 1 0.00
Handholds for toilets for invalids, 270 cm long type
6.4 UNIT 28 0.00
M-64 in the list

6.5 Support handles in toilets, type M-65 in the list UNIT 10 0.00

Corner guard for the walls, to height 210cm ,type

6.6 UNIT 35 0.00
M-68 in the list

Corner guard for the walls, 10-25cm thick, type M-

6.7 UNIT 2 0.00
69 in the list
Total of Stainless Steel works….. carried to
7 Plastering Works:

The contractor shall, when pricing this bill, take

into consideration and allow for the costs or
expenses of all requirements stipulated in the
preambles, drawings and technical specification of
the contract.

Three layers of internal plastering for ceiling, walls,

columns, drop beams..ets composed of a bond
7.1 M2 1320 0.00
coat, base coat 1:4, and finish coat 1:5 as

External plastering for parapet, walls and

wherever needed composed of 3 coats a bond
7.2 M2 90 0.00
coat 1:1, base coat 1:4 and finish coat 1:2 with
waterproof liquid all as specified.

One layer of cement plastering (Glanse) to ceiling

7.3 and wall above suspended ceiling level and where M2 400 0.00
ever instructed by the Engineer.

Total of Plastering Works carried to Summary: 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

8 Flooring and Covering Works:
The contractor shall, when pricing this bill, take
into consideration and allow for the costs or
expenses of all requirements stipulated in the
preambles, drawings and technical specification of
the contract.

Supply and install 30x30cm terrazzo tiles similar to

the floor tiles at the 2nd floor. Rate includes the
supply and installation of 3 cm mortar, cement
8.1 M2 290 0.00
sand fill blew tiles, grouting as made by Mrfix or
equally approved and polishing all in accordance
with the specifications and applicable Standards.

8.2 Ditto but 30 x 10 x 1 cm terrazzo tiles skirting. MR 260 0.00

Supply and install 3 cm local marble (Abo
8.3 alkhabaz) or equally approved thresholds 15-25 M.R 22 0.00
cm wide, including aluminum strips

Supply and install 20x20x0.8cm ceramic tile class

(A) "Negev" model 9001 similar to the tile installed
in existing part of the same floor. The tiles shall
be laid and fixed to the walls by Mr fix bonding
8.4 agents or equally approved, as specified. Price M2 470 0.00
includes cost of surface preparation to receive
tiles, which shall include two coats of cement
plaster (scratch and float coat) and the approved
adhesive materials and grouting.

Ditto but installation (no supply) of green color

8.5 M2 17 0.00
ceramic tiles (20x20x0.8cm).

Supply and install non-slip 20x20*.8cm ceramic

tiles, "Negev" or equivalent class (A) for
bathrooms flooring, as specified and approved by
8.6 M2 40 0.00
the Engineer. The price includes the mortar (1:3)
the sand cement fill. The color of the tiles shall be
as chosen by the Engineer.

Installation of the granite porcelain tiles

(30x30*.8cm), for flooring. The price to include the
8.7 M2 115 0.00
mortar (1:3)and the sand cement fill. (materials
are available in Hospital storage)

Supply and install 3cm thick local marble

"Sourmaen" for stair threads 155*34*3 cm
polished one face & edge . The threads should be
8.8 No 24 0.00
bedded on 3cm mortar (1:3). The rate also
includes cost of risers 155*13.66*2 cm and the
water stop at each thread and where required

Ditto but,10cm high,1cm thick for stair case

8.9 MR 12 0.00
skirting (triangle).
Supply and install stainless steel toilet paper
8.10 UNIT 40 0.00
holders, mounted on the wall.
8.11 Ditto but soap dishes . UNIT 40 0.00
Liquid soap dispenser, model Visio soap AM or
8.12 UNIT 20 0.00
8.13 Crystal mirrors, 60/45 cm. 4mm thick. UNIT 50 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Total of Flooring and Covering Works carried
8.14 0.00
to Summary:

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

9 Painting Works:

The contractor shall, when pricing this bill, take

into consideration and allow for the costs or
expenses of all requirements stipulated in the
preambles, drawings and technical specification of
the contract.

The contractor should allow in his pricing that the

engineer will use as many different colors or
combination of colors to meet an approved color

All painting material shall be made by Tambour or

equally approved

Supply and apply policed paint for plastered walls

9.1 and ceiling composed of one coat of primer fill M2 320 0.00
and three coats of policed.

Supply and apply emulsion paint for plastered

9.2 walls composed of one coat of primer fill two coats M2 30 0.00
putty and 3 coats of emulsion.
Supply and apply oil paint for plastered walls
areas composed of primer fill , two coats of
9.3 M2 1000 0.00
putty ,one coat of under coat and 3 coats of "
Painting of wall with "Acrinol" for mildew and
9.4 M2 50 0.00
fungus protector

Painting of interior walls with a fine texture coating

9.5 M2 230 0.00
Tamburtext or equivalent.

Painting of bare exterior concrete with Temglass,

9.6 M2 85 0.00
price includes preparation of the surface .

Total of Painting Works carried to Summary: 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

10 Aluminum Works:

The contractor shall, when pricing this bill, take

into consideration and allow for the costs or
expenses of all requirements stipulated in the
preambles, drawings and technical specification of
the contract.

Fabricate supply and install the following

aluminum doors & windows complete with
vacuumed double glazing, silicone, handles and
locks , all as shown in drawings and the
specifications. The type, grade and colors shall
match those installed in the existing part of the
same floor. Shop drawings must be submitted by
the contractor for the Engineer's approval. All
windows and doors profiles shall be "Gonzales"
product or equally approved. The unit rate shall
include cost of the roller and Aluminum shutters as
shown on drawings and specifications.

All aluminum windows shall be 2 1/2 tracks for

horizontal and vertical partitions, with screen
mesh, glazing, weather strips shall be Neoprene
or EPDM.

Two-pane sliding window, 180/104 cm, type 20-

10.1 UNIT 7 0.00
AL in the list

Window with lower part fixed, including roller

10.2 UNIT 8 0.00
shade, 180/156cm type 33AL

Rail for curtain around hospital bed, 180 + 240 cm

10.3 UNIT 82 0.00
long, type 50-AL in the list.

Aluminum fixed window 60x338 cm divided into

10.4 four equally parts with 6mm antisun glass, type UNIT 1 0.00
61AL in the list

Screen mesh 90x90 cm for existing windows at

10.5 UNIT 41 0.00
same floor.

Screen mesh 60x90 cm for existing windows at

10.6 UNIT 6 0.00
same floor.

Total of Aluminum works carried to summary: 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

11 Stone Works:

The contractor shall, when pricing this bill, take

into consideration the costs and expenses of all
requirements stipulated in the preambles,
drawings, details, and technical specification of the

Supply and install 5 cm thick 25 cm wide Taltish

stone courses, first quality KHALET ENJASSA
similar to the existing at the Northern Wing, as
shown on drawings. The price also includes 15 cm
11.1 M2 300 0.00
thick B200 concrete backing and #8 mm steel
mesh and anchoring as shown on drawings. Unit
price shall also include cost of corner stones,
stone grouting and pointing with white cement.

Window sills of stone panels (Matabeh) 43 cm

11.2 MR 30 0.00
wide 8cm thick as shown on drawings.

11.3 Ditto, but 38 cm wide. MR 2 0.00

Window jamb with stone panels (Matabeh) 30 cm

11.4 MR 45 0.00
wide, 5cm thick.

11.5 Ditto, but 25 cm wide. MR 8 0.00

Window lintels with stone panels 30 cm wide, 5cm
11.6 MR 30 0.00

Window lintel with stone panels 25 cm wide, 5cm

11.7 MR 2 0.00

45cm wide stone coping 6cm thick, "mesamsem"

11.8 MR 95 0.00

Total of Stone Works carried to civil summary: 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

12 Suspended ceiling:

The contractor shall, when pricing this bill, take

into consideration the costs or expenses of all
requirements stipulated in the preambles,
drawings and technical specification of the

Supply and install non perforated acoustical

ceiling made of formed galvanized sheet metal
12.1 trays for bathrooms and wet areas. The metal tray M2 40 0.00
should be of 0.8 mm thick 45 mm high painted
with polyester epoxy paint

Ditto, but perforated sheets with perforation

diameter 3.0mm (11% perforation). The trays
should be covered with continuous and uniform
manner of rock wool mats 25 mm thick of
12.2 M2 150 0.00
25kg/m3 density. The rock wool mats shall be
wrapped by inflammable polyethylene sacks, (in
accordance with the Safety Regulations and

Ditto, but 60*60cm squared perforated sheets

trays with perforation diameter 1.5mm (22%
12.3 M2 15 0.00
perforation) covered with approved acoustic
material,(soundex) or equally approved

Supply and install vertical & horizontal gypsum

12.4 boards 12mm thick for decorative ceilings and M2 25 0.00
where required.

Galvanized sheet metal trays 0.6 mm thick for

12.5 M2 17 0.00
closing vertical walls.

Total of Suspended Ceiling Works carried to


Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

13 Fixed Furniture:

Fabricate, supply and install the following units, as

in drawings with all fixing accessories, drawers,
shelves, hardware, and iron monger with a master
key .All furniture shall be made of plywood and
carpenters' board 20mm maid by Etz
Lavood,Sepen or equal. All edges shall be
protected by oak wood strip, all in accordance with
the drawings and specifications.

Maternity nurses' counter, dimensions of

13.1 UNIT 1 0.00
300/60/110 cm, type N107

Bottom closet with stainless steel surface + upper

13.2 closet, with general dimension of UNIT 1 0.00
255/35/60cm+255/58/90 cm, type N109 in the list.

Bottom closet with stainless steel surface + upper

13.3 closet, with general dimension of UNIT 1 0.00
300/35/60cm+300/58/90cm, type N119 in the list.

Bottom closet with stainless steel surface + upper

13.4 closet, with general dimension of 210/35/60 UNIT 1 0.00
cm+210/58/90 cm, type N122 in the list.

13.5 Storage cabinet 180/55/260 type N -124 UNIT 2 0.00

Storage cabinet, 90/60/180 cm, type N128 in the

13.6 UNIT 3 0.00

four-door closet, 220/60/180 cm, type N130 in the

13.7 UNIT 1 0.00

Storage cabinet , 110/55/180 cm, type N129 in the

13.8 UNIT 1 0.00

Wall guard wooden 25x3 cm with 20 cm PVC 2

13.9 mm thick similar to the existing wall guard at the MR 250 0.00
same floor.

Fabricate supply and install staircase handrail

including fixing accessories, matching the existing
handrail and as shown on the drawings. The rate
13.10 MR 15 0.00
includes surface preparation, 2 coats anti rust
primer "Tambour synthetic and three coats of
Tambour superlac.

Wall Signs:
Supply & install Aluminum wall signs (plaques)
with writing in Arabic and English with a special
solvent-proof, weather and temperature resistant
fixed on the door or the wall. The price include
labor work and all fixing materials.

13.11.1 Size 25x12 cm NO 25 0.00

13.11.2 Size 40x15 cm NO 5 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Total of Fixed Furniture carried to Summary: 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Section II - Mechanical Works

14 Cold and Hot Water Supply System:

Supply and install "Schedule 40" galvanized 1/2"

pipe running along exposed or are within
partitions and are fastened to the building, (or
penetrate them) like ceilings, walls, bottom of
suspended floors, partitions, columns, ducts,
tunnels, special horizontal shats for pipes. The
14.1 price includes all fasteners, supports, brackets, M.R 80 0.00
arches, bends, elbows, sleeves, branches, unions,
all other required fittings and valves, connection
with existing system, and testing. The pipes are
joined by threaded joints. All done according to
specifications, drawings and the approval of the

14.2 Ditto, for 3/4" pipe. M.R 90 0.00

14.3 Ditto, for 1" pipe. M.R 100 0.00
14.4 Ditto, for 1.25 pipe. M.R 40 0.00
14.5 Ditto, for 1.5 pipe. M.R 40 0.00
14.6 Ditto, for 2" pipe. M.R 160 0.00
14.7 Ditto, for 3" pipe. M.R 20 0.00
14.8 Ditto, for 4"pipe. M.R 6 0.00

Supply and install hot water pipe insulation as per

14.9 Vidoflex or equal, 13mm thick, for 1/2" dia pipe. M.R 40 0.00

14.10 Ditto, for 3/4" pipe. M.R 50 0.00

14.11 Ditto, for 1" pipe. M.R 40 0.00

Supply and install insulation for exposed hot water

1/2" pipe, with "Vidoflex" sleeves or equally
approved, 13 mm thick, wrapped with plastic tape
14.12 M.R 70 0.00
and secured with sheet metal strip and tagged for
identification. Price includes insulation of bends,
branches, valves , etc.

14.13 Ditto, for 3/4" pipe. M.R 70 0.00

14.14 Ditto, for 1" pipe. M.R 40 0.00
14.15 Ditto, for 1.25 pipe. M.R 40 0.00
14.16 Ditto, for 1.5 pipe. M.R 30 0.00

Supply and install insulation for exposed hot water

2" pipe, with "Vidoflex" sleeves or equally
approved, 19 mm thick, wrapped with plastic tape
14.17 M.R 20 0.00
and secured with sheathed with sheet metal strip.
Price includes insulation of bends, branches,...

14.18 Ditto, for 3" pipe M.R 20 0.00

Supply and install pex pipe 16mm with sleeve

25mm by "Aquapex" or equivalent .The price shall
include all copper fittings like elbows inside walls
1/2", male and female adaptors, hangers, all
14.19 M.R 750 0.00
needed accessories for connection between
copper collectors to the point. All done according
to specifications, drawings and the approval of the

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Supply and install hot and cold water collectors

3/4" type "Giacomini" or equivalent. Collectors are
installed in the ceiling of bathrooms with all
14.20 EYE 15 0.00
required hangers and accessories. The price
should include all main valves, sub valves, vents,
and all accessories
14.21 Ditto , but 1" collectors. EYE 80 0.00
Supply and install bronze gate valve made by
14.22 0.00
"Giacomini" or equivalent, of the following size:
14.23 Ditto, 3/4" valve. UNIT 3 0.00
14.24 Ditto, 1" valve. UNIT 4 0.00
14.25 Ditto, 11/4"valve. UNIT 4 0.00
14.26 Ditto, 1 1/2" valve. UNIT 4 0.00
14.27 Ditto, 2" valve. UNIT 4 0.00
Supply and install resilient butterfly type valve 3"
rilsan coated and lever operated, made by
14.28 UNIT 4 0.00
"Hakohav" or equal, with flanges and counter
14.29 Ditto, 4" valve. UNIT 2 0.00

Supply and install a hose cabinet reel for fire

extinguisher hose. Reel base, made of metal
which can be rotated on a central shaft, on which
14.30 a 3/4" rubber or plastic hose 25 m long is ASSY 1 0.00
wrapped, provided with a multi-purpose nozzle
with quick-opening valve, all to the approval of the
Engineer and local fire department.

Supply and install Fire hydrant landing valve 2"-

14.31 2.5" with "Schturz" couplings for rapid hookup of UNIT 1 0.00
fabric hose approved by Fire Service.

Supply and install terilyne hose of superior quality,

2" dia. X 25 m long, with multipurpose nozzle.
14.32 "Schturz" couplings at both hose ends. The hose UNIT 2 0.00
will be rolled up, tied and stored in fire fighting
cabinet (price does not include cabinets).
14.33 Supply and install 6 kg fire extinguisher. UNIT 1 0.00

Supply and install sheet metal cabinet 1.5 mm

thick with 80X110 cm size, oven backed paint to
14.34 freely accommodate all materials described under UNIT 1 0.00
item 14.9. The cabinet shall be painted in red and
identified as "Fire Fighting Cabinet".
Supply and install eccentric silent flush valve, by
Shell or equivalent. Price includes shutoff valve,
flush pipe, rubber shoe. Shutoff valve, flush pipe
and brass disks to be chrome plated for
14.35 suspended toilet bowl. All done as per UNIT 15 0.00
specifications, drawings and the approval of the

Supply and install 1/2"chrome-plated hot and cold

water faucet battery "Ideal Standard Slim line
14.36 Model no. A5390" or equivalent, Battery of type UNIT 15 0.00
installed on walls.

14.37 Ditto, model no. A 5398 or equivalent. UNIT 4 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Supply and install shower Mixer unit Ideal

14.38 Standard Slim line Model no. A 5394 or equivalent UNIT 13 0.00
Supply and install 1/2" angle valve "Giacomini" or
14.39 UNIT 15 0.00
Supply and install Hand Spray type Grohi or
14.40 UNIT 15 0.00
equivalent and hose made by or equivalent.
Supply and install Expansion connectors for water,
with 0.5"- 2" tapped joints, for expansion to 30
14.41 UNIT 5 0.00
mm, made by "Tozen'' or equivalent.

14.42 Supply and install 3/4"-11/2" non-return valve. UNIT 2 0.00

14.43 2" non-return valve. UNIT 3 0.00
Supply and install 3/4" vent valve, made by
14.44 UNIT 10 0.00
"Giacomini" or equal.
14.45 Ditto, but 1". UNIT 4 0.00
14.46 Supply and install 3/4" - 2" safety valve. UNIT 1 0.00

Supply and Install and test Domestic Pressure

Booster system (Factory assembeled and
Approved type "WILLO/Germany or equivalent
"consisting of 2 pumps one operating and the
other stand by Single stage pump with water flow
of 20m3/hr and 40 meter head,3 sealed Pressure
Vessel with capacity of 1000 liter
14.47 JOB 1 0.00
each,collectors,Strainers,Non return
valve,Valves,2 Pressure stat type "Danfuss" or
equivalent, electrical control panel. the price
include unti-vibrators base ,spring shock
absorbers for each pump, all electrical and
mechanical switches, wires and cables and
connections needed for full installation

Total of Cold and Hot Water Supply….carried

to summary:

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

15 Wastewater and Drainage Systems:

Supply and install UPVC pipes made by Al-Hilal /

Egypt of size 1/14" for waste water, air
conditioning drainage, and standpipes. Pipes run
exposed and are fastened to walls, partitions,
15.1 ceilings, shafts, suspended floors, or pipes laid M 130 0.00
within walls and under floors, Price includes all
fittings, supports and fasteners, corrosion
protection and 5 cm mortar over pipes under
floors, connection with floor drains.
15.2 Ditto, but 1 1/2" dia. M 100 0.00
15.3 Ditto, but 2 " dia. M 65 0.00

Supply and install 4" UPVC pipe by Al-Hilal-Egypt

or equivalent , running exposed along partition,
false ceilings, walls, shafts, floor bottoms or laid in
walls. Price includes all kind of fittings(by Al-Hilal-
15.2 M 250 0.00
Egypt),supports, testing,5cm concrete layer over
pipes under floors. The price should include all
digging work in concrete walls and floors needed
to connect with existing pipes.

Supply and install 4"/2" UPVC floor trap with

15.3 chrome threads mesh cover 20*20cm, as per Rit UNIT 15 0.00
or equivalent.
15.4 Ditto but 4"/4" UPVC floor trap. UNIT 15 0.00

Supply and install 4" UPVC inspection chamber

with several inlets, with threaded removable
15.5 UNIT 3 0.00
hermetically closed cover of chrome 20*20cm.

15.6 Ditto 4" clean out . UNIT 18 0.00

Supply and install UPVC vent cap for 4" vent
15.7 UNIT 15 0.00
Supply and install 2" sink trap made of PVC by "
15.8 UNIT 4 0.00
Al-Hilal-Egypt" or equivalent.
Total of Waste and Drainage Systems…carried
to summary:

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

16 Sanitary fixture and their Accessories:

Supply and install white ceramic wash basin made
by Ideal Standard SanRemo model no. E7460 or
equivalent, and semi pedestal SanRemo E7492 or
16.1 assy 7 0.00
equivalent, installed on wall and resting on

Ditto, Ideal Standard SanRemo model no. E7450

16.2 or Equivalent, and semi pedestal SanRemo E7492 assy 7 0.00
or equivalent.
Supply and install chrome-plated brass towel
16.3 assy 14 0.00
Supply and install suspended wall hung toilet bowl
by SANREMO from IS Model no. G6481 or
equivalent, including PVC without cover by Ideal
16.4 assy 14 0.00
Standard or equivalent , all accessories, and
required wall preparation.

Supply and install suspended white ceramic slop

sink, by" Ideal Standard" Douro model no. R3806
or equivalent, and stainless steel grill type Douro
16.5 assy 1 0.00
model no. R6378 or equivalent, with chrom-plated
fastening screws, strainer, plastic shoe.

Supply and install dish washing sink type 35006

by "Twyfords", "Macintosh" or equivalent, including
trap, connection to hot and cold water, mixer type
16.6 assy 3 0.00
Ideal Standard Slimline model no. A5396 or
equivalent, including special wall consoles.

Supply and install refrigerated water fountain,

made by Frigeria / Italy or equivalent, of 40 liter/hr
capacity, with chrom-plated push- button water
16.7 faucet, compressor for cooling the water and assy 1 0.00
appropriate motor rotating at 1450 rpm, a 4 liter
water reservoir, connection works to water supply
and connection to waste water.
Total of Sanitary Fixtures and…carried to

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

17 Rainwater Drain Pipes:

Supply and install high quality 4" dia. G.I. grade

"B" rainwater thread jointed pipes in columns or
walls. The price should include all digging works
17.1 M 30 0.00
needed to connect with existing pipes, all types of
fittings(elbow,T…etc)and galvanized plugs to
close the existing opening.
Supply and install metal rain water outlets dim. 4"
with domical grade on roof with flange size 380mm
17.2 UNIT 4 0.00
by "Zurn,harmer",or equivalent.

Total of Rainwater Drain Pipes…..carried to

18 Air Conditioning Works:
Supply and install galvanized sheet metal air duct,
as described, and to SMACNA standard. The
price should include all wooden sleeves, all
required hanger,supports,flexible connection
18.1 near(AHU'S,fancoils), fire and volume dampers, M2 200 0.00
and all required accessories. Price to include 1"
thick fire insulation of 24 kg/m3 as per

Supply and install sch-40 black steel pipe1/2" with

insulation("Anabid" sleeves 19mm thick wrapped
with plastic fabric secured with sheet metal
strap),threaded jointing, running along or are
18.2 M 70 0.00
within partition or ducts. The price includes all
fasteners, supports and hanging parts as per
specifications, drawings and the approval of the

18.3 Ditto but 3/4." M 75 0.00

18.4 Ditto but 1". M 30 0.00
18.5 Ditto but 11/4". M 45 0.00
18.6 Ditto but 11/2". M 80 0.00
18.7 Ditto but 2". M 690 0.00
Ditto but 21/2", Jointing by welding, insulation thick
18.8 M 20 0.00
18.9 Ditto but 3." M 150 0.00
18.10 Ditto but 4". M 10 0.00
18.11 Ditto but 5". M 10 0.00
18.12 Ditto but 6." M 12 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Supply and install Galvanized sheet metal
protection 0.7mm, on insulated piping and fittings
18.13 M 650 0.00
of various diameters.

Supply and install flexible Connection for various

18.14 UNIT 4 0.00
pipe diameters(4"-6") by "Tozen" or equal.
Supply and install bronze gate valve 1" by" Crane"
18.15 UNIT 2 0.00
or equal.
18.16 Ditto, but 11/4". UNIT 2 0.00
18.17 Ditto, but 11/2". UNIT 4 0.00
18.18 Ditto, but 2". UNIT 10 0.00
18.19 Ditto, but 5". UNIT 2 0.00
Supply and install butterfly valve 3" with flange and
18.20 opposed flange by" Hakohav" or equal. UNIT 2 0.00

18.21 Ditto, but 4". UNIT 5 0.00

18.22 Ditto, but 5". UNIT 2 0.00
18.23 Ditto, but 6". UNIT 2 0.00
Supply and install regulating bronze globe valve 2"
18.24 UNIT 2 0.00
by "Crane" or equal.
18.25 Ditto, but 4" . UNIT 2 0.00
18.26 Ditto, but 5". UNIT 2 0.00
Supply and install 3- way modulating valve 1" ,
including sensor, transmitter and actuator(24V)
and thermostat( on -off ,3 speeds) by "Landys &
18.27 UNIT 3 0.00
Gear" or equivalent complete with all electrical
works needed(material, labor).

Supply and install non-return valve, 3" dia., spring

loaded solid disc, by "Hakohav" or equivalent with
18.28 flanges and counter- flanges, and all required UNIT 2 0.00

18.29 Ditto, but 2" ,threaded. UNIT 2 0.00

18.30 Supply and install Pressure regulating valve for 2". UNIT 2 0.00

18.31 Ditto, but for 3". UNIT 2 0.00

Supply and install thermometer 4" on water pipe ,
by "Kobold" or equal including ball valve 1/2"for
18.32 UNIT 4 0.00
mounting and all preparation work.

18.33 Ditto but pressure gauge. UNIT 10 0.00

Supply and install Water filter, 6" dia. "Hakohav" or

18.34 UNIT 1 0.00
equal with flanges and counter-flanges.

18.35 Ditto, but 4". UNIT 1 0.00

18.36 Ditto, but 2" . Crane UNIT 2 0.00
Supply and install cold forged Aluminum 4-way
ceiling diffuser 6"*6" with volume damper, by
18.37 UNIT 4 0.00
"Cooling Industries" or equally equivalent.

18.38 Ditto, but 12"*12". UNIT 8 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Supply and install return grill, exhaust grill with
volume damper size 8"*4" by "Cooling Industries"
18.39 UNIT 15 0.00
or equal.

18.40 Ditto, but 14"*10". UNIT 3 0.00

18.41 Ditto, but 14"*12". UNIT 3 0.00
18.42 Ditto, but 24"*18". UNIT 4 0.00
18.43 Ditto, but 30"*8". (Provisional) UNIT 3 0.00

Supply and install decorative vertical fan coil made

by Carrier (France), Daikin (Japan) or equivalent,
unit FC1 with cooling capacity shown on drawings,
complete with painted plastic cover, washable air
filter, 2 shut-off valves, drain pan, double
deflection plastic grilles (manually operated) for
the supply air and fixed deflection plastic grilles for
18.44 UNIT 4 0.00
the return air. The price includes thermostat (on-
off ,3 - speed switch) by "Landys & Gear"or equal,
and 3-way valve.
The price should include also all electrical works
needed (material, labor), connection with water
lines and drainage.

18.45 Ditto, but FC2. UNIT 6 0.00

18.46 Ditto, but FC3. UNIT 1 0.00
Supply and install ducted horizontal fan coil made
by Carrier (France), Daikin (Japan) or equivalent,
unit FC8 without cover with cooling capacity
shown on drawing, complete with plenum,
aluminum mesh flat filter, drain pan, 2 shut-off
18.47 valves and hangers. The price should not include UNIT 2 0.00
thermostat. The price should include all electrical
works needed (material, labor), connecting with
water and drainage lines, price to include 3-way

(Provisional) Supply and install complete air

cooled chilling unit for 85 TR (same as installed in
first stage) made by Carrier (France), Daikin
18.48 (Japan) or equivalent, including condenser, screw UNIT 1 0.00
type compressors, shock absorbers, accessories,
all as described.

(Provisional) Connect the above unit with existing

18.49 electric switchboard and the control including all L.S 1 0.00
material and wiring, cabling and labor.

(Provisional) Supply and install cooling/heating

water pumps (same as installed in first stage) as
18.50 UNIT 1 0.00
described, by "Grundfos" or equivalent.

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

(Provisional) Connect the above unit with existing
electric switchboard including all material, cabling,
18.51 L.S 1 0.00
wiring and labor.

(Provisional) Supply and Install chiller Electrical

switchboard to be weatherproof including
18.52 L.S 1 0.00
controling,all material and labor. All as per the
approval of the Engineer.

(Provisional) Supply and Install pumps Electrical

switchboard to be weatherproof including
18.53 L.S 1 0.00
controlling, all material and labor. All as per the
approval of the Engineer.

(Provisional) Supply and install hermetic

18.54 expansion tank 50 lit type Reflex, Elbi or UNIT 1 0.00

18.55 (Provisional) Supply and install check valve 2'' UNIT 10 0.00

18.56 (Provisional) Supply and install Automatic Air Vent UNIT 4 0.00

(Provisional) Supply , install and connect flow

18.57 UNIT 2 0.00

(Provisional) Supply and install pressure break

18.58 UNIT 4 0.00
valve for 1".
(Provisional) Supply and install floating concrete
base with iron profile frame, spring type shock
18.59 UNIT 1 0.00
absorbers for pumps as described.

Supply, install and connect in line exhaust fan unit

8" as per vortice or equivalent. Price includes
propper connection with the duct system from both
18.60 UNIT 2 0.00
sides as per specifications and connection with
electrical power and control as per the approval of
the Engineer.

18.61 Ditto, but 6" made by Vortice or equivalent. UNIT 4 0.00

Total of Air Conditioning Works….carried to

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Supply, install, and test Black steel gas pipes 1/2"

diameter coated with extruded
Polyethelene,shrinkable sleeves at threaded
19 joints. the line to be laid at 90 cm from ground Mr 70 0.00
level. Price to include the excavation and
backfilling with 20cm sand around the gas line,
compacted base coarse and asphalt.
20 Medical Gas Supply:

Copper pipes type (L) degreased medical oxygen

compatible seamless type. The pipes must be
cleaned and treated for medical gas usage
20.1 including capping the ends of each pipe to ensure
that no foreign bodies, dust, or vapors affect the
interior of the pipes. The copper pipes must meet
the international standard.

ASTM B-280 and to be cleaned for medical usage

(degreased) according to CE 0473. Price includes
proper isolation for piping under plastering and in
penetrations, hangers, brackets, fasteners, etc..,
as well as various fittings and accessories needed
to complete the works as shown on drawings and
as per specifications. Price also includes proper
flushing of the entire piping network using Nitrogen
or Medical Compressed Air.

20.1.a ½ inch O.D. MR 90 0.00

20.1.b 5/8 inch O.D. MR 250 0.00
20.1.c 7/8 inch O.D. MR 280 0.00
20.1.d 1 3/8 inch O.D. MR 100 0.00
20.1.e 1 1/8 inch O.D. MR 130 0.00
20.1.f 1 5/8 inch O.D. MR 30 0.00
Supply and Installation of Area Valves Control

Recessed area valve control box for medical

oxygen, medical compressed air and vacuum.
Including 3 full-port 3-parts NIBCO shut off valves
which controls the supply of gases or vacuum
through the pipelines, and line pressure and
vacuum gauges. The valves diameter varies
between 15 up to 35 mm, as per drawings. The
area valves control boxes should also include an
NO. 1 0.00
emergency external supply port, equipped with
disk and clutch mechanism for quick plug-in
connection of the emergency external supply
The front should be made of labeled transparent
polycarbonate flexible unbreakable cover to ease
access in emergency situation, all as per
Silbermann or equally approved

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

20.3 Supply and Installation of bed head units:

Factory-preassembled Bed head unit for one bed,
20.3.a NO. 2 0.00
according to CE-0473, EN-46001, ISO 9001

Encompassing extruded aluminum duct system,

with four cavities, three of which are directly
accessed using snap-on covers. Supplying
electrical and lighting service, as well as medical
gas service. The gas outlets should be installed in
a separate compartment, The number of electrical
circuits, apart of the low voltage circuit, should be
three: main line power circuit, UPS power circuit,
and lighting circuit, each connected to a separate
terminal at the main special electrical connection
compound in the bed-head unit.

The bed head unit is equipped with the following

One oxygen outlet
One compressed air outlet
One vacuum outlet
2 electrical sockets, Main line
2 electrical sockets, coded-UPS line
one potential grounding socket
indirect light
direct light
direct light (2 PL BIAX lamps)
cut-off switch for direct / indirect lights
one telephone socket
preparation for nurse call socket

The Price should include hanging rail and suction

bottles bracket, complete interior wiring, cabling,
piping, insulating, etc. for complete installation.

The contractor must provide detailed schemes

prior to supply and installation, supported with allr
required conformities to standards, to be

20.3.b Same as item 20.3.a, but for two beds NO. 3 0.00
20.3.c Same as item 20.3.a, but for three beds NO. 7 0.00
Supply and installation of Local Area Pressure and
Vacuum Alarm Box:

local audio-visual pressure alarm box for medical

oxygen, medical compressed air and vacuum to
indicate pressure and vacuum failures by means
20.4 of green LED, red LED, audio buzzer and
pressure or vacuum gauge for each gas, as well
NO. 1 0.00
as shut-off valves for each gas or vacuum,
operated by means of one central PC card
(microprocessor card) and pressure/vacuum
switches for each gas, recessed type with
anodized aluminum panel.

Total of Medical Gas Supply…carried to


Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Section III - Electrical Works

Note: All materials and accessories to be used
shall be according to the Approved
Manufacturer List attached to the tender
Documents, or equally approved.
22 Electrical Points:
Cost of Electrical points shall include cost of
connections electric supply from electrical
a switchboard to first point in circuit is included in the
price of that point (by means of cable or leads in

Conduit and wires or cables to the points by

b means of or self-extinguishing conduit and cables,
as req.

Supply, install and connect standard lighting point

(internal or external) embedded in concrete slabs
or above false ceiling. Cost of the point shall
22.1 include 16 mm diameter conduit or trunk, 1.5 Comp. 100 0.00 cross-section leads or cable, lighting
switches (single , double, two way or push button),
outlet for luminary with junction box and terminals.

22.2 Ditto but for emergency lighting point Comp. 20 0.00

Supply, install and connect 16A wall socket points.
Cost of point shall include 16 mm dia.conduit or
22.3 Comp. 40 0.00
trunks, 3x2.5mm2 leads or cables and (16 A) wall
socket .
22.4 Ditto but for fan coil units Comp. 15 0.00
22.5 Ditto as item 22.1.03 but double socket. Comp. 20 0.00
Ditto as item 22.1.05but with water proof double
22.6 Comp. 10 0.00
22.7 Ditto as item 22.1.03 but with water proof cover. Comp. 10 0.00

Supply, install and connect three-phase (5x16) A,

single-circuit wall socket point, to include a 23 mm
22.8 diameter conduit or trunk, (5x2.5) cross Comp. 2 0.00
section leads or cables and a (5x16) single-circuit
wall socket accessory .

Supply, install and connect Intercom connection

point (Price includes 16 mm diameter conduit with
22.9 Comp. 8 0.00
a standard Intercom cable, leading from point to
the Intercom section in LV box).

Supply, install and connect Public Address System

connection point (Price includes 16 mm diameter
22.10 Comp. 5 0.00
conduit with cable, leading from point to the LV
box to the nearest point).

Supply, install and connect Fire Alarm connection

point (Price includes 16 mm diameter conduit with
22.11 Comp. 11 0.00
cable, leading from point to the LV box to the
nearest point).

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Supply, install and connect TV connection point

22.12 (Price includes 23 mm diameter conduit with Comp. 9 0.00
cable, leading from point to the LV box).

Supply, install and connect Nurse Call point (Price

22.13 includes 16 mm diameter conduit with cable, Comp. 94 0.00
leading from point to the nurse call station).

Supply, install and connect computer outlet point

(Price includes 16 mm diameter conduit with pull
22.14 Comp. 9 0.00
wire, leading from point to the nearest HUB in the
nearest LV box).

Supply, install and connect telephone socket point

in 23 mm conduit including 23 mm diameter
conduit from nearest telephone cabinet to
22.15 accessory output in junction box, standard socket Comp. 9 0.00
telephone accessory, and standard 2x2x.5mm2
telephone lead, inserted from cabinet to accessory
including connection at both ends.

Supply, install and connect point for thermostat

including16 mm diameter conduit installed on one
side near socket for fan coils and termination with
22.16 Comp. 11 0.00
a suitable box on other side at thermostat output.
3 mm thick Nylon draw-string shall be inserted
inside conduit.

Supply, install and connect 6 sq. mm grounding

point - to include a 16 mm diameter conduit,
connect at one end to grounding bus-bar in
22.17 Comp. 15 0.00
nearest switchboard, and at other end to grounded
element (air-conditioning ducts, acoustic ceiling,
alum. Partitions etc.

Supply, install and connect emergency push-

button point, to include a 16 mm diameter conduit,
(3x1.5) cross-section leads, and a dual
contact emergency push-button installed in a box
22.18 Comp. 1 0.00
with frame, transparent plastic cover to be broken
in case of emergency, and engraved Bakelite
"sandwich" type sign, per plan (box such as

Supply, install and connect point for bed head

units including 3x2.5mm2 NYY cable and 23mm
22.19 dia conduit from electrical switchboard to BHU No. 25 0.00
junction box with all required accessories and

Supply, install, and connect point as above, but by

22.20 No. 12 0.00
a 3x1.5 NYY cable and16mm dia conduit.

Supply, install and connect point as above, but by

22.21 a 6 cross-section grounding lead and 23 No. 12 0.00
mm diameter conduit.

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

Supply, install and connect point as above, but for

22.22 communication, by a 23 mm conduit diameter No. 12 0.00

Re-route existing power lines at the building to be

connected to the new distribution board ( DB-2),
22.23 No. 10 0.00
the works shall include all necessary materials,
cables, conduits, trunks and all needed civil works.

Ditto as above but for general low voltage

22.24 No. 30 0.00
installations at the building
Total of Electrical Points….carried to
23 Conduit, Rigid Piping and Excavation Works:

Supply, install and connect Self-extinguishing type

plastic conduit, processed over or under plaster or
inside castings, including junction boxes, unions,
connectors, etc. including galvanized draw-strings,
ready for use (for works not included in points).

23.1 23 mm diameter. ML 50 0.00

23.2 29 mm diameter. ML 50 0.00
Total of Conduit, Rigid Piping and
Excv…..carried to summary:
24 Cables:

Supply, install and connect XLPE non-armored

type thermoplastic copper cables, including
insertion into conduit or attachment to structural
elements or laying in ductwork, including all
associated materials, insulation materials, unions,
Ladders, Z Constructions, cable shoes, and
connection of cable at both ends.

24.1 5x16 cross section. M.L. 60 0.00

24.2 5x10 cross section. M.L. 210 0.00
24.3 5x6 cross section. M.L. 100 0.00
24.4 5x4 cross section. M.L. 100 0.00

Total of Cables ……carried to summary: 0.00

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

25 Structural Elements, Cabinets and Ductwork:

Supply, install and connect Prefabricated

perforated cable tray mounted on walls or
attached to ceilings. Price to include all reinforcing
and attaching hardware, structural elements,
brackets construction, covers were required and
hangers etc.

25.1 20/10 cm. M.L. 45 0.00

25.2 40/10 cm. M.L. 45 0.00

25.3 Ditto same as item 25.1 but 20/10 with cover M.L. 60 0.00
Total of Structural Elements, Cabinets…..
carried to summary:
26 Grounding:

Supply, install and connect Complete lightning

system including exciter,120mm copper
conductor, 3-earth electrodes ,earth pit and all
26.1 L.S 1 0.00
required materials and accessories needed to
complete the job as specifications and Engineer

Total of Grounding …..carried to summary: 0.00

27 Electrical Switchboards:
Supply, install and connect the electrical
switchboards to the site, including all associated
materials and labor, as described in the technical

Cabinets with no access from the rear, made up of

b. transparent polycarbonate cells, or sheet-metal
cabinets with a 25% surplus space.
The switchboards are to be placed on the floor, in
a niche against the wall.
Main supply lines enter from the switchboard
d. bottom, top or side, while outgoing lines exit the
switchboard from both its bottom and top sides.

Price to include all structural elements required in

order to install the switchboard, including bus-
bars, terminals, wiring, bolts, clamps, etc. and for
the equipment listed below.

Prices for supply, installation and connection of

various accessories including all associated labor
and materials such as bus-bars, terminals, wiring
reinforcements, mounts, engraved "sandwich" type
identification plates, etc. including connection to

27.1 Distribution Board(DB2) Unit 1 0.00

Total of Electrical Switchboards…..carried to

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

28 Luminaries Supply and Installation:
Supply and installation of Lighting fixtures as
described below, including all necessary
accessories, required in order to light it with lamps
and electronic starter, complete.

It is hereby stressed that the client is entitled to

b. furnish all or part of the luminaries through other
supply sources.

All lamps shall be of the energy-saving type

(18,36, 58 Watts).
Type (A) 2x36W fluorescent light fixture Prismatic
28.1 Unit 20 0.00

28.2 Type (AE) Ditto as A but with emergency charger. Unit 14 0.00

28.3 Type (B) 2D 16W Globe with opal diffuser. Unit 18 0.00

Type (E) 1 x 8W fluorescent emergency exit sign

luminaries with white steel body, for maintained
28.4 Unit 1 0.00
emergency lighting of 3 hour duration, legend
panels (3) included (down, left and right).

Type (G) 5W Recessed night light corrosion proof

28.5 Unit 10 0.00
Type (J) Ceiling mounted lighting 2XPL-L 11 lamp
28.6 compact fluorescent with opal diffuser controller Unit 6 0.00

Type (K) 2x36W, fluorescent lighting fixture, ceiling

28.7 mounted with prismatic diffuser ( Internal primes) Unit 7 0.00

28.8 Type (KE) Ditto as K but with emergency charger. Unit 8 0.00

Type (L) Down light, recessed in false ceiling, with

PL-C 13 W compact fluorescent energy saving
28.9 Unit 5 0.00
lamp, cast aluminum cover and ring silver
( frosted) aluminum reflector, IP20.

Type (M) 2x36W, fluorescent lighting fixture,

ceiling / pendant. Body of grey fiber-glass
28.1 Unit 3 0.00
reinforced polyester, prismatic polycarbonate
diffuser, IP54.

Type (P) 4x18W, fluorescent lighting fixture,

28.11 recessed in false ceiling, with prismatic diffuser Unit 3 0.00
( Internal primes), IP20.
28.12 Type(PE) as P with 3 hrs emergency kit. Unit 2 0.00
Total of Luminaries Supply…carried to

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

29 Nurse Calling System:

Note: All equipment items for the nurse- calling

system shall be according to the approved
manufacturer list.. The work to include the supply
of the equipment specified, installation of same,
connection, wiring, commissioning and all other
details, as specified in the technical specification
and drawings.

29.1 Master station 30- call master. Unit 1 0.00

29.2 Reset button. Unit 11 0.00
29.3 Bedside call switch. Unit 31 0.00
29.4 NBY-1A metal jack. Unit 31 0.00
29.5 Corridor lamp. Unit 11 0.00
29.6 Ceiling mount 180mm O(7-1/8"O) NB-L Unit 11 0.00
29.7 Moisture resistant pull cord switch. Unit 11 0.00
29.8 Power supply for the master station. Unit 1 0.00

Total of Nurse Calling System…carried to

30 Fire Alarm System:

Supply install and connect complete in place and

in an operable manner the fire alarm system. The
work is to include the supply of the equipment
specified, installation of same connection, wiring,
cables, commissioning and all of the details and
connecting to the existing system as specified in
the technical specifications and drawings.

Maintenance work for the existing fire alarm panel,

this includes changing any required equipments in
side the panel and doing any required repairs for
30.1 Job 1 0.00
the existing lines of the existing points including
changing the glass covers of the broken break
glass points.

30.2 Manually operated alarm call point . Unit 5 0.00

30.3 Interior Alarm horn for fire detection system . Unit 2 0.00
30.4 Ionization smoke detector . Unit 5 0.00
30.5 Ionization heat detector . Unit 1 0.00
Total of Fire Alarm System Carried to

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

31.00 Intercom System:

Note: All equipment items for the intercom system

shall be according to the approved manufacturer
list.. Work is to include the supply of the
equipment specified installation of same,
connection, wiring, commissioning and all other
details, as specified in the technical specifications
and drawings.

31.1 Hands free master station . Unit 1 0.00

31.2 Power supply adaptor . Unit 1 0.00
31.3 Door phone adaptor . Unit 1 0.00
31.4 Door station . Unit 1 0.00
31.5 Power supply adaptor . Unit 1 0.00
31.6 Door release . Unit 1 0.00
31.7 AC transformer for door release . Unit 1 0.00
31.8 Digital keypad . Unit 1 0.00
31.9 12V AC power supply transformer Unit 1 0.00

Total of Intercom System carried to summary: 0.00

32 Public Address System:

Supply, install, test and commission a public

address system, the system shall be according to
the approved manufacturer list, including all
required connections with the existing system of
the Hospital including all required cables and
conduits complete ready for work.

9/6 watt ceiling loudspeaker, 8” round with metal

32.1 Unit 10 0.00
grille, screw mount.
Total of Public Address System carried to
33 Telephone System:

Supply install and connect main telephone cables

from telephone exchange to the LV2 boxes. Rate
33.1 to include 2 NO's. 25 pair cables, conduits, Job 1 0.00
terminal blocks and all accessories as specified in
the technical specification and drawings.

Adding two internal cards type SLC8 for the

33.2 Job 1 0.00
existing Alcatel telephone exchange.
Total of Telephone System carried to

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor
ATLAS # 14163

Item Description Unit QTY Unit Rate Amount

34 LV Boxes:

Supply install and connect the following LV boxes.

Rate to include all required materials, conduits,
34.1 wires, cables and accessories manufacturing from
galvanized sheet metal sheets, painted with the
same color of the switch boards all as specified.

LVB2 Approximate dim. (80x60x25) cm No. 1 0.00

Total of LV Boxes carried to summary: 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor 16 June 09

Summary of Part 1

Bill Description Total

Section I Civil Works Summary

1 Preparation Works 0.00

2 Concrete Works 0.00
3 Block work 0.00
4 Sealing Works 0.00
5 Carpentry and Metal Works 0.00
6 Stainless Steel Works 0.00
7 Plastering Works 0.00
8 Flooring and Covering Works 0.00
9 Painting Works 0.00
10 Aluminum Works 0.00
11 Stone Works 0.00
12 Suspended ceiling 0.00
13 Fixed Furniture 0.00
Total of Civil Works 0.00
Section II Mechanical Works Summary

14 Cold and Hot Water Supply System: 0.00

15 Waste and Drainage Systems: 0.00

16 Sanitary fixture and their Accessories: 0.00

17 Rainwater Drain Pipes: 0.00

18 Air Conditioning Works: 0.00

19 Gas System 0.00

20 Medical Gas Supply: 0.00

Total of Mechanical Works 0.00

Engineering Unit @ UNDP/PAPP
ATLAS # 14163 Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor 16 June 09

Summary of Part 1

Bill Description Total

Section III Electrical Works Summary

22 Electrical Points 0.00

23 Conduit, Rigid Piping and Excavation Works 0.00
24 Cables 0.00
25 Structural Elements, Cabinets and Ductwork 0.00
26 Grounding 0.00
27 Electrical Switchboards 0.00
28 Luminaries Supply and Installation 0.00
29 Nurse Calling System 0.00
30 Fire Alarm System 0.00
31 Intercom System 0.00
32 Public Address System 0.00
33 Telephone System 0.00
34 LV Boxes 0.00
Total Electrical Works 0.00
Total of Part 1 (Excluding VAT) 0.00

Discount %

Discount Amount 0.00

Net Total - Part 1 (Excluding VAT) 0.00

NET TOTAL SUM (in words ) :





Engineering Unit @ UNDP/PAPP
Bill of Quantities

Part 2

Rehabilitation of the X-ray Department and the Internal Medicine

Ward at Hebron Hospital

Prepared By

Lamasat Office
Architects & Interior Designers

June 2009
ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Section I - Civil Works

1 Demolishing & Removal Works

The contractor shall visit the proposed site to familiarize

himself with the required scope of work and the existing
site conditions. Unit price shall include costs of the needed
material and the workmanship which are required to
complete the work. The price shall include costs for
making the necessary temporary works to ensure the
safety of the visitors of the functioning hospital and to
protect the finished works rendered in the existing hospital.
Price shall also include cost of hauling away the
demolished material. The contractor shall preserve, protect
and make the necessary works to maintain the existing
electro-mechanical system to serve the functioning
hospital. It shall be clearly understood that all salvaged
materials and fittings are the property of the Hospital and
must be handed over to the director of Hospital

Demolishing and removal of portions of existing concrete

walls to make new openings or enlarge existing opening.
1.1 The unit price shall include dismantling and preserving the M2 20 0.00
existing doors or windows. For details refer to drawing No.
A03. All as directed by the Engineer

Demolishing and removal of existing block, gypsum or

wood partition walls. The unit price shall include
1.2 dismantling and preserving the existing doors and M2 230 0.00
windows. For details refer to drawing No. A03. All as
directed by the Engineer

Demolishing and removal of the existing tiles. The unit

1.3 price shall include dismantling the panel tiles. All as M2 630 0.00
directed by the Engineer.
Careful dismantle and preserve the existing doors and
1.4 NO 48 0.00
Chipping off and removal of existing plaster in areas
1.5 specified by the Engineer and make ready to receive new M2 100 0.00
plastering or tiles.
Total of Demolish & Removal Works carried to civil
2 Block Works
Supply and construct hollow concrete block (type A,
compressive strength 35kg/cm2) walls using cement and
sand mortar (1:4) . The price includes cost of cutting,
bonding, anchoring, control and expansion joints, utilities
openings, dummy columns and reinforced concrete lintels
(of 4 steel bars 12mm dia and 8mm stirrups@ 20cm c/c)
over doors and windows opening and accross the whole
width of the wall. For more details refer to drawing No

2.1 Ditto for 10 cm block walls M2 240 0.00

2.2 Ditto, but for 15 cm block walls M2 60 0.00

Total of Block Works carried to civil summary: 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

3 Plastering Works

Three layers of internal plastering 20mm thick composed

of a bond coat, base coat, and finish coat, including plaster
stops, corner beads, casing beads, metal laths,
scaffoldings, shuttering, bonding agents and all
requirements as specified.
The surfaces to be plastered are to be dashed with white
cement & sand mix 1:1 to from a key, allowed to harden
before applying two coats: the first coat mix. 1:1:3
(cement: sand: fine aggregate) and the second coat mix
1:4:1 (cement: sand: lime). The unit rate includes
furnishing and installing of reinforcing wire mesh 200mm
wide to all chases of electro mechanical works and to
junctions of block work & concrete surfaces.

3.1 For walls, columns,..etc. M2 320 0.00

3.2 Two coats plaster to receive ceramic wall tiles M2 110 0.00

Total of Plaster Works carried to civil summary: 0.00

4 Tiling Works
The contractor shall, when pricing this bill, take into
consideration and allow for the costs or expenses of all
requirements stipulated in the preambles, drawings and
technical specification of the contract.
Samples should be submitted for engineers approval
This item includes spacers

Supply and install 30x30x1cm Turkish "TOBRAC"or

equivalent floor tiles similar to existing or equally
approved. Rate includes 30cm x 10cm x 1 cm skirting, 3
4.1 cm cement sand mortar (1:3 ), sand fill materials, cuttings, M2 630 0.00
fittings, trims, grouting with white cement and polishing, all
in accordance with the specifications and applicable
Standards. For more details refer to drawing No. A06.

Corridor Walls
supply and installation of 200x200x6mm high quality
ceramic tiles (Negev or equally approved) laid on 10 mm
thick mortar backing (1:1:4). Rates include roughening of
4.2 M2 640 0.00
walls and all needed preparation work to receive tiles,
2mm thick stainless steel angles to be installed on corners
as per the drawings. For more details refer to drawing No.

4.3 WC & kitchen tiles

To walls:
200x200x6mm high quality glazed white ceramic tiles laid
on 10 mm thick mortar backing (1:1:4). For more details
4.3.1 refer to drawing No A16. M2 130 0.00

To floor:
200x200x8mm high quality no-split ceramic tiles laid on
4.3.2 M2 160 0.00
30mm thick mortar bed (1:3) on sand bed or
aggregate as needed. For details refer to drawing No A06

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Stair treads:
Supply and install 3cm thick, 35cm width and 150cm
length polished local marble ( Sour Moeen or equally
approved ) round edge nose treads, including sand bed
underlay, bedding and jointing in white cement and sand
4.4 M.R 40 0.00
(1:4) and pointing in white or colored approved pointing
material cut to size as shown on drawing No. A17 and as
per the engineer's instructions. The rate includes an edge
piece for water stop.

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Stair risers:
Supply and install 2cm thick and 150 cm length polished
local marble( Sour Moeen or equally approved ) risers,
bedding and jointing in white cement and sand (1:4) and
4.5 M.R 40 0.00
pointing in white or colored approved, pointing material cut
to size as shown on related details and as per the
engineer's instructions & drawing No A17.

Stair case skirting:

1.5cm thick variable height polished local marble ( Sour
Moeenor equally approved ) skirting bedding and jointing
4.6 in white cement and sand (1:4) and pointing in white or M.R 20 0.00
colored approved pointing material cut to size as shown on
drawing No A17and as per the engineer's instructions:

Total of Tile Finishing carried to civil summary: 0.00

5 False Ceiling Works

The contractor shall, when pricing this bill ,take into
consideration and allow for the costs or expenses of all
requirements stipulated in the preambles drawings and
technical specifications of the contract.

Supply & install non perforated acoustical ceiling made of

formed galvanized sheet metal trays for bathrooms and
5.1 wet areas. The metal trays should be of 0.8 mm thick M2 60 0.00
45mm high coated with “pvc”200 microns thick. For details
refer to drawing A05.

Supply & install perforated metal sheets (20%-25%

perforation). The metal trays should be covered with
continuous and uniform manner of rock wool mats 25 mm
5.2 thick of 25 kg\m³ density. The rock wool mats shall be M2 260 0.00
wrapped by inflammable polyethylene sacks,(in
accordance with the safety regulations and standards). For
details refer to drawing A05.

Dismantling, cleaning and re-installing existing false ceiling

5.3 M2 410 0.00
panels. For details refer to drawing A05.

Total of False Ceiling Works carried to civil summary: 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

6 Painting Works

The contractor shall, when pricing this bill, take into

consideration and allow for the costs or expenses of all
requirements stipulated in the preambles, drawings and
technical specification of the contract, including scrubing of
old paint where needed.
The contractor should allow in his pricing that the engineer
will use as many different colors or combination of colors
to meet an approved color scheme.
*Colors of paint shall be coordinated with the engineer for
*The Contractor shall prepare 1 m2 samples for approval
by the Engineer
*All painting material shall be made by Tambour or equally

Supply and apply one layer of emulsion paint to ceiling

6.1 and walls above suspended ceiling level and where M2 1340 0.00
instructed by the engineer.
Supply and apply one coat of primer fill and three coats of
6.2 M2 190 0.00
policed paint for plastered walls and ceiling

Supply and apply one coat of primer fill, two coats of putty
6.3 M2 3000 0.00
and three coats of emulsion paint for plastered walls

Supply and apply oil paint for wet areas composed of

6.4 primer fill ,two coats of putty, one coat of under coat, and M2 80 0.00
three coats of oil paint.
Painting of walls with “Acrinol” by Deluxe or equally
6.5 M2 320 0.00
approved for mildew and fungus protector
Supply and apply oil paint for metallic surfaces
6.6 M2 66 0.00
"Superlac" .
Total of Painting Works carried to civil summary: 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

7 Carpentry & Joinery

Note: wood works include painting, varnishing, polishing
oiling & the like.
7.1 Wood Doors & Frames:

Fabricate, supply and fix in position the following wooden

doors, flush faced on both sides with (PVC) laminate
complete with and including standard pressed steel door
frame fill in all voids with mortar grout, door closer,
extruded aluminum kick plate, bolts, door locks by "Yale"
or equally approved, door stops, heavy duty hinges, fix
glass panels etc. complete as per details and door
finishing schedule. (3 Master keys shall be provided).

7.1.1 Doors With Half Glazed:

this item includes sand plast glass panels for doors.
Type DR1 overall size 210x140cm NO 1 0.00
7.1.2 X-Ray Rooms Doors

Supply and fix in position wooden doors for X-ray rooms

comprising hard wood edgings (ZAN) 75x32 lead lining
5mm thick both sides, plywood face for both sides 1mm
thick (PVC) laminate, 5mm thick gypsum board both sides,
softwood core, extruded aluminum kick plate, complete
with and including pressed steel frame filled with mortar
grout, door closer, bolts, door locks by "Yale" or equally
approved, door stop, heavy duty hinges, sealant, etc. as
per finishing door schedule (Master key shall be provided).

a Type DR2 overall size 210x120cm NO 1 0.00

b Type DR3 overall size 210x110cm NO 1 0.00
7.1.3 WC Doors
this item including 12 cm height aluminum kick plate.
a Type DR4 overall size 210x70cm NO 8 0.00
b Type DR12 overall size 210x70cm NO 9 0.00
7.1.4 Single Doors
a Type DR5 overall size 210x80cm NO 1 0.00
b Type DR6 overall size 210x85cm NO 1 0.00
c Type DR7 overall size 210x90cm NO 3 0.00
d Type DR8 overall size 210x100cm NO 1 0.00
e Type DR9 overall size 210x110cm NO 1 0.00
f Type DR10 overall size 210x115cm NO 2 0.00
g Type DR11 overall size 210x135cm NO 1 0.00
h Type DR13 overall size 210x80cm NO 3 0.00
i Type DR14 overall size 210x95cm NO 3 0.00
j Type DR15 overall size 210x100cm NO 1 0.00
k Type DR16 overall size 210x110cm NO 9 0.00
l Type DR17 overall size 210x115cm NO 1 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

7.2 kitchen cupboards
7.2.1 Top cupboard unit

Supply And install plywood kitchen cupboard Overall size

220 x 30 x 60 cm. consisting of three double aluminum
doors ,17 mm plywood shelves both sides covered with
Formica laminate Complete with, ironmongery, hardware, NO 3 0.00
and painting.
All according to drawing A14& engineer instructions
Samples of Formica to be approved by the engineer

7.2.2 Bottom cupboard unit

Supply And install marble kitchen cupboard Overall size

220 x 60 x 90 cm. consisting of two double aluminum
doors ,17 mm plywood shelves both sides covered with
Formica laminate and a set of four aluminum face
drawers, laminate cover high quality Formica ). Complete
with, ironmongery, hardware, and painting.
NO 3 0.00
including granite counter top "Tiger eye" with top& bottom
skirting, beads, polishing, routings, jointing…etc and all
preparatory woks for the installation of the required sink
and sanitary fixtures. Amples of Formica to be approved
by the engineer All according to drawing A14 & engineer

7.3 Nurses Station desk

Fabricate, supply and install wooden L shape desk as per
drawings and specifications, for details refer to drawing M.R 3 0.00
7.4 Wood Frame for Reception Desk
Fabricate, supply and fix in position solid zan wood frame,
M.R 25 0.00
for details refer to drawing No A13.
7.5 X-Ray Control Booth

Supply and fix in position wooden control booth for X-ray

room comprising lead lining 5mm thick both sides,
plywood face for both sides , 11mm thick gypsum board M2 5 0.00
both sides, this item including 40*40*1 cm lead- glass
panel for window.
7.6 Wall Protector
Supply and install a wooden wall guards cut to size
according to the site requirements as made by (SPM ) or
equally approved by the engineer including all necessary M.R 200 0.00
fittings. The color will be selected by the Engineer. For
details refer to drawing No A 21.
Total of Carpentry & Joinery Works carried to civil

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

8 Insulation Works
Fluid Applied Waterproofing:

All finishes shall be measured superficially net unless

otherwise stated clearly.Triangular shaped fillets and
cement and sand lining to gutters shall be measured in
linear meter, unless otherwise stated clearly.
Rates for cement and sand work shall include for :
Hacking concrete, applying cement slurry or raking out
joints of blockwork to form key. Application to any surface.
Finish to surface, to falls, cross falls and currents forming
bays including joints. Finish to edges and arises. Making
good around steel sections, pipes, tubes, bars, brackets,
outlets, and the like.
Measurement for water proofing shall be for sectional roof
area only.
Rates for waterproofing and roof sheeting shall include for:
Preparation of surface, cuting in edges. overlaps, priming
over parapets and stub columns including forming groove
to receive edge of elasticized bitumen membrane and
sealing with elastic sealer. Side and end laps, fittings
including bolts, hook bolts, screws and washers, Sheets of
any width or length .

8.1 Internal wall insulation:

for details refer to drawing No. A12. M2 25 0.00
WC & kitchens floor insulation

Supply and apply three coats of hot asphalt layers (25\75)

at rate of 500 g/m2 for each layer, reinforced by two
8.2 M2 80 0.00
layers of fiberglass and a prime coat GS474 .all according
to the manufacture and to the engineer’s approval

Supply and install one layer of water proofing membrane

of bitumen rolls 5mm thick, covered with white gravel,
"Pazkar"or equally approved. The unit price shall include
cost of a prime coat GS474 at a rate of 0.25 kg /m2 and all
sheets flashing, including all the necessary material and
8.3 M2 500 0.00
workmanship, as specified.
This item includes dismantling and removing the existing
waterproofing material and cleaning the surface on the
existing roof (where needed and as directed by the
engineer ) to allow for the new waterproofing works.

Repair and maintenance of certain areas of the existing

waterproofing. The unit rates shall include cleaning of the
8.4 M2 50 0.00
existing waterproofing surfaces and supply and installtion
of waterproofing material.

Repair and maintenance of small patches (appox.

8.5 100cmx100cm) of existing waterproofing. This item to be NO 15 0.00
measured by the number of patches repaired.

Total of Insulation Works carried to civil summary: 0.00

9 Glass Works
9.1 Sekurit Glass
9.1.1 Sekurit Glass Panels
Supply and install 100 cm hight,1cm thick high quality
sekurit glass panels, including all accessories. For more M2 12 0.00
dimensions & details refer to drawing A13,A14.
9.2 Sand Glass Sekurit Panels
Supply and install sand plast 1cm thick sekurit glass
panels for door. For more dimensions & details refer to M2 1.5 0.00
drawing A14.

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Total of Glass Works carried to civil summary: 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

10 Metal work

All the profiles must be NAPCO 7700 for sliding windows,

and NAPCO 2200 for fixed windows or equally approved.
Fabricate supply and fix in position the following anodized
aluminum windows & doors, complete with double glazing
with 6mm thick clear glass for both inner and outer panels
similar to existing windows, and 12mm thick air space filled
with argon gas, and butyl framing rubber, perforated
aluminum frame and polysulphide mastic between
aluminum frame and glass, including aluminum woven
mesh fly screen, all necessary frames, sub frames, fixing,
fittings, accessories weather stripping and hardware as
per specifications
* Shop drawings & samples to be approved by the

10.1.1 Windows
For windows details refer to drawing A18.
Type W1 overall size 728x60cm NAPCO 2200 or
equivalent .Complete with frame, glazing, mastic sealant, NO 3 0.00
ironmongery and hardware.
10.1.2 Doors
Emergency Door
Type door ED1 overall size 228x110cm.Thickness 52 mm
Weight =29 kg/m². Complete with galvanized frame,
glazing, mastic sealant, paint of door and frame according
to engineer instructions and approval, ironmongery and
NO 1 0.00
hardware and including 15mm glass vision panel for more
details refer to drawing No A18

10.2 Metal Cupboards

Supply and install painted metal cupboards overall size
200x47 x60 cm including all accessories all as per
NO 14 0.00
drawings and details, for details refer to drawing No A15.

10.3 Wall Signs

supply & install wall signs.
Aluminum plaques in Arabic & English with a special
solvent proof,weather and temperature resistant fixed on
the door or the wall .
The price include labor work and all fixing materials.
a size 25x12 cm NO 40 0.00
b size 40x15 cm NO 5 0.00
10.4 Curtain Tracks.
All the profiles shall be of Clickeze, InPro Podiatric or
equally approved. This item includes overhead metal
curtain track, track accessories OPTITRAC (or equivalent),
extruded aluminum cubicle track with clear anodized
aluminum or white baked acrylic enamel finish. Aluminum
shall be 6063-T5. Dimensions: height 3/4" (19.05mm),
width 13/8" (34.93mm).

Supply & install L- shape tracks for curtains around beds,

a NO 12 0.00
420cm long.
b Ditto, but 300 cm long (straight). NO 5 0.00
10.5 Steel -Wood Handrail
Fabricate and supply and fix in position handrail for
emergency stair case as per detail No A17 and Engineer
M.R 8 0.00
approval. This item includes wood panels and all
accessories for fixing in position.

Total of Metal Works carried to civil summary: 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

11 Sand-blasting Works

This item includes cleaning of existing stone facades with

dry abrasive material forced by compressed air from tank
through hose and nozzle. Cleaning material must be dust-
free and abrasive. Material size shall be approved by
engineer. Air pressure delivered by compressor to blasting
tank may range from 40 lbs. to 100 lbs. per square inch
according to the first test cleaning which shall approved by
the engineer. Lightly sanded, coated, slurry, should not be
cleaned by sandblasting.

"pre-cleaning" process includes removing all large mortar

particles with hand tools before blasting. Use wooden
paddle, the rough edge of a brick, or metal scrape hoe.
Chisels may be used if necessary to remove hardened
mortar or concrete.

The contractor shall provide adequate protection for all

non-masonry surfaces adjacent to work areas, Use plastic
sheeting and duct tape to protect windows, doors, etc. If
possible, painting, caulking, etc. should be done after
sandblast operation is completed.
Sandblast Cleaning of stone facades M2 1000 0.00

Total of Other Works carried to civil summary: 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Section II - Mechanical Works


Supply and install of UPVC, type Redi - Italy made or E.A,

drainage pipes to floor drains or to existing sewage pipes
with all required fittings", "T" etc. The price includes
digging and plastering, incasing with concrete cover for
underground pipes, connection to existing riser pipes as
shown in drawings, and approval of supervisor engineer.

12.1.1 size 2 inch diameter M.R 75 0.00

12.1.3 size 4 inch diameter M.R 50 0.00

Supply and install of CPVC - Italy made, suspended and

underground condensate drainage pipes from AC units to
floor drains or to existing sewage pipes with all required
12.2 fittings needed for installation. The price includes digging
and plastering, concrete cover for underground pipes,
hangers and supports for suspended pipes, as shown in
drawings, and approval of supervisor engineer.

12.2.1 size 2 inch diameter M.R 90 0.00

Supply and install Floor Clean Out 4"UPVC type Redi -
Italy made or E.A, including chrome plated (sealed type)
12.3 cover (15*15 cm) complete with connection to drain pipes NO 5 0.00
as located in drawings , specifications and approval of
supervisor engineer.
Supply and install of polypropylene DALLMER type 54
12.4 floor drain body with trap,rodding eye,DN 50 outlet, NO 2 0.00
DALLMER grating KE 15
Supply and install 4" floor trap UPVC, type Redi - Italy
made or E.A, include chrome plated screw type cover
12.5 (15*15 cm) completed with connections to drain pipes as NO 11 0.00
located in drawings, specifications and approval of
supervisor engineer.
12.6 Ditto but floor drain size 4"/2" diameter NO 11 0.00
Dismantle all the existing sanitary fixtures with pipes
networks (where required) in internal medicine ward and
12.7 X-Ray Departments with all accessories and fittings as per JOB 1 0.00
engineer's instructions and keep safe in hospital store
(where possible).

Supply and install fire glazed wall hung washbasin, white

colour, of size 55*45 cm type Roca or E.A, complete with
chrome plated mixer, type Hamat, 1/2" * 3/8" angle valves,
12.8 NO 30 0.00
supports, 2" waste outlet down to floor drain, plastic siphon
trap, including connections to drain and water outlets, as
shown in drawings, and approval of supervisor engineer.

Supply and install fire glazed kitchen sink, white colour, of

size 55*45 cm type Roca, or E.A, complete with chrome
plated mixer, type Hamat, 1/2" * 3/8" angle valves,
12.9 NO 3 0.00
supports, 2" waste outlet down to floor drain, plastic siphon
trap, including connections to drain and water outlets, as
shown in drawings, and approval of supervisor engineer.

Supply and install fire glazed wall mounted vitreous china

water closets, white colour, type Roca or E.A, including
recessed cistern type Schwab, complete with cistern,
valves , fittings, solid seat and cover, toilet roll paper
holder , chrome plated 1/2" stop angle valve of approved
12.10 NO 22 0.00
quality, chrome plated 13mm hose, including connection to
drain and water outlets, plug, flexible pipe with the hand
spray and all accessories for complete installation, all is
according to drawings, and approval of supervisor

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Supply and install white glazed shower tray, white colour,

type Roca or E.A, of size 90X90cm, complete with chrome
plated mixers, type Hamat, plug and chain, 1.5m flexible
12.11 hose with chrome lever handle and stand, and all NO 3 0.00
associated water supply pipes, and brackets screwed to
concrete or block work, sealing joint to worktop or wall with
mastic sealant.
Supply and install water mixer for shower, type Hamat,
with chrome lever handle and stand. Price includes
12.12 NO 2 0.00
connections to supply water pipes and all accessories
needed to complete the job.
Total of Sanitary System Works carried to Mechanical
Supply and install SCH40 galvanized steel pipes
(Seamless type) for domestic cold water and fire fighting
systems, to be connected from the existing main supply
suspended pipes in false ceiling up to copper collectors
13.1 and fire hose cabinets, with all necessary fittings like
valves, elbows ,tees, vents, of approved quality. The price
include supports, hangers and dismantling the existing
pipes (where required) as shown on drawings, and as
13.1.1 size 2" diameter M.R 10 0.00
13.1.2 size 1 1/2" diameter M.R 40 0.00
13.1.3 size 1 1/4" diameter M.R 110 0.00
13.1.4 size 1" diameter M.R 30 0.00
13.1.5 size 3/4" diameter M.R 30 0.00
Supply and install SCH40 galvanized steel pipes
(Seamless type) for domestic hot water system, to be
connected from the existing main supply suspended pipes
in false ceiling up to copper collectors, with all necessary
13.2 fittings like valves, elbows ,tees, vents, of approved
quality. The price include 13mm vidoflex or Armaflex
insulation rolled by plastic bonds, supports, hangers and
dismantling the existing pipes (where required) as shown
on drawings, and as follows:
13.2.1 size 2" diameter M.R 10 0.00
13.2.2 size 1 1/2" diameter M.R 20 0.00
13.2.3 size 1 1/4" diameter M.R 30 0.00
13.2.4 size 1" diameter M.R 75 0.00
13.2.5 size 3/4" diameter M.R 40 0.00
13.2.6 size 1/2" diameter M.R 15 0.00

Supply and install cold and hot water copper collectors,

type Tieme or E.A with all necessary fittings, nipples, nuts,
unions, brass fittings adapter, shut off valves on main and
branch pipes.....etc. The price should include supplying
and installing 16mm pexgol plastic pipes with its 25mm
plastic conduits to be connected from the copper collectors
openings up to location of sanitary fixtures outlets
according to plans and engineer’s instructions.

13.3.1 Collector 3/4" diameter (Unit is in collector openings) Open. 10 0.00

13.3.2 Collector 1" diameter (Unit is in collector openings) Open. 66 0.00

supply and install metallic painted steel cabinets of

approved quality, including cover with double doors for
13.4 domestic water collectors. The cabinets should be
recessed in walls and fixed on wooden frame constructed
in the wall. The sizes of the cabinets are as follows:

13.4.1 80cm X 60cm NO 4 0.00

13.4.2 60cm X 60cm NO 2 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Supply and install Halon Powder fire extinguisher

cylinders, of approved quality. The price includes all
accessories and fittings needed for installation and fixing
on wall. The capacities of cylinders are as follows:

13.5.1 6 kg Capacity NO 2 0.00

13.5.2 3 kg Capacity NO 3 0.00
Supply and install 80*80*30 cm steel fire hose reel
cabinet, 25mm diam., mounted on swinging reel, an angle
isolation valve inside the cabinet, a jet nozzle with an
13.6 incorporated cock, and 25m long textile hose. Each NO 2 0.00
cabinet should be supplied with 3 kg powder fire
extinguisher, as shown on drawings, and approval of
supervisor engineer.
Total of Water and Fire Fighting System Works
carried to Mechanical summary:

Dismantle all the existing central heating pipes networks

and radiators distributed in all spaces and rooms in
14.1 internal medicine ward and X-Ray Departments with all JOB 1 0.00
accessories and fittings as per engineer's instructions and
keep safe in hospital store (where possible).

Supply, install and test cast iron radiator, type Chappee, or

E.A , of size 68cm, 3 section in depth (68/3). The price
includes all necessary fittings, i.e shutt off and control
14.2 valves, vents, hangers, reducers, chrome nipples, gaskets, SEC 380 0.00
plastic covers on nipples and whatever to complete the
job, all is according to specifications, drawings and
approval of supervisor engineer.

Supply and install black steel of schedule 40 pipes for

heating system, including all required insulation by vidoflex
of 13mm thickness rolled by plastic bonds, sleeves, gate
14.3 valves on branch pipes, automatic air vents, gav. hangers
and supports, drain cocks with all required fittings and
connections, all according to drawings, specifications and
approval of supervisor engineer and as follows:

14.3.1 size 1 1/2" diameter M.R 15 0.00

14.3.2 size 1 1/4" diameter M.R 50 0.00

Supply and install copper collectors for central heating

system, type Gaicomini or E.A, with all necessary fittings,
nipples, nuts, unions, quick shut off valves on main pipes
and branch pipes, brass fittings adapter, automatic
vents ..Etc of approved quality. The price should also
supplying and installing 16mm pexgol plastic pipes with its
25mm plastic conduits with 5cm thick concrete layer to
radiator outlets, copper elbows recessed in walls and all
civil works needed, all according to drawings and
engineer’s instructions, and as follows:

14.4.1 Collector 11/4" diameter (Unit is in collector openings) EYE 58 0.00

supply and install metallic painted steel cabinets, size
(80*60cm) of approved quality, including cover with double
14.5 doors for heating collectors. The cabinets should be NO 3 0.00
recessed in walls and fixed on wooden frame constructed
in the wall.
Supply only pressure tank of 125 liters capacity, type
14.6 NO 1 0.00
Reflex or E.A.
Total of Central Heating System Works carried to
Mechanical summary:

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount


Supply and install ducted outdoor centrifugal exhaust and

fresh air fans, type Wood, S&P or EA. The price includes
vibration isolators, metallic steel base, galvanized
adapter, flexible connection, insect mesh at fan outlet of
15.1 fan and all accessories needed for installation and
commissioning. The price shall also include electrical and
control cables and connections to main distribution board,
all according to drawings and engineer’s instructions. The
fan capacity is as follows:

15.1.1 * 950 L/s Air Flow @ 0.8" Static pressure NO 1 0.00

15.1.2 * 750 L/s Air Flow @ 0.8" Static pressure NO 1 0.00
15.1.3 * 560 L/s Air Flow @ 0.5" Static pressure NO 1 0.00

Supply and install ducted in-line exhaust fan, type Wood,

S&P or EA. The price includes vibration isolators,
galvanized adapter, flexible connection and all
accessories needed for installation and commissioning.
The price shall also include outdoor rain water gravity
grilles with insect mesh and shutter according to the sizes
shown on drawings, and also electrical and control cables
and connections to main distribution board, all according
to drawings and engineer’s instructions. The fans
capacities are as follows:

15.2.1 * 135 L/s Air Flow @ 0.2" Static pressure NO 2 0.00

15.2.2 * 120 L/s Air Flow @ 0.2" Static pressure NO 1 0.00
15.2.3 * 100 L/s Air Flow @ 0.2" Static pressure NO 1 0.00

Supply, install and commission window and wall type

exhaust air fan, type Wood, S&P or E.A, with automatic
15.3 shutter. The price includes openings in walls or windows,
electrical wirings and connections to main distribution
board according to engineer’s instructions and as follows:

15.3.1 ·        25 L/s Air Flow NO 1 0.00

15.3.2 ·        40 L/s Air Flow (suitable for duct connection) NO 1 0.00
15.3.3 ·        60 L/s Air Flow NO 1 0.00
15.3.4 ·        75 L/s Air Flow NO 1 0.00
15.3.5 ·        100 L/s Air Flow NO 1 0.00
Supply and install galvanized metal sheet duct, with
thickness according to ASHRAE Standards, for exhaust
and fresh air system. The price includes all joints, sealant
15.4 M2 150 0.00
compound, fire retardant sealant and all necessary
accessories, dampers (where required), splitter dampers,
galvanized hangers, and hooks.

Supply and install white anodized Aluminum, of approved

quality, exhaust and fresh air grilles, type Cooling Industry
or E.A, with registers. The price includes galvanized
adapter, opening in false ceiling or gypsum boards, and
duct flexible connection of size as shown on the drawings.
The sizes of grilles are as follows:
15.5.1 * 60cm X 15cm NO 2 0.00
15.5.2 * 55cm X 15cm NO 3 0.00
15.5.3 * 45cm X 15cm NO 7 0.00
15.5.4 * 35cm X 15cm NO 3 0.00
15.5.5 * 23cm X 23cm NO 15 0.00
15.5.6 * 15cm X 15cm NO 2 0.00
Supply and install white anodized Aluminum, of approved
quality, fresh air intake louvers, type Cooling Industry or
E.A, with insect mesh and filter. The price includes
galvanized adapter, opening in walls and connection to
fresh air duct as shown on the drawings. The sizes of
grilles are as follows:
15.6.1 * 55cm X 35cm NO 2 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Total of Ventilation System Works carried to
Mechanical summary:

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount


Supply, install and commission outdoor Variable

Refrigerant Flow (VRF) heat pump air conditioning sets
based on refrigerant R410, type Daikin, Toshiba or E.A,
consisting of two units (2 X 20 kW) cooling capacity and (2
X 22 kW) heating capacity. The price include control
16.1 system, steel bases, gas pipes network from outdoor units SET 1 0.00
till the indoor units located in the X-Ray department, in
addition to headers and pipes branches and all
accessories needed to complete the job. The price shall
also include electrical wirings and connection to main
distribution boards.

Supply, install, and commission indoor VRF air

conditioning units, type Daikin, Toshiba or E.A, decorative
type, complete with remote control, drain pipes to floor
drains, builders work, electrical wirings and connections to
main distribution boards, all according to drawings,
specifications, and approval of supervisor engineer:

16.2.1 * 7 kW cooling Cap. & 330 L/s Air Flow NO 2 0.00

16.2.2 * 5.2 kW cooling Cap. & 280 L/s Air Flow NO 3 0.00
16.2.3 * 2.6 kW cooling Cap. & 150 L/s Air Flow NO 3 0.00

Supply, install, and commission indoor VRF air

conditioning units, type Daikin, Toshiba or E.A, ducted
concealed type, complete with copper pipes connections,
acoustic insulation adapter between the units and ducts,
room thermostat, drain pan and connections to floor
drains, supports and hangers, builders work, flexible
connections, connections with supply and fresh air duct,
electrical wirings and connections to main distribution
boards, all according to drawings, specifications, and
approval of supervisor engineer, as follows:

16.3.1 * 14 kW cooling Cap. & 540 L/s Air Flow NO 2 0.00

Supply, install, and commission ducted mini-central heat

pumps split units, type Daikin, Toshiba or E.A. The price
includes all accessories and fittings needed for installation
and commissioning, flexible connections, connection of
drain pipe, acoustic insulation adapter between the units
and ducts, vibration isolators, hangers and supports, high
16.4 performance washable filters, wall mounted thermostat
(three fan speeds – summer/winter changeover –
temperature setting module), drain pan, insulated copper
pipes, metallic steel base for outdoor units and all
electrical wiring and control cable, in addition to
connection to MDB. Rate shall also include openings in
walls through sleeves of good quality, and refilling works:

16.4.1 10 kW Cooling Capacity & 380 L/s Air Flow NO 1 0.00

Supply and install galvanized metal sheet rectangular
duct, with thickness according to ASHRAE Standards, for
air conditioning system. The price includes thermal
16.5 external insulation (1" thick, 24kg/m3 density), all joints, M2 50 0.00
sealant compound, fire retardant sealant, dampers (where
required), splitter dampers, galvanized hangers, and

Supply and install white anodized Aluminum, of approved

quality, 4-way supply air diffusers, type Cooling Industry
E.A, with registers. The price includes galvanized adapter,
opening in false ceiling or gypsum boards, and duct
flexible connection of size as shown on the drawings. The
sizes of grilles are as follows:
16.6.1 * 30cm X 30cm NO 8 0.00

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Supply and install white anodized Aluminum, of approved

quality, return air grilles, type Cooling Industry or E.A. The
price includes opening in false ceiling or gypsum boards.
The sizes of grilles are as follows:

16.7.1 * 60cm X 60cm NO 1 0.00

16.7.2 * 30cm X 30cm NO 1 0.00
Total of Air Conditioning System Works carried to
Mechanical summary:

Supply and install area valve control box for medical

oxygen and vacuum, including 2-full port, 3 parts shut off
valves which controls the supply of oxygen or vacuum
through the pipe lines, and line pressure and vacuum
17.1 NO 1 0.00
gauges. The area valves control boxes should also include
an emergency external supply port, equipped with disk
and clutch mechanism for quick plug-in connection of the
emergency external supply source.

Supply and install local area pressure and vacuum alarm

box; local audio-visual pressure alarm box for medical
oxygen and vacuum to indicate pressure and vacuum
17.2 NO 1 0.00
failures by means of green LED, red LED, operated by
means of one central PC card and switches, recessed
type with anodized aluminum panel.

Supply and install of factory preassembled bed head unit

for two beds, according to CE-0473, EN-46001, ISO9001
encompassing extruded aluminum duct system, with four
cavities, three of which are directly accessed using snap-
on covers. Supply electrical and lighting service, as well as
17.3 medical gas service. The gas outlets should be installed in NO 11 0.00
a separate compartment. The number of electrical circuits,
apart of the low voltage circuit, should be two, main lines
power circuit and lighting circuit, each connected to a
separate terminal at the main special electrical connection
compound in the bed-head unit.

Two oxygen outlet

Two vacuum outlet
Four electrical sockets, main line
Two potential grounding sockets
Indirect Light
Direct Light
Cutt-off switch for direct-indirect lights
Two telephone sockets
preparation for nurse call sockets
17.4 Ditto, but for one head-Bed Unit. NO 1 0.00

Supply, install, test and commission connect to the served

terminals, phosphorous de-oxidized non-arsenical copper
(C106) to BS 1172 pipes complete with, such as, but not
limited to, fittings, valves, supports, brackets, etc., taking
into consideration of all safety prepotions that must be
applied to avoid damage of pipes or contaminations. The
price also include different gas ID marks & rubber ceiling
between band & pipes, all according to drawings and
engineer's instruction. The sizes of the pipes are as
17.5.1 1 1/8'' diameter (O.D) M.R 60 0.00
17.5.2 7/8'' diameter (O.D) M.R 75 0.00
17.5.3 5/8'' diameter (O.D) M.R 110 0.00
17.5.4 3/8'' diameter (I.D) M.R 80 0.00
Total of Medical Gas System Works carried to
Mechanical summary:

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Section III - Electrical Works

18 Lighting
18.1 Light Point:-
Supply, install, test and commission a complete indoor ,
outdoor lighting point including all conductors, cables,
conduits (PVC or galvanized), switches (type Legrand
Mosaic Cross decorative plates range modular
components and self-supporting plates or equal NO 153 0.00
approved), boxes, ceiling rose, flexible connection and all
other accessories, from appropriate distribution board to
lighting point, as specified and detailed on drawings and
the Engineer's instructions.
18.2 Light Fixture:-
Supply, install, test and commission complete lighting
Fixtures, including all supports, lamps, connections,
suspensions, clamps, capacitors, internal connections,
conductors, bridges, trenching and all other accessories
necessary to provide a complete fittings with all terminals
according to specifications, drawings and the Engineer's
TYPE A : 2X26w recessed low energy compact
18.2.1 NO 6 0.00
fluorescent cat2 louver type Thorn or equal approved.
TYPE B : 2X26w recessed low energy compact
18.2.2 NO 12 0.00
fluorescent cat2 louver type Thorn or equal approved.

TYPE C: 2X13w recessed low energy compact

18.2.3 NO 31 0.00
fluorescent with glass IP44 type Thorn or equal approved.

As type A but with non-maintained 3HR conversion packs

integrated into lighting fittings throughout, the batteries and
18.2.4 inverter gear shall be self contained in the emergency NO 2 0.00
lights. Batteries shall be sealed nickel cadmium or nickel
meta-hydride type with life expectancy of 5 year min.

As type B but with non-maintained 3HR conversion packs

integrated into lighting fittings throughout, the batteries and
18.2.5 inverter gear shall be self contained in the emergency NO 3 0.00
lights. Batteries shall be sealed nickel cadmium or nickel
meta-hydride type with life expectancy of 5 year min.

As type C but with non-maintained 3HR conversion packs

integrated into lighting fittings throughout, the batteries and
18.2.6 inverter gear shall be self contained in the emergency NO 10 0.00
lights. Batteries shall be sealed nickel cadmium or nickel
meta-hydride type with life expectancy of 5 year min.

TYPE D : 2X36W high frequency recessed light fixture

18.2.7 NO 64 0.00
with prismatic diffuser type Cooper or equal approved.
As type D: but with non-maintained 3HR conversion
packs integrated into lighting fittings throughout, the
18.2.8 batteries and inverter gear shall be self contained in the NO 15 0.00
emergency lights batteries shall be sealed nickel cadmium
or nickel meta-hydride ty
18.2.9 As type D: but with special lamp for dark room NO 4 0.00
TYPE E: 1x8W Self contained, recessed ceiling mounted
18.2.10 edge-lit double sided exit sign for maintained emergency NO 4 0.00
lighting of 3 hour duration.
TYPE F: 2x9 watt surface mounted luminary with opal
18.2.11 NO 4 0.00
diffuser type Thorn, RZB or equal approved.
TYPE G : 2X36W Waterproof fluorescent with acrylic
18.2.12 NO 2 0.00
diffuser IP65 type Thorn or equal approved.
Total of Lighting System works carried to Electrical

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

19 Power System Works
19.1 Main Feeder:-

Supply, install, test and commission 600/1000V XLPE

copper cables including glands, cable ties, labeling, and all
associated accessories according to the drawings,
specifications and relevant codes of practice and highest
prevailing engineering standards, for the following:

19.1.1 3 X 150 + 70 mm2 + 150 mm2. M.R 35 0.00

19.1.2 3 X 35 + 16 mm2 + 35 mm2. M.R 40 0.00
19.1.3 5 X 25 mm2. M.R 75 0.00
19.1.4 5 X 10 mm2 M.R 24 0.00
19.1.5 5 X 6 mm2 M.R 20 0.00
19.2 Distribution Boards:
Supply, install, test and commission complete main
distribution board inclusive of all circuit breakers type
Moeller or equal approved for outing and incoming cables,
bus bars and their coupling unit, casing spaces for cables,
cable clamps/terminals, cable shoes, protection
equipment, as required to form a complete unit for. All
shall be in accordance with the drawings, specification, the
codes of practice and highest prevailing standards of

The Contractor shall submit detailed shop drawings for the

board to take approval from the Engineer before
19.2.1 DB-X-RAY NO 1 0.00
19.2.2 DB-IMW NO 1 0.00
19.3 Earthing System:-
Supply, install, test and commission a complete ring
grounding system for mechanical plants and all big
metallic masses, etc., including all conductors, copper L.S 1 0.00
bars, clamps, conduits fixing etc., all in accordance with
specifications, drawings and codes of practice.
19.4 Sub-Installation:
Supply, install, test, number and commission a complete
single phase single socket outlets, including all
conductors, cables, conduits, boxes, sockets outlets (type
Legrand Mosaic Cross decorative plates range modular
NO 66 0.00
components and self-supporting plates or equal
approved), and all connections between the appropriate
distribution board to the terminal point, as specified and as
detailed on drawings:
Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but
19.4.1 NO 4 0.00
13A single phase double socket outlets.
Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but
19.4.2 NO 15 0.00
13A single phase water proof socket outlets.
Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but 16A
19.4.3 NO 8 0.00
isolating switch for fan coil.
Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but
19.4.4 NO 1 0.00
16A 3 phase isolating switch IP65.
Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but 63A
19.4.5 NO 1 0.00
isolating switch IP65.
Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but 16A
19.4.6 single phase socket outlets for exhaust fan with indication NO 1 0.00
Supply, install Modular flush floor service outlet box
300x200x80mm, three compartments, including double
19.4.7 NO 1 0.00
socket outlet, RJ45 data socket outlet, RJ11 telephone
socket outlet type Legrand or equal approved..

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

Supply, install, test and commission a stainless steel hand

dryer, automatic type, operated by photo cell, surface type,
AC supply, 1500 W, 220V, 50Hz, Including cables,
19.4.8 NO 4 0.00
conduits, boxes and all other accessories from appropriate
distribution board to the hand dryer as specified and
detailed on drawings.

Supply, install, test and commission hot deep galvanized

steel perforated cable tray, complete with all mounting
accessories, tees, reducers, covers, elbows, etc. as shown
on the drawings and specification for the following:

19.4.10 30cm wide M.R 72 0.00

19.5 Bed Head Unit 0.00

Supply, install, test and commission a complete electrical

point for units including conductors, conduits, accessories,
boxes, wiring interconnections, earthing, etc., for complete
NO 12 0.00
workable unit. Point consist of lighting point, power
receptacles points, telephone point, nurse call point, as
specified and as detailed on drawings.

Total of Power System works carried to Electrical

20 Telephone & Computer Networks Systems
20.1 Telephone System:
Supply, install, test and commission complete telephone
point including all conduits, boxes (flush or surface
mounted), cabling (Cat5e 4 pair unscreened) type Teldor,
20.1.1 NO 6 0.00
RG 45 Cat5e outlet type Legrand or equal approved.
According to specifications, and drawings. All Telephone
outlets shall be numbered in sequence.

Supply, install, test and commission telephone terminal

boards (TTB) complete with all accessories needed for
complete work, incoming cables, as specified and as
detailed on drawings for the followings:

a 30 pairs L.S 1 0.00

b 20 pairs L.S 1 0.00
20.2 Computer Networks Systems:
Supply, install, connect and commission complete data
point including all conduits, boxes (flush or surface
mounted), cables STP cat6 type Teldor, RG 45 Cat 6
20.2.1 NO 5 0.00
outlet type 3M or equal approved. According to
specification and drawings. All Data outlets shall be
numbered in sequence.

Supply, install, test, and commissioning Data Panel(DP)

18U including 1 air patch panels,1 patch panels type 3M,
20.2.2 power strip all needed internal cables, connections and all L.S 1 0.00
accessories to complete the work. as specified and as
detailed on drawings, and to the Engineer's instructions.

Supply, install, test and commission complete satellite

point including all conduits, cable, conduit accessories,
20.2.3 boxes outlet type Legrand or equal approved. According NO 8 0.00
to specifications, and drawings. All outlets shall be
numbered in sequence.

Supply, install, test and commission hot deep galvanized

steel perforated cable tray, complete with all mounting
20.2.4 accessories, tees, reducers, covers, elbows, etc. as shown M.R 42 0.00
on the drawings and specification for the following:
20cm wide.

Total of Telephone & Computer Networks Systems

works carried to Electrical summary:

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Item DESCRIPTION Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

21 Fire Alarm System
Supply, install, test and commission new fire alarm loop,
this loop shall be connected to existing FACP (the existing
21.1 fire alarm panel Type Edward) including commission L.S 1 0.00
FACP, all conduits, boxes, cabling type Teldor, According
to specifications.
Supply, install, test and commission a fire alarm photo-
optical smoke detector including all conduits fixing, boxes,
21.2 NO 32 0.00
and cables (type Teldor or equal approved), . According to
specification and drawings. Type Edward
Supply, install, test and commission a fire-alarm heat-
21.3 detector including all conduits fixing, boxes, and cables. NO 2 0.00
According to specification and drawings.

Supply, install, test and commission a fire alarm electronic

21.4 sounder Banshee type including all conduits fixing, boxes, NO 3 0.00
and cables. According to specification and drawings.

Supply, install, test and commission a flush mounted fire

alarm manual pull station including all conduits fixing,
21.5 NO 3 0.00
boxes, and cables. According to specification and
Total of Fire Alarm System works carried to Electrical
22 Nurse Call System:

Supply, install, test and commission 50 call master station

nurse call including conduits, conduit accessories, boxes,
22.1 cabling, etc., all in accordance with drawings and L.S 1 0.00
specifications and engineer instructions type Aiphone or
equal approved

Supply, install, test and commission central control unit

including power supply, conduits, conduit accessories,
22.2 boxes, cabling, etc., all in accordance with drawings and L.S 1 0.00
specifications and engineer instructions type Aiphone or
equal approved.

Supply, install, test and commission wall mounted single

jack including conductors, and/or cables, conduits, boxes,
22.3 etc., from the appropriate nurse call panel to the point the NO 1 0.00
price includes also beside call switch in accordance with
the specifications and drawings.

Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but dual

22.4 NO 11 0.00

Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but

22.5 NO 9 0.00
corridor lamp with red lamp

Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but

22.6 NO 1 0.00
Zone lamp

Supply, install, test and commission as per item 1, but

22.7 NO 2 0.00
emergency bathroom pull cord.

Total of Nurse Call System works carried to Electrical

23 Public Address System
Connect, test and commission the new loudspeaker to
23.1 existing system including all conduits, boxes, cabling , L.S 1 0.00
According to specifications and engineer instructions

Supply, install, test and commission the 6 watt flush-mount

23.2 NO 6 0.00
ceiling loudspeaker with matching transformer.
Total of Public Address System works carried to
Electrical summary:

ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Summary of Part 2
Bill Description Total
Section I Civil Works Summary
1 Demolish and Removal Works 0.00
2 Block work 0.00
3 Plastering Works 0.00
4 Tile Finishing Works 0.00
5 False Ceiling Works 0.00
6 Painting Works 0.00
7 Carpentary & Joinery Works 0.00
8 Insulatuion Works 0.00
9 Glass Works 0.00
10 Metal Works 0.00
11 Sand-blasting Works 0.00
Total of Civil Works 0.00
Section II Mechanical Works Summary
12 Sanitary fixture and their Accessories: 0.00
13 Water & Fire Fighting Works 0.00
14 Central Heating Works 0.00
15 Ventalation Works 0.00
16 Air Conditioning Works: 0.00
17 Medical Gas Supply: 0.00
Total of Mechanical Works 0.00
Section III Electrical Works Summary
18 Lighting System Works 0.00
19 Power System Works 0.00
20 Telephone & IT System 0.00
21 Fire Alarm System 0.00
22 Nurse Calling System 0.00
23 Public Address System 0.00
Total of Electrical Works 0.00
Total of Part 2 (Excluding VAT) 0.00
Discount %
Discount Amount 0.00
Net Total - Part 2 (Excluding VAT) 0.00

NET TOTAL SUM (in words ) :


ATLAS # 14163 Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

ATLAS # 14163 Alia Hospital

Grand Summary (Part 1 + Part 2)

Item Description Total

Part 1: Construction of the remaining works at Alia Hospital 2nd floor

Bill 1 0.00

Part 2: Rehabilitation Works For Alia Hospital

Bill 2 0.00

Grand Total Part 1 & Part 2 (Excluding VAT) 0.00

Discount %

Discount Amount 0.00

Net Total Part 1 & Part 2 (Excluding VAT) 0.00

NET TOTAL SUM (in words ) :






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