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5 READING & LISTENING a Doyouthinkitisa stereotype that women are better than men at looking after small children? Do you now any men who stay at home and look after their children? How do they manage? b_ Lookatanilluseration from a new book about looking afier young children. Can you name some of the things inthe piceure? © Read the beginning of an article about the book. Why did Neil Sinclair wriee it? In what way isit different from other books abour bringing up children? Se Cor a eee Cee ONE C te echt d prettrore cur ort eta eG De ete eg cee Co eate Seen ea | pe etter etc rg Sonera kee cee When he left the army, Sinclair and hie wife agreed ‘that he would stay at home and look after the baby, while his wife went back to work. ‘Thave done a lot of crazy things, but when T put that baby down I thought: Ihave a tiny baby and he 1s, orying. What does he want? What does he need? I did not Irnow. It: was one of the most difficult days of my lite? It was at that moment that Sinclair had an idea, ‘T found myself thinking how much easier life would bbe if Thad a basic training manual for my baby, like the manual you get when you join the army. I realized that somebody neoded to write such manual, ‘and who better to write it than me? I had besn a commando, but I was now a stay-at-home dad. I was the man for the job, of instructions that explains with military precision and diagrams how new fathers should approach the first three years of their child's life to become a “aretrate father’ 4 @23}) Listen w two men calking in the park about the book and mark the sentences"T (true) or F (false). Miranda is older than Stephen. Miranda's father slept badly the night before. Stephen's father recommends sleeping tablets. Stephen's father hasn't read Commando Dad. He likes the website because he enjoys reading about other men's experiences, 6 Stephen's father really likes the book because it helps him and makes him laugh, In Commando Dat, BT means ‘Baby Trooper’ and “Base Camp’ means the kitchen. 8 The author of Commando Dad thinks that women are ‘only better than men when the baby is smal € Listen again and correct the wrong information, f Doyou think it’s a good idea to have abook and a website on childcare especially for men? Why (nov)? His book, Commando Dad: Baste Trasning, 1s « set lossary commando noun onc of 4H Stay athome dad navn a man whostaysat home andlonks fer he ‘hildren while his wife goes out to work soldiers who are trained comae eae ie MEN&?WOMEN men and women, and complete the gaps. stereotypes or true? ‘Generally SS, | think women worry eeebotteinsorarcalenne: © Women worry more about their appearance than men, TheyEEAto spend hours choosing + Women spend more time than men on social networking what to wear, doing their hair, and putting sites con make-up. Women steals ss + Men talk more about things; women talk more about people. better at making themselves look more Reta eee Pierre eases é . i in gadgets like attractive, But think that ina, men aonee wal lee are more worried than women about their body image, They feel more insecure about = Women are better at multitasking than men. their hair, for instance, especially when * Men find it more difficult than women to talk to their theyre going bal. friends or family if they have a problem. * Women spend more time than men talking about b_Insmall groups discuss if the statements celebrities and their lifestyles. ‘pokes cibee wies aol sion ots # Men are more interested than women in power. stereotypes or true. Try to use the + Women are less interested in sport than men inpiagi expressions or geeralising * Men worry more about their health than women 7 VOCABULARY collocation: verbs / adjectives + prepositions a Cover the statements above. Can you remember the missing prepositions? | Men worry more __ their health than women, 2 Womenarebetter __multitaskingthan men, 3. Men are more interested than women power. b> p.156 Vocabulary Bank Dependent prepositions, When are prepositions stressed? Prepositions are normally only stressed when they are thelast word, eg. ina question. Compare: We need to talk about our holiday. What are you talking about Freddie is afraid of flying. What are you afraid of COMMANDO DAD tn ole © Complete the questions with a preposition, 1 When you're with friends ofthe same sex, what do you usually talk? 2 Are there any sports or games that you' Loe Isthereanything you're realy looking forward 4 Who in your family are you closest _? 5 Whac kind offfilms are you keen _? 6 Arethereany animals or insects that you're afraid? What's your town famous? 8 Arethereany superstitions that you believe? 4. @27)) Listen and check. Then ask and answer the questions with

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