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Quarter 2 - Module 2:

Causes and Treatment of Diseases

of the Major Organs

Department of Education Republic of the

Lesson Bones and Muscles

1 Injuries/Diseases: It’s
Causes and Treatment
Your bones and muscles work together to perform a specific function. You can walk,
jump, run, sit and do all things because of your bones and muscles.
Think about how lucky you are of having been able to move freely. Our bones and
muscles are strong and hard but sometimes they get injured due to a bad fall. There are
also some bone disorders that are acquired by birth.

This module will help you gain new knowledge of the different bone and muscle
injuries and diseases and their treatments.

Learning Circuit

● Injury - it is any harm or damage; an act or event that causes

someone or something to no longer is fully healthy or
in good condition.
● Disease - an illness that affects a person, animal, or plant; a
condition that prevents the body or mind form working

Common Bone and Muscle Injuries

1. Fracture - a break in the bone.
2. Dislocation - it occurs when a bone in the joint is displaced or
has moved out of its proper location.
3. Sprain - an injury to a ligament caused by excessive stretching.
4. Cramp - a strong muscular contraction that can be very painful.
5. Bruise - the muscle becomes black or blue due to blood clot
when you get hit or you bumped into something.

Bone Diseases
1. Osteoporosis - a common disorder caused by the thinning and
weakening of bones usually experience by elderly
people. The bones become brittle and weak.
2. Arthritis - a common joint disorder characterized by
inflammation of the fingers and joints in the body.
3. Rickets - a bone condition caused by a deficiency of vitamin D
usually observed in children. Persons with rickets
have very weak bones causing bone deformation.
4. Polio - it is an acute infection caused by a virus that attacks the
nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord resulting in

Figure 1. Drawing of bone dislocation and muscle cramps

First Aid Treatment for Bone Injuries

First aid- an activity done before professional medical help arrives to alleviate pain
and prevent further injury

1. Let the injured person sit or lie down
2. Apply a cold compress to the injured part
3. Wrap bandage around the affected area.

1. Let the person sit or lie down to avoid further injury.
2. Do not try to pull or massage the affected area.
3. Apply a cold compress.
4. Seek medical attention immediately.
1. Let the person sit or lie down
2. Apply a cold compress to the sprain.
3. It the wrist or elbow is injured, place it in a sling.
4. Apply an elastic bandage that is not so tight on the sprained joint.
5. Let the injured ankle/footrest for 2 to 3 days.

Figure 2. Drawings of First Aid Treatment for

Bone Dislocation and muscle sprain

Guide Questions:
1. What are the common bone and muscle injuries?
2. What particular body parts can be injured when you play
3. What activities at home are prone to injuries?
How will you protect your bones and muscles from injuries?

What I Have Learned

Name Game!
Directions: Study the drawings below. Identify the disease or injury.

Select your answers from the choices given in the box
below. Select from the choices given in the box below.
Write your answers in your answer sheet/ Science
Activity notebook.

dislocation bruise sprain fracture cramps






Lesson Common Ailments Related to Digestion
Your digestive system functions to breakdown the food you eat so it can be absorbed
by your body. There are instances when the digestive system does not function well. When
this happens, the absorption of the nutrients in the food is affected.

Many people suffer from different ailments related to the digestive system. In this
module, you will learn the different illnesses of the digestive system and how to keep it

Learning Circuit

Common Ailments Related to Digestion

● Ulcer / Hyperacidity - gastric pain or heartburn

1. not eating on time
2. too much intake of acidic drinks and food.
1. eat regularly and on time
2. avoid eating acidic food/liquor
3. eat a balanced diet

● Diarrhea– frequent moving of the bowel with watery stool.

1. infection in the intestines by microorganism
2. Irregular contraction of the intestines
1. drink plenty of water and juices to prevent from loss of water in the body
2. eat soft food during the onset of ailment
3. proper hygiene prevents the disease
4. proper handling of food

● Constipation– difficult elimination of dry and hard stool or

feces and heaviness of stomach.
1. lack of water and fiber in food taken
2. improper bowel movements
3. poor hygiene
1. drink plenty of water and juice
2. eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

● Appendicitis– inflammation of the appendix

1. irritation from undigested food that may block it
1. get immediate medical attention

● Indigestion– caused by too much or rapid eating or drinking.
1. overeating and drinking
2. stress and anxiety
3. contaminated food/water with bacteria
1. change of eating habit or diet
2. observe proper eating habits

● Gastroenteritis– caused by bacterial infection from taking

contaminated food and water.
- taking contaminated food and water

- get medical attention and take prescribed medicine

Guide Questions:

1. What ailment of the digestive system do you always experience?

2. Give the reason/s why you are having this problem.

3. How are you going to avoid that this problem will repeat?

What I Have Learned

Brain Buster!

Directions: In the table below are ailments associated with the digestive system, identify
the causes and give the treatments. Write your answer in your answer
sheet/Science Activity notebook.

Digestive Disorder Cause Treatment

1. Diarrhea
2. Constipation
3. Appendicitis
4. Indigestion
5. Gastroenteritis

Lesson Kidney Diseases/Disorders and it’s
3 Treatment
What will you do when a lot of waste materials pile up inside your house? You will
probably bring them outside the house for the garbage collector to get them.

Your body does the same thing. Waste materials in the cells are taken out by the
blood and brought to the kidneys. The kidneys remove the wastes from the blood where it
will be sent out of your body in the form of urine.

What will happen to your body if your kidney will not function properly?

In this lesson, you will learn about the different diseases/ disorders of kidney.
Learning Circuit!

Diseases and Disorders of kidneys

Nephritis - an inflammation of some parts of the kidneys

reducing its ability to filter blood.
Kidney stones- also known as “renal calculi” is composed of
calcium and waste products containing nitrogen.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)- an inflammation of any part of
the urinary tract due to bacterial infection.
Hematuria- the presence of blood in the urine caused by

How to Care for the Kidney:

1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water or more everyday.
2. Keep your genital area clean.
3. Eat a balanced diet.
4. Urinate frequently
5. Avoid too much sweets and salty food.
6. Exercise regularly.
7. Do not eat too much fatty food.
Guide Questions:

1. What are the diseases/ disorders of the kidney?

2. How can we prevent these disorders to happen?

What’s More

Directions: Identify the diseases with as described. Write your answers on your answer
sheet/Science Activity notebook. You may refer to the words inside the box
for your answers.
urinary tract infection nephritis
hematuria kidney stones
____1. The presence of blood in the urine caused by infection.
____2. An inflammation of some parts of the kidneys.
____3. An inflammation of any part of the urinary tract due to
____4. Also known as “renal calculi” is composed of calcium and
waste products containing nitrogen.

4 Common Ailments of Heart and Lungs:
their Causes and Treatment

Breathing is very important. Breathing is the most important activity of every human
being It allows oxygen to get in the body and the carbon dioxide to get out of the body. In
the previous lessons, you have learned about how your heart and lungs worked together to
help you breathe.

Do you suffer difficulty in breathing? Do you know some persons

who suffered difficulty this kind of sickness?
Learning Circuit

Ailments Description
High-blood pressure/ it is characterized by a sudden rise of blood pressure
it is characterized by the blood’s inability to produce enough
Anemia hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment of the red blood cells
or RBC
Leukemia it occurs when there is an increase in WBC count
it occurs when blood clot or fat gets lodged in blood vessels
Heart attack which blocks the passage of blood to the heart
Rheumatic fever it is a complication of a throat infection

Common Lung Ailment

Ailments Description
Asthma a condition where a person experiences difficulty in breathing
Rhinitis it is characterized by sneezing, nasal discharge and itchiness in
the nasal passage
Bronchitis It is characterized by persistent coughing and sometimes fever
Pneumonia it is an inflammation of the lungs. A person with pneumonia has
a cough that produces yellow-green phlegm
Cold it is marked by sneezing, runny nose, coughing, sore throat and
sometimes fever and headache
Tuberculosis it is an acute or chronic infectious disease of the lungs. It is
highly communicable
Lung Cancer it develops in response to prolonged exposure to irritants like
tobacco smoke

Treatment of Lung Ailments

1. Patients should stay home and rest. Separate him/her from other members of the
2. Give the patient the prescribed medicine.
3. Keep the surroundings clean. Open the windows to allow fresh air.
4. Feed the patient with nutritious food.
5. If the patient has fever, give him/her a sponge bath. Change his/her clothes

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