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Họ và Tên : Lê Mai Linh

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Task 1:
The graph gives information about drinking habits of the US population by age.
According to the chart, we can easily see the difference in American citizens'
drinking habits over their ages. Between the ages of 16 and 24, there is a high
level of alcoholism among all people who have never drunk - at least 5% -
suggesting that teens or older most Americans have started drinking and that
over 60% have become alcoholics, with the rest around 10% and 30%
respectivelly. The column showed the level of drinking between the ages of 25
and 34, and between 35 and 44, there was also no significant change, as the
number of people who had been drinkingg between the ages of 25 and 34
increased by about 10%, and the number who were heavy drinking by more
than 5%. It is also easy to see a decline in the number of former heavy drinkers
after 35 to 44. Between the ages of 45 and 54, the number of people who are
heavy drinking has dropped significantlly, and between the ages of 55 and 64,
there has been a sharp decline in the number of people who are heavy drinking,
and 65 to 74 years of age and 65 to 74 years of age, and especially between the
ages of 65 and 74 we can see the lowest level of heavy alcoholism and the
highest proportion of mild alcoholism. From the chart, we can see the highest
number of heavy drinkers between the ages of 16 and 24 and lowest between
the ages of 65 and older, the moderate number of alcoholicss.
Task 2:
In an era in which society is developing very rapidly today, what we can most
easily see is the difference in thinking and attitudes among generations. Young
people often have bold, new thoughts and ideas. Their way of life was very
different from that of the previous generation - their parent, so it's easy to make
a lot of controversy about them. Young people are more likely to dwell on
things out of society than on family, to live a comfortable lifestyle, to spend the
night, ând to worry less about the latter, but the opposite is true of their parent.
Their parents tend to give prioority to family and want their children to think the
same way, want their children to be back on time for meals and especially if
parents want their children to have a clear vision for the future. By simply
listing on a small point we could easily see a big difference in ideas and
attitudes between young people and their parent. And the solution is that both
parties should be more listening to each other and sit down to talk and solve
questions in their way of thinking and acting. This will help parents understand
their children better and help them to understand and feel their concerns. This
difference in ideas and thinkingg between young people and their parents is
inevitable, but as long as we fix them right, things will get bigger than ever.

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