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tion 1B PERSONALITY Students A+8 2B ARE YOU HUNGRY? Student A Read the explanation and compare with a partner. Do you agree with your resules? Ask Byour questions. He/she must respond with the phrase in brackets, ‘The activity you have just done is a personality test. The frst adjective ‘wrote dwn show you see yourself the seconds how athe people 22s you. and the tind is whet you are relly tke, ee 1 ts the water cold? (Ves, it's freezing) 2 wes the Fim good? (es, it was fantastic) 3 Were you tired after the exer? (Yes, | was PE1 HOW AWFUL! HOW FANTASTIC! Student 4 eee 4 Was the room ity? (Yes, twas filthy) Read your sentences 1-9 to B. B must react with a phrase, eg 5 Ista bighouse? (ves, t's enormous) You're kidding, Oh note 6 Were you surprised? (es, as amazed) 7 Ase you sure? (Yes, Im positive) 1 collect od Englishtea cups. 2. Leplled some coffee on my laptop lst night and now t does work Respond co B's questions. Say Yess. 1'm going ro New York next weekend Tiny ete the strong form ofthe adjective which B used inthe question, Remember 10 Someone stole my bike yesterday stress the strong adjective. My dog can open the kitchen door by himself My father's going to he interviewed on TV tomorrow wre youataiet thing?) (Yes mtr My grandmother's just hought a sportscar. ee My parents met when they were only 15, [ve use won €2,000 in he lottery! ©. Repeatthe exercise. Try to respond as quickly as possible Listen to B's sentences and react witha phrase 3A I'M A TOURIST - CAN YOU © Tell B some real (orinvented) news about you for B to react HELP ME? Student A React toB’s news, a Think ofthe own city where you are, orthe nearest bigtown, You are foreign 2A SPENDER OR SAVER? Students A+8 tourist and you are planning ro get around using public ransport. Ask B questions 1-5 Check your results, then compare with a partner, Do you agree with Get emnodhtalbenstion oes Wes yestcan, your results? 1. What kind of public transports there? peepatin ranean 2 What's the best way for me to get around CEE CIC peat an organized friend about how to plan! This wil help you to make your 3 Can! Fire a bike? Are there any cycle anes? ‘money go further and stop you ettng Ito debe 4 svar tit How epee ae Megat, sewers 5 What's the best way to get tothe airport Although you understand how to manage your money. sometimes Dictate diaz How eng does F youlneed tobe a bie more organized. Ty Setting yourselfa weekly or take? ‘monthly budget the keep ti. You wl then know how much money Se bene Tou spears on se 1b Swap roles. Bisa foreign tourist in the Mostly’ answers towa, who has hired acar. You live inthe ‘Congr asiaconel (cede MASS Peay SRE a6 Sn town, Answer B's questions and giveas wien it comes to managing your money. You know how important iis much information as you can, to keep track of your spending and are responsible with your money. 104

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